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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 194 KB, 745x373, Wagner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16410999 No.16410999 [Reply] [Original]

Why does /lit/ keep posting wagner? Is he also an author? Philosopher? Don't get me wrong he's based but why is he posted on this board? Or is it just another trend?

>> No.16411022

He wrote aesthetic theory.

>> No.16411046

Music is just literature but for the soul.
Also this board was conquered by leftypol several years ago.

>> No.16411078

He was a philosopher, author, short-story writer, poet and stage-designer. There are far more ways in which he could be considered on-topic but these are some of them. You can't talk about the Ring without the words or ideas in it. They are, after all, all of Wagner's art, Dramas.

And if you want to read his shorty story its "A Pilgrimage to Beethoven".

>> No.16411095

Because Neech and Adolf shilled him.

>> No.16411131
File: 3.73 MB, 1772x2690, Germania.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was Germany personified, represented both it's virtues and flaws. Is there any other artist who embodied the soul of their nation?

>> No.16411146
File: 381 KB, 2056x1008, 1587356227753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, one.

>> No.16411151

Hitler represented only the worst of Germany, not it's best

>> No.16411163

Come now, no doubt Germany would have approached something very similar to the place of Caesarism in Rome. Though I think with a bit more wisdom.

>> No.16411185
File: 209 KB, 975x503, WilhelmtheBased.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16411195

Does he have any good works that are of a normal length and instrumental? I like his style but I can't really blast The Ring in its entirety as I work.

>> No.16411196
File: 61 KB, 327x429, frou-frou-wagner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was a low-key tranny, antisemitic, megalomaniacal, sex-obssessed puritan, middle class soi-disant 'aristocrat,' and inanely literal adherent to outdated myths...

Do you even have to ask 'why'?

>> No.16411226

He literally sent Hitler a telegram and said In admiration of Hitler's success during the opening months of the war, Wilhelm sent a congratulatory telegram to Hitler in May 1940 when the Netherlands surrendered: "My Fuhrer, I congratulate you and hope that under your marvellous leadership the German monarchy will be restored completely."

>> No.16411227

Das Rheingold, Tannhäuser Overture

>> No.16411236

His telegram was asking for the restoration of him as monarch. He was sucking Hitler dick in an attempt to get his job back

>> No.16411263

That's why you earn excerpts from his various dramas, but you should watch them in their whole first.

Just listen to the preludes and overtues, and "Wagner without words" performances, but once you know the Dramas you can easily listen to longer parts of the works and understand and appreciate it casually. You also might not want to kill yourself at work so avoid Tristan (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i6lRoIlXzdU )

Have this:

>> No.16411364

Who is Spain personified?

>> No.16411401

Me, senor!

>> No.16411575

>He was a low-key tranny
redpill me on this

also, you forgot to mention he was a manlet

>> No.16411591

He was mentioned on Kantbot's podcast recently, no other reason.

>> No.16411595

Who is Kantbot?

>> No.16411598

He was average size for his time, and much taller than Beethoven. Nevertheless the tranny lies are just made up jewish rumours because Wagner really liked silk, see>>16410993

>> No.16411604

I made the thread, I didn't know Kantbot ever talked about him.

>> No.16411614

Also forgot literal neckbeard

>> No.16411616

Who is Kantbot?

>> No.16411628

It was a different time

>> No.16411631
File: 161 KB, 669x952, young Richard Wagner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A chad neckbeard at that.

>One evening in September of that year, Wagner read the finished poem of "Tristan" to an audience including his wife, Minna, his current muse, Mathilde, and his future mistress (and later wife), Cosima von Bülow.

>> No.16411635

Just look at that chad butt chin who knows how many german actresses rode on his face

>> No.16411640
File: 1.69 MB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so he was like the Destiny of his time is what you're saying?

>> No.16411645

Destiny reads studies and regurgitates them to his audience whereas Wagner made celestial anthems. No contest.

>> No.16411656

What a fucking chad. Total bro, too, always looking out for neetchan by worrying about his incessant masturbation

>> No.16411657 [DELETED] 


He's also inextricably tied with /lit/s most embarrassing when mistaking an essay by Kant for Kantbot's and mocking and analysing its stupidity until it was revealed it was actually Kant.


Apparently Kantbot posted it on twitter while calling psychology a pseudoscience and whether Op knew or not he posted it on /lit/.

>> No.16411668

Can we talk about low-key trannies? Abe Lincoln was another one, so was Nietzsche and Evola. I mean, it's so obvious.

>> No.16411677


He's also inextricably tied with /lit/s most embarrassing hour when mistaking an essay by Kant for Kantbot's and mocking and analysing its stupidity until it was revealed it was actually Kant.


Apparently Kantbot posted it on twitter while calling psychology a pseudoscience and whether Op knew or not he posted it on /lit/.

>> No.16411691

Fucking embarrassing, if this is the case.

>> No.16411785
File: 152 KB, 600x600, wagner13184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pretty well-known in his time in the gossip circles of Europe (which were sophisticated social networks); the real irony is that people now act like it's a matter of speculative contention.

Reposted pic from my OP showing Daniel Spitzer (not a Jew) 'shafting' Wagner as a fruit. Spitzer published Wagner's letters to his dressmaker in the 1870s. Well-known, never disputed until apologists in our tranny sensitive era funnily.


>> No.16411833

Who cares? Women's clothing feels nice

>> No.16411853

Unironicamente, Mortadelo y Filemón.

>> No.16411874
File: 565 KB, 270x270, 1595707554221.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wilhelm was pathetic.

Not only did he suck Hitler's cock in an attempt to restore his family's rule, but once rejected, he appeared to chastise his fourth son for agreeing with their methods, calling Jewish pogroms "gangsterism" and said his son was dead to him for being indifferent to the plight of the great Jewish people.

What did he do afterwards? Went right back to being an anti-Semite:
>He argued that the English ruling classes were "Freemasons thoroughly infected by Juda".[90] Wilhelm asserted that the "British people must be liberated from Antichrist Juda. We must drive Juda out of England just as he has been chased out of the Continent."

>> No.16411922 [DELETED] 

Monarcucks on suicide watch

>> No.16411923


>> No.16411928
File: 217 KB, 731x900, Wagner drawing 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're such a retard, Wagner had a feminine obsession with silk and generally the senses(as so many artists do), yes, but it's just ridiculous and absurd gossip story to suppose he was a "tranny".


>> No.16412058

Monarcucks on suicide watch, however>>16411185 is a cool quote.

>> No.16412065
File: 2 KB, 104x125, 1582050781909s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Add to all his based qualities that he was also a devout Schopenhauerian. Immensely based if you ask me.

>Who would gain an idea of the confusion of modern thought, the maiming of the intellect of to-day, let him consider the untold difficulty that impedes a proper understanding of the most lucid of all philosophical systems—that of Schopenhauer. The reason is simple enough,. when we recognise that the perfect understanding of this. [257] philosophy would effect as radical a revolution in our hitherto established modes of thought, as that demanded of the heathen by their conversion to Christianity. Nevertheless it is quite appalling to find this philosophy, based as it is on the most perfect of ethics, described as shorn of hope; from which it follows, that we wish to be of good hope without the consciousness of true morality. That upon this very depravation of men's hearts rests Schopenhauer's relentless condemnation of the world—in its only aspect shewn to us by history,—affrights all those who take no pains to track the paths so plainly traced by Schopenhauer for turning the misguided Will. Yet these paths, which well may lead to hope, are clearly and distinctly pointed out by our philosopher, and it is not his fault if he was so fully occupied with the correct portrayal of the only world that lay before him, that he was compelled to leave their actual exploration to our own selves; for they brook no journeying save on foot.

>In this sense, and as guide to an independent treading of the path of surest hope, nothing better can be recommended in our present state than to make Schopenhauer's philosophy, in its every bearing, the basis. of all further mental and moral culture; and at nothing else have we to labour, than to get the necessity of this acknowledged in every walk of life. Should that succeed, the beneficial, the truly regenerative result were then immeasurable; for on the contrary we see to what mental and moral unfitness the lack of a right, all-permeating knowledge of the world's root-essence has now debased us.

>> No.16412107

I posted about this in the other wagner thread going, but it's just a trend, yet another passing interest that nobody here even understands or will ever do the work to actually appreciate beyond vague aesthetic shit like
>omg, heckin teutonic romantic nationalism with some anti-semitic seasonings sprinkled in? Friggin BASED!
Nobody posting in these threads even has the most basic knowledge of music theory or history surrounding any of these subjects

>> No.16412145

>seething this much
>he hasn't read the in-depth discussions anons have been having on his reception of Schopenhauer and influence on Jung

>> No.16412278
File: 63 KB, 530x750, Wagner colour drawing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Wagner anon:

>If we leave these edicts on one side, as fairly well safeguarded, we come at once to the Christian command— if so we may term it—in the setting-up of the three so-called Theologic Virtues. These are commonly arranged in an order that appears to us not quite the right one for development of the Christian spirit; we should like to see "Faith, Hope, and Charity" transposed into "Love, Faith, and Hope." It may seem a contradiction to uphold this sole redeeming and engladdening trinity as the essence of all virtue, and its exercise as a commandment, seeing that its units, on the other hand, are claimed as grants of Grace. What a merit lies in their attainment, however, we soon shall see if first we weigh the almost exorbitant demand on the natural man conveyed by the injunction of" Love," in its exalted Christian sense. Through what is it, that our whole civilisation is going to ground, if not through lack of Love? The heart of youth, to which the world of nowadays unveils itself with waxing plainness, how can it love this world when it is recommended naught save caution and suspicion in its dealings with it? Surely there can be but one right way of guidance for that heart, the path whereon the world's great lovelessness should be accounted as its suffering: then would the young man s roused compassion incite him to withdraw himself from the causes of that Suffering of the world's, to flee with knowledge from the greed of passions, to lessen and avert the woes of others. But how to wake this needful knowledge in the natural man, since the first and most un-understandable to him is his fellow-man himself? Impossible, that commandments here should bring about a knowledge only to be woken in the natural man by proper guidance to an understanding of the natural descent of all that lives.—The surest, nay, in our opinion almost the only thing to lead to this, would be a wise employment of the Schopenhauerian philosophy, whose outcome, to the shame of every earlier philosophic system, is the recognition of a moral meaning of the world; which crown of all Knowledge might then be practically realised [260] through Schopenhauer's Ethics. Only the love that springs from pity, and carries its compassion to the utmost breaking of self-will, is the redeeming Christian Love, in which Faith and Hope are both included of a—Faith as the unwavering consciousness of that moral meaning of the world, confirmed by the most divine exemplar; Hope as the blessed sense of the impossibility of any cheating of this consciousness.

>> No.16412308

By all means basedness is yours Wagner anon. But I fear this much Wagner posting might be too much for the plebs on /lit/. After all, Jung says:
>Everything to do with the masses is hateful to me. Anything popularized becomes common. Above all I would not disseminate Goethe, rather cook books.

>> No.16412333

stiner/spinoza/evola/guenon schizoposter tries to meme another person, mods join in the fun

>> No.16412391

Wagner was extremely unpatriotic and not a nationalist, but rather only opportunistic. However that is not that important, since nations themselves choose their own heroes.

>> No.16412408

That is very true, the /lit/ intelligentsia should keep it infrequent and specific in usage, but perhaps it is already too late as I have not made any of these recent threads.

>> No.16412423

Based protohipster

>> No.16412457

Ah I see. The same happened with me and my Schopenhauer posting. Before I knew it, it was out of my control. Sadly Schopenhauer threads are now mostly about how often he fornicated, and anons don't seem to appreciate Wagner beyond his anti-semitism. Sad state of affairs.

>> No.16412474

How long you been here anon? I've been for two years and I don't remember at any point an increase in Schopenhauer posting, though I may have forgotten it, when did you start popularising him?

>> No.16412488

I think it's been three or four years already. I didn't *mean* to popularize him. I just posted quotes whenever appropriate and it just happened organically.

>> No.16412505

>leftypol is wagner posting

Tell me anuddah

>> No.16412532

>>leftypol is wagner posting
I don't believe that.

>> No.16412543

Hopefully we don't see a similar thing with Wagner, though he was already put in the /lit/ meme author canon quite a while ago, he wasn't mentioned that much.

I guess we'll see, good talking with you anon. Also next time I do talk with you I'll give my explanation of that painting that another anon told me.

>> No.16412651
File: 504 KB, 937x1200, main-image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd look forward to that anon. I very much liked that painting, and this one too.

>> No.16412963

Big, if true. Does Wagner really personify Germany, both the good and bad?

>> No.16412996

Didn't he write about jews?

>> No.16412998
File: 9 KB, 365x138, Thomas Mann on Wagner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thomas Mann thought so anyway.

>> No.16413028

>von Bülow
What a fucking family

>> No.16413030


>> No.16413097

Interesting. Wonder what he'll think of Modern Germany

>> No.16413169

Germany died

>> No.16413200

If Germany died, then so did the entire west

>> No.16413221

The burgers will save us again

>> No.16413252


>> No.16413272


>> No.16413526

We got you into this mess lmao. Fuck Woodrow Wilson

>> No.16414848

dam based

>> No.16416194

J.S Bach
Wagner was a hack.

>> No.16416801

Mozart is relentlessly comfy

>> No.16416811

Wagner is peak dunning-kruger he is what happens when you are 120 who thinks he's 130+ and also a mixture of autism quite frankly

>> No.16416815


>> No.16416817

This. People who shill Wagner either no nothing about music, are completely autistics or lack subtlety

>> No.16416843

>no nothing

>> No.16416981

Strange comment. Bach is the autistic composer (and that's a good thing). Wagner is very much anti-autistic. Very raw emotion directed outwards.

>> No.16416999

>liking silk and velvet makes you a tranny
Seems legit.

>> No.16418305

169cm wasn’t average for the time and place, it was “slightly below average” Wagner = Short King confirmed. lanklets on suicide watch yet again.

>> No.16418410

Yes. His collected writings take up eleven volumes or so, and that's not counting his letters.