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File: 159 KB, 1034x1200, C5E38B28-7A9C-4F11-B019-098E45ECB4E9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16439220 No.16439220 [Reply] [Original]

i’m tired of reading books written by fags.

can anyone recommend authors that are manly, and like actually worked out or at the very least went outdoors a lot?

pic related is a good example, although he’s not really a writer. Linkola was a chad and spent most of his time outdoors, which I try to do as well.

>> No.16439228

Evola (until he got bombed)

>> No.16439243

bukowski after the age of 50

>> No.16439244

thanks man, I’ve read books by Codreanu, Mishima and Evola. I will check out hamsun and Jünge

>> No.16439246


>> No.16439250


How about you stfu and work out every now and then. There are books on how to lift.

>> No.16439350

>no fags
Mishima was literally a homosexual.

>> No.16439358

Yes he was homosexual but he wasn't a fag.

>> No.16439366

Linkola is based but since when are treehuggers manly?

>> No.16439369

Not all fags are homosexual but all homosexuals are fags.

>> No.16439497

Its the opposite you fag

>> No.16439615


I'm a fag but I'm not an homosexual

>> No.16439730

Especially the one where the main character denies his homosexuality, that was a great read

>> No.16439755

There is nothing manlier than nature you fucking loser. Materialism is for women.

>> No.16439797

Cormac mccarthy is the author you are looking for.

>> No.16439903

Thomas Carlyle
Mark Twain

>> No.16439927


Evola isn't manly, he was a fancy-boy

>> No.16439931

Calm down, hippie. Put on some patchouli oil.

>> No.16439937

>doesn't know what materialism means

>> No.16439939

wrong, he mostly fucked traps

>> No.16439949

>actually worked out

More 21st century manchildren using physical activity simulation machines as an alternative to physically doing something that needs doing. Didn't you guys have a containment board?

>> No.16439981

t. weakling

>> No.16440045
File: 18 KB, 560x645, 1581617268186.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, but unironically. One of the few books that have made me cry.
Repression is based btw.

>> No.16440284

>I embrace the homosexual aesthetics but I really really love women i swear

physical well being is done through healthy food and walking. beyond this shows that you either do it because
-you are bored, aka a failure
-you try to fulfill some power fantasy, sign of betacuckness
-you are a homo, aka a failure
-you do it for women, aka a man devoted to please women even if you claim otherwise, like all men, aka a failure
-you cling to your health, aka a failure living in fear of death

=>you are a pleb as soon as you lift.

>> No.16440290

Pic unrelated, I assume? This guy's a fucking hipster cringelord

>> No.16440298


>> No.16440309

What if I do it because I like it?

>> No.16440402

Gayreeks unironically

>> No.16440554

skinny boy cope

>> No.16440598

>Evola isn't manly, he was a fancy-boy
Don't post if you have no idea what you're talking about. The guy climbed mountains without equipment.

>> No.16440613

that's a lot of projection buddy

>> No.16440644

Hamsun fucked so much pussy he couldn't handle it. Fucked pussy so hard he even made one pussy rip. When meeting with Hitler he said
>pussy's good what you think?
Hitler replied
>yes it's good
Hitler literally agreed with the norwegian pussy fucker

>> No.16440665


>> No.16440700

Peter Kemp

>> No.16440767

>All the Hemingway in this thread
I honestly always found his "rugged masculinity" to be a bit put-on. His characters always make a big game of puffing their chests and being outdoorsy but always get pushed around by women at the first opportunity. Kind of like the men in Casablanca.

>> No.16440779

Yes he's the definition of poser

>> No.16440795


I'm pretty sure Jack London blows all these fags out of the water.

>> No.16440805

o he doesnt know does he
masculine as opposed to feminine is pathetic and foolish ignorance
those that transcend the duality become great

>> No.16440806


>> No.16440812

>o he doesnt know does he
I do, but that doesn't change anything. He was more manly and less faggy than most "straight" writers nowadays.

>> No.16440817

Two of them were homosexuals.

>> No.16440838

Lived impoverished life as a young lad toiling 16 hr days at a cannery for 10 cents an hr, was a hearty drinker from about age 13, keeping up with all his sailor buddies in Oakland by age 15, became a sailor himself at 16, oyster pirate at 17, traveled up to the Yukon for during the Klondike gold rush when he was 21 or 22, then became a successful writer by 25.

>> No.16440865

Pretty badass but not more so than those mentioned before.

>> No.16440934

that's the most pathetic cope i've ever seen

>> No.16440942

Drinking isn't manly, but I respect the rest.

>> No.16440979

Louis L'Amour

>> No.16441054
File: 160 KB, 634x963, J._R._R._Tolkien,_1940s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>war veteran
>deeply religious catholic
>family man
>had 4 children
>accomplished academic at one of the finest universities in the world
>his work is the main influence for all fantasy literature to this day

>> No.16441102
File: 12 KB, 260x194, john_muir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>John Steinbeck
>Mark Twain
>Ernest Hemingway
>Jack London
>Jim Harrison
>H. Rider Haggard (he may be a pulp novelist, but his books have an unmatched sense of adventure)

>Henry David Thoreau
>Norman Maclean
>Jon Krakauer
>Jack Kerouac
>Ralph Waldo Emerson
>John Muir
>Walt Whitman

Also read Teddy Roosevelt's autobiography unironically.

>> No.16441151

Homosexuality is the epitome of manliness. So manly they've cast women aside completely.

>> No.16441695

Anon, I...

>> No.16441704

Yes yes yes

>> No.16441995

extremely lindy post

>> No.16442015


>> No.16442313

Which two?

>> No.16442329

gymfags BTFO

>> No.16442361

Alcohol the manly go-to drink. If you haven't drank with the lads, you're not a man.

>> No.16442365

>Jack Kerouac
He was literally fucked in the ass by Gore Vidal and also blew him kek manly my ass.

>> No.16442509


>> No.16442953

I agree, kerouac surrounded himself with degenerates and jews. his prose was cool but that’s as far as my compliments will go.

>> No.16442979

yea I workout daily faggot, I spend a lot of time up in the woods as well. The point of this post was to find authors who lived the same way.

>> No.16443509

He also traveled across the country several times over with barely a penny in his pocket. He adventured farther outside his bedroom than you ever will.

>> No.16443527

post body

>> No.16443664

>he adventured farther then you ever will

doubt, I plan on traveling through the states in a few years. I am not 30 like you, I have plenty of time.

>> No.16443766

On average yeah probably. Xenophon in particular was a gigachad

>> No.16443884

but how will you travel? will it be in hotels and with money? or will you be staying at strangers houses and having dinner with their families? you will most likely be like a rat on its exercise wheel thinking its getting somewhere but you are just doing he same things in different places. get out of your comfort zone

>> No.16443896

yeah that's the new bourgeois trend

>> No.16444588

>Xenophon in particular
Read the "Odyssey of the Ten Thousand"

Xenophon picking his comrades half frozen bodies from the Snow...

>> No.16444891
File: 37 KB, 350x274, ted hughes river.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ted hughes

he pike fished and trapped and skinned various animals from a young age, he later farmed.

he also fucked many women

>> No.16444909

Ernst Junger
Norman Lewis
Eric Haney's Inside Delta Force

>> No.16444911

Then its just fun, and isn't really working out. There is a difference between "exercise" "and working out" Exercise is something you do for fun or naturally. Working out is when you go against the grain, and fight the uphill battle. If you find yourself fighting the uphill battle unnaturally, you are probably fighting some insecurity or trying to basically function when you should already be doing it naturally. It sucks, but sometimes it just comes with the autism.

>> No.16445032

Only a complete autist would give a fuck about the difference between exercise and working out. Stick to walking at the park then with the rest of the geriatrics.

>> No.16445141

>In a few years

Yeah sounds like you're really going on an adventure there. You're probably gonna hop in your car and stay in hotels and eat out like a fag. Kerouac didn't plan, didn't wait, he wanted to go so he spent what he had saved on a bus ticket out of town, hitchhiked across the country, slept outside or on the floors of strangers homes, got grub with working class families and homeless folks. Rode in buckets of bolts masquerading as trucks.

>> No.16445602

Jim Harrison. Half the year he ran around in the desert and the other half he ran around in the mountains.

>> No.16445865


Stop assuming I will travel the states like a family of 5.

Once I finish school, I am hitting the road. I’ll sleep in my car or shack up with bitches on tinder because I am hot.

>> No.16445879

real men don't read books, let alone write them

>> No.16445883

Also, kerouac planned ahead before he would go. Especially his first venture towards frisco, he saved up money and made arrangements before hand. Ironic you fags will say, “oh that’s not a real adventure, you have a rough plan so it doesn’t count” while you shitpost about TE Lawrence all day on 4chan. enjoy being 27 you absolute tards

>> No.16445900

also he beat sylvia plath which is pretty funny

>> No.16446054

>work out
>improve health, old age prospects, women find my body super hot
>online noodle arms tries to insult you with his cope

>> No.16446148

t. skinnyfat weakling

>> No.16446234

Ok so he drove around 50s america and did what? Interact with a bunch of decent people who want nothing to do with a dirty bum, or pump himself full of drugs along with his crew of degens. Not admirable

>> No.16446640

he was a fucking bum his whole adult life and was so poor because of it he had to spend his last days with his mom.

also he hung out with faggots and drug addicts. what a guy.

>> No.16446744

Once again, don't post if you have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.16446754

>worked out or at the very least went outdoors a lot
Really? Is that all masculinity is to you, you stupid piece of shit?

>> No.16446778
File: 15 KB, 220x246, ficino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

St. Thomas Aquinas was fucking swole, nicknamed the Ox by his peers
He spent a lot of time travelling across Europe, often on foot.
>Commentary on the Nicomachean Ethics and >Summa Theologiae (the Timothy McDerrmott Concise Transl.)
I'd also say to read Marsilio Ficino who was a priest and a physician. His whole thing was to treat both body and soul through philosophy and his thought is very masculine as is Platonism generally. Read;
>Platonic Theology
>Three Books on Life
Also read;
>Virgil - Aeneid
>Dante - Divine Comedy
>Joseph De Maistre - St. Petersburg Dialogues
>Robert Heinlein - Starship Troopers
yes read Tolkien
If you've done Ficino you'll see parallels especially between Platonic Theology and The Silmarillion.
Hope this helps with your thumos cultivation anon

>> No.16447039

beyond cringe

>> No.16447056

t. woman

>> No.16447847

>St. Thomas Aquinas was fucking swole, nicknamed the Ox by his peers
Wasn't he a fatass?

>> No.16447852
File: 290 KB, 1629x1772, plath 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dunno if i believe that desu, she seemed to exaggerate everything for pity

after all she burned all of his work and hit him repeatedly herself, hitting her back doesnt seem out of the question

>> No.16448550
File: 76 KB, 1505x1207, klondike-gold-rush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Henry David Thoreau
>Jack London
thats some good shit right there
>walt whitman
pretty sure the bloke was a fag

>> No.16448597

Post body

>> No.16448603

More than squealing on Twitter and living in a shithole city, yeah

>> No.16448621

massive cope, probably an atheist too

>> No.16448633

It's hilarious how hard /lit/ gets triggered over the concept of masculinity, it's the same thing on /co/ when you mention sports
Just soft little losers who were raised by mommy so they have no idea how a man should behave and developed a complex after being bullied

>> No.16448865

Hemingway is alright but I think Kurt Vonnegut is better.
Bukowski let's you see the side of manhood that's just fucking had it.
Graham Greene is alright, maybe a little more touchy feely without going overboard.
If you read 'narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass' you'll definitely get your masculinity fix, that guy took zero shit.
Also Julius Caesar wrote 2 books documenting his military conquest. 'Conquest of Gaul' and 'The Civil War'. If there was ever a hypermasculine power fantasy that actually happened, that's it

>> No.16448930

Also I forgot 'Abolition of Man' by CS Lewis

>> No.16449748

yeah but was he top or bottom doe (that's pretty relevant)

>> No.16451443

Lifting because it brings me closer to the platonic ideal of humanity and therefore closer to God, as we were made in his image.

>> No.16451507

>pretty sure the bloke was a fag
At least he wasn't from England

>> No.16451781

sucking cock and swallowing cum is the manliest activity imaginable

>> No.16451796

Robert Frost

>> No.16451877
File: 27 KB, 405x400, crowley47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top tier mountain climber, left weak bitch boys and their lazy sherpas to die while he continued on up Everest
Intel agent that meme'd German American agents into reporting a show of force would cow the isolationist US, resulting in the Lusitania hit which he sailed on the penultimate voyage of
Found offshoot Wicca and completely booby trap it, just to fuck with hylics for more energy

>> No.16452086

>manly = working out and going outside

>> No.16452093

Extremely legit post, the same applies to doing sports other than for recreation.

>> No.16453242

post physique and book stack

>> No.16453259

And then came back home and got fucked in the ass by Gore Vidal and gave him a BJ. Truly an adventurer.

>> No.16453652

Donald Ray Pollock

>> No.16454022

Richard Francis Burton
Varlam Shalamov

If in doubt, look at any photo

>> No.16454398

you only get one body anon treat it well

>> No.16454404

Ted kaczynsky

>> No.16454439
File: 226 KB, 680x512, b7a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, Moot looks like THAT?

>> No.16454798

Fucking women is for faggots

>> No.16454812

I like hemmingway but i wouldnt call suicideaboos manly

>> No.16455580

This. It’s like fucking a man but with only the bad parts.