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16422280 No.16422280 [Reply] [Original]

Some boomer paid me to translate a French novel after considering me "good with languages" for owning a big English dictionary.

I barely know any French, so I'm just writing fanfiction.

>> No.16422285

Très basé, mon ami

>> No.16422302

Quel roman?

>> No.16422324

Cool, how did you get this gig?

>> No.16422504
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Don't do that. If you have an respect for yourself or others, you should inform them that you're unable to translate the book and apologize. There is nothing based about defrauding a gullible boomer. Exploiting the trust people have in the goodwill of others is a disgusting practice that only serves to sheer the few communal bonds remaining in modern society. You are jeopardising the very system that supports you. So if you have any sense of responsibility, and any pride, you should stop.

>> No.16422606

fuck that.
those filthy money hungry boomers took our future from us!!!
where is the future that we were promised?!?
>fuck boomers
>fuck niggers
>fuck capitalists
>fuck commies
>fuck tranies
>but most importantly FUCK jannies

>> No.16422667

HOLY BASED but you forgot one
>fuck jews

>> No.16422728

Jews are based though

>> No.16422751 [DELETED] 
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Anon, I...

>> No.16422778
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>/pol/tard image macros
Go back.

>> No.16422794

Phoebe Maltz Bovy actually wrote a book criticizing the usage of "white privilege" rhetoric on the left and is a centrist lib not an anti-white racist lol. she is a jewess tho that part is true.

>> No.16422807

All I'm saying is if you don't like the current state of things, you missed a prominent group of people to blame. I for one love living under the jews

>> No.16422928

You're as good as the translator for the Scots Wikipedia

>> No.16422942
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The fucking boomer wants to pay 1000 euros for the translation of a novel that would take months. I will send him fanfiction and he deserves it.

>> No.16422944

>its bad because /pol/ posts it
Refute the image, or at least tell us why it's not a big deal

>> No.16422960

Unrelated question
How could one commission a translation of a book?
what if its my book and my paranoid about the translator stealing it?

>> No.16423044
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He isn't your slaver; the deal is voluntary, you agreed to it. If he is ignorant enough to hire you based on your ownership of a dictionary, it is highly unlikely he knows the value of a translation. In that case, you should have negotiated to the correct price (in the hypothetical scenario that you could actually fulfill the deal). I imagine instead you got clammy at the thought or exploiting his ignorance and accepted the deal, which you now project onto him as a conspiracy to exploit you instead. Stop giving post-hoc justifications for your own greed and poverty of character. He doesn't deserve it and neither do you.

>> No.16423252

No kidding? That's how I landed my current job in translation, lmao.

>> No.16423328

That's probably a troll image, but I still felt the need to look it up. I'm not good with statistics, but 44% of Jews being in the 1% seems way too much, unless it's some metaphorical 1%.

>According to a 2014 study by the Pew Research Center, Jewish again ranked as the most financially successful religious group in the United States, with 44% of Jews living in households with incomes of at least $100,000, followed by Hindu (36%), Episcopalians (35%), and Presbyterians (32%).[9] Amongst Jews, in 2016, Modern Orthodox Jews had a median household income of $158,000, while Open Orthodoxy Jews had a median household income of $185,000 (compared to the American median household income of $59,000 in 2016).[10] According to the same study there is correlation between education and income, about 77% of American Hindus have an undergraduate degree, followed by Jews (59%), Episcopalians (56%), and Presbyterians (47%).

>> No.16423348

>I barely know any French, so I'm just writing fanfiction.

Except for French, didn’t somebody actually do this with a famous book and people accepted it as if it was legit?

>> No.16423353

Oh and apparently families making over 200k count for 10% while the 100k+ category encompasses (including all others that make more, just to be clear) about 34%. Nowhere close to the 1%.

>> No.16423507

Degenerates like you belong on a cross

>> No.16423632

Kys faggot

>> No.16423654

Jews are white

>> No.16423661

Proves he's right if anything

>> No.16423670

Absolutely based and true, but I know all the retards on this board will think stealing is "based lmao" because we have been invaded by mentally challenged zoomer leftists.

>> No.16423681

>Little baby couldn't negociate a decent price because he has no balls, so he's just going to be a deceptive coward and cheat because that's the only resort he has.
Wow, are you by any chance a leftist?

>> No.16423757

based imperious satsuki-poster

>> No.16424270

Why not run it through google translate?

>> No.16424778

This. Don't be a faggot, OP. Just decline the job if it's out of your skill and under your pay range.

>> No.16424784

>>How could one commission a translation of a book?
idk but i know translators (read women) are monkeys dying to get a pay day, so they accept low wage.

>> No.16424794

browse some freelancers site like fiverr and pay a 3rd worlder to do the job.

>> No.16424815

Despite the fact I find the situation hilarious, I agree that the decent thing to do is to decline the job out of inexperience, and advise the boomer to have him pay more for the job in the future. It'll at least make you look more honorable in the boomer's eyes, which will lead to maybe good things in the future.

>> No.16424844

Constance Garnet right?

>> No.16425050

too obvious.
or maybe too subtle

>> No.16425336

Perhaps go through an editor or agent.

>> No.16425803

Assessing what a job will take to accomplish is the first part of your job. Absolutely based and correct.

>> No.16425821

Based and righteous.

>> No.16425825


>> No.16425852

This is the only animeposter who gets a pass

>> No.16425899
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>I imagine instead you got clammy at the thought or exploiting his ignorance and accepted the deal, which you now project onto him as a conspiracy to exploit you instead
No I don't. He deserves it for being a retarded boomer. If I was a retarded boomer trying to buy a Ferrari from "some dude who knows about cars because he watched Top Gear once" and offered him 500 dollars, I would deserve to be scammed for being such a retard.

I don't give a fuck about your amerimutt MUH FREEDUMB TO GET FUCKED IN THE ASS boomer Jewish moralfaggotry.


>> No.16426100

Honestly the both of you in this hypothetical situation should go to hell. OP for being a lying scumbag and the boomer for being a willful idiot. We already know why OP sucks but the boomer shares responsibility for creating this situation by putting no effort whatsoever in properly commissioning this job. He didn’t bother looking for a professional or investigating the price of such work, rather he just found some random asshole with a dictionary and said “good enough”. If he actually did made some effort in finding a translator then that works against his character since that would mean he is actively refusing to get the right help he needs and is probably hoping that OP would do monkey work for a pittance.
An example
If someone needed to get construction work done then for the best value he should go to a professional construction company. If instead of that he just grabs some illegal migrants from in-front of the home improvement store then he shouldn’t be surprised if the work ends up to be sub-standard

>> No.16426113

Inordinately based virtueposter btfos OP. Godspeed anon, you’re on the path of the right.

>> No.16426153
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Or maybe he could just make his way through the novel with a translator and learn some fucking French while he's at it.
>There is nothing based about defrauding a gullible boomer
Start with your heretical sect then you baptist piece of shit. Don't ask me how I know who you are.

>> No.16426635

I hope you get cancer OP

>> No.16426686

>scamming a boomer is equivalent to single-handedly destroying an entire language
based retard

>> No.16426728
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>scams boomer
>shits all over French

>> No.16426737

Nobody promised you a fucking thing, and nobody owes you Jack Shit. Earn your bread like everybody else, Don't steal from others and then act like people owe you something.

>> No.16426751

How can I be as based as you?

>> No.16426955

This guy is more or less right. Boomers, community and system can go fuck themselves, they ruin themselves. But you, anon, don't make a living through deceit, for your own sake more than for others.

>> No.16427494

>t. reddit

>> No.16427993

> Or maybe he could just make his way through the novel with a translator and learn some fucking French while he's at it.

Says the clueless brainlet that doesn't understand the difficulty in learning a new language to begin with, nor the cost in hiring a good translator.

And if you say 'Google Translate', then you lost the game.

>> No.16428016

Exactly. Keep your shit clean, and let the crooks burn themselves.

>> No.16429126
File: 1017 KB, 500x281, 1600125902556.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And out comes
>my victim deserved it for being so gullible
The last refuge for the thief and conman, told to themselves help assuage their guilty conscious. Does a child doesn't deserve to be molested because of misplaced trust? do the disabled deserve to be beaten because they cannot defend themselves? would you deserve to be enslaved if i could overpower you and hold you in bondage? No. A position of inferiority is no justification for immoral behaviour. The boomer being retarded gives you no right to fleece him; you are his superior in this situation, and it is precisely because he is at your mercy that you have the greater duty to do what is right.
I am glad you are trying to defend yourself, as it shows that somewhere in your heart you know what you're doing is wrong. Otherwise you wouldn't dress it in such language. To realise the error of your ways and correct them is highly admirable; To remain recalcitrant in the face of correction shows either cowardice or a level of bastardry surpassing your previous actions. Knowing wrong and still committing it is abhorrent.
In any case, i hope you make the right choice.

I'm not sure who you think i am, but i'm neither baptist nor have any strong religious beliefs.

>> No.16429149

Why is this guy such a cringey reddit faggot.

>> No.16429167

>I've lived to see a based anime poster

>> No.16429600

What's the story behind this?

>> No.16430135


>> No.16430252

based and moralpilled

>> No.16430547

nani sore

>> No.16430627

i thought all the replies were people calling you a fag and i was going to defend you. now i realize they're all calling you based so i guess i'll be the one to call you a reddit fagtron

>> No.16430640
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>there are moralfags on my board.

>> No.16430686

Based. Gaming the system is fine. But for something you love like literature you should at least keep some dignity, otherwise you're worse than soulless npcs

>> No.16430704

This American guy (I think he was a furry too) who was not Scottish in any way wrote all the articles on the Scots Wikipedia in this piss-poor abomination of the language, then he reverted all attempts to correct him. The entire Scots Wikipedia page is almost like a joke of the actual language.

>> No.16430744

He started when he was 12 years old (I guess Wikipedia doesn't have age requirements) and continued until he was 19. In his Wikipedia bio, he said that he wanted to be able say he was bilingual. He tried both German and Russian, but found both too difficult. Then he had the brilliant idea to """"learn""" Scots, as it was an easy language. Groundskeeper Willie speaks Scots and everyone understands him. The kid never learned a single bit of Scots, btw.

For 7 years, he wrote the entire Scots Wikipedia in Groundskeeper Willie speak. Because all the moderators and jannies at Wikipedia are trannies, they promoted the furry to administrator. Many times, when real Scots people tried to fix the Wikipedia, he would reee, undo their edits, then block/ban them. Repeat 100000x

>> No.16430759

Bro you could do that in two days

>> No.16430794

Have a nother (you) cop

>> No.16430870
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and to think AI's are being trained on wikipedia. jesus christ.

>> No.16431058
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>> No.16431067

just tell him you need an advance, take the money and flee the country. change your phone number in the new country, no problem

>> No.16431176

Honorable mentions for best Scots Wikipedia entry
> Plato the filosofer
> Newton the fissisit
> Half of the Scots Wikipedia being dedicated to My Little Pony

>> No.16431333

They promoted him to administrator?

>> No.16431349

Yes. Furthermore, he was the only active admin for years, with no checks on his power, so he could ban other users with impunity. If that other guy hadn't called him out on /his/and later Reddit, furry would still be keeping the Scots Wikipedia free of the real Scots language

>> No.16431355


>> No.16431368

Cringe chuds. Have sex nazi incels!!!!!!!
Im fucking tired of you all!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.16431429

There was a popular Scots spellchecker that people always complained was always wrong, but the developers said that they programmed their software right, after all, they got their words from the largest Scots corpus on the internet, the Scots Wikipedia

>> No.16431444


>> No.16431835


>> No.16431981

Based retard

>> No.16432339

How many of the 1% wealthiest members of the USA are jews?

>> No.16432815


>> No.16433453

Genuinely a good question regardless of the circumstances.

>> No.16433661

>Half of the scots wikipedia being dedicated to MLP
you got me, you got me good.
thank you.