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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 125 KB, 982x423, 2014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16452760 No.16452760[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

mods I said ban me what in the FUCK

>> No.16452771
File: 17 KB, 250x221, no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16452778

You want to get banned? All you have to do is post a particular text on /pol/. Reply if you want it. A friend of mine got banned permanently for it (for the wrong reasons, of course).

>> No.16452787

Or post about certain movie on /tv/

>> No.16452790

I want it

>> No.16452838

It's a blind item from the celebrity gossip/fiction site Crazy Days and Nights. It may be gossip or fiction. But it does the trick: https://www.crazydaysandnights.net/2020/07/four-for-friday.html

Post the text without greentext and without source as a new thread.

>> No.16452856

Why does this get you banned? It reads as if it's just schizorambling about pizzagate. This is not to say that anything on there is false, I just don't see why anyone would care, especially on fucking 4chan of all places.

>> No.16452862
File: 38 KB, 513x600, u76108519.1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post pictures of child models.

>> No.16452874

This is pretty hazardous right here. Not even going to google what that is from

>> No.16452881


>> No.16452885

/pol/ is a nest of paranoid p*dos. They will report you, trust me. A friend of mine got banned forever (ironically for breaking the no-no rule kek). Nothing will happen to you of course. A friend of mine already researched and they can't do shit, they just ban you. Or you can r*port yourself from another PC and choose the US l*w option. Works like a charm.

>> No.16452892


>> No.16452925

Or just make a post on /pol/ saying that you plan on doxxing someone because they clicked your phishing link and you are just watching them scroll. Then after a few replies, say “they’re looking at this thread lmaoooo”. You’ll induce paranoia into a bunch of schizos who will report you en masse

>> No.16452939

Or post with a meme flag and say that you will arrive to the US illegally just to vote for Trump. That can get you 3-4 months out of this shithole.

>> No.16452977
File: 202 KB, 582x527, 1592835980990.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's because you've been oversocialized into submission by a feminist social purity movement from the 20th century.

We have been courting and sexing adolescent girls for all of human history. I'm sorry that you're spooked.

>> No.16452979

It tells you right in the image where it's from.

>> No.16453006

Why go through those hopes? why not just make a furry scat porn thread or something in lit you faggots?

>> No.16453018

my method is permanent.

>> No.16453025

>particular text on /pol/

>> No.16453030


>> No.16453032


Probabpy because he is the mod or some underhanded shit like that. Don't let them play cheap tricks on you anon.

>> No.16453050

newsflash: mods are fags. You wanna get banned without having your own agent or groups of agents assigned to you full time? Take the cybernetic redpill. Ok. This is what you do. Fire up your trusty IRC client. point it at Rizon. Register with nickserv. type /msg nickserv help if you don't know how. join #4chan. This is the secret and hidden home of the mods. They take their little sekrit club very seriously, only faggotry of the highest order is tolerated. Now this part is critical. you have to start posting your IP address in the channel while insisting that they banhammer you, for full retard faggotry, presumably. Being the nice and friendly mods they are, they will certainly oblige you as you completed your quest, behaved as mentlegen, and most of all found their seckrit hideout. Congrats, you are now an expert 4channer. While you are there, tell I_Am_ABIB that he's a filthy faggot. He's such a sweetheart. Oh and complain about moderation while repeatedly posting your IP address. I know they say 'don't do this' in the channel header, but don't listen to that shit. It's a trap.

>> No.16453053
File: 37 KB, 252x258, 1594369865787.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to get banned on the board which hasn't had moderation for 6+ years

>> No.16453056

Not at all. Frankly, a friend of mine discovered it by accident. He was making a legitimate thread and instead inadvertedly opened up a sewer.

>> No.16453070

C-Can you make a furry scat porn thread anyways please?

>> No.16453083

>N-n-n-no really, it's muh spooky shit!

Fuck off

>> No.16453087

Google it, perform your fluid secretion ritual, and kill yourself faggot

>> No.16453089

All you have to do is mention a certain garden of cuties and you get a free permanent autoban

>> No.16453102

not it has to be on /lit/. thats a part of the fetish. its not erotic enough if its not on a literature board.

>> No.16453103

Nothing spooky abou it. A friend of mine was banned permanently. Try it if you don't believe me or else shut the fuck up.

>> No.16453116

>all the posters in this thread posting ebin cryptic descriptions of bannable material
you can literally just say you're underage can't you

>> No.16453128

this, i got band saying it when it was supper obvious it was a joke.

>> No.16453132

how much time?

>> No.16453138
File: 2.39 MB, 2675x3900, 137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i said that you get banned by posting underage models

>> No.16453146
File: 259 KB, 1242x914, 6CFCB495-8763-47F6-A216-99B3913798F1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re not based enough to be allowed in the club. I’ve been permabanned for almost a year now

>> No.16453147

you get banned for the amount of time it'll take you to reach 18 so not a permaban

>> No.16453162

Like 3 months. I apealled because it was a fucking stupid ban.

On the topic, I hate fucking trolls who are either on an ip or are locally somewhere around me who get my ip/local area banned from 4chan.

>> No.16453185

Are you people that incapable of not coming here? I tried to test how addicted I was by consciously not using it, and I didn't have any problems, so I don't see any issue.

>> No.16453255

>last digit in ip is 4
you're fucked kiddo