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File: 54 KB, 1280x571, quote carl jung.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16411593 No.16411593 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.16411602

Meanwhile, the Jews dominate the world's finances and politics.

>> No.16411606

Genetic mesh, ethnostates, removing jews, etc. What he said wasn't future-telling, he was looking to the past. Look at what white people did when they were unimpeded by coloured people and jews.

>> No.16411610

>Clever though be the many thoughts expressed by mouth or pen about the invention of money and its enormous value as a civiliser, against such praises should be set the curse to which it has always been doomed in song and legend. If gold here figures as the demon strangling manhood's innocence, our greatest poet shews at last the goblin's game of paper money. The Nibelung's fateful ring become a pocket-book, might well complete the eerie picture of the spectral world-controller. By the advocates of our Progressive Civilisation this rulership is indeed regarded as a spiritual, nay, a moral power; for vanished Faith is now replaced by "Credit," that fiction of our mutual honesty kept upright by the most elaborate safeguards against loss and trickery. What comes to pass beneath the benedictions of this Credit we now are witnessing, and seem inclined to lay all blame upon the Jews.

- Jung

>> No.16411636

Whatever he wants to say. When things go sour now, the Jews now sure have their fair share of safety and assurance,

>> No.16411648
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not for long buddy
I am not anti-semitic though, ultimately jews are part aryan mutts

>> No.16411649

What is an Aryan?
t. North African

>> No.16411653
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>> No.16411664
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>> No.16411666

So which one? Or are you telling me all of them?

>> No.16411673

Imagine you go back into time and everyone acts as dramatic as they look in paintings and niggas are just flailing their bodies all over the place

>> No.16411696
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North Africa is barely aryan. With long term eugenics, you could get bleached though and it'll be no problem. Might have to dump Arabic for French or Italian though

>> No.16411779

Yeah there seems to be this sentiment that we're mutted out of our minds, quadroons and etc. But tribalism is still very alive in North Africa, and the mountainous regions which span most of North Africa are still replete with pure Berbers. Regardless of whether we are mutted or not though, I'm not killing off our real native language, Amazight. Arabic can go to hell though, it's done nothing but confuse us of our heritage.

>> No.16412028

everyone will be in a permanent state of mosh ballet. the bliss...

>> No.16412041

>generalized scheme
That's an understatement

>> No.16412066

By ending capitalism.

Think it over. You know I’m right.

>> No.16412080

they did a good job for their time though. imagine if guys like Madison Grant, H. S. Chamberlain, Arthur de Gobineau, Rosenberg, Himmler, and Hitler knew about Haplogroups n shit.
they would be /his/ haplotards reincarnated.

>> No.16412128
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Don't forget Jung barely tolerated his Jewish colleagues. He said about Neumann:

>There have been so many pupils of mine who have fabricated every sort of rubbish from what they took over from me. I have never said that I stand “uncompromisingly” behind Neumann. There is naturally no question of that. It should be obvious that I have my reservations. If you want to understand Neumann properly you must realize that he is writing in the spiritual vacuum of Tel-Aviv. Nothing can come out of that place for the moment except a monologue. He writes as he fancies.

>If people want to know what I think about these things they have my books, and everyone is free to listen to my views. They could just as well read my books instead of getting worked up about Neumann.

Letters of C. G. Jung: Volume I, page 518.

>> No.16412660


>> No.16412677
File: 190 KB, 963x392, manlyserranoV2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jung also said after the war that Germans should be punished for the rest of time for what they did to the jews

>> No.16412700

After the war he had to say that (if he did) just to avoid prison. He was already being accused of anti-semitism and nazi sympathy very hard. You can find out about his real opinions in his letters.

>> No.16412704

>Bulgaria coastline is med
>inner Italy and Greece no


>> No.16412744

Rome wasn't an ethnostate and it certainly wasn't Aryan, on the other hand it was only through The Catholic Church that western Europe was lifted out of from savagery and even then people still shat on the streets and didn't practice hygiene until about 100 years ago

>> No.16412789

Cult deprogramming techniques. Be wary they can cause acute hyper emotional states where the subject lashes out, tries to run away or worse.
>Discredit the figure of authority: the cult leader
>Present contradictions (ideology versus reality): "How can he preach love when he exploits people?" is an example.
>The breaking point: When a subject begins to listen to the deprogrammer; when reality begins to take precedence over ideology.
>Self-expression: When the subject begins to open up and voice gripes against the cult.
>Identification and transference: when the subject begins to identify with the deprogrammers, starts to think as an opponent of the cult rather than as a member.

>> No.16412947

He literally has a recorded conversation with Miguel fucking Serrano, where he famously reminisces about how great a dream nazi Germany was, and how the war was the true Gotterdammerung, that is one of the reasons why Serrano calls WW2 the "War of the Mahabharatta"

>> No.16412964

From analyzing your dreams and self inducing schizophrenia

>> No.16413011

>"War of the Mahabharatta"
kino comparison
so if Hitler was Krishna, who was Arjuna?

>> No.16413029

Hitler was Arjuna. Krishna was Wotan's spirit guiding and helping him.

>> No.16413036
File: 55 KB, 459x646, MuhVishnuHitlerShrine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very based

>> No.16413170

Krishna is unironically Liberal Democracy/Gommunism being the Nibelung double-sided coin of banking control, Arjuna was the American Empire that was established in '45. All the european powers are the great houses of the aryan past.

The Kali Yuga is the logical conclusion to the Age of Heroes - the Age of Heroes is marked by men that still retain the vitality of Spirit (defined here as Serrano would, the Fire Suit of Tarot, Spirit as motion/action/deed/legacy) of the original Race. In the case of Faustian Man, they retained their Piscean piety (christianity) untill the end of the Faustian Golden Age, right about the renassaince. They still had a good understanding of their roots during this subsequent Silver Age, but now the super-soul starts exploring its mind, in the case of Faustian Man, this is the age when the many germanic tribes and fiefdoms coagulate alchemically into States, also when the great technologies come about - not only the technique of Science but also Banking (which is Faust's bargain, viz. it allows incredible organization of labour but at the cost of selling the soul to money power).

By the time the Bronze Age or the Age of Heroes happens, even that Mind is lost, and scientists no longer remember why they do it - the Faustian dream that is perpetual motion is understood to be unreal and abandoned, and science marches blindly - this is the 19th century, marked by a truly epic scope, the foundation of this Bronze Age for the West is Napoleon Bonaparte and the Eroica. Such a heavy mass of supermen, who braved African deserts and the icy wastes of the poles, who conquered and gave the Faustian legacy of motion by connecting all of the world, etc etc, they HAVE to end it with a bang.

>> No.16413303

Continuing from this

By the end of the Age of Heroes there must be a great war, where the characters of this great play of empires clash, and where they are all consumed. In Classical Civilization that came about during the conquests of late republican Rome, with a different character, but still the same process. The great Mycenean/Asiatic Civilization that came before it ALSO had a great collapse that gave us the Homeric War.

This great Final War is the climax of the wheel of Maha Yuga, the culmination of the Soul. In it, there will always be the Arjuna, or the Achilles. He is the warrior that does not wish to fight, because he understands there will be dire consequences to victory, regardless of which side wins.

As is described in the Mahabharatta, Kali Yuga comes about because of great strife, when brothers kill fathers and uncles and the Tradition is lost. Without that tradition, all that remains is the body of the great Civilization-geist. Slowly the once great people degenerates into a decadent, addicted race that will be conquered by the new one.

Krishna then comes to assure the Great Warrior, who holds power to kill more enemies then all others, that he MUST do it. He has to fight, and there must be a great culling of the best of his own people - for only that will being about the Dark Age, which will revolve the great wheel.

>> No.16413404

>unconscious: doesn't exist
This is worse than Landian stuff.To the garbage it goes.

>> No.16413412

excellent analysis sir. if this were reddit I would give you gold.

>> No.16413452

Where can I read about this

>> No.16413479

Ironically, the only people who think this are people who think jews are intrinsically inferior human beings. Must be hell having to live with constant cognitive dissonance of believing you're the master race but also being controlled by people you hate for being inferior to you.

>> No.16413490

jews are some of the most inbred motherfuckers on this earth

>> No.16413514

25% of humanity has antisemitic views. Are they all white supremacists?

>> No.16413907
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Have a better quality image

>> No.16413938

That was Wagner though

>> No.16414033

Post hand, please. I'm not even saying that with a malicious assumption it will be dark, I'm genuinely curious.

>> No.16414432

Something that doesn't apply to you.
t. West European

>> No.16414440
File: 10 KB, 202x184, 5C3EFA26-38B1-438B-89EC-57AD65593663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No! They’re all Jews!

>> No.16415105

National Socialism

>> No.16415114

I think jews are intrinsically superior human beings and must therefore be brought to heel.

>> No.16415116

In the U.S. many Jews are not marrying other Jewish people. If that goes on for too long there won’t be any.

>> No.16415123

Burger culture is a detriment to all spiritual beings

>> No.16415145

That must mean only 25% of humanity has interacted with Jews.

>> No.16415148

Do you write for Taki mag?