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/lit/ - Literature

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16418332 No.16418332 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't you go /out/ you nerds?
There is nothing better than reading in nature

>> No.16418409
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My apartment is a mess.
If I go out I can't talk to anyone because the potential to take them home is not an option because my house is a mess.
I don't clean my house as an excuse to not open contact people because of social anxiety.

>> No.16418426

I do.

>> No.16418450

>implying one can truly enjoy nature while doing surrogate activities like reading

>> No.16419055

nature is being destroyed everyday and soon there wont be anything left aside from parks or reserves used for highly regulated "vacation" or resource management.

Kaczynski is right, we must all focus on the destruction of the techno-system.

>> No.16419456

I had a comfy read in the garden at noon today.

>> No.16419547

There is one thing better than reading in nature: not reading in nature

>> No.16419573

I live by the beach and go there sometimes. I also live near a river where there are manatees and I like to go see them as they're my favorite animal.

>> No.16419583
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I bet you listen to music while reading, too.

>> No.16419586

I will soon. I live in lyme country and it's dangerous to go /out/ until tick season ends.

>> No.16419598

I live in inland (not coastal) canada. it's now too cold to comfortably read outside.

>> No.16419604

I live in a big city.

>> No.16419610

Enjoying nature is a surrogate activity itself. If your life is based in modern society, then every activity you do is a surrogate activity. Enjoying nature is just another escape.

>> No.16419611

NYC? Let's meet up and fuck -- I mean talk about Holderlin

>> No.16419612

Are you aware that tick vaccines exist?

>> No.16419614

in a room. by yourself. wooden chair. sitting upright. zero noise. it's the only way to read properly

>> No.16419617

>tfw live in Canada so it's too cold most of the year
can't wait to get out of this shithole

>> No.16419634

are you m or f?

>> No.16419649

m, 28, grad student

>> No.16419659

>grad student


>> No.16419661

Where are you planning to go?

>> No.16419664

>hating the cold
Cringe. Go back.

>> No.16419669
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I envy pre-industrial people and their ability to ignore bugs. Every single time I try to read out in nature an entire army of the little fuckers appears within minutes and starts doing everything in their power to distract and annoy me.

>> No.16419674

eh, worth a try

>> No.16419685

TBD after I graduate

>> No.16419687

I just get an audiobook and walk around. Sitting down outside mostly sucks.

>> No.16419693

I read outside, in the nature

>> No.16419696

There's nothing pleasant about the cold, you sick, pale cavebeast.

>> No.16419744
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>family bought several acres of land out in the middle of nowhere in the early 90s
>slowly but surely, the nearest city keeps creeping outward
>more and more people start to buy land near ours
>endless wave of houses everywhere
>a couple of years ago the city and county completed their rezoning and expansion project
>code enforcement now takes routine trips out to the "rural residential" area which is where my land is
>my one neighbor has been hit with several fines for not having applied for the correct permits, the most recent of which was for a tool shed he put up ages ago, at the far end of his 200 acres
/out/ is only temporary. You can not escape. They will find you. Nature will soon be a distant memory.

>> No.16419745

I am.
Iam reading the Ancient Ossian poems and will wander his traill.

>> No.16419755


>> No.16419782

this sounds sooo comfy. are there a lot of other people around?

>> No.16419811

Not that many. The town is around 15k people and I live out past the city limit where are are even fewer people. I came here from LA several months ago to get away. The only downside is there are a lot of insects that bite you and the occasional snake on the jogging path. There are a lot of lizards and rabbits, which I like, and I planted a garden.

>> No.16419837

Not for lyme, which is the nastiest one.

>> No.16419907

This, hardly anyone on this site seems to understand the simple definition of surrogate activities

>> No.16419919

Ok, tell me how please

>> No.16419955

the words don’t change wherever you go

>> No.16419974
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>go to my favourite spot
>not on social media so don't realise it's been spammed as #soulsearchinggetaways
>nature is now the mall where you need bubbles and colourful arrows to stay on track

>> No.16420004

>h-homer's j-ju-j-just as g-g-good in m-m-m-m-mm-mu-my r-room
>the b-be-beautiful m-mountain theatre w-w-was j-just a c-c-c-c-cope

>> No.16420132

I think I would jump, if I was here. something about the landscape and the blue of the water is so alluring, it would be like jumping into a Monet painting

>> No.16420151

I am reading in a beautiful park at this very moment but it's boring and gay so I'm posting on /lit/ instead

>> No.16420221

This is genuine nightmare fuel. Jesus Christ, Mary, Joseph and the saints save us.

>> No.16420297

You do realize that rezoning and ordinances don’t apply to prior uses. The city can fuck off. Grandpa told the city to fuck off when they tried to shut down his cement factory when the town gentrified and become a yuppie suburb and they wanted to beautify this area and turn it into a bike trail.

>> No.16420493
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If you think that's bad. Imagine
>work entire life in the forest
>have better knowledge of trees and lumber than anyone
>wife gets cancer
>retired now so want to live in peace
>build beautiful new home so wife can live out her days in best way possible
>use own lumber and skills to build a home not just for your wife but one that will last hundreds of years, an inheritance
>use both hardwood and softwood for durability and beauty
>faggot paper pusher shows up
>sir, these 10" beams are unstamped
>this could violate our free trade act and open borders with China
>you're going to have to use stamped Chinese 1-1/3" by 3-1/4" and rebuild this home according to code
>be fined and threatened with jail if you try to block the government bulldozers
>wife puking from the chemo
>watch on as some chinless cunt bulldozes your life's work and inheritance into the ground
pic related but not related

>> No.16420667
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Train our bodies to become stronger than any gun, explosive, or nuke of course.

>> No.16420681
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>> No.16420711

>>code enforcement now takes routine trips out to the "rural residential" area which is where my land is
>>my one neighbor has been hit with several fines for not having applied for the correct permits, the most recent of which was for a tool shed he put up ages ago, at the far end of his 200 acres
I just had flashes of Kaczynski and McVeigh flow through me tbqh. Nothing makes me feel more sympathy with lolbertarians than the state interfering with people building whatever things on their property with their retarded regulations

>> No.16420731

It's hot, there are bugs, and all the stuff is distracting also I feel like I've being watched and I'm always nervous someone is gonna come behind me and smash me in the head with a tire iron or a bear will eat me.

>> No.16421439
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It's a miracle most humans aren't as lunatic as to act on their innermost impulses. I hate going on places like this, feeling the urge to push people or to jump...

>> No.16421455
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>TFW it's getting darker earlier each day.

>> No.16421577

>Not liking the night

>> No.16421611

When I go jogging after work it's easier to avoid stepping on snakes if I can see them. They like to warm themselves on the warm cement jogging path when the sun goes down.

>> No.16421663

I have this fantasy of owning a large house in the wilderness. The balcony will have mosquito nets on all sides. I'll sit there in the mornings and evenings, enjoying the sounds of nature while reading, safe from vile insects.

>> No.16421689

Because I work 8-5 and it's fucking cold where I live and getting darker and colder every day. Then during the summer there are fucking swarms of mosquitoes the size of bees everywhere and they have adapted to be attracted to all forms of insect repellent.

Come to think of it, I should probably move...

>> No.16421705

I have a dream of all mosquitoes in the world burning in hell for all eternity. Words cannot express how much I hate them.

>> No.16421759

Fall is /lit/ season anyway, just wait for the temps to dip and kill the bugs. Winter too if you're feeling bold.

>> No.16421772

Sounds like your parents are in for a nice return on investment.

>the chad capitalist boomers
>the virgin sentimental mid-20s incel

>> No.16422329

Read Anti-Tech Revolution: Why and How.


>> No.16422445

I go outside everyday, and for countryside walks more than half of all days, the English countryside can be so comfy bros.

>> No.16423303

but if you're an expert constructor anon, why wouldn't you already know how to game the system?

>> No.16423330

Every time I make the effort to go to a state park or something and go for a hike, it's pleasant enough. But as I drive home, I'm left wondering, what was the point? Why did I even bother?

>> No.16423439
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what do you mean, i'm reading pic related

>> No.16423543

it's ok. but don't get too bogged down in overly descriptive stuff. I mean, muir really repeats himself. he'll say things like "it was so sublime, no other word to describe it but the kind of sublime that soothes the soul" etc. etc. after a while you're just like, yeah, we get it.

But I have to say, the WORST nature book, BY FAR the most over-rated, is Aldo Leopold's Sand County Almanac. not for being overly descriptive. Just sooooooo boring. It lacks all the majesty of muir's work, but also has all this insipid, irrational, naive BS about natural ethics as a way of saving nature passed off in a moralizing "deep thinking" tone. also one get's the distinct impression that Leopold is such a normie-fag. That book is literally ecology for dumb normies--not even redditors. fuck I can't believe it is hailed as a landmark ecological text. the absolute fucking state of humanity.

>> No.16423573

based and catalogpilled

>> No.16423906

>Nothing makes me feel more sympathy with lolbertarians than the state interfering with people building whatever things on their property with their retarded regulations
>retard with no engineering experience builds a house out of cardboard boxes and garden hose
>1.4 Richter earthquake cause it to collapse and kill most of his family

>> No.16424186

my city is filled top the brim with forested ravines, i believe we have more green space than any other city because of it. its pretty nice to hop on a bus and in half an hour you feel like you're in the middle of the woods, sitting against a tree reading a book, listening to the creek flow and the birds chirp and the wind in the leaves. bring a few drinks and cigars and its a nice way to spend an afternoon

>> No.16424262 [DELETED] 

Too scared to leave my house. Every time I go out I hyperventilate and vomit. Going out is no fun when you're as ugly as I am.

>> No.16424288

Big wardrobe comes with small key.

>> No.16424299

Because i live in an urban shithole and don't have the money to travel

>> No.16424304

I enjoy walking outside but I can't focus enough to read properly. I live in a nice place for it and the weather is never truly cold (Australia) so it makes sense to enjoy it.

>> No.16424317

My town has patches of nature, but those are used as toilet by millions of dogs. I could afford to travel somewhere out of town, but I don't know a place where I could read in peace without people nagging me or bugs eating me alive.

>> No.16424522

But I'm in the /out/ thread right now. Anon found stone disc and we are wondering what is it.

>> No.16425486
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We have a large back yard and (after years of effort) a beautiful garden
In nice weather I like to sit in the yard in my deckchair reading with a tall glass of JDs at my elbow

>> No.16425547

>Why did I even bother?

You could ask that question about almost anything though.

>> No.16425742
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you know what to do anon

>> No.16425765

I do when I can but the rainy season has just started and wont end until next summer. If only books were waterproof.

>> No.16425766

>nothing pleasant
Anon lives in a world of pleasantries, where everything is pleasant, and he feels pleasant all the time :)

>> No.16425897

>end of summer approaching
>why don't you go outside in the cold to read

>> No.16425932

wear a jacket or something

>> No.16426040
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Yah can’t. You just gotta enjoy God’s greatness before the bulldozers make way for whatever piece of shit development the fucko’s on top think is somehow better. Live in the woods while they are there. Embrace le forest anon.

>> No.16426056

Writing about surrogate activities is a surrogate activity as well as LARPing as an anarchoprimitivist in any year. It's a meaningless term.

>> No.16427420

Is this true?

>> No.16427752

This. So much this.
Look at Forest Anon and the way he lives. Perfect example. Enjoy what is here and while it is here. People say wilderness is disappearing which is true but it's not gone yet, this man was still able to find a spot in the woods where nobody will find him, spends his time reading in meadows, feeding animals in the woods, planting gardens, brewing alcohol, and when we thought his hut burned and anons were joking about what happened to him as an example of why you can't live innawoods he suprises us all by not only having his spot survive but actually walking through the forest extinguishing fires. It's possible to live in nature and enjoy it but we are so socialized that just being alone in the forest for more than a week seems like an impossibility to a lot of people.

>> No.16427756

And that's why I spend most of my time sitting here.

>> No.16428328
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>> No.16428522

I remember being like this. Apartment is clean now but I still don’t talk to anyone.

>> No.16428549

>There is nothing better than reading in nature

>> No.16428557

I'm quarantined you jerk

>> No.16429786

I hate it too.

>> No.16429794

you can go to her place

>> No.16429798

really? there's NOTHING better? have a word with yourself

>> No.16430429
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based forest bum

>> No.16430455

Except for the god part, yeah

>> No.16430530

Who cares that barely happens, let people build whatever they want you tyrannical dick. It is inhuman and wrong to prevent people from making dwellings, it is a natural human behavior. You are like a person torturing a beaver because you think their dam could be better. Is that really what you want to be, a sick fuck that tortures beavers?

>> No.16430609


>> No.16430618

I go outside in my mind via literature.

>> No.16430631

there are bugs outside that fly into my nose and ears and the wind blows my pages and my allergies act up and the sun is to brightNd it gets to cold and thenit gets too warm then a bird poops on me and Iam allergic to cut grass and it gives me a rash and ants crawl onto my hand. and my butt gets wet and the shade from the tree is too dark andthere are people outside who will judge me and inside is better.