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16451830 No.16451830 [Reply] [Original]

I just started reading Revolt against the modern world. Wtf is this spiritual nonsense? Does anyone here have any better recommendations of other Julius Evola’s works that doesn’t talk too much about metaphysics?

>> No.16451846

you got filtered. Read "Facism viewed from the right" for a political science book that doesn't involve too much philosophy.

>> No.16451856

You're not going to understand RATMW unless you understand what Evola is talking about with regards to Tradition.
I like his political philosophy and analysis more than his spiritual stuff though. Read Handbook for Right Wing Youth and Men Among the Ruins.

>> No.16451858
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>> No.16451891

I should add that Evola spells out pretty clearly what he means by "Traditional man" in other work. See: Ride the Tiger.
>you got filtered.
Also this.

>> No.16451980

Cool. I have another question, Evola, believed that an ideal king was someone who acts like a bridge between god and the people. What was his opinion on the pope?

>> No.16451987

>What was his opinion on the pope?
He thought the office of Pope overstepped it's bounds by entering into temporal rule, and should have stayed a spirtual office.

>> No.16452044

>Wtf is this spiritual nonsense?

>> No.16452045

Ok so does that mean that he was supportive of the pope until the office become corrupted? I wonder what his opinion of pope Francis would be. lol

>> No.16452051

>Does anyone here have any better recommendations of other Julius Evola’s works that doesn’t talk too much about metaphysics?
I have really bad news for you, anon...
Evola believed that an ideal king is god. As to the Pope, it's like this anon >>16451987 said. The Pope is the head of the priestly hierarchy, sacral kingship belongs to royalty alone, not to priests or warriors.

>> No.16452090
File: 495 KB, 783x530, Pope St. Paul VI's assessment of Julius Evola'.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ok so does that mean that he was supportive of the pope until the office become corrupted?
Evola wasn't pro-Christian so I don't think the papacy was ever "good" in his mind. I'm sure if it were up to him, Late Roman Paganism would have evolved into some sort of Hinduism. A funny historic anecdote, Evola's neopagan journal was actually damaging relationships between Facist Italy and the Vatican to the point where Mussolini told him to stop.

>> No.16452102
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*looks at the entire history of human civilization, particularly and exclusively the best parts and aspects*

>Wtf is this spiritual Nonsense?? haha downvoted!!! Xdxdxdx!!!

>> No.16453485

>recommendations of other Julius Evola’s works that doesn’t talk too much about metaphysics?
absolutely filtered and likely fooled by a meme into this.
On a more serious note, there are a couple good evola reading charts/guides so look those up because there are better places to start and they can be super helpful in understanding more complex guys like evola that you often have to read a lot of to "get".

If you want to skip all that and just read a super easy propagandistic book that deals with some of his ideas go for "Heathen Imperialism"

>> No.16453489

This. You just can't read OP.

>> No.16453631

Told my friend to read this he said he couldnt get through the first page. Why is everyone so fucking stupid.

>> No.16453649

You fell for a meme. Evola is all woo-woo nonsense.

>> No.16453651

>t. Retard

>> No.16453817

>he got meme'd by /pol/
I'd laugh at you if I didn't do the same thing. I took it as motivation to start learning philosophy, and it felt good to come back to him after a few years and understand what he was saying. No point in reading it just for politics. A lot of fascism is basically applied idealism (ever read Gentile?), so you may as well stick with modern commentary if you just want fascistic political discussion.

>> No.16455384

>evola believed in a separation of church and state

>> No.16455393

Yeah I read the first half of that book too and it sucked. Most evolafags here don't read, they just like their thirdhand idea of evola. Evola was a very boring nerd

>> No.16455398
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>> No.16455405

This, not to mention literally half of the stuff he wrote on Hinduism he literally just made up, pulled it out of thin air. Evola fags don't even bother denying this, they just ignore it.

>> No.16455503

Evola was a fucking retard, don't listen to the midwits on here spamming "aha filtered"

>> No.16455600

Evola did not belief in the separation of church and state, he believed that a sacred emperor precedes the high priest in authority and that the both church and state should be subordinate to the sacred sovereign.
>t. "guy who read Evola", apparently
>"noooooo Evola bad, don't try to understand him just ignore him nooooooo"

>> No.16455607

Dude, you're not intelligent.

>> No.16455608

get filtered, hylic

>> No.16455639

Wait, you're that idiot form that other thread, aren't you? Holy fuck dude find something better to do.

>> No.16455651

>posts something stupid in another thread and gets called out for it
>posts something stupid in this thread and gets called out for it
I am now 100% sure that you are fucking braindead.

>> No.16455661

>this coming from you

>> No.16455663

hush brainlet never quote me again

>> No.16455693

make me

>> No.16455701
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I've read most of his works, they are not great desu. I think he's only popular because he and a few others have a monopoly on there subject. He can be pretty long winded and a lot of what he does is complain about the way things are without really offering solutions. I want to say Ride the Tiger is better but it's been a long time and I don't remember. None of his works really stuck with me. Anons in the thread are right though, you've been filtered by the metaphysical stuff. Imagine reading the parable about tortoise and the hare and your takeaway being "This is nonsense, animals can't talk".

>> No.16455707

>wtf you call other people unintelligent you must be unintelligent too
Sad dude

>> No.16455749

The correct approach would have been to ignore you, but because I am bored AND you're very uninteresting and gave me little to work with, that was all I could do, anon. Next time be more creative and I'll match your effort. Promise.
>He can be pretty long winded and a lot of what he does is complain about the way things are without really offering solutions.
For the record anon, Evola mostly keeps to analysis because he wants to clarify things for people with similar temperament but lacking in knowledge and intuition. At the same time, however, his views imply a respect for personality and freedom, so any solutions would have to be devised on a personal basis. What he does is he offers a methodology that can be followed to arrive at your own personal solution - that's what most of the first half of Ride the Tiger is about. The rest is commentaries on the world (the aforementioned analysis) to provide context.

>> No.16455758

>he's still crying

>> No.16455776

>he's still crying

>> No.16455934

>What he does is he offers a methodology that can be followed to arrive at your own personal solution - that's what most of the first half of Ride the Tiger is about.
That's why Ride the Tiger stuck out in my head as the better work.
That part was good. Its the rest of it that is a real drag to get through.
I'm just not a fan of his dry analytical style. I won't say he's works are bad but I more or less forgot about them after reading. Might just not be for me.

>> No.16455999

That's reasonable. What he tries to do throughout the rest of Ride the Tiger is provide the context where practical applications of the methodology may be realised. It's a brief analysis of the contemporary world that provides information regarding the valuable and valueless parts of modern life to those who need it.

>> No.16456013

Its to justify a position against the status-quo using ancient doctrines. Import eastern thoughts, interpret it to suit your agenda, water it down and claim T R A D I T I O N.

>> No.16456025

>I just started reading the bible. Wtf is this spiritual nonsense? Does anyone here have any better recommendations of other Jesus' works that doesn’t talk too much about metaphysics?

>> No.16456091

This chart sucks balls

>> No.16456112

lmao absolutely and completely FILTERED

>> No.16456160

No, that's Theosophy. Traditionalism consists in rigorous analysis of a far more than just "eastern" thought, the observation and systematisation of structural commonalities and finally a methodology for approaching spirituality based on the collective insights of the world religions and a clear-sighted perspective arrived at through analysis.

>> No.16456186

Opinion discarded

>> No.16456214

Is Platonism pluralistic according to you? Since the One has many expressions and all that?

>> No.16456215

I've never read Evola so I wouldn't know if it was good or not, just reposting

>> No.16456217

another important thing is that Traditionlist are expected to partake in spirtualilty too, not merely observe it like some dry academic.