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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 126 KB, 307x475, 7126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16424298 No.16424298 [Reply] [Original]

My favorite book is The Count of Monte Cristo.

>> No.16424309

You like adventure, and will achieve it one day.

>> No.16424314

That you belong on reddit.

>> No.16424316

how can it be a reddit book? damn.

>> No.16424345
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>my favorite book? The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha, of course

>> No.16424355

been considering buying it, is it worth it?

>> No.16424368

You enjoy comfy escapism and possibly lack morality
Either a scholarly gentleman or a fun things are fun guy. No inbetween

>> No.16424369
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>My favourite book? The vagina bible by Dr Jen Gunter

>> No.16424377

spot on desu. what part about the count made u think i lack morality though? and yes i do to some extent for sure.

also you didnt tell us your favorite book anon

>> No.16424378
File: 113 KB, 500x750, 500px-Fantomas-mortquitue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like Fantômas.

>> No.16424387

The movies with Louis de Funès are pretty funny too, you should check them out

>> No.16424394

I watched them as a kid, long before I even knew there was a book series, they were indeed very good.

>> No.16424406
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Not sure if it means I’m a suicidal neurotic
Or a retarded eunuch

>> No.16424416

I like this book because my life is pathetic, and it gives me hope of starting something at 33 after having wasted my youth.

>> No.16424419

>what part about the count made u think i lack morality though?
He stroke me as essentially an hypocrite since he basically regarded hinself as an agent of God's justice, which is wrong but I guess makes for an interesting character, but the message he leaves his protégé is "wait and hope" when basically his whole life after escaping prison was dictated by a "help yourself and God will help you" motto. Also he basically tortures and makes morell miserable just for the fuck of it essentially, just to test him and see whether or not he was akin to his spirit. I like the book fine but I feel that everyone who approved of the count must have his moral compass at least a bit off, and if you don't like the count you won't have it as your favorite
>also you didnt tell us your favorite book anon
Hard to tell. Les miserables, gargantua and pantagruel and brother karamazov are up there, but so are so many others

>> No.16424442

Mine is Moby Dick
It would seem that you are incredibly based

>> No.16425610

my man

>> No.16425630


Is Fantomas the new meme?

>> No.16425664
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Not yet, it's just me trying to bait people into reading so I have someone to discuss it with.

>> No.16425875

It means you're still too scared to read Joyce. Just do it, anon

>> No.16425954

My favourite "roman" as guys like me call it is À rebours, by Joris-Karl Huysmans, of course.

>> No.16425981

Is it translated well? Rec one I'll find the ebook

>> No.16425982

You can love Joyce and Faulkner too anon

>> No.16425993

Why is it your favourite book? I've had it on my shelf for a while now and I'm sort of debating reading it next, so maybe you can properly sell me on it.

>> No.16426011

I loved Ulysses right up until Oxen of the Sun and then thought ‘this is naught but wankery’ and never finished it

>> No.16426031

It is, but not all the books were translated, which is a shame, since this series is in sequels with open endings. I used google translate to satisfy my curiosity on those still just in french, it did a decent work.
Here's a list:

>> No.16426049

Not him but go for it. It's a very comfy book that does not require you to turn your brain on. If you have time to kill and are in the mood for some nice light entertainment I highly recommend it

>> No.16426069


>> No.16426164

My favorite book is La faute de l'Abbé Mouret.

>> No.16426338

You dislike Christianity

>> No.16426350

My favorite book is Infinite Jest, non-ironically.

>> No.16426371

My favorite book is The Temple of the Golden Pavilion.

>> No.16426377

It says you're not widely read in the classics, but you are interested in reading them.

>> No.16426379

Faulkner wanted so bad to be joyce but just couldn't do it. Gave it a noble effort, though. People like Faulkner so much on this board because he filters anyone dumb but isn't genuinely hard to read. His scope is pretty small too and in the grand conversation he only chirps up occasionally.

>> No.16426432

>Mine is Moby Dick
You're about 19 years old and you tell people that Moby Dick is your favorite book because you think it makes other people think you're smart.

>> No.16426460

It's really enjoyable to read. I actually consider it more of a fantasy because it is a ridiculously elaborate revenge story against a few people who get the main character unjustly thrown into prison. While in prison the guy becomes very well educated and when he gets out he becomes extremely wealthy and this is where the fantasy part comes in, because it's fun to be in that position. If you read it make sure it's the unabridged version. Off the top of my head it should be something like 116 chapters but I'm probably wrong about that.

>> No.16426485

He regretted it all so that's the point. If he had waited and hopes in the cell, he probably would be in the same position as he was in the end: maybe not materially, but spiritually; or at least everything would still happen as though it was determined by a supernatural force, and thus, the message "wait and hope" remains intact.

>> No.16426510
File: 191 KB, 1400x2132, the-sun-also-rises-9781501121968_hr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright anons

>> No.16426543

Nobody's reaction to liking Moby Dick is "oh wow, you must be smart," it's always more like "What are you, a masochist? How could you enjoy that?"

>> No.16426610

Alright you know what, I think I will read it next. And yeh I've got unabridged, it's the same copy as OP pic and it's an absolute fucking brick.

>> No.16426621
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Especially parts 3 and 4.

>> No.16426715
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Says you’re based
Says you’re young but based

>> No.16426856

I'm not saying that people will think somebody who likes Moby Dick is smart. I'm saying it's the sort of book that dumb people will claim to enjoy in order to appear smart.

>> No.16426861

I don't think there is a single mention of me in my favorite book.

>> No.16426936
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>> No.16426963
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For the record, I'm not widely read, and yes, I have read Homer

>> No.16426985

Don't let reddit dictate anything about your life.

>> No.16426994

Sirens of Titan

>> No.16427011

You really value the idea of being culture and well read. You're dissatisfied by what the contemporary world has to offer and crave a more noble age.

>> No.16427024
File: 23 KB, 310x450, absalom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Patrician taste, anon. Have you read Absalom, Absalom? I actually prefer it.
So what does this say about me /lit/bros?

>> No.16427037

Yes, it's worth it

>> No.16427044


>> No.16427084

For me, its Hamlet by William Shakespeare

>> No.16427111

is this good or is it just fanfiction and Roman propaganda?
comfy book

>> No.16427150
File: 148 KB, 440x626, 440px-Nautilus_Neuville.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

200 leagues under the sea or dune are my favorite fiction books.

>> No.16427263

A Canticle for Leibowitz

>> No.16427288

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

>> No.16427310


>> No.16427347

The red and the black...or if it counts a collection of Hemingway’s short stories

>> No.16427485

No anon, that'd be Ulysses, Gravity's Rainbow or Infinite Jest

>> No.16428296

My favorite book is The Tartar Steppe.

>> No.16428631
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I dunno why, but I found it very affecting

>> No.16428668

Existential crisis

>> No.16428980

I did read Absalom, Absalom! as well, anon. And I did enjoy it but I think I was more emotionally devastated by The Sound and the Fury. Not that the Sutpen’s tragedy wasn’t moving, I think I just related to Quentin more even though I know he is in many ways a foolish character.

>> No.16429012

"VGH... I should have been born in 1750" chinlet
Based, 20k Leagues was my favorite book as a kid

I have never heard of any of the other books poster itt

>> No.16429033


If I was to only read one of the books, which one should it be?

>> No.16429047
File: 100 KB, 1024x746, 655da8795ed4e4ff14406a2c4f15ee44c29553ec_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All Quiet On The Western Front

>> No.16429055
File: 499 KB, 1653x2560, 81KBldResmL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to a charter school in a rich area but my friends and I still did more drugs than the public school kids

>> No.16429351

The Grapes of Wrath

>> No.16429405

You just exposed as having probably never read either. Faulkner and Joyce are completely different. Faulkner has a voice and style completely unique from Joyce. The only comparable thing between them is their use of SOC and even then, they use it in absolutely different ways. Also no one would describe Faulkner's catalog as "small" or easy to read.
Based. One of the greatest and underacknowledged literary achievements.

>> No.16429417

Catch 22

>> No.16429423
File: 47 KB, 918x719, 1591886205274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paradise Lost

>> No.16429446


>> No.16429451

The Picture of Dorian Gray

>inb4 lol ur gay

>> No.16429559

Norwegian wood. And no I'm not horny.

>> No.16429829

All of the above

>> No.16429835

Look Homeward, Angel by Thomas Wolfe

>> No.16429953

It's good and also Roman fanfiction.

>> No.16430117


Was that book miserable?

>> No.16430121

I shouldn't have, but I laughed. Here's your (you)

>> No.16430122

That book was better than the Illiad and the Odyssey combined.

Virgil made Homer his bitch when he wrote that.

>> No.16430134


Loved the book. I can still remember the section where he goes home. He talks about his dad working all day in the factory and getting headaches because of it. Its the sort of thing any working class person can relate to. Or the part where his mom needs medicine and treatment but the doctors won't say the price beforehand because they are poor. Rich patients get the price right away so there is no anxiety. Really reminds me of the healthcare in the USA.

>> No.16430142

>>>16430117 (You)
>I shouldn't have, but I laughed. Here's your (you)

This isn't red dit. There is no gold kind stranger.

>> No.16430147

Of course there isn't gold. There are (you)s tho. If you don't understand the worth of (you)s then you need to lurk moar

>> No.16430162

very based since it is my favorite too

>> No.16430599

One of the better "lesser known" novels from the series. I loved it.

Id have to say that my favorite book is Nana by Zola. There are a lot of other books that I'd say are equally my favorite but I read Nana 5 years ago now and I still constantly think back to it and reread parts

>> No.16430610

Read almost all of both. Not finnegans wake and some of the worse faulkner books. Face the facts anon.

>> No.16430761
File: 1.26 MB, 729x1216, img-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well that's a tough one...
It's always good to start with the first, but since it's more of a warmup for what's to come, some might find it a bit boring.
Exploits of Juve (Juve contre Fantômas) is really good, so is The Corpse who kills (Le mort qui tue). There are some gems beyond that, but it becomes somewhat necessary that you have read the previous ones.

>> No.16430796

For me its For Whom the Bell Tolls

>> No.16430895


>> No.16430905

It’s not my favorite, but this book is slept on. It’s a condensed American epic

>> No.16430909

>being so narrow-minded that you have one (1) favourite book

>> No.16431458

It's amazingly fun to read. I can think of few books that I would call genuine page turners, and this is one of them. You will find yourself deeply invested in Edmond's life and his drawn out plan of revenge against those who wronged him.
Imagine all the times you've ever been slighted in some way, and how you fantasized about getting back at that person. Edmond actually lives that fantasy. The whole thing is just cathartic.
My copy is just shy of 1500 pages.

>> No.16431654


>> No.16431696


>> No.16431723

The whole point of the book was that revenge was pointless. Edmond was essentially an agent of divine retribution with the name Monte Cristo. The point is Monte Cristo wasn't even a human being, he was justice made flesh, and a perverse justice at that. He didn't just aim to kill the men who wronged him, which is noble in its simplicity, he created scenarios that ruined their entire lives and left them destitute. Its only when he renounces revenge and settles down for a life of peaceful love with that middle eastern chick that he really becomes human. I get it, its cathartic, but that catharsis is rooted in evil inside of us. The re-read of Monte Cristo becomes a tragedy as you see an incredibly intelligent, wealthy, and talented man place all of his being into spreading misery in the world because of what happened yesterday.

>> No.16431756
File: 349 KB, 657x1069, 9780241467985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't actually read that much yet but i bought pic related for the kino cover and it ended up being my favorite thing i have ever read.

>> No.16431761

Alexander Dumbass lol

>> No.16431792


And the truth is Monte Cristo is really the villain of the story in a deep metaphysical sense. The men who put him in prison did so out of regular human weakness- one man was jealous of Edmond's love with Mercedes, the other was defending his political career by hiding his father's treason. Sure what they did to Edmond was horrible, but their motivations are very human. And even in the future, after Edmond becomes Monte Cristo, they aren't really evil people. They've made mistakes in life and are a bit corrupt, but they have families that they love and personal issues they're dealing with. Monte Cristo on the other hand does evil, not out of human weakness- jealousy, desire for power, etc- but out of a pure desire for retribution. Out of a desire to bring pain to be people. And he has so much going for him- he is attractive, relatively young, rich, sophisticated, capable, socially connected, intelligent... he has a gorgeous young woman who loves him and would do anything for him. His life is full of potential, and he uses that potential to spread misery. Monte Cristo is evil. Monte Cristo is the worst of humanity in the moral sense, and the best of humanity in the practical sense.

>> No.16431851
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>> No.16431869

"Favourite" must by necessity be singular, singular by virtue of being the highest
if there is a multiplicity, insofar as they are different there will be inequality and thus by any metric one can be more valued above the other. You favour one book over another, you favour a single one the most. That is your "favourite".

Youre the brainlet who doesn't know how the fugging word favourite works.

>> No.16431874
File: 2.77 MB, 1608x2240, 435345435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely adored this book and havent read anything thats beaten it yet
Temple of the Golden Pavilion was pretty good too
Seeing all the Aeneid niggas in this thread made me really happy

>> No.16432007
File: 33 KB, 599x343, deadman03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this book and I'm a piece of shit so you must be a real piece of shit
In the 20s men in england would carry that book around with them to signal to one another that they were gay. Not that I am >implying anything
You are the fully developed butterfly emerging from the cocoon of Vonnegut
Hey at least it's not the sun also rises
You're either a legit failed gifted child or you're posturing for post-sincerity grift tokens known as 'upvotes' on reddit dot com
Always based, it's a classic for a damn reason

>> No.16432016
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pic related or the Idiot

>> No.16432017
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You're funny and sad in the best proportions
If you read it for Satan you are based

>> No.16432896


>> No.16433092

Not that anon but Moby Dick is a legit great book, its not even try hard. That'd be like ulysses or the brothers karmazov

>> No.16433229
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a good book, but it won't be your favorite a few years from now if you keep reading more
gonna read this soon. I really liked Sound of the Waves
reading this now but it's hard to relate to Julien, he's so fragile and neurotic

>> No.16433305
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No book has lifted the ineffable burden of conscience from my shoulders more than this single work. I felt, pardon the cliché expression, understood.
Upon finishing the book for the first time I remember feeling much the same way I did when, as a young child, I had just finished my first confession and prayed the last rosary. All made sense.

>> No.16433539
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It's too close to home, but that's why I like it.

I never understood why they destroyed oranges. I mean it's great characterization in the book, but I can't believe it happened IRL because I've got a finance degree and there's basically no contrivable situation where 'lol destroy the product' leads to an increase in net income.

Imo it's a solid instruction on interpersonal politics as well. What others failed to mention is that the revenge is contingent upon his enemies continuing to act upon the same sinful qualities that led them to frame him (greed, ambition/jealousy, i can't remember the third guy's). The Count bends over backward to give his enemies opportunities to redeem themselves, so he can be sure his vengance is not unjustly upon individuals who have repented for an ancient crime, but for the sins the continue to commit.

>tfw he implies the banker's fortune is third-rate

>> No.16433556

What's the difference between classics and canon and 'read the greeks'?

What if I actually enjoyed it but I don't tell people? Also that some of it went over my head but the stuff that didn't was amazing?

>> No.16433653

good eng or deutsch translation?

>> No.16433696

You're not ready for Ulysses yet

>> No.16433718
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or Portnoys Complaint

>> No.16433735
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>> No.16433762

It sez --Hey pleb, watchya makin us for lunch?

>> No.16433805

King Lear I've read it countless times.

>> No.16433860

Starship Troopers and Stranger in a Strange Land.

Pretty sure it means I'm a quasi-fascist libertarian.

>> No.16434248


>> No.16434554

No longer human

>> No.16434657

when I grew up I left behind my redditish feelings, including such feelings like, liking redditish things makes you reddit.

>> No.16435482


>> No.16435827


>> No.16435857

This. Every faggot on Reddit salivates over Monte Cristo.

>> No.16435924

>a website I don't like likes a book, meaning people who like it are stupid and I can't like it

>> No.16436352
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>> No.16436386

Anna Karenina
You like surprises
Free and independent, maybe to a fault
Jack Black
You enjoy self-discovery and greater purpose
Kill yourself
You keep to yourself but you're very intelligent
Read the book first then come back. I mean that in the nicest way possible.
A man of culture but you're also self-deprecating

>> No.16436573

cringing rn

>> No.16436601

No shit, you had more money to spend on drugs than they did

>> No.16436688

projecting hard

>> No.16437212

>Mine is Moby Dick
You are both agonized and intrigued/receptive to this world's contradictions and multivalent nature and refuse to accept any overarching dogmatic conception/interpretation of the world

>> No.16437506

Not sure if I'm late to the party, but I have two favorite books. Resurrection by Leo Tolstoy and Faust by Goethe. Also, nice thread, added some books to my reading list.

>> No.16437536

The thing that dumb people say about moby-dick because they think it makes them smart is
>it’s just about whales, wow Melville’s descriptions sure are autistic
Because cynicism makes people feel smart. There are plenty of midwits on /lit/ who say that Moby-Dick is their favourite because they’ve read little else, but there are many others who still love it and it remains their favourite despite them reading much else because it is a truly great book, most of the people who disagree with that haven’t read it or are too stupid to understand it.

>> No.16437585
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same man, beautifully written, beautifully tragic, it was a a big warning and a slap in my face when I first read it

>> No.16437603
File: 25 KB, 264x406, 9781593080815_p0_v1_s550x406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why it's Crime and Punishment!

>> No.16437665

I can attest. Moby Dick is still and will forever be a favorite of mine. I've gushed about it here and there on /lit/, I might even get into the mood and fall back into the trance of Melville's poetry. Every. Single. Line. But - yeah, the unfortunate simultaneity of it being a commonly read book by people in highschool and a fantastic fucking book that SHOULD be read by everyone upon entering puberty. Meh. Who cares. It's a masterpiece. Full-stop.

>> No.16437682

I dunno about favorite book, but this is one of the best

>> No.16437742


I have literally never heard anyone say or do that. But I also think Moby Dick is one of the best :^)

>> No.16437812

Every one of the 940 pages are worth it. Buy the Edith Grossman translation. Any other English translation takes one of the best fictional works ever and turns it in to this mundane waste of paper. Edith Grossman gets it right.

>> No.16437947

Is the Spanish translation better than English?

>> No.16438054

Sirens of Titan

>> No.16438276
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>> No.16438289

Tradcath zoomer or 80 years old
Jordan peterson fan

>> No.16438468

My favorite book is The Third Policeman

>> No.16438883
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>> No.16438901
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>> No.16439049

Edgelord teenage boy

>> No.16439066


>> No.16439077
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>> No.16439094

mines is Blood Meridian. haven't met anyone irl who's read this one yet, damn shame

>> No.16439169

You're a teenager who's just gotten into reading. You're poor and probably going to college

Melancholic man who's bi curious but won't admit it to himself

You smoke weed every single day. Yoy constantly tell yourself you'll cut down but you won't

You want to go to the gym but youre6too embarrassed to start

16 year old that thinks you're way smarter than you actually are

Likes to walk around the library for no reason

You don't like your parents

You drink way too much

You love dogs

You prefer Dostoyevski to Tolstoy but you don't know it yet


You look like a nerd but your cock is huge

>> No.16439825

big brain or massive pseud

>> No.16440047

My favorite book is a confederacy of dunces.

>> No.16440051
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My favorite book is Lolita but at the same time I despise pedos.

>> No.16440172

Well what the fuck is your favorite book, anon? We'll shit on that

>> No.16440235

Atlas Shrugged

>> No.16440459

I'm a cat person

>> No.16440463

>a woman got it right

>> No.16440545

A Hero of Our Time - Lermontov

>> No.16440556

For me, its Modeste Mignon.

>> No.16440706

idk pedro paramo was very affecting

>> No.16441084

It says you're a fag.

>> No.16441098

Or a dickhead, or a black woman.

>> No.16441104

Asking me what my favorite book is is like asking a parent who their favorite child is. I don’t have a favorite book, I have many.
Count of Monte Cristo is up there though. Just a truly great tale

>> No.16441132
File: 77 KB, 505x800, Wuthering-heights1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wuthering Heights

>> No.16441158

Marriage of Heaven and Hell

>> No.16441210

If you didn't read it in Spanish you're a 5'9 pocket prince.

>> No.16441230

wanna be edgy 16 year old girl

>> No.16441267
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>tfw "The world's a fine place, and worth the fighting for and I hate very much to leave it."

>> No.16441296
File: 85 KB, 750x756, IMG_6017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Hobbit :)

>> No.16441427

Very intelligent person

>> No.16441469
File: 33 KB, 307x475, SATF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is my favourite

>> No.16441603

It's not the same, unless we are asking about the books you wrote yourself.
A more proper comparison would be if we asked an emperor which was his favorite concubine in the harem.

>> No.16441730

This website should have a male age limit

Go back to online school

>> No.16441756

What does not having a favorite book say about me?

>> No.16441859
File: 37 KB, 303x475, The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why yes, I do identify with both Chad and Pepe memes

>> No.16441896

hello Yahtzee

>> No.16441955

Hello Mr Btongue

>> No.16441985


>> No.16442001

Absolute kino

>> No.16442002
File: 322 KB, 417x407, mamanskdfasflawef.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found your pic

>> No.16442230

Thread's about what your favorite books says about you, not about what you can't like.

>> No.16442732
File: 47 KB, 313x500, 51s21i+0OsL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16442772

Looks like a chad

>> No.16443811

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep - Phillip K Dick

>> No.16444089

Nice, I'm about halfway through this and really enjoying it.

>> No.16444166

You're probably a chill bloke. Would share a wine skin with.

Probably an anxious and uncertain fellow who yearns for a solidity of purpose.

Maybe a girl, or at least effeminate. But not onions about it.

>> No.16444184

I will read it if you read ‘The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner’.

>> No.16444193
File: 269 KB, 1064x1600, 6fc283138b1c97bf6f0db99e477ecc43[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I better than this guy?

>> No.16444212

I haven’t read it, I’ve only read androids and I Ubik from Dick
Is it a good read?

>> No.16444221
File: 2.18 MB, 3120x2504, 1588800699544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it says i'll die unless i have real freedom.

>> No.16444245

You truly missed out, the 4 chapters that follow are what elevates Ulysses from good, innovative serial novel to the greatest literary work of the C20.

>> No.16444301

I haven't read android yet, but it's much better than Ubik. It's very grounded in reality, despite how insane the protagonist is. Seems like it was written about today, with the surveillance and the paranoia and shit.

>> No.16444772

The Tunnel by Ernesto Sabato

>> No.16444948
File: 40 KB, 333x499, 114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ride the Tiger

>> No.16444998
File: 47 KB, 328x499, 0E5C1C9F-E9CF-415D-B0BF-9CED00EC8A38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You feel smugly superior to others but play it off as humor
You overthink everything
Anglophile in denial
Pacifist and probably some form of Christian Democrat
You don’t take sides in arguments
You feel vaguely “right-wing” but can’t let go of the past
You complain about problems that originate in you and assume everyone else feels the same way
You can’t shake the ideological groundwork of Christianity from your way of thought, despite your best attempts to distance yourself from it

>> No.16445342

i can speak spanish but im not fluent. should i even bother trying to read it in its original language or read a modernized spanish translation?

>> No.16445380


>> No.16445431

>I just related to Quentin more
Honestly, I feel like Quentin is a spiritual brother to me. One of my favourite characters in all of literature.

>> No.16445450
File: 38 KB, 304x472, 762755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I come back to this at least once a year

Patrician. Finally getting around to it and kicking myself for waiting so long.
You're a romantic.

>> No.16445783

Borzoi, is that you?

>> No.16445787
File: 271 KB, 1183x887, dead loser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16446582

Challenge accepted!

>> No.16446645

I absolutely believe so, since Portuguese and Spanish are so close its uncanny - entire pages of the orginal text are translated word for word into Spanish, even maintaining the intended rythmic gravitas.

>> No.16446658

sorry got here late. my favorite book is either The Conquest of Gaul by Julius Caesar or Slaughterhouse Five

>> No.16446700


>> No.16446710

thanks for the validation dude, what do you read

>> No.16446735

You're either a freudian personality or enjoy laughing at freudian personalities