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16433645 No.16433645 [Reply] [Original]

This book is a giant redpill, I'm at page 77 now and I must say that it is brilliant, it goes through alot of modern "issues" such as male/female income inequality, and the commonly believed reasons and "soultions"(the fallacies), and then compares then with the reality of how things are to see if they are true or not (facts).

For example why are housing prices in California high af?

Because of restrictions on the land on which housing can be built and how housing can be built, so that 50% to 75% of the land cant be built on, and even if you could you'd have alot of restrictions and inspections and you'd have to wait alot etc, plus if you built houses for low/middle income people, they would cost like luxury homes and they'd stay partially empty, so it'd also be economically stupid to do so, and the laws that make that possible have been passed to have more "open space" and not build on nature, even though there's alot of undeveloped land, that actually has the effects of preserving the view of those who already live there, and keeping the place a "high level" place since lower level housing isn't built, and low income people dont live there because of the high cost of living, that happens because the inhabitants voted people who promoted these policies, fine, but they then proceeded politically control land they didn't own.

That's an example of what the book says, I really advice you to read it

>> No.16433668
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>being so deep in ideology you conceive of your positions as neutral "fact" and everything else as "fallacy"
mein gott

>> No.16433681
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>> No.16433694


>> No.16433729
File: 69 KB, 500x371, A92B16F6-67D1-4E4C-A265-D7046A20E3AE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The author is known for being manipulative with statistics to prove his masa’s ideals right.

Safety guidelines in California are not the reason land prices skyrocket. That kind of thing is covered after a short period. The lack of price gauging laws can be blamed on the prices. The state is the fourth largest economy on the world. It could secede from the US and leave them in the dust.

The state manipulates the economic of the place. No surprises there. State-capitalism has ever been thus. But historically, primitive capitalism, works best for people when it’s controlled by large guilds, not individuals or elites.

Please stop pushing this stupid and manipulative uncle Tom

>> No.16433733
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>> No.16433769

>For example why are housing prices in California high af? Because of restrictions on the land on which housing can be built and how housing can be built, so that 50% to 75% of the land cant be built on
How deep in the asshole of ideology do you need to be to believe this bullshit? Do you know how many vacant houses there are in California? There really needs to be a lolbertardian holocaust.

>> No.16433785

Economic fact: Marx was right

>> No.16433842
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OP put that bullshit down and read a real book

>> No.16433862

Hahahahaha maybe a year ago but not anymore. There's a mass exodus from california. Silicone is moving to Phoenix and Texas, Movies are moving to Phoenix and Georgia. The place will be a post apocalyptic ghost town in a year. If you have the money invest in Phoenix and Texas real estate now because that shit is going up.

>> No.16433896
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>> No.16433942
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>> No.16434054

Homes aren't primary consumer commodities but long term financial investments. If investors start building more houses their price will go down, that's not a controversial statement, but when you invest funds you want to maximize return not minimize it. Even with more land to build on you got to look at it from an investment perspective. If you build more houses you make home owners poorer. Capitalism is a zero sum game in the short run, yes immigrants and automation lead to unemployment. Someone always wins and someone loses maybe for someone elses future gains. Sowell doesn't understand capitalism and thinks stuff like nominal returns don't matter but it's all about people bartering goods and services.

>> No.16435697

So why are they high?

>> No.16435721

I don't read books by niggers.

>> No.16435726

imagine being stuck on 2012

>> No.16435728
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>pretend to support freedom
>support government right-to-work legislation that makes unionized free association illegal

Libertarianism is an ideological defense of the American business class, despite their posturing. They always side with corporations against working people.

>> No.16435732

Is this bait, or are you literally retarded?

>> No.16435743

If only you hadn’t of posted this ridiculous shit image.

>> No.16435744

Because there’s actually a really large demand for high income housing currently in California, despite how much this fact makes the poor seethe. Other anons mentioned silicons recent exodus and this might change things slightly

>> No.16435824

Why would I?

>> No.16435864

>Do you know how many vacant houses there are in California?

How many are priced high and how many are priced low? How much is the land they're on worth? How much is the annual property tax?

>> No.16436019

>Economic fact: Marx was right

Doesn't get any truer than this

>> No.16436036

Lmao Sowell is a retarded nigger and a shill.
>if you built houses for low/middle income people, they would cost like luxury homes and they'd stay partially empty
Demonstrably false.

>> No.16436056

build public housing
build public transportation
kill all landlords

boom. california's problems are solved.

>> No.16436366
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>being openly economically illiterate
>flaunting it as a source of pride instead of becoming debilitatingly embarrassed by it

>> No.16436495

Honestly, even if you are right wing, you should read marx. His shit is like a full blueprint of capitalism.
Everyone else just does piecemeal shit about their pet interest. Regulation, or its absence, doesn't explain anything.
On top of that, libertarian capitalism in America should scare you. That's what America does to other countries, read about the Chicago Boys. The kinds of deregulation these people want is just for America to eat itself (at this point more like licking the bones).