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16437988 No.16437988 [Reply] [Original]

Books that explain that we're actually living in the best of times and extremist populist on both side are actually just losers that blame their personal shortcomings on "late stage capitalism" or "globalism"

>> No.16437995

Pinker cope.

>> No.16437997
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>material fulfillment = happiness

>> No.16438008

Moynihan Report, Bowling Alone, Burnout Society, Bartleby the Scrivener, The Starvation Artist, the Holy Bible.

Material riches at the expense of spiritual poverty is no way to find happiness or contentment.

>> No.16438011

>we should increase infant mortality so I could feel more spiritual

absolute retards

>> No.16438019

Those numbers are fudged.

>> No.16438021

You're an idiot and/or an idealogue if you think that's a binary choice.

>> No.16438029

you guys are the ones tying uplifting the global poor with a loss of spirtual connection

>> No.16438034

Oh, for what it's worth I remember that Gregg Easterbrook wrote a book on exactly this topic. Too lazy (and drunk) to look up the title but you should be able to find it easily enough.

>> No.16438035

>Increase infant mortality
We already HAVE massive infant mortality, it's called fucking abortion. Everyone is already okay with it, they just brush it off into their subconscious where it metastasizes into a fucking cancer of social alienation and the death of higher meaning.

>> No.16438037

Idea of decline in western history, by Herman

>> No.16438043

Hey, you asked. If you didn't want an answer, you should have kept quiet.

>> No.16438050

>Having the heart and soul of your entire society, that which gives you meaning, replaced by Marvel superheroes and Jewish lies, polyamory (adultery) and faggot anal sex
>BuT aT lEAST yoU have IPHONES.

Materialism is a sham and we deserve to suffer for choosing it over God.

>> No.16438060
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>> No.16438064

Every infant you toss into the bonfire strengthens the world-spirit.

>> No.16438069

kek. this. pinkercope.

>> No.16438073

If you are 35+ you live in the best times

Anyone under is living in times worse than 1950s

>> No.16438075

You have no idea how good you have it. Your ancestors would gladly trade places with you.

>> No.16438110

>cherry pick data in the extreme
>the end result is there's still more people in terms of raw numbers in poverty today than 100 years ago
Pinkerton babies are actual retards.

>> No.16438128

My advice to them is be careful what you wish for.

>> No.16438158

based opinion, anon. now is the best time

>> No.16438326

If things are so good then why are you so mad?

>> No.16438742

Imagine being this over socialized

>> No.16438928
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"As for your colleague’s claim that the “overall material standard
of living seems to be increasing,” the way that works is that the technoindustrial
system simply defines the term “high standard of living” to
mean the kind of living that the system itself provides, and the system then
“discovers” that the standard of living is high and increasing. But to me
and to many, many other people a high material standard of living consists
not in cars, television sets, computers, or fancy houses, but in open spaces,
forests, wild plants and animals, and clear-flowing streams. As measured
by that criterion our material standard of living is falling rapidly."

--Kaczynski, Technological Slavery (2019), p. 164.

>> No.16438942


>> No.16438958

Came here to post this. Ted isn't the strongest theorist but this observation is spot-on.

>> No.16438965

Good times for third worlders. Bad time for westerners

>> No.16438970

>Look! Line go down! More people are more happier now!

>> No.16439025

Infant mortality has never been so high.
It's called abortion.

>> No.16439033

Good grief you just went full schizo

>> No.16439056

Who cares. It mostly black babies anyway.

>> No.16439349

Holy mother of based.

>> No.16439418

Yeah it’s pretty much unquestionable that life has improved for people drastically in modern times. All these anons arguing against it have become spoilt growing up in the material abundance of the modern world, and could not even conceive of the hardships that people in the past had to live through. I mean the very existence of economic migration in the modern day, where people will risk their lives and abandon their (often very religious) homelands and families to escape poverty and travel to a country where they can live better, is proof that living in conditions of poverty is hell. You can look at basically any statistic — the modern world is more peaceful, safer, more intelligent, less suicidal, healthier, and overall happier world than the pre-modern.
Sure, there are still issues which must be solved, and things are far from ideal, but this romanticisation of the past is largely the result of desensitisation to material hardships and a projection of life’s general suffering onto the structure of “the system”. In the Bible it says, “Say not thou, What is the cause that the former days were better than these? for thou dost not inquire wisely concerning this”, from which we can see that this worship of the past is an impulse that goes back even to ancient human beings.

>> No.16439542

It is true that a lot of people don't need to worry about dying from hunger today. That doesn't mean that they don't have any worries, or that they now all have higher goals, or that people who were struggling earlier were only worrying about it exclusively.

>> No.16439641

I think that you might have romanticized something yourself. Economic migration is economic migration. When there is a difference in air pressure, it moves, and creates wind. When there is an economical difference, there is migration. No need to imagine some specific hardships.

People running from hunger or war are called refugees, and they have nothing to lose. On the other hand, if someone can live in Place A, work hard to have food on the family table, or move to Place B, work hard, spend some money on living expenses, send the rest to the family, and still get net benefit, than we have a migrant.

>> No.16439655
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Don't read The Reign of Quantity and the Signs of the Times

>> No.16439682

based tedposter