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File: 380 KB, 1079x1375, Hřensko, Czech Republic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16448287 No.16448287 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any reason to live if you genuinely hate this modern world and people in general? I'm not even depressed or sad, it's just that when I think about this logically, suicide seems like the best option. And I don't believe in heaven/hell, so that's not an issue either.

>> No.16448427

Why not explore options to live a quiet, simple life somewhere?

>> No.16448439

there's so much beauty out there, dude. you don't have to sell your soul to the "modern world".

>> No.16448446

hop on tinder and have sex bruh

>> No.16448460

Wow, i wish I could ive there. Though I assume the mosquitos would be quite terrible and the humidity stifling.

>> No.16449458
File: 558 KB, 960x942, edvige-downfall-of-numenor-2-59bf05a1-26on[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We'll have a live action depiction of the destruction of Numenor within a few years.
go and be a psychopath somewhere else OP

>> No.16449476

There is no respawn in reality. You better make the best from what you have, than to flee like a weakling.

>> No.16450001

Any "reason" exists as conditioning for you to be integrated into the world, you have it backwards, if you reject the world then any "reason" goes with it

>> No.16450010

Are you not afraid of death, boy?

>> No.16450013

>There is no respawn in reality
t. redditor

>> No.16450073

Only redditors play DayZ and stuff?

>> No.16450125

>'s just that when I think about this logically, suicide seems like the best option
It is contra reason to assume that reason would terminate itself.
The only actual reason for suicide is one that is devoid of any reason (logic); I'd say its suicidal things not suicide itself then: military charge, defending yourself vs an attacker, and similar.

There is nothing more shallow and inconsistent than pretending that your suicide is the (necessary) logical conclusion. Please come back with a better point as to why you will kys.

>> No.16450556
File: 2.18 MB, 3120x2504, 1588800699544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know what to do.

>> No.16450671

Yeah, it looks a lot cozier than it probably is

>> No.16450840

how do you know?

>> No.16450984

Life itself is meaning, if you choose to affirm it. Read the Traditionalists.
Coastal American
Hard to tell
Definitely American
Coastal American

>> No.16451011

Just go wild camping, find something you do like.

>> No.16451038

it's a statistical impossibility for there to be no Latinos in a 4chan thread with more than like 5 posts

>> No.16451066

To be completely fair, at this point drawing a distinction between Latinos and Americans is rather pointless anyway, isn't it?

>> No.16451071

g...good or bad?

>> No.16451082

I would need to conduct more in-depth qualitative analysis to know that. If you're middle class - probably bad. There are some based Anglos, though.

>> No.16451112

>I hate the contemporary hypermodern world, therefore I do not want to live.
The pessimist sees no end to the material world; the idealist sees, both: the end of matter, and life beyond it.

>And I don't believe in heaven/hell, so that's not an issue either.
The afterlife, and the various places within it, are absolutely real, regardless of whether you believe in it/them, or lack the ethical volition to account for potentially damning your Soul.

>> No.16451119

actually true. impressive.

>> No.16451176

There was no other way. Your argument was too lifeless for a Frenchman, too soulless for an Anglo and far too intelligent for an American. Only one other nationality could possibly argue on this basis and that is the German one.

>> No.16451227

there are no other nationalities but those 4?

>> No.16451236

If you die now you'll never get to read my novel which I am currently writing

>> No.16451253

There are, but only those four would make an argument along those lines without external encouragement. The Enlightenment and the discourse of reason was most popular in England, France and Germany, as well as their bastard offspring the USA.

>> No.16451270

based muttdar poster

>> No.16451271

Source(s): dude trust me

>> No.16451279

In moments like these, it is important to consider the example of the Taliban, who have successfully fought off the successive tides of Empire from the British to the Soviets to the Americans with nothing but cheap rifles and a pure heart.

>> No.16451280

how does one fight evil if they're just lonely weak dorks with no charisma

>> No.16451284

>Unironically considers the Taliban to be good
What in the actual fuck

>> No.16451285

The village seems strange; this is separation as if my beloved has left it.

The grief of separation is so cruel that it is not scared of anyone;

When the soul does not leave the body it shakes.

Like a flower withering in the autumn,

Autumn has now come to my love.

I remain alone with my shaggy head of hair

Uncomprehending; my heart has been sad for a long time.

In a flash, it put a hole in my entire world;

Each affair is like an arrow.

Oh Faqir! Better be sad.

Who told you that love is easy?

>> No.16451289


>> No.16451298

Just doing my duty for humanity.
For how long have you been on the internet anon?

>> No.16451308

>For how long have you been on the internet anon?
A long time, more than a decade

>> No.16451319

>A long time, more than a decade
You really find this shocking?

>> No.16451774

You have been told also that life is darkness, and in your weariness you echo what was said by the weary.
And I say that life is indeed darkness save when there is urge,
And all urge is blind save when there is knowledge,
And all knowledge is vain save when there is work,
And all work is empty save when there is love;
And when you work with love you bind yourself to yourself, and to one another, and to God.

>> No.16451817

Im christian and stil lthink its best that you in particular kill yourself
Do it pussie you wont

>> No.16451840

Do whatever you need to do.

In the past, did they not die for the future? What a sad irony that you die for the past.

>> No.16451866

>americans on a saturday morning

>> No.16451944

I never said they were good.
But were they better than the Anglo rats who came into their country attempting to hoist their satanical flags over them and convert them all to slaves?
Were they better than the Communist dogs who laced their lands with bombs and targeted women and children, who carried out ethnic genocide in order to force innocent and god fearing people into controllable urban areas, devoid of any religion and meaning beyond the party ideology?
Are they better than the American pigs and their parasitical Zionist masters who attempt to force pornography and materialism on the whole world, who ruthlessly terrorize and murder men woman and children in the Islamic world, and who hold the entire nation of Palestine as hostages in their perverse games of global domination?
A thousand times I will say yes.

>> No.16451984

i think the same sometimes but then i realise i don't need to think in terms like 'modern world', 'world' in general, 'people', etc. and can just be my own man without these concepts even being acknowledged in my mind much less operated upon.

if alternatives like that or simple living are also hollow to you, then yes your conclusion is sound. you know yourself best.

>> No.16452038


>> No.16453331
