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16431191 No.16431191 [Reply] [Original]

What are the 10 most important books in the Western canon? No "complete works", just individual works.

>> No.16431200


Old and New Testaments
The Aeneid
The Divine Comedy
The First Folio
Don Quixote
Faust I & II
Pale Fire

>> No.16431209
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>cheating from the first entry

>> No.16431232

You would’ve preferred them taking up two slots?

>> No.16431239
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Add this too

>> No.16431251

harry potter
how to cave shit and get frends
doktor faustus
tsing tsu the art of war

>> No.16431269

The Bible
Nicomachean Ethics
Poetic Edda
The Divine Comedy
Summa Theologiae
Paradise Lost
War and Peace

>> No.16431275

the old testament
the new testament
phenomenology of spirit
critique of pure reason
difference and repetition
being and time
the trial
richard yates

>> No.16431289

2 books
>Old and New Testaments
2 books
>The First Folio
>Faust I & II
2 books
>Pale Fire
Really now?

>> No.16431381
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None of them are that important to me

>> No.16431417

>The Iliad
>The Odyssey
>The Divine Comedy
>The Complete Works of William Shakespeare, because fuck you OP
>On Liberty
>Paradise Lost
>The Age of Reason

>> No.16431647

Your list really went to shit after Shakespeare lmao

>> No.16431656

/thread and based

>> No.16431796

Only book you need is the bible

>> No.16431821

the first 10 books of The Diary of a Wimpy Kid

>> No.16431826

This + replace some problematic work like Divine Comedy with In Defense of Looting

>> No.16432796

It's an interesting question that deserves an answer, but you haven't defined "important". Are these works important because they fundamentally altered the Occidental collective consciousness? Are they important because they created new standards in the literature that would endure for posterity? There's no real way to answer such a vague prompt; anyone could come along and just as easily prove how the entirety of the Western Canon is arbitrary.

>> No.16432851
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>Harold Bloom's Shiterary Canon, v. 2.0
The Iliad
The Aeneid
The Divine Comedy
The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark
Don Quixote
Lyrical Ballads
Faust (Goethe)
Fathers and Sons
Mrs Dalloway
Infinite Jest

This is the definitive list. If you disagree with it, you are most certainly a faggot and probably a pleb as well

>> No.16432868

>The Bible
>individual work
This is like saying that Veda is just one book.

>> No.16432880

The Bible came from the Middle East, anon.

>> No.16432965

Just The Republic. It consists of exactly 10 books after all.

>> No.16433178
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Based platoposter

>> No.16433265

Pale Fire is one of my favorite books but I don't think it's one of the top 10 most important in the Western Canon

>> No.16433300

My diary desu vol 1
My diary desu vol 2
My diary desu vol 3
My diary desu vol 4
My diary desu vol 5
My diary desu vol 6
My diary desu vol 7
My diary desu vol 8
My diary desu vol 9
My diary desu vol 10

>> No.16433311

New Testament
Divine Comedy
Don Quixote
War and Peace
Critique of Pure Reason

idk this is hard

>> No.16433336

Why does everyone love Ulysses so much? I had such a hard time getting through it.

>> No.16433364

>Fathers and Sons
>Mrs Dalloway
>Infinite Jest
Lol so many lists ITT that become instantly shit towards the end

>> No.16433372

It's just swag points cause it's "hard"

>> No.16433379

It's not necessarily a "love" thing, but "recognize the importance of," since it influenced pretty much every literary novel that came after (either in the case of people who loved and emulated it, or those who hated it and reacted against it.) Though I would say that Eliot's "Waste Land" deserves a spot on the list for the same reasons.

>> No.16433826

Is the Aeneid worth reading?

>> No.16433838

Yeah, could be done by taking out Beowulf, which wasn’t all that influential or widely read until the 19th and 20th century.

>> No.16434700

all greeks

>> No.16434739
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>Old and New Testaments
>2 books

>> No.16434872

Those are all good but yeah no clue why those were included

>> No.16434886


>> No.16434917

>No "complete works"
Then it is just Shakespeare.

King Lear
Romeo and Juliet
Richard III
Much Ado About Nothing
Henry IV Part 1
The Tempest
Julius Caesar

and either Othello, Winter's Tale, Twelfth Night or Midsummer Night's Dream

>"Anyone seeking Joyce finds Joyce even if both Joyce and the victim found the item in Shakespeare"

>> No.16435051

There are none. A canon implies an eternal, neverchanging set of books that will never be surpassed or discarded, and unfortunately for us, the inevitable forward movement of time makes this completely impossible

>> No.16435440


>> No.16435894

Not a fan of liberty, freedom of thought, or reason? What is your list?