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16433349 No.16433349 [Reply] [Original]

I'm writing a story about a giant spider, that works for the government. Think Beast. problem is I worry its too icky and creepy for most readers. Is it possible to make spiders cute or is it too ingrained within us that theyre nasty ugly evil things.

>> No.16433383

>ingrained within us that theyre nasty ugly evil things
If you're a faggot that is.

>> No.16433418

>I'm writing a story about a giant spider, that works for the government.
I love it

>> No.16433459

great now there's a spider in the catalog

>> No.16433592

it can work if you do not describe it too much. such a thing can work intellectualy but not visually.

>> No.16433637

hope you "shoo'd" the spider when you posted this instead of inviting it up to the top

>> No.16433710

don't worry about people who think spiders are icky; so as long as you don't excessively and constantly go into detail about what the spider looks like (i.e every paragraph detailing about how even the simplest hairs moved), most people will be OK with it. Also, spiders are bros; never doubt that

>> No.16433747

Arachno-communist detected

>> No.16433751

Describe his bunny slippers and fuzzy robe

>> No.16433770

I think there exists some manga or light novel about a cute spider

>> No.16433775

Make him wear shoes.
It must be a lot of work to put all his shoes in.
What would he do if there is a fly in his coffee?
Does he like that?

>> No.16433821
File: 209 KB, 691x429, C9C02E21-7900-4B37-AED7-1D41058B7C38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats awesome they just made it a cute little animal. don't have to be all icky

>> No.16433829
File: 35 KB, 333x500, F36E7451-A0D8-4EEC-BE08-6150BDC972B7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

give it the personality of an anime loli and itll work

>> No.16434052

>Is it possible to make spiders cute

Charlotte's Web, anon. Google the cover art, or simply read it. The spider as comfy hero.

>> No.16434110
File: 146 KB, 1000x1000, 6126A469-8219-45B8-BBE6-1A7AD66BA1A0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi mom itsa me Gregor da spider :DD

>> No.16434131

I like this idea. Don't try to make the spider cute, if it works for the government. Governments aren't cute.

>> No.16434297
File: 65 KB, 1280x720, phidippus audax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>problem is I worry its too icky and creepy for most readers
Make it a jumping spider. Look them up, most people find them adorable. They're tiny, they have big eyes (and can see very well), they're not scared of humans, they're intelligent for their size (https://www.nationalgeographic.com/news/2016/01/160121-jumping-spiders-animals-science/)), they will actively chase their prey instead of waiting and relying on webs, they don't have long, thin legs that resemble a corpse's dried up limbs... overall, most people like them, even if they hate spiders in general.

>> No.16434653
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Fuck off back to your web, Spear Of Resolve Striking Straight At The Heart Of The Matter, spiders will never be cute.

>> No.16435448

I forgot to mention in >>16434297: jumping spiders are venomous, but they almost never bite, and even if they do, their venom is extremely weak for humans, it'll just sting and swell like a mosquito bite, but it won't do any harm.

Making government agents look disarmingly cute and approachable, and then act in a ruthless, brutal manner, would be all the more disturbing, especially if the setting already is/is going to become a dystopia.

>> No.16435571

This thread reminded me of a story I was writing long ago. I stopped in the middle of it because I realised how ridiculous it was.
You can read it here if you want:

>> No.16435601
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This is a great idea anon, I think you can avoid the 'icky' factor by making the description and essence of the spider more abstract and ethereal. I definitely wouldn't try to make it cute, but make it more eerie in a psychological way rather than a physical way

>> No.16435616

Interesting read anon, thanks for posting.

>> No.16436820

Icky and creepy can be good

>> No.16436841

Make him enormously fussy and high strung.

>> No.16437014

If it’s about the spider’s attempts to take down the Clintons and their evil minions, I think people will learn to appreciate him

>> No.16437062

just write the fuckin story man. comin in here shitting up the catalog. fuck man. who the fuck do you need to give you permission? and when the fuck were we the great fucking statisticians on obscure shit like "d-do pweople fink s-spiders t-too scawy?" fuck. you fucking cuck. you fucking asshat. god damn. i hope you don't get deep sleep tonight, or maybe stub your toe really hard.

>> No.16437136

jumping spiders are cute


unlike most spiders, they hunt. that requires speed and intelligence, which are reflected in their appearance.

the really ugly spiders are ambush predators, like trap door spiders. that requires no intelligence, just brawn and poison, which again is reflected in their appearance

humans pick up on these features, that's what "cute" animals vs "ugly" animals is, an instinctive understanding of the animal's role in nature. it helps humans avoid danger.

anyway, if you want a 'cute' spider, watch docs about jumping spiders for inspiration

>> No.16437152
File: 152 KB, 1280x885, 843f460c8f0e41dcbd101f4e97e5b285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot the picture

>> No.16437207
File: 154 KB, 1280x720, 2t8y7qeihrfu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one more cute spider, ok i'm done

>> No.16437396

Stupid looking motherfucker, would love to slowly squish him between my fingers. I know that spiders can't really make noise, but I'd imagine he's give off the cutest high-pitched wailing.

>> No.16437759

You evil bastard

>> No.16439087


>> No.16439090


>> No.16439215

Ah yes, the average weeaboo's No.1 ammunition on 4chan

>> No.16439266
File: 100 KB, 507x702, C6SkjxGtzec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Arachno-communist detected

>> No.16439831

Not sure why you need to make it cute but you can certainly make it noble. Spiders in Christian and Islamic mythology are seen as noble defenders of prophets, and even prophets themselves of Christ Jesus.

>> No.16439863

Cute post.

>> No.16440251

newfag begone

>> No.16440785

That's really interesting, so the agression is kinda like a defense mechanism against extreme cuteness huh