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16423639 No.16423639 [Reply] [Original]

>Professor said that Marx is the only author we are reading who can claim to have any lasting influence on the world.
>In a reading list with Plato, Nietzsche, and the fucking Bible
I hate college

>> No.16423642

your prof is fucking based and correct

>> No.16423643

Poor baby, can't handle his ideas being challenged.

>> No.16423646

Look me in the eyes and tell me that Marx has had more influence over the world than Paul.

>> No.16423648

What class? That's a pretty weird syllabus.

>> No.16423652

Who's Paul?

>> No.16423657

*looks you in the eyes*
*almost says the line*
*notices your bulge*
uwu anon what's this?
*nuzzles your crotch*

>> No.16423659

Literature and Philosophy. Third level. I've already read everything for the class but by the time I got the reading list the add/drop period had passed.

>> No.16423662

You'd think he at least would recognise the influence of Hegel, but I guess if you're not going to be reading him yeah it's fucking disgraceful that he thinks Plato and Aristotle don't have an influence on the world.

>> No.16423663

That's sexual harassment.

>> No.16423667

*backs up nervously and slips on a banana peel*
s-sorry bro my bad

>> No.16423677

That's another thing that pissed me off, we're reading Marx without reading Hegel. You can't understand the stylistic choices Marx makes in the manifesto without an understanding of the dialectic. I'm dreading us getting to Nietzsche since we aren't reading Kant or Schopenhauer so no one in the class is going to have any context.

>> No.16423685

God I hate chapos

>> No.16423686

Kill your professor. Murder is surprisingly easy to get away with anon.

>> No.16423688


>> No.16423705

This, sounds like your Prof just wants to indoctrinate dumb kids. You should raise some points in class when it comes up - without being a know it all - that Marx comes from Hegel and explain some causes so "will we look into him briefly?" or something like that, and also explain the very basis of which all of this operates within is Plato and Aristotle, and that they still hold metaphysically sound views right up to Heidegger who, rather than "refuting them", rater proves them correctly.

>> No.16423711

Why didn't you tell the class your opinions instead of coming to /lit/ to cry about it lmao

>> No.16423714

I always lose it when he takes out the chair

>> No.16423723

Because no one in the class reads the texts or speaks for that matter.
I brought up Hegel to the professor when he was asking for our thoughts on the text as a whole, when I got done with my spiel detailing Hegel's influence on Marx and the dual structure of the manifesto he agreed, but he gave the most half-assed explanation of the dialectic to the class which leads me to believe that he hasn't read PoS. I also seriously doubt he has read Heidegger.

>> No.16423726
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>> No.16423738

Why would a philosophy professor in 2020 read Hegel or Heidegger?

>> No.16423748

Maybe he wants to escape Peterson Syndrome.

>> No.16423751

Because being an expert in their field is their fucking job?

>> No.16423754

>Marx is the only author we are reading who can claim to have any lasting influence on the world
Marxists are constantly whining that real Marxism has never been tried. Doesn't that mean that his actual influence is very small if, after all of these years, no one has tried to put his theories into practice.

>> No.16423771

Can’t read Heidegger. That guy was a problematic bigot.

>> No.16423789

>Because being an expert in their field is their fucking job?

>> No.16423804

Lol yep, that's the best part.

>I brought up Hegel to the professor when he was asking for our thoughts on the text as a whole, when I got done with my spiel detailing Hegel's influence on Marx and the dual structure of the manifesto he agreed, but he gave the most half-assed explanation of the dialectic to the class which leads me to believe that he hasn't read PoS. I also seriously doubt he has read Heidegger.
Very disappointing, but it's good that you brought it up nevertheless that students might look into him. And if you befriend people in the class you may be able to talk with them about it a bit yourself, "Hegel shows the innermost philosophical core in which Mar would work upon, the materialistic dialectic a much more limited one than that of Hegel's" and so on, but don't get too cocky. You've done good in your simplicity, you might also want to talk to other students about the simple core in Marx which is Hegel.

>> No.16423914

Assuming you don't live in France or Germany all the relevant philosophy professors today would care about is analytic. Everything else is mostly regarded as history to teach to undergrads.

>> No.16424009
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>this thread
its funny how the reds completely raped your education and nobody did anything

>> No.16424014

imagine going to college for humanities. your not going to learn anything you havent already learned, bro

>> No.16424015

>and nobody did anything
Google "usa mass shootings in universities and colleges"

>> No.16424026

Your ideas can have influence without someone following them to the letter. To say that Stalin and Mao weren't faithful to Marx's ideas, isn't the same as saying Marx had no influence on them.

>> No.16424032

Marxism the natural conclusion of Platonism.
Reddit tier spooks

>> No.16424049

I think he exaggerated a fair bit, but his point remains essentially true.

Shut up retard

>le look at me, look how I'm showing other people shot some literal nobody only to be replaced by another literal nobody

>> No.16424052

What’s your career? What’s your country? How well respected is your university? Which are your professor’s credentials? Does he/she specializes on something specific? What’s the purpose of the class and in what context?

If you have the option, I advise you to try to get on a philosophy class centered on one period or author, and even those tend to skip important material because it’s just too much for a semester, so there’s a focus on specific aspects of the studied work. In the case of a class that covers multiple eras, I would understand why was it decided to ignore essential authors, maybe in order to follow some type of narrative related to your career, hence my questions and advice.

>> No.16424059
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>tfw philosophy professor’s favorite philosopher is Schopenhauer

>> No.16424107
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>intro to philosophy course
>”if god real why bad thing happen”
>references pop culture constantly
>makes marvel references
>unironically, I shit you not, tells us to watch Rick and Monty
>”when Aristotle referred to the Golden Mean, an example would be drinking wine. You should drink some over none”
>course page has link to existential comics

>> No.16424140

i went to a liberal as fuck uni and locke bentham kant and voltaire were all spoken about more in that era. marx was a fucking footnote

>> No.16424231


>> No.16424234

Why do you support monopolistic corporation, famous for spying on the people?

>> No.16424235

What does he think of Wagner?

>> No.16424239

I dunno I’ll ask him in the morning and report back

>> No.16424250

That totally happened bro. Unless you study sociology, and even then hes not a must read, marx is basically non existant at universities.

>> No.16424251

>being filtered by a passing comment that was probably a joke.
if this isn't a thinly veiled /pol/ thread I am legitimately disappointed in you. no prof of lit would claim that marx was more influential than the dang bible, cause every book written in the west is fuckin loaded to the brim with biblical allusions

>> No.16424258

its interesting to me that Marx is taken seriously in sociology classes. not that he shouldn't be in the context of soc, it just surprised me seeing his name pop up more than once in my pretty lukewarm 'intro to sociology' textbook

>> No.16424282

You have to go back

>> No.16424395

In general I'm surprised Marx is still brought up today in an academic setting. There really isn't a serious Marxist project left on earth that hasn't failed.

>> No.16424408

Sociologists consider Weber, Durkheim (sometimes Comte) and Marx as the big three.

The lack of historical and philosophical context in sociology 101s in distrubing.

>> No.16424493


>> No.16424498

Thank you anon, I ask because I think it's always important to hear what a Schopenhauerian thinks of Wagner.

>> No.16424506

I'd like to jump into sociology, is this characterization of the big three more or less correct?
>Weber - neoliberal capitalist
>Durkheim - communitarian/nationalist
>Marx - socialist

>> No.16424510

Ugh.. my marxist VTOPIA, what could be...

>> No.16424960

Not a joke, he's said it four different times over the course.
Yeah, it's been a mistake so far
America, university is very well respected when it comes to the humanities, he's no doctor, I don't know much about him other than the fact that he's more specialized in the literary side of things, "A major aim of
the course is to enrich our understanding of both literature and philosophy by engaging
with texts from each of these disciplines in a way that transcends the traditional boundaries
between the fields". I know that's ridiculously broad, but that's straight from the syllabus.

>> No.16424970


>> No.16425124

Look man I love the Beatles but multiple countries didn't base their entire economic system and government on "Hey Jude".

>> No.16425139

Is that where this style of "humor" comes from? I see it a lot on the blue boards

>> No.16426348

>Marxism has never been tried.
Couldn't be because each time they did, Capitalists, throught republicans, fascists, or even bolsheviks, literally killed them. What is Paris commune, Budapest commune, Kronstadt rebellion, revolutionary Catalonia.

>> No.16426622

why do pseuds always lie and pass off their lies as something profound?

>> No.16426653

There where a dozen regimes, some of which like the Soviet Union or Mao's China where powerful empires, all of which ended in genocides and economic failures.

Also capitalism does not exist.

>> No.16426672


>> No.16426754

I dont think that's a very fair characterization of Weber. I understand some explicit neoliberals later spoke fondly of Weber, but I wouldnt call his work explicitly so. In fact, I would caution against retroactively casting anything as 'neoliberal' from before the 70s. Even if you can pull neoliberalism from Weber, he almost certainly did not think of himself as such. Weber's most famous work involves the cultural and religious factors involved in the genesis of capitalism. he writes a lot about the cultural and structures of power in societies.

Broadly speaking, the three aren't necessarily as mutually exclusive as you put them here either. marx's account of capitalism, for example, is much more materially focused than Weber's- but that doesnt mean you cannot subscribe to one and be informed by the other.

>> No.16426765

The internet-tinged ironic non sequitur type humor obviously predates fucking Chapo Trap House come on anon you're on 4chan

>> No.16426801

>In a reading list with Plato, Nietzsche, and the fucking Bible

What a ridiculously broad reading list LMAO.

But a serious question for you scholars on here. When it comes to trying to instill the most basic sort of philosophical literacy into confused and bored undergrads, do you think it is best to do semester long specifics to at least build working knowledge of a single thinker, or a shotgun approach like OP's course where you hope at least one monumental world changing book or thinker rubs off on some students (albeit sacrificing depth)?

I see some stories on here about bad professors, but I really do sympathize with anyone trying to teach a topic they care about to a large undergrad class.

>> No.16426918


That pic and text combo gave me a much needed laugh. Thank you, anon.

>> No.16426944

Oh wow it appears if you try to kill people, destroy their culture and society, sometimes they fight back ! We communists are such victims.

>> No.16427075


>> No.16427972


>> No.16427982

Bump 2

>> No.16427986

>proceeds to BTFO Marx decades ago


>> No.16428423

Didn’t Menger eternally BTFO Marx first?

>> No.16428918

He doesn’t have an opinion of Wagner really

>> No.16429017

you went to a bad college my school had me read from a multitude of sources

>> No.16429121

Every college has a few clown professors with tenure left over the from the 60s. Just drop the class, and take it with a professor who isn't an ideological crank.

>> No.16429266

It's a basic class. Of course the professor is also basic. You think anyone who wrote a 300+ page thesis on neoplatonism wants to teach gen eds? Of course not. The plebs get "Philosophy of Bob the Builder" and so on. Take a 300-level course if you want to learn something.

>> No.16429311

That didn’t happen.

>> No.16429314

I wish it didn't

>> No.16429318

I'm a TA for a CS class, but I imagine it's the same dilemma since we can't even begin to teach "Advanced Algorithms" in one semester.

The professor I'm working under spends 1 week (2 classes) on 12 "foundational" topics. She walks the class through proofs of a few important theorems, assigns other proofs as homework, and talks about some practical applications of each topic.

There's also a weekly programming assignment where you implement an algorithm not covered in class.

Her philosophy is that, even at the 300-level, most students won't care enough to think deeply about a subject. So, it's more efficient to familiarize everyone with the important stuff, and let the curious branch out on their own.

This tends to work --- most students do reasonably well on their midterm & final, and I personally learned a lot independently while working on the homework problems. Anecdotally, she tells me 3-5 of her students each year wind up enrolling in a PhD program, and write her about their experience.

That being said, she goes out of her way to footnote each packet of lecture notes with 20-30 papers/books that you should look up if you want to understand something in greater depth. These reading lists are my favorite thing about college.

>> No.16429356

The amerimutts aren't bright but at the same time they have successfully exported their shit tier views to the rest of the western world. CIA doing a fine work as always.

>> No.16430070

Incredibly based

>> No.16430080


>> No.16430773


>> No.16430837


>> No.16430841

What lasting impact did he have on civilization?
why is this faggot always so overrated in terms of his reach? how many 20th century movements were mainly inspired by his work? fucking none, the only ressurgence he had is among new atheist teens in the last decades.

>> No.16430851

he's completely right, of course

>> No.16430854

Is this some kind of new rightoid meme? Some loser has been spamming it on /tv/ for days.

>> No.16430859

>Plato, the bible and Neet
Not even close in terms of influence to Marx in modern times, the man's work literally shaped our world's politics for a century

>> No.16430861

>austrian school
into the trash it goes

>> No.16431186

Marginal utility is the greatest discovery in economics in a century

>> No.16431263

Christianity has more followers than Marxism. Christianity shaped politics for nearly a millennium. Not to mention nearly every piece of western literature being chock full of allusions to the Bible.

>> No.16431297

>What lasting impact did he have on civilization?
>"What lasting influence did the father of modernism and grandfather of postmodernism have on civilisation?"
Bruh moment

>> No.16431474

*raises hand* "Um.... can I fuck your wife professor?"

>> No.16431481

>Marxism is more influential than Christianity and by extension Plato which directly influenced it in the first place
This level of delusion.

>> No.16431484

Why do leftoids always type in smarmy lower cases?

>> No.16431485

Defined the entirety of the western world's culture and ethics from the Middle Ages to this very day.
Masturbatory thought experiments by oversocialized middle-class white liberals.

>> No.16431487

You have to go back.

>> No.16431491


>> No.16431495
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>> No.16431498
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>tfw experienced something similar for one of my mandatory 'core' courses
>I let out a fairly loud laugh immediately
>there was a brief moment of silence afterwards while I stifled my snickering
I don't even regret the complete waste of time that was that class purely because of this moment. My actual degree on the other hand...

>> No.16431503

See, this anon resonates with me. These classes aren't anything worth being embarrassed over, it's entirely worth it to scorn the ilk of pampered intellectuals that plague the universities and letting them know they have no power over you.

>> No.16431530


>> No.16431531

>to cucked to reply
>impotently lament on /lit/ instead
He was testing you, and you failed miserably you newmale

>> No.16431550


>> No.16431613

If you knew the man you'd know it was not a test

>> No.16431709
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Tell your professor that he is based

>> No.16431746
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>t. newfag that wasnt here during the ironic shitposting era

>> No.16431751
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>> No.16431759

You mean like two years ago you fucking shitter?

>> No.16431765

No, you fucking retard. see >>16431751 Those were dark times.

>> No.16431775
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>Adam Smith

>> No.16431808

based (cringe)

>> No.16431827

>just let your cultures and ideals be destroyed/subverted lmao

>> No.16431831

The only advice I can give you,
go for the eyes.
It's the most just punishment.
He doesn't deserve his EYES

>> No.16432971
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Thank you all

>> No.16432981
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>> No.16433090
