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/lit/ - Literature

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16430363 No.16430363 [Reply] [Original]

There once was a boy, who made a courageous decision. A decision that, especially in his position, demanded an amount of heroism he had before only dreamed of having, but which, through imagining he could, winked to him as a credible possibility. He would ask out girl, and face whatever came with that decision.

Oh but how? How would he ask her out? The goal was, after all, to get her to go out with him, so he knew he couldn't half-ass it. He knew too however, that overthinking the whole ordeal, especially when it was game-time, would only make him spill his spaghetti and mortally embarass himself. Luckily he was content with the risk of embarassment in the face of such opportunity, and so he pondered his options. He wanted his best side to shine, naturally. Would he write her a poem? Perhaps a letter? Risky, since he didn't know whether she was into literature like he was. The only thing he did know about her was that she tended to ask really smart questions in class, and that she was the coolest of the popular college girls. Not the most popular by a long shot (she would regularly shoot down any dumb question with quick wit, regardless of topic), but it was as if she was so... so transcendentally cool that she was popular with the popular girls. Real king of kings yet unknown to the masses type stuff. And he, comfybro, would go for it, ask her out, shoot his arrow and aim for her soul. That much was settled, and it was precisely in this moment that he understood. Letters of love would not do, it wasn't his style. Neither would poems, paintings, love songs, or the long con of trying to orbit her work out in his favour. No, like a hunter walking into an anthill he would have to work his way forward with true aim and no hesitation. Comfybro would simply walk up to her when he first laid eyes on her that day (he feared he would lose heart if he bothered with questions such as 'perhaps now' and the like that only distract), get her attention by tapping her on the shoulder, and then without any fuss speak the words "would you like to go out with me". He would then look at her, neither absent-mindedly as if to convey how cool and detached he was, nor too intently as if to convey what a passionate and focused man he was. Relax, smile, tap shoulder, say line. Whatever came after he would deal with or face rejection, but his mind was singular in that he knew it had to be done. If he was to ever achieve anything in those areas he valued, then he had to have balls and he had to have the record to back said balls up. It wouldn't be too bad, the rejection. The prospect of shitting his pants completely and abandoning this endeavor would inevitably lead him deeper into isolation and depression and shame, he was certain. Better to atleast make an attempt at bleeding these demons, rather than to believe their words and bitch out altogether.


>> No.16430371
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Comfybro went to sleep that night with buzzing excitement but a deep-seated confidence and optimism also, a feeling he had not known too often, a feeling that despite its rarity felt more familiar than the sum total of all his experience with anxiety and the like. He fell into deep sleep with the word 'curious' on his lips, and deeply he did sleep. Like a baby nested snugly into its mother's undying love, in the platonic realm of 'it's going to be fine'. He woke up feeling refreshed, but more importantly he felt ready. Sure, the nervousness made itself known the very moment he remembered himself, but the love he felt for this girl and himself was already standing there. After this small spiritual realization, he coursed through his morning routine and went to class. Girl shared all the comfybro's classes until noon, so in theory he would have plenty time to ask her his question, but he wanted to get it over with. If he caught her before class, then that would be his arena. If not, it would be after class, maybe even still in class. As he arrived at the building he saw that the lecture was due to start in 2 minutes, and the professor was not one to slack in timing matters. He went up the stairs to the second floor, taking two steps as one as he charted his course, then went down the hallway in a hurried tempo. He arrived almost infront of the class when he saw that the room was not open yet, and that the students closest to him were the popular girls. He wanted to catch his breath for a second and compose himself somewhat, when the doors opened and the professor shouted at them to move in quickly and not slack. This was it! As the crowds slowly shuffled through the door, he closed the distance, and, just as Fortuna would have it, he was right behind girl just as she was a few feet away from the door and just as the last student before her entered the room. This. Was. It. Comfybro swallowed nervously, tapped her shoulder, and looked deep into those beautiful eyes he'd only admired from afar before. Almost losing himself in them his mind wanted to stutter, but thankfully his heart slapped him straight and opened the designated flood-gate.
"I think you're cute."


>> No.16430377
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He paused for a moment, but then saw her lips open after a second or so and pressed on the rest of his query.
"Do you want to go out with me?"
He said it a good few volumes louder than he had intended, but it made no matter. The message had left his hands and landed in her ears. She blushed (blushed!) with mouth slightly agape, and then smiled coolly and said
"Sure, what do you want to do?"
His knees almost buckled, she said YES! But then he remembered that she asked a counter-question and almost fainted but then didn't.
"Uhm, coffee maybe? I know this old italian-owned cafe up on Lowenstreet, it's like ten minutes from here."
"Coffee, yes. That sounds nice. You know, if you had just said starbucks haha" she laughed. He didn't understand the joke completely, too elated for that, but he felt this confidence again, and he knew it would all be well.
Comfybro and cool-girl went out for coffee that mid-day, and it was wonderful. He made a few stupid jokes about his own person and hers, a few social commentary observations that he thought worth sharing in her presence, nothing too deep but decidedly something that was not mouthpiecing some agenda, which impressed her, and when it came time to share their favourite hobbies, they both found that they were into literature. She was mostly into postmodern novels, but could see the appeal of the classics and the different eras. He was mostly into classics, but could see the appeal of the modernist and postmodernist works. Where they really found common ground was in their love for the absurd. A topic which, over the course of their relationship, would manifest itself vividly.

Would they stay together, marry and raise a family and live happily forever after? Well, only time would tell, but they sure as hell were going to try.

[the end]

>> No.16430388

I'm sorry it took me longer, I really hope you see this

fucking gay ass glitchy spoilering mechanics

>> No.16430398

>I really hope you see this
Me too anon

>> No.16430445

Thanks for the very inspiring tale, anon

>> No.16430500

Good strategy. Making a poem or something would have been extremely lame. I'm glad things worked out comfyanon and I hope sadanon sees this.