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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 2.29 MB, 2023x1589, Iván_el_Terrible_y_su_hijo,_por_Iliá_Repin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16442460 No.16442460 [Reply] [Original]

What are the greatest tragedies in /lit/?

>> No.16442487

The tragic life of Londonfrog, or the last binge ever

>> No.16442490

My life desu

>> No.16442814

Is there a fate worse than the one of Oedipos?

>> No.16442840

Homer, Hesiod, Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, Bible, and so forth.

>> No.16442877

basically, life

>> No.16442882

my autobiography desu

>> No.16442893

That Rupi Kaur wouldn't choose any of us as a husband.

>> No.16442912

Life ain't lit bro

>> No.16442933

the fact that Dorian Gray isn't a femboy

>> No.16443014

Horus heresy

>> No.16444136
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Pic related.

>> No.16444181

>guyz we live in a society!1!!

>> No.16444251

/pol/ is
A den of underage autists who pretend to be extremists for the sake of being edgy contrarians

>> No.16444256
File: 679 KB, 1566x2082, Nietzsche leftism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16444278
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For You.

>> No.16444279

hmmm idk things are legitimately pretty aggravating these days

>> No.16444359
File: 244 KB, 500x910, Globo Jolie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hmmm idk things are legitimately pretty aggravating these days
If only you knew how bad things really are

>> No.16444542

the tragedy of darth plageius the white

>> No.16444841

yeah too bad that article is fake and even if it wasn't it wouldn't prove anything. you are fighting shadows.

>> No.16444887
File: 77 KB, 990x600, 1601059407989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yeah too bad that article is fake and even if it wasn't it wouldn't prove anything. you are fighting shadows.
It's two articles you pleb.

and they are real:



>> No.16444943

Demons by Dosto. The ending is fucking brutal however Stepan's death was the most beautiful thing i have read

>> No.16445114

Romeo and Juliet

>> No.16445121

I miss that lil nibba like you wouldn't believe

>> No.16445137

Faust is pretty tragic, at least for Gretchen it was.

>> No.16445151

it proves the self-hating Caucasophobia of the left is causing mental illness and harm.

>> No.16445246

Ilya Repin is based as fuck

>> No.16445277
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>> No.16445293
File: 32 KB, 503x503, So_tired.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Goebbels Diaries Are pretty fucking depressing even though its manufactured by (((them)))

>> No.16445296

Not as tragic as Myshkin's end tho

>> No.16445300

wait did Londonfrog kill himslef??

>> No.16445305

May he live eternally within our hearts.
Pouring out a 40 for the homie tonight.

>> No.16445341
File: 71 KB, 620x434, Brad Pitt 1990 Super Bowl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be brad pitt
>win genetic lottery (I am sure the pitt parents are ugly ass boomers)
>accept jew programming including libtard and feminist ideology
>hear people speak out against it and assume it is because they are not as handsome and popular as you
>somehow succeed in jewllywood without losing your dignity
>marry jennifer aniston when she was still hot
>everything looks good, but jennifer doesn't want to have kids
>she is worried about carrier and being pregnant will interrupt her busy schedule of making easily forgettable B-list romcoms
>you don't really argue about this because she is stronk career woman and your jew programming says this is part of feminism
>still you want to have a family
>meet angelina jolie when she is still hot
>she has already adopted a couple orcs
>she is still somewhat in daddy issues whore mode, though not as much as when she was with billy bob
>you have kick-ass affair with Angelina on boring Jennifer
>tabloids go wild
>you now have family
>you have very positive attitude and help out new wife on her dumb libtard causes in the mordor regions of the world
>Angelina has your kids
>start to notice she has clear favorites
>start to notice Angelina's libtard value seriously affected how she views people. She is outright racist to the Caucasian children
>hear the old boomer line "You have things so good" when they really suck for Shiloh
>if women are capable of mistreating their own children, should they really be the decision makers. Start to question feminism, libtard ideology and jew programming to an extent
>start fights with wife, start drinking to cope
>notice kid starts to have scars from a mother that doesn't love him. All my efforts aren't helping
>start more fights, start to drink more
>wife makes up shit and divorces you
>see your child turned into an undead abomination called trans. They are neither totally dead nor totally alive. They are destined to wander this earth in agony and spreading misery
>Breaks your heart as you still care about your biological kids though (Of course not the Orcs)
>How did things get this way?
>I was suppose to be a king?
>realize the mad lads were right all along about the jew programming, feminism, and libtard ideology
>drink beer alone to cope
>know no amount of beer drinking will change how your genetic line has turned out

Feel free to screen cap this mad lads

>> No.16445526

Isn't Brad cucking some millionaire? I think he is doing fine right now

>> No.16445716

Andy Dick has multiple kids with multiple women.
Undead abominations referred to as trans. He has never been considered handsome. He has always been considered a creepy dick. The expectations for Brad should have been sky high. No even doing as well as Andy Dick is a supreme failure.

>> No.16445725

His daughter is being programmed to be a tranny by his resentful ex-wife. Chads have no escape from the jewish propaganda.

>> No.16445789


That is sort of the point and the tragedy. Despite all the blessings he had in life, he still couldn't stop the wife who doesn't want kids, wife who divorce rapes you, and tranny kids schemes.

The only way to win in clown world is to burn down the clown world and start over. With the upcoming civil war over the election, it looks like this will be happening soon.

>> No.16445841

Based mentally psycho roasties. Weather they are part of the low or high class, mentally fuckked.

>> No.16445855

I miss him, and I loved him.

>> No.16446150

Hadn't heard of anything like that, but I dont see his posts anymore

>> No.16446198

your mom farting at Ronald Mcdonalds face and screaming out "NIIIIGGGGGGERS!" at McDolands

>> No.16446214

brad pitt is fucking some 27 year old german model right now and doesn't plan to re-marry

good luck to him

>> No.16446228

>brad pitt is fucking some 27 year old german model
ew, more like 19

>> No.16446772

Losing 5 of the Homeric Poems. Dostoyevsky dying before finish "Diary of a Great Sinner", and of course the burning of the library of Alexandria.

In terms of fictional tragedy, I'd say Great Expectations. There's something about the understated tragedy of a person throwing the good in his life away for his deep seated ambitions and then falling into mediocrity and losing it all. The sheer inevitability of it.

>> No.16446867

yeah next time maybe read the article before posting the link fucking moron

>> No.16447948

Brad isn't this complex, he is a man plagued with FOMO and lives his life trying to fill that empty FOMO hole

>> No.16448839

Let's be serious here. We are talking about tragedies.

I would say never getting a sequel to Dostoievsky Brother Karamazov. Dosto was writting it when he died at a young age at 59 years old. He could written atleast to more master piece novel.

What a shame he was called so early.

>> No.16449192

was Stepan the one who was about to be a father

>> No.16449202

is it in the Canon?

>> No.16449882

>memebrary of alexandria
Nothing of value was lost.

>> No.16450208

I can't even find it anywhere.

>> No.16450347

Really wish I could find a large resolution of the Repin Gogol painting. A shame.

>> No.16450788

Holy shit that expression is soul-piercing.

>> No.16451211

Stepan was Peter's father, the one who lived with Varvara and taught the kids.
[Spoiler]you're thinking of Shatov who had the most emotionally brutal death out of anyone[/spoiler]

>> No.16451240
File: 308 KB, 1263x392, new left COMMIES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever you say tranny

>> No.16451400

The Road is just relentless

>> No.16453000

this, the destruction of the mayan codices and aztec libraries were astronomically greater losses to human wisdom by orders of magnitudes

>> No.16453071
File: 170 KB, 1200x1836, aurangzeb-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Aurangazeb's life is some very /lit/ non-fiction. The Mughal emperors lead dramatic lives.

>> No.16454340

The Spy Who Came In From The Cold

>> No.16454966

>/pol/ is Schrodinger's image board.
Wow they really are a bunch of weeaboo sodabrains lol.

>> No.16455209

>Despite all the blessings he had in life, he still couldn't stop the wife who doesn't want kids, wife who divorce rapes you, and tranny kids schemes.

Nobody forced him to marry a self-obsessed psycho celebrity.

>> No.16455264
