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16431059 No.16431059 [Reply] [Original]

What are some essential dystopian books?

>> No.16431094

Lol just pay your bills salty fuck

>> No.16431104
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>> No.16431107

>be vice
>advocate endlessly for illegal immigration
>push every form of regulation and intervention possible
>act shocked at the "gig economy" arising
>be indignant
There's a very possible world where you'll all be crucified on Pennsylvania ave. Keep pushing it.

>> No.16431555

Just read the news

>> No.16431615

I don't get it. Are they trying to argue that people should just live wherever they please, for free?

>> No.16431630


>> No.16431635

why should housing be so completely inacessible?

where I live the minimum salary per month is like 700 and a one-bedroom apartment costs 500. wtf are those prices even

>> No.16431678

yes, they are literally the same type of cringy faggots as "sovereign citizens" but lefty flavored

>> No.16431692

lmao renthogs btfo

>> No.16431731
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>"Who is it?"
>"Hired goons."
>"Hired goons?"

>> No.16431733

Not the heckin regulations!!

>> No.16431855

Because you aren't important. Boomers and corporations are.

>> No.16432834

The thing is in America you aren't even allowed to pay for such an apartment unless you bring in 3x more than what they'll be charging you. So even if you plan to make $1400 a month and spend $700 on rent, that's going to be a denial from the landlord.

>> No.16432859
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Seething neoliberals

>> No.16433061

They don't seethe about that, they seethe about the lack of viable options because the free market has failed. The means to make money is unavailable and affordable options aren't present.

>> No.16433409

Maybe they should stop being picky hipsters and stop trying to live in midtown San Francisco if they dont have a good job

>> No.16433435

This is the whole point, the "good job" is unavailable outside of a handful of major cities.

>> No.16433475

The foreclosure law firm I worked at is probably gonna be booming soon.

>> No.16433510

Yes, good amerimutts, good, eat your own and then cry about the death of your country like the droids you have always been.

>> No.16433535

Euroniggers hands wrote this post, I can smell their stench from here.
P.S. Fuck the United States.

>> No.16433543

Anything on current events.

>> No.16433593

>see landlord on Twitter complain about people he kicked out trashing the house and causing thousands in damages
>retards reply with”Well you shouldn’t have kicked them out for not paying their rent” as if the landlord doens’t have bills of his own

>> No.16433612

Irrevocably based. Commies btfo once again

>> No.16433621
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What is stopping commies from banding together, co-op owning a piece of land, and learning how to build houses on it together? You can build your autonomous community together, right now.

I mean come on, why not show the strength of your ideology rather than whining or even tearing down shit all the time?

>> No.16433632

Hired goons?

>> No.16433651

Yeah that's dumb. What they should be saying is that he should have never been a landlord in the first place. Renting out property is the sin most responsible for the rot of society all across the world.

>> No.16433654

They’ve lost their jobs.
Congress is egging on the next depression. They know what they’re doing, but I wonder if they know why.

Too much of the “MSM” is corporate trash

>> No.16433657

You're describing the amish

>> No.16433658

They should stop living beyond their means, then. No internet, no smart phone, no living in a wealthy neighborhood. Work your way up, or just drown, your choice.

>> No.16433665

Thank god I saved up a lot through the years, but yeah getting a job rn is almost impossible. probably sent out 300+ apps so far and not even shit I'm unqualified for very basic shit. Hell some even for fucking waiter jobs. Only thing I havent really done is retail but who the fuck wants to do that even if youre desperate

>> No.16433675

Underage hands wrote this post.

>> No.16433684

>ho the fuck wants to do that even if youre desperate
If you're actually desperate, work retail. Dumb nigger. Learn to put up with some hardship for once in your life.

>> No.16433686

>hurrr but you NEED internet and a phone these days
No you don't, I know a few people who don't have either and they get by. There are many low income people out there.

>> No.16433698

No, I'm not. Seriously, if leftists had some actual industrious minds they could do a shit load with it.

Take 100 people, buy up 50 acres of land for like $200k. That's a mere $2000 per person.
Next, you develop that into farmland and housing units. Clean water supply through a sewage system, and fiber-optic cable system installed for free and suepr fast internet. Roads could eventually be built and the size of the community expanded and more amenities created to suit the growing populace.

Why not?

>> No.16433706

What's dystopian about that? People agreed to conditions. They've failed to meet those conditions.

I'm confused by anyone's misunderstanding.

>> No.16433707

Funny that you thought that was what I meant.

>> No.16433721

Because they couldn't enforce labor for the distribution of food and goods among the tribe. Without violence you can't enforce shit.

>> No.16433734

Then what were you referring to? Moving out of your neighborhood? If you can't do that within reason, you shouldn't be on 4chan right now, because your situation is fucked.

>> No.16433741

>waiter jobs
restaurants are pretty fucked rn but entry level automotive is still hiring. The entire industry is doing really well, actually, especially truck shops. apply at a jiffy lube or a tire place or a dealer for a lube position and you should be good
>inb4 I'm too good for manual labor
keeps you in shape, physically demanding but not intellectually which lets you daydream. better advancement opportunities than something like construction too
dirty hands, honest money

>> No.16433779

It isn’t. People moved around the world all the time. You are being a little shit screaming about not being able to afford housing right where you want to at the price you want to. Work harder or move somewhere cheaper, faggot.

>> No.16433790

I just got a job at a tire warehouse. I'm going to get a wgu it degree to get out of this shit though. I'll just get an ok pajeet job somewhere. Without a good piece of paper or nepotism you can't get anywhere. I have a worthless BA already. My parents told me any piece of paper would work but they're wrong. You can realistically get a degree from wgu in a year for 7 grand. Just have to study free it courses ahead of time. Then you can go for a masters online from university of washington or texas tech and have a masters in 3 years. With covid and everyone going online they'll need it people to run cloud computing and systems more than ever. Plus you can do half that shit from home remotely.

>> No.16433799

i'm glad america will collapse within my lifetime

>> No.16433804

Poor people on federal aid get free phones. Not everyone finds themselves in that situation for spending beyond their means. Internet costs next to nothing.
>work your way up
Who's to say that even works anymore? I thought low income places were filled with illegal immigrants and drug dealers.
>just move to the woods bruh
Imagine caring about what Twitter retards care.
Imagine being so self centered and inexperienced you can't foresee that a minority will always say dumb shit about any given event (see victim blaming, antivaxxers, man on the moon, 'is it wrong to fuck kiddies', etc).

>> No.16433814
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>What is stopping commies from banding together, co-op owning a piece of land, and learning how to build houses on it together?

>> No.16433818
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Typical sociopathic male/capitalist/bootlicker/christian

>> No.16433824

Entry level positions are all dead end these days. There is no way to get above 40 grand a year without a stem degree, finance degree, capital of your own to do something, or trade certs. Working at a jiffy lube while getting your certs to then work at a dealership is not a bad gig. There's also tons of pyramid schemes that got fucked. I tried out selling health and life insurance and found out the company was just a pyramid scheme which was funny. All those people are completely fucked now thanks to covid lmao. Any in person salesman outaide of industrial sales is fucked.

>> No.16433939

I hate Americans

>> No.16433959

I hate a lot of them too.
t. American

>> No.16433973

Did you know that there are people who live in poverty and yet they DON'T own internet, a phone of any kind, and live in the lowest-pricepoint neighbourhoods (if they live anywhere at all)?

>> No.16433980


>> No.16433982

I fear it won't. Please release us from the McBurger overlords.

>> No.16433993

Bullshit. That’s just for people who define “good job” as a job that within walking distance of ethnic food carts at lunch time. It’s got nothing to do with money

>> No.16434027

my roommate makes around 45-50k a year in hard cash as a waiter even during the virus, much of it unreported and untaxed, if you work at a restaurant within walking distance of a rich neighborhood with a lot of elderly people you can make really good money, the place he works only does breakfast and lunch and the most expensive item is like $17, its just that all the neighborhood regulars often tip 25-50%

>> No.16434055
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Based. Landlords are pieces of shit and literal parasites. Mass killing of landlords would be based.

>> No.16434063

Not American. Get a job, lazy bum.

>> No.16434082

That's precisely the problem, most of them have jobs, sometimes two. But they still can barely afford to even survive.

>> No.16434086

*afford to survive in trendy neighborhoods

>> No.16434134

>s. There is no way to get above 40 grand a year without a stem degree,
went and got the stem degree, didn't help at all.

>> No.16434172

It’s funny, because I sit here with a Finance degree making well above 45, and looking at a payroll full of utility linesman and tree trimmers who also make above 45 if they can last on the job more than a year

>> No.16434260

Nothing, they even leach off our social nets. No one wants to live in them, there’s a fair few in the US.

>> No.16434290

Move, then. There are plenty of cheap places in the developed world. You want to live in Hollywood for cheap? Well, go fuck yourself.

>> No.16434413

>they seethe about the lack of viable options because the free market has failed.

Most people are utterly unskilled. That's the problem.

>> No.16434485

then train them.

>> No.16434491
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>> No.16434510
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>> No.16434528

If the government refuses to effectively enforce people's contracts, the free market steps in

>> No.16434542

It's certainly no cure-all. I've heard plenty of horror stories of physics and chem majors working at best buy for years.

ultimately, no matter what education you pursue, you have to play your cards right and get certain connections and experience. degrees have become the bare minimum for gainful employment, not the huge advantage like they used to be.

>> No.16434544

in western europe housing crisis' really got bad directly after complete privatization in places like the netherlands and sweden, with less houses available than people. refugees and immigrants get priority and boomers are still hogging everything affordable with a lack of senior communities, a lot of this was proven to be orchestrated for profit back in the 70s and 80s and the average age of people moving out for the first time rises every year. and a large majority of these people go to college. saying you need more of that system to solve it is retarded.

>> No.16434556

this sounds like BS, i don't know of a single jurisdiction where you can be evicted by anyone besides the sheriff following a court order

>> No.16434583

>do this thing for guaranteed success
>well okay it's actually just dumb luck but i'll still feel superior to you for not doing the thing that guarantees success that's not actually a guarantee

>> No.16434593


>> No.16434596

There are houses sold for 1 euro in Western Europe. Several counties will pay you - literally pay you - to live there, free housing and all. But no, fuck that, you don’t want that. You’re a little shit who wants to live wherever the fuck for cheap. It doesn’t work that way, it never did. A couple generations ago, people were willing to get in a boat for months and endure intercontinental travels hoping to get a house. The boomers lucked out, that was an anomaly, and you were born too late. Fuck you and your entitlement, nigger. Get a job. It pays too little? Move.

>> No.16434597


>> No.16434626

you are wrong and mentally ill

>> No.16434630

>USA has a population of 330,000,000
>has 2,240,000,000 acres of land

Give me a one (1) SINGLE reason why we shouldn't bring back homesteading. Every century land needs to be redistributed to fight natural inequalities that arise as a result of the "free market". We have so much fucking land compared to Europe yet we don't utilize it to support working people, we let capitalists purchase it all for resource development, or even worse they sit on it for a decade knowing that land always increases in values. Meanwhile working families live in poverty.

>> No.16434639


>What are some essential dystopian books?

All of them.

>> No.16434740

You can literally buy 10 acres in Montana for 2 weeks pay. Its just that people want THE HUSTLE AND BUSTLE OF THE BIG CITY, I NEED TO LIVE IN THE MOST POPULAR, MOST IN DEMAND CITY ON THE PLANET FOR THE WAGE OF A PIZZA BOY

>> No.16434753


Fuck no.

>> No.16434787

To be fair a lot the land you see online for like $10k is undeveloped, which means inaccessible to roads and with no power lines.
The government and the utility companies will only exercise their resources to run that shit if it’s a huge tract of land purchased by a real estate development company who will put pressure on State and Local governments to get the green light to start construction

>> No.16434860

They want to move to a big city because of jobs you imbecile, do your seriously think people move so they can commute for 2h every day and to breath in polution? No, they do it because that's where their degrees take them. The other alternative is pumping gas in their hometown at home while their parents wonder why their children spent 4 years in uni for this .

>> No.16434871

Hopefully jobs becoming more remote makes this not as necessary

>> No.16434873

I really like The Giver. Its a society where a single person 'contains' the memories and knowledge of history and can transfer them to the next Giver. The ordaniry people have no experience of misery or anything i guess. Kind of about the burden of knowledge? Please read its real good

>> No.16434984

Pipe dream. Even now when corona has exposing how many office jobs can be done from your house do you think people would be allowed to continue to do their work from their homes? No, because that means you don't go out around stores buying stuff, and paying for transportation, paying for a building as close to work as possible, paying for distractions after work etc. The entire system is connected and it has nothing to do with necessity and everything to do with opportunity. The only way to convice the people who are in charge of your life to do anything is to insure them it will bring them in more money.

>> No.16435015

>jobs are all located in industrial areas
>as a result housing in industrial areas is the highest
>only cheap land is where nobody lives, and hence jobs are scarce
>therefore cheap land outside of industrial areas is a privilege of the wealthy who can afford to live without working

"Just move to the midwest bro" is the rallying cry of boomers who had jobs making 100k/year working in a factory in the middle of nowhere.

>> No.16435033

This, and those that do try and live outside the city end up deeply in debt from purchasing and maintaining a car to get them to work, which basically liquidates any money they save from living in a rural area.

>> No.16435125

Everything I said is a fact, you bum. Get a job.

>> No.16435158

get strangled by your chimp migrant caregiver

>> No.16435315

Flyover shit holes are full of local banks and financial advisors full of retiring boomers. You can continue the long proud tradition of fleecing old people out of their savings while owning a comfy ranch.

>> No.16435324

You must have literally never had a job before to think you can only get one in a major city in any field

>> No.16435380
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All the angry chapos ITT: rents due rentoids

>> No.16435542


>> No.16435551

Based and ancapilled

>> No.16435564

work shy snowflake

>> No.16435573

>They’ve lost their jobs.
maybe democrat subhumans shouldn't have shut down the economy for a disease with a 99.9% survival rate in order to stick it to drumpf

>> No.16435580


>> No.16435585


>> No.16435593
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Mao had the right idea

>> No.16435596

My parents were boomers and we were poorfags, I feel cheated

>> No.16435619

this but unironically

>> No.16435659

why do you worship genocidal demagogues?

>> No.16435662

Don’t tell me you’re retarded enough to think American colleges are meant to give you “skills”

>> No.16435668

work from home

>> No.16435677

Do you think there is a group of people coordinating whether or not people are "allowed" to work from home?

>> No.16435683

Not a single group deciding it, but there are various competing interest which result in a low amount of work-from-home jobs being available.

>> No.16435692

group of people, no. group of corporations, yes
the job i do can be done entirely from home, even our own CEO said that we have suffered no productivity issues and yet before the 2nd wave started they were already making preparations for us to come back to office. why?

>> No.16435705

>this thread
Why not just move to a shithole country and play osrs and RWT?

1M = $0.4

Doing vorkath easily gets you 3.5M an hour

>> No.16435706

Aside from financial capitalist reasons, normies love and thrive in the social work environment and will beg for it back just to have some kind of easy human contact.

>> No.16435709

then normies must die

>> No.16435712

I used to live in a "cheap" area until I lost my job, and eventually had to move somewhere else more expensive because there were no other jobs to be had in cheap nowheresville

>> No.16435715

You seriously think covid is a hoax?
Democrats and Republicans both agreed to this sham to pass the Cares Act to redistribute trillions of dollars to the wealthiest. That is what’s going to bring this new Depression. Trump SIGNED it.
He’s not your friend, anon.

>> No.16435719

Covid isn't a hoax but the reaction to it is largely retarded

>> No.16435734

the only reason it had such a strong reaction was because all the boomers were dying off. the cases are going up again but since it's young people getting sick we arent seeing such as a strong reaction anymore, no one's talking about shutdowns and shit. it's a fucking joke and an another example of why boomers ruin everything

>> No.16435751

The exertion of control and power. Half of a corperations structure is to exert control over employees. How would they look over your shoulder and make you do petty stupid bullshit and pointless training if you're at home?

Conversely, you can't maintain or play office politics from home and will more callously fire or pass you over for promotion. Not that that ever happens anymore lmao you have to apply at a competetor and promote yourself.

>> No.16435766
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at least you don't live here

>> No.16435769

Lol my funds have gone up 8 grand thanks to bailouts. If you had any money in the market you made money.

>> No.16435782
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fuck america is so based

>> No.16435787

The reaction was indeed retarded. The boomers are susceptible because of their age, but the poor, as alway, are the most vulnerable because they had to go back to work and they have shit healthcare and loads of preexisting conditions. I bronchitis from getting pneumonia a few years ago, so I would not be in good shape even if I survived it.
I do believe the states are monkeying with the stats though. Red states are underreported, blue over-reporting. But again, these politicians are working together more than a lot of you realize. Trump is disliked because he’s an interloper. Not an outsider anymore, but fully compliant with their schemes. Neither of them deserve any votes.
I wish we could assassinate the four of them.

>> No.16435792

“Lol” in a few years when the Depression reaches you, goldtooth

>> No.16435805

Just so you know, if you put your money into assets and property, you benefit from inflation.

>> No.16435810

I mean 67 times more people have died of coronavirus than the 911 attacks and we went on a trillion dollar ten year war over it .

>> No.16435817


True, and they always will be. It's only going to get worse as time goes on and simple jobs get automated away while jobs that remain become more complex. If your economy can't handle this and you get btfo by a revolution, then that's a failure of the intellectual elite, not of the common man.

>> No.16435838

Yes, the reaction to the 911 attacks was retarded too, everyone who thinks corona was a hoax already knows this. Not a potent gotcha

>> No.16435847

>everyone who thinks corona was a hoax already knows this.
as if anyone with common sense is going to believe this.

>> No.16435877

well then the masses will have very little choice but to turn to a demagogue that will promise to use the threat of violent force to compel companies to train them.

>> No.16435878
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Why has the left wing not made the connection between open borders, low wages, and high costs of living?

Aren't they supposed to understand class struggle?

>> No.16435908

I assume you're coming from a place of "everyone who thinks corona's a hoax is a republican, all republicans are assblasted about 9/11"

>> No.16435914

A lot of them are, but they're mostly facebook boomers and not 4chan posters

>> No.16435921
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what's that? you want to read something about a technology-mediated sado-masochistic hellworld undeniably similar to our own?

start here

>> No.16435946

Because they’re not the labor party, they’re the progressive social values party.

>> No.16435973

Path of least resistance, it’s easier to accept corporate money and justify it by fighting for progress where they can, socially. There’s a populist movement starting in the west, though it’s being hijacked by midwit xenophobes like Trump and Boris in the UK.

>> No.16435981

>lol just get a job
>massive constriction in the job market due to a global pandemic
at this point capitalcucks are irredeemably retarded

>> No.16435989

Even then, I suspect the corona hoaxer republicans have a higher proportion of 9/11 skeptics than republicans in general
Really I just hate the argument "you think coronavirus is overblown? 9/11 was even more overblown!"

>> No.16435997

A lot of them do, go to a rural farmer's market and you'll see them. They're not as noisy though because they're farming all day. I've known people that stayed at communes before- the successful ones will feed you and give you a place to stay if you work with them, with varying degrees of hippy flakiness. Suburban liberals don't like them because they'll kick you out if you're a junkie or don't pull your weight to the best of your ability.

>> No.16435998

way more died of corona than 9/11 yet we went to war over the latter

>> No.16436008

Aren't communes just orgy fest semi-cults

>> No.16436027

Should we have?

>> No.16436037

>what is the social contract
did you miss the whole pandemic thing which is destroying the job market? how are you supposed to pay the bills during an economic crisis worse than the great depression?

>> No.16436064

If the government puts a moratorium on evictions, and some hired goons try to evict me, I'm getting my shotgun and defending my home against unlawful intruders

>> No.16436099

Stop spending money as soon as you get your hands on it, consoomer.

>> No.16436103

You need to consoom to live.

>> No.16436110

how is regulation responsible for gig economy isn't it literally the exact opposite, lack of regulation that allows companies like uber and airbnb to exist

>> No.16436121

I have savings that I have amassed over the past 15 years of work, but I'll be damned if I spend that on rent while massive corporations who spend every cent they get their hands on get bailed out by the government. It's retarded if the government rewards companies for not having a rainy day fund but demands citizens shell out their savings on rent

>> No.16436127

It depends on the commune, there are a lot of cult ones but also decent ones that just want a close community. There's a wide spectrum, but the orgy cult ones tend to crash and burn fairly quickly when they inevitably become sex crime drug dens. That's why the best ones have stricter rules that turn those people away. The one I buy produce from does open farming and weaving classes and is run by old hippies who just want to farm during the day and listen to the grateful dead while smoking weed in the evening. I wouldn't want to live with them, but they're genuinely knowledgeable and work hard.

>> No.16436131

I wouldn't either but that sounds pretty comfy desu

>> No.16436255
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Find me some land at that price (let's be generous and assume that "two weeks pay" is ~$2500, for a price of $250/acre) that comes with all of the conditions below and I'll fucking buy it for you.

>Access to potable water
>Sub-surface rights
>Timber rights
>Access and/or an easement suitable for motor vehicles
>Isn't downstream or downwind of a mine/slaughterhouse/feedlot/etc.

Bonus round:
>Utility hookups (even just electricity counts) available
>Location suitable for a hobby farm
>Bordered by public land on at least one side
>A view that doesn't make you want to kill yourself
>Not in the vicinity of an indian reservation

Ready? Go!

>> No.16436375

>economic crisis worse than the great depression?
Kek zoomers are such spoiled little faggots its funny sometimes

>> No.16436394

>>A view that doesn't make you want to kill yourself
Yeah you definitely seem like the type who thinks the cost of a downtown manhattan apartment is fascism at work

>> No.16436476

convinced this is a satire app, people cannot be so cartoonishly evil

>> No.16436527
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Ah yes; who WOULDN'T want to live in a place where the view in any given direction for dozens or hundreds of miles is virtually indistinguishable from pic related? Just think of how much of this splendor you could personally own.

I have actually lived in places like this and they are just as incredibly shitty as they look. Between the blistering sun, gale-force winds, biting cold during the winter and wholesale absence of liquid precipitation it's basically like living on mars except that the sagebrush turns the landscape muddy green instead of muddy red and your neighbors are meth addicts instead of astronauts.

>> No.16436534

Canadians are Americans.

>> No.16436543
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Go back.

>> No.16436558


People who prefer the city are mentally deranged.

>> No.16436593
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They have been completely pozzed by CRT, feminism and SJWism and LGBTQattackhelicopter advocacy.

>> No.16436600

Where else am I gonna pick up easy poon while drinking myself into an oblivion and playing arcade games?

>> No.16436603


>> No.16436607


>> No.16436635
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>class struggle
No joke, a class focused approach among the a large majority of the (popular) left is seen as being a "class reductionist". This is racist by because it "ignores the particular issues of oppressed groups".

>> No.16436659

Occupy Wallstreet did not go on until 2012 lol

>> No.16436730
File: 146 KB, 305x316, ahri smug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The entire self-worth of Americans revolves around how much money they make. As such, they don't mind being screwed over, as long as the person doing it is richer than they are: that's the natural order, money, not might, makes right. The rich can do no wrong, and breaking your back for your employer is not a duty, but a privilege. Greed is not a sin, but your highest calling. Only you matter, and only in the capacity you can make money for yourself: family, community and friends are just spooks that will hold you back.

>> No.16436787

that country truly is the great satan

>> No.16436816
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Did I ever say I preferred the city? I grew up in a beautiful, lush, lily-white mountain town of <800 people and that's exactly the pace of life I like; walking through a blaze of aspens with bow in hand in mid-October is about as close to god as I have ever come. However, it isn't the '60s anymore - not the 1860s when decent land was being given away for free and not the 1960s when any privately held lands unprofitable for immediate resource extraction (and profitable lands post-extraction) but otherwise pleasant were being sold for chump change. These places, more generally appealing than they have ever been thanks to the slow but steady encroachment of infrastructure, are all carved up and packaged and waiting to be sold just like land anywhere else. If you want land as cheap as in days gone by you're stuck in the shitty fucking desert and/or with some massive caveats, like the distinct possibility of whoever owns the mineral rights to your property setting up a fracking operation 50 yards from your house.

You "haha just buy some land bro anything is better than living in the city even though I've never lived anywhere more rural than a wooded suburb unless you count my grandparents' lake house (which I totally do btw)" retards are to homesteading what Christopher McCandless is to hiking.

>> No.16436944
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a city has it's charm

>> No.16436960

I'm responding to this cause you posted that bitch. Used to imagine her whipping her tails like feather dusters in my face while I fucked her with my peanus weanus. Anyways I agree with your post except for the fact that people that get evicted aren't typically the type to have strong relationships anyways. I would like to bring back some kind of feudal system to revert your inverted order of money and might though. Merchants have small souls and don't deserve rights or power

>> No.16436968


>> No.16436994

>You "haha just buy some land bro anything is better than living in the city even though I've never lived anywhere more rural than a wooded suburb unless you count my grandparents' lake house (which I totally do btw)" retards are to homesteading what Christopher McCandless is to hiking.

I have lived in a sub-1k population town for my entire life and I cannot envision living in any other type of place. I am moving to another sub-1k population town in the near future. The fact that you cannot figure out HOW to do this in a reasonable manner means you are a fucking retard.

>> No.16437052
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So communism fails cus people want more more more. And when they stop working you need a police state to force them to work

>True communism has never been tried

>> No.16437069

it has been tried and it is working. g*rbachov was a traitor and deserves to be shot

>> No.16437072

im already doing that. except im not actually playing, i have a bot farm setup at this exact moment

>> No.16437101

Venezuela is not working lmao
Or any other shit place attempting it under the guise of a republic.

>> No.16437124

Venezuela is under heavy siege from within and the US. They’re doing remarkably well considering.
The US is going to experience a dramatic decline in the next ten years

>> No.16437131

bro thats just a nice picture. the majority of lisbon is filled with dilapidated buildings, homeless begging, african scammers shitty overpriced tourist trap restaurants, indian/bangladeshi owned corner stores and drugged out teens. nothing charming about this place and its only merit is the night life, IF that. the drug/bum problem used to be even worse in the 90 and 2000's if you can imagine.

>> No.16437143

it's like listening to evangelicals talking about the rapture, ffs it is NEVER going to happen. The most you will ever get are countries like USSR or China which may as well just be Fascist for all the fucking worker control of production that happened there

>> No.16437145
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This post gets more and more based with each sentence. Returning not just to a feudal system, but to feudal society, may not be a bad idea. As >>16436883 puts it in another thread:

>Sure, today you have modern medicine and entertainment and technology, but medieval peasants had a lot of things we don't. They had better work hours, they had a better family unit, they had higher quality food, they had better gender roles, they didn't attack each other over politics, they didn't worry about the environment, they didn't worry about what was going on in other continents, or being demographically replaced, or hunting down a wife or husband. They had their own little world pretty much all they had to worry about were invaders or their kids dying from illness.

He may be romanticizing history, and the grass we've never seen with our eyes is the greenest, but he can't be wrong on every and each account.

>> No.16437228

referring to the OP image you stupid tranny

>> No.16437238

>implying that financial affluence isn't a form of might
disugsting anime too. just fucking hang yourself.

>> No.16437285
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>financial affluence isn't a form of might
It is, but indirectly so. You're exchanging money for a service, you're just renting someone else's strength, intelligence, skills. But when you run out of money, or when money loses its value for whatever reason, you'll be fucked. Money matters because we all agree that it should. Once it's gone, only real might remains.

>> No.16437316
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What a dumb stinky nigger

>> No.16437344
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>According to his personal website: “Glustrom grew up in inner city Atlanta, where he was greatly influenced by his grandparents, who were Jewish allies in the civil rights movement. Alex graduated in 2010 from Tulane University in New Orleans, where he studied… digital media.”

>> No.16437494

>They had their own little world
Yeah a world where this sentence is not only intelligible but lived would be immeasurably preferable to our own. Our open free world is hilariously small and flat. The power that place and distance held has been by now almost completely eroded...and this may sound cynical but what better way to re-enfranchise place as a force than through a feudal economy? Admittedly my angle was primarily about finding a way to oppress capitalists from a non-leftist angle. That isn't to say that in the process of putting burghers back in their chains we might "narrow and intensify" the bonds of affection that they and the neo-peasants are bound by, which would ultimately be to their benefit

>> No.16437507
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>> No.16437522


>> No.16437524
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"The mass of men live lives of quiet desperation" explains us perfectly.

A thousand years ago people didn't. They had plenty of problems they faced but they faced them knowing full well that the world was complete and explained. It didn't need to be explained with science, politics of financial theory. The Word of God and the mystery of His Sacrifice were more than enough to explain all the issues of the world.

>> No.16437538

im not a leftfag but how can you be this dumb lol. the economy isn’t as good as it used to be.

>> No.16437919

Do you not understand that society cannot go on like this forever? All the things you enjoy are dependent on the subjugation of tens of millions of people. It's not sustainable.

>> No.16437936

Shut up libtard. Under President Donald John Trump, the economy is booming! The numbers are YUGE and they would be even better if it wasn't for China unleashing the bioweapon on the earth in retaliation for losing the trade war.

>> No.16437943

I never said it was a hoax im just thinking that a new great depression on steroids is worse for people than a 0.1% chance of dying

>> No.16437964

>family, community and friends are just spooks that will hold you back.

>> No.16437973


>> No.16438006

libshits think asserting the spook status of everything will free them but all it does is level the world for hypercapitalism lmao

>> No.16438041

>Do you not understand that society cannot go on like this forever? All the things you enjoy are dependent on the subjugation of tens of millions of people. It's not sustainable.
This has always been the case throughout all of history, nothing is more sustainable you drama queen cry baby. If you want to eat, work.

>> No.16438082

>im not a leftfag but how can you be this dumb lol. the economy isn’t as good as it used to be.
Did CNN tell you that? 'The economy' isn't real, retard.

>> No.16438135

They're either happy the way they are or they're so beyond being the exception that they aren't worth mentioning at all.

>> No.16438153

What's the /lit/ equivalent of The Matrix movies?

>> No.16438186

Descartes, Sadie Plant, hong kong action films,

>> No.16438209

>U.S espouses Neo liberal principles for many years
>2008 hits
>they have to turn against their entire ideology to make sure the system doesn't explode

can anyone explain this? or at least what the ramifications of this will be in the future?

>> No.16438217

>they have to turn against their entire ideology to make sure the system doesn't explode
What did he mean by this? Neoliberalism has been the prevailing ideological framework in the US from Kennedy to Trump.

>> No.16438233

in 2008 they bailed out the banks which is the opposite of a free market principle is the point I'm getting at. Also the fact that deregulation was one of the main causes of the 2007/8 financial crisis. So it was a massive fail for neoliberalism that almost crashed the global economy, surely there has to be some ramifications for such a thing?

>> No.16438236

>free market
Uhhhhhh what? Capitalism cannot exist without state intervention. This is a historical fact.

>> No.16438245

Free trade is one of the core tenets of neoliberalism

>> No.16438254 [DELETED] 

Yes, the fluid movement of capital is essential for capitalism to function. What does that have to do with bailouts?

>> No.16438266

Yes, the fluid movement of capital is essential for capitalism to function. What does that have to do with bailouts? In fact, bailouts are totally accounted for in this framework- fluid transfer of capital from the taxpayers to corporations. This phenomenon has been happening in the US since Kennedy.

>> No.16438267

bailouts keeping corporations that clearly failed afloat seems the antitheses of that ideology, not to mention it was the massive deregulation of the banking sector that lead to the collapse in the first place (perhaps the more salient point here).

>> No.16438270

Because that faggot thinks he is some untouchable God posting in his shitty suburban neighborhood. He is for a rude surprise when America becomes Brazil 2.0

>> No.16438274

>free market
Funny way to spell "government".

>> No.16438298

Why don't you take off your ideological blinders and examine this from a material perspective? Why are Hayek/Keynes simps so retarded? Neoliberalism has nothing to do with alleged regulatory bodies. Neoliberalism is the latest and most effective holistic system of practices and propaganda for protecting capital interests- soon to be replaced with fascism in the US before the midpoint of the century.

>> No.16438320

My question is has there been any ramifications or push back on neoliberal ideology after the financial crisis of 2008?

>> No.16438322

Yes. Shiting outside when there is a perfectly good bathroom inside is the way to go.

>> No.16438429

Talking about family and friends on 4chan...lol

>> No.16439270

The stock market is great. Problem is 85% of stocks are owned by 10% of the US population. Also only about 18% have 401(k)s. So much for being a champion of people screwed by the outsourcing of manufacturing...

>> No.16439388

>soon to be replaced with fascism in the US before the midpoint of the century.
so this is all but guaranteed at this point? what happened to all the browns increasing and voting democrat?

>> No.16439560

is a village that better? I bet you never had to wake up at 5 to shovel manure all day. that's so much better than the soulless city

>> No.16439602

the great satan is showing alarming signs of decline. there's striking similarities between it and late ussr or yugoslavia. china is overtaking it as the global economic hegemon

>> No.16439896
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>> No.16439922

why is some land a property of a person?

>> No.16440044


Why is some funko pop your property?

>> No.16440050
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>> No.16440125

How is this relevant to paying your rent dumbass?

>> No.16440138

You litteraly rent you house form the state in China lamo.

>> No.16440308

Yup. You replied to an idiot.

>> No.16440314

liberals aren't actual "leftists"

>> No.16440350

terminally online neckbeards who larp belonging to long dead ideologies don't get to define terms, especially since they're less than 0.01% of the population

>> No.16440392

Dummies will side with Technocapital because niggers are indigent but not question why most of our are dispossessed slaves, themselves included.

>> No.16440397
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Reminder landlords are a remnant of feudalism, and Adam Smith thought they should have no say on political matters because of their indolence. Even Peter Thiel hates them.
Moreover, most of them are wannabe investors cucked by banks, with massive loans on their asses. At the beginning of the crisis, I browsed /r/realestateinvesting, and a lot of them didn't have enough savings to cover 3 months of monthly payments in case their tenants stopped paying. Typical "do what I say, not what I do" mentality.
They provide no value to the economy, they just leech off hard working people to give more money to the banks. It pains me to give a third of my monthly wage to slumlords, who barely do anything to maintain their properties. Fuck them.

>> No.16440568

>muh value to the economy muh hard works
take your spooks and shove it up your ass faggot I just want to live a life of leisure lmao

>> No.16440661

>Problem is 85% of stocks are owned by 10% of the US population.
This is only a problem if you're mathematically illiterate. Do you think the top 10% of the population should only own 10% of the stocks?

>> No.16440664

are they true scotsmen?

>> No.16440670

>asserting the spook status of everything will free them but all it does is level the world for hypercapitalism lmao

>> No.16440678

The Bible

>> No.16440740

laws, economic necessity

>> No.16440752
File: 85 KB, 555x500, 0AE57136-737C-450D-B367-C890D80426D1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based truth poster

>> No.16440808

If you don't try to secede the government typically doesn't care.
If you're building communes inside a country and still paying taxes they'll tolerate you.

>> No.16440811

NOt even in america. Germany does this to. You are supposed to only spend 30% of your money on rent, yet rents are so expansive that normies pay easy 60%. Want to move? Good luck finding a landlord which accepts you with so little cash money. At est you will be made to strip naked and explain yourelf how you can even affort it. Absolute clownworld.

>> No.16440813

>if you dont like some aspects of a major city it means you live in some backwater 400 pop. village
myopic tard

>> No.16440823

No really, what’s a good reason the dog should own something he doesn’t use and can’t hold onto with hiring some giant façade of government, banking systems and police force?
Why do you believe we need that shit? Why do you believe that dog should be wealthier than others?

>> No.16440862

>most of them are wannabe investors cucked by banks,
That’s really it
And all through COVID they were screaming about how a rent strike or whatever else was just gonna wipe out “ma and pa” landlords and let the banks pick up whatever is left.
But at this point it’s like asking me to spend 10% extra on all my groceries so that a small market can compete with a supermarket or walmart.
The system is beyond fucked and it’s just business now, if you are a tenant and see an opportunity to save 1/3 of your income for the month (or whatever you pay) without consequences you should probably just take it

>> No.16440875

So when are the leftoids rising up to kill the landlords that they talk about so much? Seem to occupied burning cities over that whichs is basically a statistical anomaly lmao.

>> No.16440903

thats still 1 in 1000, do you know how many people could get covid?

>> No.16440946

I'm against this general attitude because I see no end to it. Take away one type of property, and what's next? Home ownership overall? Government ownership overall? Why should no one own anything? Why should land not be owned by those who put a stake in it first, or who successfully wrestle it away from those who did first? And if it's owned, why should those living on said land not have to pay to live there? What do you think keeps things running, goodwill?

>> No.16441011

At least three of my family members have had COVID.

>> No.16441014

In my country, the government literally said that people need to get back to offices for those reasons and a lot of managers listened.
Covid numbers started going back up and they rolled back on it but for a period, hey were literally telling people to go to offices and eat out to help the economy, but don't travel unnecessarily and maintain distance.
Then Covid numbers started going back up and they rolled back on it.

>> No.16441017

Well I don't fucking have money to buy either of those things.

>> No.16441073

You have 3 thousand family members?

>> No.16441080

more than that

>> No.16441198

Move back in with your parents:)

>> No.16441487
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>those are the people using statistics to manipulate the masses
You need to stop posting about shit you have not the slightest idea of.

>> No.16441520

How are autistic are you that you don't see that it was a joke?

>> No.16441554
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>I was just acting retarded

>> No.16441666

So, very autistic?

>> No.16441706

Find me a piece of land for $2000/acre that meets all of those conditions. Anywhere in Canada or the US.
Ready? Go.

>> No.16442013

liberalism is the ruling ideology of the world. leftism (socialism) is the ideology that aims to replace it

>> No.16442056


>> No.16442075

Brave New World

quit pretending like "dystopia" (and utopia), regardless of your zoomy perception of current events, is anything more than an entry level pseudo-genre brainlet theme. literature doesn't deal in such simplistic views.

>> No.16442417

Do you think it's good for the economy for 90% of the population to own only 15% of stocks? There will always be a concentration of wealth at the top, but the degree of concentration is getting dangerously out of hand

>> No.16442494

>but the degree of concentration is getting dangerously out of hand
Why? Elaborate or this means nothing.

>> No.16442600

Not him but thats fucking gay and I have zero motivation to not vote for the first person that will even up the numbers lol
Trump only has the support of people on ID politics issues, whoever comes next is gonna find a lot of easy votes available for whoever promises the most gibs

>> No.16443226

yeah live as a literal 3rd worlder who lacks basic things in our modern society. God forbid the government actually help it's people when you force them out of a job. Wait it only bails out corporations who would survive regardless. How do you actually believe that this isn't fucked

>> No.16443252

Fucking bugman
>I'll suck corporate's dick no matter how much they fuck me because I can't accept that the American dream is a lie and always was
They shut down the economy, they forced people not to work, they bailed out those who were rich anyway, and now they blame you for not being able to pay for rent when they don't even charge some corporations taxes at all and pocketed the relief money? It's the actual shit people accuse the Jews of doing but okey because the right said so.

>> No.16444099
File: 42 KB, 640x480, CB1090E3-33A2-4AE5-9A46-09227C9E361A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This guy shits on retards giving bad advice online
>He must be a citycuck
Yeah, nah.

>The fact that you cannot figure out HOW to do this in a reasonable manner means you are a fucking retard.
I already have the land and a temporary home on that land and a plan; right now I'm focusing on making and saving money and honing my DIY skills because I'm planning on doing my house right, not cheaply, and I need to hire at least some professional help here and there. If I could earn as much in the place where I'm going to live then I would but I can't so I'm delaying gratification; it's either that or live in a half-done house and doing that once was enough for me.

>> No.16444180

>being poor in America
If you don't make money there, you're a fucking douchebag. Obligatory The Departed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wpc-zAbL2Uw

>> No.16444517

I hope people kill you in mincraft

>> No.16444687
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This is pretty genius and in line with the way liberal states have evolved, by deformalizing power and externalizing and crowd-sourcing evil. It is a nice parlor trick to keep your hands clean while still maintaining all of the terrible necessities of a complex, massive polity.

>> No.16444702

Fast food, warehouses, grocery stores, call centers and the military are always hiring. Stop being lazy you little brat.

>> No.16444711

There really isn't something hilarious about the ministry of justice with a rainbow pfp on twitter while announcing the constructions of new prisons

>> No.16444736

Ancient Greeks did

>> No.16444739

The tweet was longer and expounded on how building four new prisons was a progressive act or whatever but I just trimmed it down to the important part.

>> No.16444741

socialism had a better chance 150 years ago than it does now. almost all of the psychological needs leftists have can be satisfied under liberalism, which is why socialism is and will remain in the memebin of history

>> No.16444749

Landlords participate in this Jewish process. They get the fruits of their labor, remember the turner diaries where there was a landlord who hated race mixing and niggers but still got the rope because he still evicted whites for blacks.
>A man’s gotta eat

>> No.16444758

Ancient Greek ownership of land was governed by strict religious rules of inheritance.

>> No.16444762

Why the fuck was Israel there?

>> No.16444773

There are landlords who do enough upkeep that they sort of earn the rent, but most of them are just turning capital into more capital without creating anything. It's a parasitic behavior.

>> No.16444780

This, the proles chose to live in their cages. NOBODY forced you Aryans to accept Jewish financing to....kill other Aryans????

>> No.16444784
File: 311 KB, 1200x1747, Henry_George.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You niggers need Henry George.

>> No.16444795

When did it become like this? Even though malnourished peasants couldn’t read they at least knew how to farm, fish, Smith or what ever.

>> No.16444802

How the hell did all the land in America end up in corporations hands anyway? Could’ve sworn it wasn’t like this during colonial times

>> No.16444804

universal public education, children no longer spend formative years learning some trade

>> No.16444848

Industrialization and mass society. Men are more useful now as components than as artisans, so society makes them into such. This is a trade off, we get massive production and ready availability of complex consumer goods. Even the poorest have a computer in their pocket, etc.

>> No.16444868

Democracy, which is the rule of whoever can manipulate public opinion most effectively, was and is always bound to evolve into an unaccountable oligarchy of the merchant and academic classes.

This >>16444784 is the only answer to the land question.

>> No.16444928


>> No.16444963

>posted from my iPhone

>> No.16445085

Industrialization and men were turned into human units of labor. The disparity between classes is so different than the 99% may as well be a cattle to the 1%

>> No.16445119


>> No.16445241

nice counterexample

>> No.16445421

We're evidently heading towards a surveillance capitalist/Technological authoritarianism dstopia but i don't think any books deal with this, i'd like to read one if there was.

>> No.16445556

Have you ever heard of science fiction? There are many books that deal with this.

>> No.16445562

Nice Leonard Cohen impression.

>> No.16446820

>genre fiction
He probably meant good books.

>> No.16447284

>don't engage with school since "it don't matter"
>don't get scholarships because shit grades but go to college anyway "cause that's what people do"
>half-ass college in a shit degree path making no professional contacts and becoming saddled with huge debt
>no marketable skills to make decent income, but won't move to a low cost of living area because "fuck fly-overs" dude
>doesn't understand why they're forced to deal with shit landlords, it's everyone else's fault, also "fuck my dealer man"
And people don't understand why we need Eugenics.

>> No.16447467

Eugenics is great but getting rid of the consumer mentality, garbage education with predatory loans and increasing supply of foreigners who have trades when most Americans don’t would also help.

>> No.16447945

never, as they're too incompetent to buy a house, they're too incompetent to start a revolution
the real revolution will come when the 0.01% start fucking over the 0.1%