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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 96 KB, 599x738, Logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16434832 No.16434832 [Reply] [Original]

Is he right? Should English speakers furnish their mind with the English canon, instead of wasting their time with German idealists?

>> No.16434981

Brainlets? Midwits? Pseuds?

Any of you here?

>> No.16435021

Idk if he's right. I really enjoy Schop, but I should probably read his list.

>> No.16435030

Where is he buying books for pennies?

I need more books I'll never read.

>> No.16435039

dios mio...

>> No.16435065

Better educated at what?

>> No.16435074

>furnish your mind with power

Cringe. This guy is a pseud

>> No.16435114

I can’t take someone who writes like that much of a retard seriously

>> No.16435121

>left click
>hide thread

>> No.16435144

No pls dont

>> No.16435151

Where do I get the free poetry only paying shipping?

>> No.16435355

I don't think some flowery locutions on the splendor of greenery compares at all to DMT or any reasonably potent entheogen, sorry.

>> No.16435390

so does he explain at all what it is he thinks you gain from these readings?

>> No.16435409

reddit daedalus

>> No.16435422

lmao, his whole grift is making vague allusions and hinting at being smart, not explaining anything

>> No.16435428

I said, certified freak
Seven days a week...
Make that pull-out game WEAK

>> No.16435429


>> No.16435430

>better educated
>writes shitty self-published meme-book
what did he mean by this? is this all that better education can accomplish?

>> No.16435437

guppy >>>>> bap >>>>>>>> logo >>>>>> cuntbot

>> No.16435459

Fuck you, logo. You got forever rekt by a cryptofaggot brit


>> No.16435472

He's mostly right, most plebs these days severely underrate English literature, but I still think everyone should read Hölderlin and Schopenhauer.

>> No.16435489

-t hasn't read the canon

>> No.16435494
File: 15 KB, 253x252, gAm4NRlu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based guppy

>> No.16435516

Yes, he's correct, but most of you won't understand either the English or the Germans so you'll read the ones that can make you sound smarter, but plebhood is your eternal doom.

>> No.16435533

he's probably talking about 99cent ebooks. I don't recommend them though they are usually very bad translations with fucked up formatting. The sweet spot is the 2-9 dollar ebooks.

>> No.16435547

at that point just download from archive.org

>> No.16435552

this anon knows

>> No.16435557
File: 968 KB, 1146x1651, Chaucer_knight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Medieval book aesthetics were kino beyond kino

>> No.16435569

>paying for bits filled with public domain content

>> No.16435576

Yes, but it's less to do with the english canon vs the german idealists, and more to do with just reading fiction and enjoying art rather than reading non-fiction and philosophy which, most likely, will do absolutely nothing for you

>> No.16435583

low iq

>> No.16435600

I seem to remember that one Nietzsche quote where he glorified the fuck out of fiction and said it was appreciated by those who had lived and experienced the most, who had known pain and suffering.

>> No.16435624

Can anyone shed any light?

>> No.16435634

no one cares about your pseud quote retard

>> No.16435640

No, faggot. You're readings of marx, evola, heidegger, hegel, schopenhauer, and whoever else have done nothing to enrich your life or understanding in any meaningful way. It has been for nothing. Open a book of poetry, the canterbury tales, or play a classical record, and watch your life truly transform

>> No.16435650

In all seriousness reading just the faerie queen would probably raise the average /lit/izens IQ by at least 10

>> No.16435698

Lit has for too long been in the vice like grip of Philopseuds.

We must reclaim this board for LITERATURE.

>> No.16435760
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>> No.16435772

i know plenty of /lit/anons have argued for this before. you should be, first and foremost, familiar with your own canon

>> No.16435780

100 % correct

logo steals lit take

>> No.16435818

did he ever respondL?

>> No.16435821

holy based

>> No.16435852

gupi is cringe
tony get ur son in order

>> No.16435862

>Should English speakers furnish their mind with the English canon, instead of wasting their time with German idealists?
Emerson lamented the Anglo/French imitations in arts and letters for lack (or forgetfulness) of American culture in his day, and little has changed -- one has to assimilate one's own canon first, and in the American anglophone's case, there are more than a few to be with first before even approaching the literary shores of the tongue's motherland

>> No.16435869
File: 169 KB, 400x416, 1574147706098.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one gets the sense that Daedalus is constantly on the precipice of saying something insightful or interesting without ever actually getting around to saying it.


>> No.16435884

>e-celeb thread

>> No.16435918
File: 69 KB, 474x606, ezrapound.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As someone who has (mostly) done this: Shakespeare, Chaucer and Donne are the only ones worth reading in their literal entirety.

More importantly, you should read Golding's Metamorphoses, the Eneados of Gavin Douglas, and the translations of Marlowe.

Milton is worth reading solely to see how mediocre canonical poetry can be.

>> No.16435935

Call me a brainlet, but I find it difficult to comprehend old shit.

>> No.16435939

Yes. He told him to read it again. Guppy responded something akin to “I’m the only one who took your book seriously and talked about it” lmao

>> No.16435972

damn... how the fuck does one recover from that?

>> No.16435984

He is not wrong.
But better yet would be to start with the Greek, study the Romans and finish with Aquinas.

>> No.16436151

honestly. just use en and em dashes like a normal person for fucks sake

>> No.16436445

more like kino beyond legibility

>> No.16436455

A truly smug person would say to learn ancient Greek and Latin and then read the classics in the original text. What a pseud.

>> No.16436469

Didn't know he was this retarded, but his english lit is pretty good, standard, but good
Literally every english phd has read those btw

>> No.16436697

Lol guppy was begging fatbot to shill his book last week

>> No.16436784

If I were the author of selfie suicide, I would be working every day to build a time machine to go back in time and kill myself. Maybe society will explode and his book will be lost forever (he should pray for this). If not it’s only ~70 years of mockery until he gets to die. For me, it’s $15 I will never, ever get back.

>> No.16437416

I unironically use to go to /r/cringe daily to my dose of cringy shit now i just go to this dudes twitter
Reminds me of how embarrassing i was when i was abusing adderall

>> No.16437864

He seems lost. He is too wrapped up in being a pseud to ever take a definitive stance on anything, always preferring the moral high ground than to risk committing to something.

BAP brigades made quick work of him and Fatbot.

>> No.16438237

>your own canon
If by 'your own canon' you mean the canon which you have personally chosen, made up of works from various languages and cultures, that you think will be best for your artistic or personal development then I wholly agree.

>Milton is worth reading solely to see how mediocre canonical poetry can be.
Fuck you I enjoy reading Milton more than Shakespeare.

>> No.16438247

This dude is only 21, he will grow out of it. Also why hasn't KB taken up Matt Christman for his debate offer yet?

>> No.16438251

No, gutenberg.org or standardebooks.org

>> No.16438285


He didn't mention it explicitely, but it's true that Goethe is trash. We just pretend he was a great writer so Germans can think they also have their Shakespeare, Dante, Cervantes and be happy.

>> No.16438293


The Dante of Germans was Luther's Bible.

>> No.16438309

>he didn't read Goethe in German
To make it clear to your tiny angloid brain, it's akin to reading a translation of Shakespeare.

>> No.16438314

Fatbot would get humiliated.

Not because Chapofags are good debaters, but because he will flip flop and refuse to commit to anything.

>> No.16438315

>>one gets the sense that Daedalus is constantly on the precipice of saying something insightful or interesting without ever actually getting around to saying it.
Funny. Reminds me of Bronze Age Mindset

>> No.16438323

>This dude is only 21,
Ah, now I see

>> No.16438342

I thought KB was still shunned for trying to dox BAP

>> No.16438368

>Criticizing Milton and leaving out Spenser
Yep, I found the contrarian

>> No.16438378

If you ever thought BAP was anything beyond a milquetoast neocon republican you are an idiot. Literally a psyop to make being a “young conservative” seem sexy instead of incredibly lame. The shit he said about evo morales made should have tipped anyone off.

>> No.16438392

Yeah he's a tedious tryhard. His schtick is so fucking embarrassing. It's amazing that it's worked on the 16yr old zoomers who make up most of his audience, let alone grown-ass adults who should know better. I guess that's what happens when you're a 35 millennial who wants to seem hip - you end up praising stupid shit like brain damaged political propaganda aimed at teens who post epic blackpill memes

>> No.16438393

Lol shut up leftist

>> No.16438410
File: 44 KB, 597x241, EipwEfdWsAcYSJf[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These two posts were made by Logo and Kantbot.

>> No.16438425

I am not English but I speak only English. What should I do?

>> No.16438434

subjecting yourself to an MKULTRA diet of psyop memes for years turns you into a r*tard whose only value is being a node in deploying more psyops through your social network. Memes were a mistake.

>> No.16438446

This. Engaging in perpetual psyopping of yourself is escapism-- it's a Romantic endeavor which elevates the banal reality (you're posting gay fucking memes about jews & blacks on the internet)-- into a "Secret Heroic Crusade" that is attacked from all sides! It's fucking EPIC

>> No.16438459

Embrace being a monolingual monkey and be smug about it.

>> No.16438462

Learn the language of your forefathers, you'll need it.

>> No.16438464


>> No.16438475
File: 148 KB, 596x743, EipvlUdXgAAoW-x[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still coping over the fact that Anna and Dasha hate you viscerally? At least Anna was civil, Dasha openly humiliated you publicly. By the way when is the book coming out KB? Are you afraid it will get panned like logo's cringe undergrad essay did?

>> No.16438482

we need a thread about a sperg book-signaling on twitter why?

>> No.16438497
File: 38 KB, 540x465, DUSs0TxXUAAdr6i.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are we talking about Twitter on 4chan? If you want to talk about Twitter, there's a whole website dedicating to it.

>> No.16438504

My forefathers were Rusyn and their language is dying from assimilation with the Ukrainians, who deny it is a language. Most of the Rusyns do not live in Ruthenia. They had to escape from Ukrainian intervention after WWII. I don't think they produced many literary works, because they were an agrarian people. Maybe I should just learn Czech or Slovak.

>> No.16438508

BAM is hilarious though

>> No.16438510

Whatever frees you from the chains of monoglotism my friend.

>> No.16438522

Doesn't matter. Redscare's audience adores Kantbot and hates BAP

>> No.16438530

maybe 4 years ago. He's been a complete shill ever since his book came out and exposed his true colors. He was always a tedious tryhard with his homo babytalk tweets but occasionally had something somewhat interesting, but not anymore

>> No.16438535

>le based black and white german face avatar
How much do you want to bet he's a fat fuck?

>> No.16438541

>missing the point this fucking much

>> No.16438546

Except that Dasha loves Kantbot and went on his podcast

>> No.16438554
File: 579 KB, 1040x1732, 1599292876196.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is KB posting.
They both shit on you on twitter and on reddit lol. No one likes your fat faggot ass. Good god I wretched just typing that out.

>> No.16438557

based Kantbot keeping true to himself and burning bridges with grifters

>> No.16438561

based kb doxing those that promoted him and having sustained mental breakdowns every 2 weeks

>> No.16438563

Pretty damning (though not unexpected) that nobody is interested in addressing the question, or literature at all for that matter, and are far more concerned with faggy twitter drama and little political movements. None of you will ever make it, you're just like normies. Faggots.

>> No.16438567

you're the faggot here logo

>> No.16438570

It's BAP who's acting like a prissy faggot with his passive aggressiveness. Logo and KB could've exposed so much more about BAP but they're respectful people

>> No.16438580
File: 210 KB, 1204x964, 1599275063266.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lose some weight fatbot, i give you 6 months before your latest fat fetishist perfume boyfriend is deemed a traitor and must be doxed

>> No.16438585

Regardless of how you feel about Fatbot, he changed his whole persona as soon as he started mixing with leftwing grifters.

I don't blame him, leftwing audiences are more reliable and likely to pay for content than rightwing ones.

Also, being an esoteric rightwing internet personality basically dooms you to being an outcast in fashionable coastal crowds.

>> No.16438590

Mental breakdowns? Huh? What?

>> No.16438598

Was that pic supposed to prove your point? Just makes Kantbot look more based. Kanbot's internet activity just seems so much more masculine than BAP's passive aggressive feminine energy

>> No.16438606

cant you twitterniggers take this elsewhere? im trying to fap

>> No.16438608

>guy shifts towards the leftwing as he becomes more educated
Huh. curious

>> No.16438609

if your friends with KB can you ask him why he thinks 'HBD is bullshit'. I mean seriously look at africa, the caribbean, every single place they exist, come on.

>> No.16438612

kb melted down after all his friends ditched him over him doxing his "competition," quite pathetic for a mid 30s failed economist yuppie

it will be very funny when he finally turns on logo and kills himself, looking forward to it!

>> No.16438614

>HBD is bullshit
HBD? Huh? Sorry what's that?

>> No.16438619


>> No.16438622

'human biodiversity'. For the purposes of this conversation just think of it as 'racism', ie. 'sub-saharans are on average dumber than whites and east asians' for a very broad gist.

>> No.16438628

It's just rodents shipjumping and you're more than welcome to them.

>> No.16438632
File: 112 KB, 1199x729, Eg3qGGmWoAIzaAY[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just makes Kantbot look more based. Kanbot's internet activity just seems so much more masculine than BAP's passive aggressive feminine energy

>> No.16438633

could post exactly what % of crime is caused by blackness?

>> No.16438640

Idk what you're asking me and I don't care about having another 50 post discussion about race on here, I am just curious why he thinks it's bullshit, so if you're on twitter and know him post something about it

>> No.16438641

hey costin

>> No.16438643

Lmao Leftists are so fucking ugly lol why do they always morph into that sack of potatoes look?

>> No.16438644

no study says x% of crime is statistically proven to be caused by race alone, only that crime rate is higher, which isn't in dispute. Its conclusion calls for cultural change, suggesting culture causes crime, not race.

>> No.16438646

again dude, not interested. These discussions literally take 3+ hours

>> No.16438648

what a bitch ass nigga. tryin to work for da whyte man when he can be trappin out da benz and runnin trains on hos

>> No.16438650

Nah it's really that simple unless you just want to post "epic" 13/50 memes to drag out the argument to the thread limit

>> No.16438660

So you don't think people are influenced by their parents and environment? Got it.

>> No.16438665

We have to go through the whole past 50 years of IQ literature among other things, believe me I have done this and it takes forever every single time. In 90 minutes we'll be discussing whether the null hypothesis applies to biological populations and I just don't have it in me.

>> No.16438666

nah nigga we got culture and you whyte bois been ridin a niggas dick

>> No.16438673

Epic meme fellow groyper! Praise kek!

>> No.16438674

more like a grifter contrarian that went from hanging with nazis then rebranding as a cringegod to curry favor with brooklyn podcasters that love bap

>> No.16438675

Goethe is a better writer than Shakespeare and more important.

>> No.16438678

come through and well leave yo bitch ass bleedin on cement

>> No.16438689

What a fucking awful thread. I despise Zoomers.

>> No.16438714

kantbot is pushing middle age

>> No.16438723

The only thing more pathetic than BAP or whatever his name is are his retarded followers who save his twitter conversations and post them on /lit/. Thread hidden

>> No.16438762

bye kb

>> No.16439088

Even Goethe said otherwise

>> No.16439093
File: 105 KB, 367x654, moot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhh, guys?

>> No.16439124

can't read a single word

>> No.16439353

Englishfags confirmed pseuds.

>> No.16439372
File: 26 KB, 352x395, 1504040250957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just list names of guys instead of anything of substance
>have a contrarian/"radical" ('ate Nietzsche 'ate Hegel love Blake and Shakespeare simple as) opinion about what books people should read to drum up clicks
I hate how much of a pseud he is. There is so little substance. I like the way he trolls people sometimes, but I wish he would actually say meaningful things instead of just stir the pot. It's not literature to make people mad on Twitter, it's fucking activism.

>> No.16439376

single digit iq poster

>> No.16439378

Dangerously based. I agree.

>> No.16439380

Philosophy posters read better literature than the literature retards on this site who mostly talk about Kafka and other 20th century hacks

>> No.16439389

that you should read the best your language offers is a common truism, but to power through every word of every canonical renaissance writer is a move of either a specialist or a middlebrow retard

anyway it's ironic coming from fatbot's chinlet sidekick because his abortion of a book reads exactly as an attempt of a theorycel whose frame of reference for fiction is only Nabokov and burgerpomo

>> No.16439403


Thank me later.

>> No.16440105


So they're bad translations of English works? I mean I think the guy in the screencapture is just talking about the great English works. So I don't get how they are bad translations. I just use Gutenberg even though I don't really read anything on the laptop anymore.

>> No.16440170
File: 30 KB, 591x262, Moviebob no movies from Marvel no heroes for a year.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



This a good reason to read the classics?

>> No.16440426

>waste your time reading anglo trash
thanks but no thanks

>> No.16440599

Pretty good list of English writers to know, except
>George Chapman
What?? The man is literally only known for Homer translations nobody reads anymore and an unneeded ending for Marlowe's Hero and Leander.

If you know Gothic letter-forms, this copy is actually pretty easy to read compared with a lot of Middle English texts.

>> No.16440916

obsessed and delusional

>> No.16440976

Jesus Christ.

>> No.16441040

I have not been on twitter in a while and I do like BAP but that Morales shit was wack and gay, it is true.

>> No.16441094


I have no stake in this Twitter faggotry other than observing, but it’s hilarious that BAP is ‘successful’, when he basically stole everything from icycalm. The truth will come out eventually. Also, pretty sure Logo and Kantbot abuse meth all day, assuming that they’re honest when they make claims about the quantity of their reading.

>> No.16441122

>basically stole everything
Not really, beyond the superficial level of aping nietzschean aphorisms

>> No.16441150

Sorry but none of those writers convey and truly profound ideas in their work. They are beautiful works in their own right but they don’t serve the same purpose as the things he is saying are just memes. Read all of them

>> No.16441177


It’s the same shit.

>> No.16441203


I thought kantbot was under 30

>> No.16441234

Nope just superficially similar

>> No.16441246
File: 101 KB, 856x1172, Carlyle T..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is he right? Should English speakers furnish their mind with the English canon, instead of wasting their time with German idealists?
No that guys an absolute fucking retard.

Read the German idealists and poets, AND the English poets.

>> No.16441385

He was a modest man.

>> No.16441396

Sounds like a hot take

>> No.16441448

>read the collected works of Chaucer, Spenser, Shakespeare, Chapman, Sidney, Donne, Johnson, Milton, Wordsworth, Blake, Byron, Keats, Shelly...
Literally who would disagree with this? I would only quibble Johnson and add Tennyson. But surely anyone would profit from reading all of the above. And I can't disagree that you would be better off reading this at the expense of the 20th century continental philosophers we have rammed down our throats every day.

>> No.16441575

The bare directive to read your own language's canon is, of course, good advice. However, upon receiving it I would be tempted to ask if the one giving it had accomplished this feat himself, given his pontification about the profound effects that completing it would deliver.

>> No.16441601

Sorry, I don't want to contaminate my mind with Anglo gibberish

>> No.16441715

If you're reading and writing English here on a regular basis then you're already infected.

>> No.16442127
File: 97 KB, 1280x720, girlslaughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's never read Chaucer, Spenser, Shakespeare, Milton, Keats, or Shelly

>> No.16442142

wait til you read his book!

>> No.16442168

This used to be a normal way of writing "and" in the past ("et cetera" was also written "&c") probably to save on printing costs.

>> No.16442199
File: 69 KB, 666x707, 1525C0A8-BC3D-414B-81B2-C83695BAA938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it’s acceptable with published authors over a hundred years ago, not a methed up chinlet on Twitter that can’t even write a coherent or interesting e-book.

>> No.16442215
File: 886 KB, 1199x647, 26093FD9-E03D-4E56-9D4D-AB6B465F2BB7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twitter “guys”, ladies and gentleman:

>> No.16442235

If one wiſhes to reſurrect obſolete orthography, they ſhoul uſe the long ſ as well.

>> No.16442255

Sam Hyde needs to shutter his project mayhem. He's going to ruin these young boys' lives.

>> No.16442256

Too BASED for this board.

>> No.16442598

I see his point, but if he thinks "not a single PhD" has read the collected works of his list, he's mistaken. Heck, I think Shakespeare's the only one on that list I haven't completed, aside from some Milton prose.