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/lit/ - Literature

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1642069 No.1642069 [Reply] [Original]

Do you like anime /lit/?

>> No.1642070

A couple

>> No.1642072

Yeah, I like a couple too. I tend to gravitate toward the 2deep4U stuff. I especially love "Patlabor 2." It's a political thriller type anime, but I was one of the most incisive political critiques I know of. It basically anticipated our Age of Terror a decade before 9/11.

>> No.1642082

As that other guy, I too like the deep-end stuff: ergo proxy, madoka, snw. Also enjoyed xam'd, shigofumi and eva to some extend. I generally enjoy all distraction, anime, literature, games and what-not.

>> No.1642094


>> No.1642096

My oh my, if only I could find a female like that in real life.

>> No.1642105

who..... who is this magnificent woman

>> No.1642112

Oh...oh my /a/, I did not know such a beautiful specimen roamed through your boards. My heart weeps.

>> No.1642115

For anyone curious, this is Yomiko Readman aka Agent Paper / The Paper, from R.O.D ova and R.O.D the TV. It stands for Read Or Die. It's very /lit/ relevant.

>> No.1642135
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Also, presented here, there are the Paper Sisters from the same series, the older two of which share the same interests and impassioned pursuit of said passions as Ms. Readman.

>> No.1642139

Go back to /a/ animufag.... wait you're already there! AHHHHH

>> No.1642176

Ghibli movies, Akira, GitS, Cowboy Bebop, Evangelion, Mushishi, Tekkon Kinkreet. Some stuff is really good. But the moeshit and shonen crap that gets most of the attention is just dreadful.

Manga is generally better, despite being b&w. Or at least the scanlator scene has better taste and is less dumb than the fansubber scene.

>> No.1642836

those aren't deep animes lol

these are the deep animes

>> No.1642841

>implying there are any deep animes

>> No.1642853

cromartie high school. Really loved macross plus, ghost in the shell and ninja scroll an all those like 90s movies. man I really need to watch macross plus again.

>> No.1642865

I'm guessing most people here like Paranoia Agent, and Serial Experiments Lain, they are the only good anime that I have ever seen. And they are sufficiently 2deep4u as we say so they are quite enjoyable and both are very short.

>> No.1642866

Yes, I enjoy anime.

It's funny and has cute faces. I like anything that's funny and has cute faces.

>> No.1642869

no i like being lame

>> No.1642872

i like that one where everyone has enormous eyes and human interaction is portrayed very unrealistically

>> No.1642874

Mushishi is one of the most brilliant and creative things ever. See also: the Bakeneko story (last three episodes) from the TV anthology Ayakashi: Samurai Horror Tales, and the sequel to it, the TV series Mononoke.

>> No.1642876


Not liking anime is kind of the opposite of being lame.

>> No.1642877

>human interaction is portrayed very unrealistically

That's called "comedy," fuckface

>> No.1642880

Why are you asking a fucking literature board?

>> No.1642881



>No character development

>Only one main character

>Same story each episode

>Is neither entertaining nor makes any kind of profound statement, and is also lacking in any kind of artistic interest or depth

Do people just pretend to like that series because they think liking something boring makes them smart?

>> No.1642888
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>> No.1642890


Haha i trolled you

and i'm still right

>> No.1642897

Anime wasn't that bad, but the fanbase started to go downhill.

It used to be pretty normal people who were into anime and these days the only people really into anime are pimple-faced autistic retards that decided they liked Asian cartoons because they reminded them of gay nerd card games like Pokemon or DnD or whatever the fuck those little shits play these days.

Yes, I mad.

>> No.1642902


you sound like an awful person with awful ideas

>> No.1642903
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>Haha i trolled you

>> No.1642907


I'm pretty sure you've never watched Mushishi.

>> No.1642910


I'm pretty sure I have.

>> No.1642909

Yes I do, and manga. My interests are immensely varied and I don't limit myself to just one.

>> No.1642912


aspberger's sufferer in denial

>> No.1642913


No you haven't.

>> No.1642917


>> No.1642923

>Implying there is anyone who enjoys anime that doesn't suffer from aspbergers.

>> No.1642924

I thought that didn't exist any more, it's just regular old autism now

>> No.1642925


To be honest I don't think there is. Going to an anime con is like visiting a lunatic asylum for people with mental problems.

>> No.1642927

I don't enjoy anime. I enjoy Japanese Animation.

>> No.1642937

>lunatic asylum for people with mental problems

Is there any other sort of lunatic asylum?

>> No.1642945
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I have enjoyed animu for the better part of twenty years. Animu I do not genuinely enjoy I can generally get drunk and find watchable. Not all of the ones I like are particularly well-written but as visual/auditory media I find them very stimulating. Some, like GitS:SAC and LoGH (image related) are all that and a wonderful pile of writing. It helps to understand Japanese.

Most of us stopped going to cons five to ten years ago. Really the only reason I ever attended was cheap ass deals on merch and fighting game tournaments but even those are no longer enough to get me within ten miles of some of the cancer that goes on there. When Anime Boston is in town I make it a point not to go outside (like I go outside oh so frequently). Then of course in addition to cancer is the AIDS, namely relative newfriends who only focus their attention on the most obscure and esoteric Japanese things then turn around and shit on it immediately after it garners one fan i.e. /jp/.

>> No.1642950


I go for the Voice Actor Q+A panels and the late night dance party event/whatever. Other than that seeing a bunch of people dressed as black mages sitting around in a hotel hallway playing Yu gi Oh gets really fucking old

>> No.1642953


This. There's barely anyone over 20 at most cons so why bother, unless you're weird and like hanging out with little kids

>> No.1642960

I enjoy it enough that it's making learning japanese 100 times easier than it would be otherwise.

>> No.1642972
File: 32 KB, 282x364, mushishi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not anymore, but Mushishi is still pretty much one of my favorite things ever.

>> No.1642973


Well I guess there are some benefits to gay Asian cartoons

>> No.1642990 [DELETED] 
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>Other than that seeing a bunch of people dressed as black mages sitting around in a hotel hallway playing Yu gi Oh gets really fucking old

>> No.1643060


haha look at this shit, look at these people

i didn't care about anime but i might have to check it out now!

>> No.1643083

The Madoka, Mushishi, Eva and LoTGH love here is surprising and makes me happy. Anyone else watching the current season? As for older stuff, I really like Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, Big O (noir mecha), Gankutsuou (sci-fi count of monte cristo) The Tatami Galaxy, Terra e (another great entry in the gay men in space genre) and Monster.

>> No.1643090

only good thing this season is Hourou Musuko

>> No.1643096

Yeah, Tranny Middle School is pretty enjoyable. I'm also watching Level E, Star Driver, and Starry Sky But they're not as good as Madoka or Wandering Son. (though Star Driver is fun as shit even though it has no plot.)

>> No.1643098

you sound like you'd loike Fractale, have you seen it?

>> No.1643120

My favorites: Durarara, Baccano, Claymore, Tsubasa Chronicle, Scrapped Princess, FLCL

>> No.1643122

FLCL, Abenobashi, Cowboy Bebop

>> No.1643126
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Diary of Tortov Roddle

>> No.1643131

Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo, Evagelion and gundam wing; Oz, Heero circa

>> No.1643191
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I haven't watched anything new in the past two years except Rebuild 2.22 and PSG. Everything in your list is also among my absolute favorites except Tatami Galaxy which I have queued and know I should watch. This is >>1642945 btw.

If you had to recommend one show besides those three from the last year and change what would it be? I have trouble motivating myself now that I'm so out of it to trial every single show and am always terrified that I will misjudge a show I really would have liked by not watching the whole thing.

tl;dr - You are essentially me and I will trust whatever recommendation you give. Also since no one has mentioned it, Shigurui.

>> No.1643192

Madoka, Cowboy Bebop and Fullmetal Alchemist

>> No.1643204

Wow why am I not surprised you like animes

>> No.1643215

>all recommended to me by friends
>implying everyone shouldnt like at least one of everything

>> No.1643221

Great, then tell me about all of the poops that you like to eat, because gosh shouldn't someone like at least one of everything?

>> No.1643232

you're so boring to talk to

and vulgar

>> No.1643235

I like Darker than Black, 00 Gundam, Evangelion, Cowboy Bebop, Ghost in the Shell (I even enjoyed Solid State Society, Blood + even though it lost me for a while I came back to it, Trinity Blood, and guiltily I enjoyed Ichiban Ushiro No Daimaou.

There are a number of others that simply aren't springing to mind though.

>> No.1643240

That's no argument against teh fact that I'm right, sorry.

>> No.1643249

Your friends sound like idiots and you have no taste

>> No.1643250


also the food you eat was grown in worm shit, the alcohol you drink to try and fix your life is bacterial waste, everything is literal shit

>> No.1643259


Yes, it's called the public school system.

>> No.1643262

okay, so which is a better anime in your humble opinions, Fractale or Freezing?

>> No.1643264


Manga freezing was decent. Anime is meh.

Your decision hinges on your personal taste.

>> No.1643302

>those aren't deep animes lol
Actually, they are.
Shame you can't see what others can.

>> No.1643317

Shame you have an awfully undiscerning taste

>> No.1643328

>no u
Okay :)

>> No.1643431
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>> No.1643449

>It used to be pretty normal people who were into anime

haha, right. Anime was always a hobby for fat neckbeards and social rejects, just that a lot less people were weeaboos 15+ years ago.

>> No.1643453


Peterhausen indeed. No more epic mount is needed.

>> No.1643483

If it isn't Gurren Lagann, Tenchi Muyo, or Cromartie High School, I don't give a fuck.

>> No.1643486

like a boss