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/lit/ - Literature

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16439938 No.16439938 [Reply] [Original]

Was mass literacy a mistake?

>> No.16439943
File: 251 KB, 800x1000, 1473100456942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Everything, including art, is meant to be filtered. Kojimbo warned us.

>> No.16439951


i wonder if the common denominator between most millennials here is mgs2

>> No.16439977

Mass internet access was a mistake.

>> No.16439996

Is it just me, or does she look embarrassed in her own drawing?

>> No.16439998


>> No.16440008

male NPCs discovered MG with mgs2, so yeah

>> No.16440015


>> No.16440018

I wish I had someone who loved me enough to make embarrassingly bad artwork of me.

>> No.16440025

All information can become useful depending on the usage we make of it, there is no such thing as trivial information because each and every bit of data can be used to come to assumptions and conclusions that couldn't have been deducted from AI and humans alike. A strand of YA books with cookie-cutter plots and uninspiring cliches? You can read them to deduce what the masses generally read and what's in vogue with them, a list of names of random nobodies in an ancient chronicle? You may use them to find the etymology of a word, an account of some transactions written down by a scribe? It can be used to deduce the wealth of a certain country. Discarding "junk" information is just a retard move because all information can pave the way for further information that can be deduced by the mind of the reader.

>> No.16440035

How many corporate trademarks can we stuck into our wedding!?!?!?!?!?!!??

>> No.16440040

Nah, she looks overly happy if anything. Like those magazinge Jehovah's Witnesses pass around.

>> No.16440054

I'm gonna save it and send it to an art magazine in ten years. Should pass as cultural critique.

>> No.16440062

Underrated post, being jaded by modernity has alienated me fundamentally from forming meaningful social bonds with anyone. I hate it.

>> No.16440076

They're going to reject it because there's a dong on the spaceship.

>> No.16440205

im guessing this bitch is about 50% fatter than this pic depicts

>> No.16440208

I must be projecting. lol

>> No.16440218

Imagine not requesting the artist to at least slightly thicken your insect limbs.

>> No.16440225

Wishing the happy couple all the best.

>> No.16440230

We live in a society that aspires not to be heroes, but men and women who wear the symbols of heroes.

>> No.16440236
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All I want is a girl who will made a bad but full of love anime drawing of me.

>> No.16440248

Very deep anon

>> No.16440250

they look like people from those wikhow drawings.

>> No.16440366
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>> No.16440374

I wish I couldn't read this post

>> No.16440390

maybe I can be that girl anon. Though I dont like anime outside of one piece and Gintama, you have to be at least 5”9’, and at worst you can be skinny fat.

>> No.16440403

I don't watch anime either, but many of my friends have got that kind of drawing from their gfs.

>> No.16440420

>you have to be at least 5”9’, and at worst you can be skinny fat.
Check and check, draw now plox.

>> No.16440429

I will give you something in MS paint or western. Anime faces creep me out and look like dolls.

>> No.16440484

I don't enjoy their announcement.

>> No.16440495

No, but incels were

>> No.16440496
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Don't be like that bro

>> No.16440538 [DELETED] 
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quit tuggin on this poor niggas dick like that

>> No.16440541
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>> No.16440611

A mistake? In what way? What do mean when you say mistake?

>> No.16440632

im still goingto do anons. im a busy person. I will put my art on this thread eventually.

also, you cant sayanime faces are just stripped down human ones. like dolls. they completely ignore a persons facial siloute for a upsidedown generic broadhead arrow shape and none of the detail. litterally hasbro dolls.

>> No.16440649

mass literacy makes people think they are smart when all they do is create spooks in order to feel righteous

>> No.16440669

>All information can become useful depending on the usage we make of it, there is no such thing as trivial information because each and every bit of data can be used to come to assumptions and conclusions that couldn't have been deducted from AI and humans alike.

I scratched my sweaty nuts while reading your rubbish, how about you deduct something useful from that information you sophist bitch.

>> No.16440683

Would you prefer to be illiterate?

>> No.16440684

You are definitely not a mistake anon :)

>> No.16440685


>> No.16440722

How about you stop being a contrarian drone and start using the few braincells that you have? Should we collapse all the subtleties of literary works into a list of most relevant information a toddler can understand to get rid of "trivial information"? Would we be able to understand that the estimates of the victims of war in antiquity were overinflated bullshit if the historians had refused or forgot to write them down because they're just trivial information?

>> No.16440842

If you think that's enough of a reason for it to be considered a mistake then yeah, sure. But, I personally don't really care if it makes people believe they are smart and makes them create "spooks" to feel righteous. Therefore, I don't think that is a reason enough for mass literacy to be considered a mistake. Although, I'm not sure of the effects and consequences of people thinking they are smart when they are just creating "things" to feel righteous might be.

>> No.16441166

He's not really talking about literary works, he's more talking about the Petabytes of data that will just never go away because everyone has a personal blog and a social media account. If you have any ridiculous belief, odds are you will be able to find an argument that someone else has already made to support that belief, and if not, you can make that argument and then the next person to have that ridiculous idea will see your junk information. For example, if someone thinks "maybe the earth is flat," there is enough information online about a flat earth that they could spend all of their time reinforcing their own views without ever encountering a contrary viewpoint. Twitter also works like this; almost every ideology is extremely tight-knit and there is very little interaction between ideologies.

>> No.16441174

Just read the reviews on goodreads to get your answer.

>> No.16441222

You might mock him for being a soiboy manchild. But he has a wife and you don't.

>> No.16441250
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You meant can, yes? Too busy also to write your stuff out properly I see.
I get what you mean though, I really do, of course anime is hyper-stylized and by dumbing down facial features makes people look closer to things like dolls (probably why they sell dolls figmas and plushies which are at least cuter than most dolls in kids stores). Creepy is a bit more of a stretch if you ask me but that's likely personal desensitization talking which you've never gotten to experience.

>> No.16441391

>If you have any ridiculous belief, odds are you will be able to find an argument that someone else has already made to support that belief, and if not, you can make that argument and then the next person to have that ridiculous idea will see your junk information. For example, if someone thinks "maybe the earth is flat," there is enough information online about a flat earth that they could spend all of their time reinforcing their own views without ever encountering a contrary viewpoint.
So what, hasn't that always been the case? I'm quite sure that the bulk of arguments in favour of all kinds of ideologies was being written down on books and newspapers way before the internet was a thing. The fact that information is free and more accessible nowadays doesn't mean that accessing to that information via printed books was impossible even back then.
>Twitter also works like this; almost every ideology is extremely tight-knit and there is very little interaction between ideologies.
That's just human nature though, people tend to fear what they do not expect and seldom dare to take a step in the dark unless they're genuinely endowed with curiosity or are bold enough to give beliefs which are contrary to theirs a chance. Would a devout christian believer join an atheist community or viceversa? I don't think so.

>> No.16441408

Honestly the more time I spend dating normie girls the more I desire one of these cringey nerd girls instead.

>> No.16441479

No, global capitalism was

>> No.16441507
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>> No.16441754

They both were.

>> No.16441787
File: 91 KB, 1080x1331, 1572204057693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the more time I spend dating girls the more I hate them. one would think that building relationships with women would make you more empathetic and understanding, but all it does it make you realize how vapid and retarded they truly are.

>> No.16441810

Date guys then

>> No.16441821

I am quite succesful with girls, and I genuinely hate them. I quite literally think they are kids in an adult's body. Mean IQ 5 points lower than man's, SD more narrow. They're the definition of emotional degenerate normies.

They can be good mothers, that's it.

>> No.16441863


Women are sweet and being loved by them feels good. The most fun I've had in my life has been goofing off during post sex cuddling. What the fuck is wrong with you guys. If you're looking for someone who is /lit/ and can discuss Plato with you the problem isn't women, its people in general

>> No.16441905

I agree that women can be a lot of fun for sex and conversations over drinks.

>> No.16441913

literally posting an excerpt from a video game on mass brainwashing on an anime forum

>> No.16443336


Do they know about J.K. Rowling and the transphobia?

>> No.16443346


I had a bunch of those Watchtower magazines. I threw them away a long while ago.

>> No.16443361


Maybe you guys are reading too much Schopenhauer or some other misogynistic writers.

>> No.16443379


Remember that Legally Blonde movie? Maybe introduce her to some good books to try and get her to become a nerdy type of woman.

>> No.16443381

No, 90% of everything was/is shit, before and after mass literacy.

>> No.16443470
File: 146 KB, 1125x1390, 20200924_203542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would it really be that much better if all of those pop culture references were replaced with saints and angels and the Xbox controller be replaced by a bible?

>> No.16443714

The fact you referenced MGS on /lit/ means OP is right.

>> No.16443730

Yeah but he's going to be raising a black man's child.

>> No.16443739

>Star Wars
There are what are called "fake nerds".

>> No.16443740

They're exactly the same.

>> No.16443743

Yes you autistic manchild.
>bothering to make a distinction at all
Fuck off, nerd.

>> No.16443776


>> No.16443815

no i meant to say aren't instead of are.
I understand its stylized, but i think it leaves out a lot of the humanity. doubly so since we are literally wired to see faces.

>> No.16444422

Star Wars, Ringworld, Minecraft, Disneyland, Hobbit, Captain America, Zelda, Pokemon, Dragonball, Magic the Gathering and/or Yugio, Mario Brothers, Halo, Portal, Harry Potter, and X Box.... dont know about the flying cat, the fucked up thing behind the tree, the blue lizard, or the square by the lizard are reference to.

>> No.16444604
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That's fair, overexposure has caused some "interesting" side effects on me over the years. After adopting this little pet theory of mine that anime girls aren't exactly 'human', though, and partly disassociating the two concepts in my head, it's been smooth sailing.
Was expecting this thread to die half a day ago so might as well keep it alive until you deliver now.

>> No.16444657

Anyone got a source image of these fucks?

>> No.16444705

rude /lit/

>> No.16444853
File: 152 KB, 562x984, aEKVj45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the dude.

>> No.16444862

Literacy in general was a mistake

>> No.16445218
File: 17 KB, 255x292, E9FD020283E545A8AA0D3632796F8CE0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16445404

So it was your first one too?

>> No.16445415

The poster for Ready Player Two looks awesome.

>> No.16445448
File: 929 KB, 1280x720, 423523452345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nietzsche was right
Goethe was right
the Catholic Traditionalist are right
Socrates was right
Mass literacy and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race

>> No.16445543

Most people have almost no reading comprehension and can barely figure out a form or pamphlet for like their insurance or phone company or someone. It is the same as if they could not read.

>> No.16445576

Thats interesting. Not trying to seem mean, but do you think its similar to how furries see furries? not exactly human obviously, but something to project human emotions onto still whille still being an exotic ideal?

>> No.16445666

is that a mickey tattoo on her foot or a QOS?

>> No.16445733

It's only bad because the people I don't like can read.

>> No.16445756

"Mass literacy was a mistake" is the conclusion that a half-literate suburbanite would come to. So yes, probably.

>> No.16445775

yes what books make the best case against mass literacy

>> No.16445850

She has a bigger frame and stronger arms than him WTF

>> No.16446018

my first one was Peace Walker on the PSP. Lmao imagine being such an old grandpa as to have played MGS2 when it came out. Time for the home, old man

>> No.16446074

he's correct but inarticulate. what anon is trying to say is that even trivial data produces valuable metadata

>> No.16446405

Wow, if there is any kind of person I hate its people with an extreme love of genre fiction. This image creates torrents of hate running through my body.

>> No.16446420

No, Christians where the original bugmen.

>> No.16446421

Most people are effectively illiterate anyway (they can read, but do they?); and despite "mass literacy", in the future there would only be a minority "reading class" who would read books.

>> No.16446424

>9 normal monsters on the field
>no meaningful floodgates
Clearly they don't even play YGO, they just want to perform the idea of playing it.

>> No.16446437

To me, the man is the one who looks embarassed. Look at him, it's like he's trying his best to force himself to smile.I think that maybe, just maybe, he subconciously knows that all his hobbies are nothing but a sham to shield himself from facing his problems. Maybe that's why he's depicted holding that shield. In the end the painting may be bursting with vibrant colors but it still evokes a tremendously sad scene.

>> No.16446481

No, it was an inevitability

>> No.16446500


>> No.16446671

As much as that abomination compels one to agree, there is a fine balance needed to prevent excessively restricting literacy and leaving people with real potential in the dark. Certainly, if the more people had some elitism and genuine hostility towards what you posted it could go a long way.

Is there an author that discusses how a constant barrage of information numbs the mind to nuance and leaves it unable to pick out the useful truth from information devoid of context, and specifically how this is done with the intent to dumb down discourse? Genuinely curious, it seems especially relevant with the direction the internet is going.

>> No.16446674

Why? Because someone likes things you don't like?

>> No.16446720

Aren't all hobbies nothing but a sham to shield oneself from facing reality?

>> No.16446827
File: 391 KB, 500x688, 1589428859257.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like deducing the man pictured in op's image is a s0ibitch and her fiancee will cuck him with a nigger for the rest of his miserable and useless life?

the end of feudalism was a mistake

>> No.16446934

Yes; or even better -- not posting a cringy drawing at all, because nobody actually cares.

>> No.16447027

looks like he's dying of cancer

>> No.16447075

Yes, but there are worse things like television now, which are bad for the same reasons.

>> No.16447079


Imagine not starting metal gear with mgsv you old fuck

>> No.16447080

Probably vegan, they always look like cancer patients

>> No.16447111


I throw them out because they were taking up a lot of space and because I'm not religious. There were still some good information there that I've read. Not everything in there was about the Jehovah's Witness religion, they also talked about other useful things but had Bible verses with them. I remember an article about the Israeli people wishing they had garlic and the article had some kind of Bible verse in it, then the article went on about how healthy it is to eat garlic and the benefits.

>> No.16447400

The cum golems of 4chan have a desperate need to disparage basedboy redditors, they need to draw that line in the sand: "NOOOO, I'm not like you! Sure, I consume the same media, I'm boring and mediocre, but I'm not blissfully unaware like you! I hate myself! I have so much shame!! I'm jaded, I'm cynical!!" They cry out, but the very act of drawing that line belies their true nature. A healthy person doesn't feel the need to draw a line, they don't derive any pleasure from berating the meek and powerless. But alas, who am I to proclaim such things, hypocrite that I am?

>> No.16447427

t. soiboi with feefee hurt

>> No.16447437

You do realise there are large amounts of people who watch and enjoy completely different things right, I like old crime series and horror films, guess you could paint me with Columbo french kissing Dracula.

But its not cheery shit, its not completely unrealistic shit.

>> No.16447452

Yes, because you have to actually read something worthwhile to know that stuff.

>> No.16447634
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That would sound about right though naturally without the animal features so at least the tiniest bit closer to what an actual human might be like. It's not a particularly serious theory but anime girls are clearly spirits/demons/succubi and when you think of it in such a manner there's a very clear divide between them, humans as represented in various styles of painting throughout the ages and the average person you could see on the street by looking out your window.
It's quite true that I was and still am to an extent an inhuman, disgusting and mentally perverted waifufag but it's been a learning experience.

>> No.16447742

Nietzsche's Zarathustra aphorism on reading and its quality/quantity sums this whole debate up.

>> No.16448045

exactly. asylum inmates got wifi.

>> No.16448319


>> No.16448327

Ew, I don't watch capeshit

>> No.16448343

You know some people don't watch TV, ever?

>> No.16448566

At our house it was called the boob tube lol!

>> No.16448682

>You know some people don't watch TV, ever?
Neither do I, I download my content or watch it online.

>> No.16449088

I mean we don't consume any media, unless you consider 4chan to be one.

>> No.16449118

i dont think it was a mistake but its clearly not meant for everyone. we are moving from the written word back to an ocular/oral tradition via podcasts and youtube.

>> No.16449130
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>doesn't consume any media besides 4chan

>> No.16449240

that explains >>>/x/

>> No.16449570

> The most fun I've had in my life has been goofing off during post sex cuddling
literally wet brain

>> No.16450747

So what, you've never watched 2001?

>> No.16450770

What you actually read books? Lmao fucking need you fell for it, the name was a joke. Did you actually read fucking books?? Haha haha gtfo of here fucking need lolololol

>> No.16450822

>so yeah
You're also one of them.

>> No.16450860

No. Equality of opportunity produces more successes than its contrary.

>> No.16450877

No, it's been an instrumental part of the process that's lead us to unprecedented prosperity and freedom.

>> No.16450943

>pop culture bad!