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16407827 No.16407827 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any good books out there about reinforcing your ego in a positive direction, or at least discussing an alternate take on far-east wisdom and zen teachings?
After going through depersonalisation and not wishing it on my worst enemy, I find it pretty worrying how zen practice, and its continued support within corporate institutions (prescribing mindfulness and meditation to their staff) - as well as giving this to people who really shouldn't be delving too far into themselves because they can't handle it means we're sleepwalking into spirituality.

It's fucking insane to be a person, and robbing yourself of any egoist agency you have to make the decisions you need to survive and grow seems like pacification of the highest order.

After doing psychedelics, meditating often, and reading into bullshit like The Power of Now and associated books, I feel almost robbed. I don't think the deepest insight necessarily means you get a happier or more stable life. It just means you start directing everything into this 'panacea,' and that makes you as fucking hollow as it can. I like my sense of self. I want to keep it.

Is there ANYTHING like this being written?

>> No.16407848

Read Nietzsche.

>> No.16407878

Which book? Or do you just mean his Wikipedia article

>> No.16407884

I am going to save that pic.

>> No.16408000

i save it every time

>> No.16408054

wouldn't say that it aims to reinforce the ego, but it moves in exploring and unmasking the same direction that you observed: Mask and Face of Contemporary Spirituality by Julius Evola

>> No.16408125

Read the Bible.
Yes, really.

>> No.16408150

Don't listen to this. What you need is the systematic removal of any and all eastern (especially buddhist) infection from your life.
Convert to any other religion that is not buddhism, I recommend christianity because God himself is also a person and he loves you, and he loves you as you are ( he loves you as a person ).
Basically just crush the head of the Buddhist snake and embrace Jesus, who came to Earth and died for YOU. so that YOU can be saved entirely and completely. The answer to the poison of impersonalism is love. God is love. Reject Buddhism, it's evil.

>> No.16408170
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So you did drugs, read a self help book and sat around for hours each day... and blame your anomie on Buddhism. Gotcha, sparky.

>> No.16408202

sitting around all day is buddhism

>> No.16408239

>Don't listen to this
>recommends christianity
>Evola also holds Christianity in the highest regard
fuckin scatterbrain ignorant

>> No.16408268

Who cares what some corny Italian fascist thought about Christianity.

>> No.16408270

he's not corny, and he's not a fascist.
not that it matters anyway because you never read him.

>> No.16408274
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For the second time today I must recommend Unger

>> No.16408278

He was a talentless fascist and a kook

At least Celine isn't corny. But that doesn't matter because you never read him.

>> No.16408288

Sorry but if you think the antidote to a funk is to read from a guy who idolized Himmler and wore a monocle, you're too far gone my friend.

>> No.16408303
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Take a seat, my friend.

>> No.16408320

>t. stinky commie

>> No.16408324

get off the internet grandpa

>> No.16408357

>that dollar brooch

>> No.16408364
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Stirner and Camus are the only ones based enough to cure you my friend

>> No.16408443

i think all this meditation mania is some kind of pray nostalgia for atheists.

>> No.16408489

more like self-mutilation in order to blackmail God
irony is that they are left mutilated even if successful

>> No.16408572
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>meditation without the spiritual meaning
>mindfulness to focus on... your job
I'm not too much into that whole meditation shabang but it's not really the fault of Buddhism if someone does it completely fucking wrong.

>> No.16408596
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If you think about the actual implications of Stoicism, Bhagavad Gita, and the Eastern Mileu in general, it is Dissociation On Purpose.
It exists to get people to accept extreme violence and oppression.
Meditation, Japa and the rest, reading Puranas and so on, it's all there to shut your mind up.
All cults use that technique: shut off your mind and give you a script so that if you get questions or have questions, there's always a ready answer.
That's how you break brainwashing too, by forcing them to think outside the script.

>> No.16408655


For instance, the words in this quote are not simply poetic non-sequiturs.
Time over eternity means to take Time as real and linear, not eternal, illusory and cyclical.
This makes life right now matter.
Life over everything means this as well, that we have this one life and an infinity, a transcendental bliss, is making us ignore that life we actually have right now.
Vulnerability over serenity: I can dissociate myself like the Bhagavad Gita or Epictetus say to do, but this divorces me from possession of my own life, I trade pain for being only a witness to a life that is never mine.

And so on

>> No.16408866

Catholic catechisms fit into this thinking.

>> No.16408992

>reinforcing your ego in a positive direction
That's a recipe for disaster.

>> No.16409193
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>That's how you break brainwashing too, by forcing them to think outside the script.
i dont know if i understand you. but they think they are already thinking outside the script so its very difficult they can see they are "inside a script". very very difficult, they have some pride in all this. its not like a rational decision. i mean, they usually surrender to this kind of "thoughts scripts" preciselly because they are in discomfort with all the stream of thought inside so its something a little more visceral than forcing them to think outside the script. they want, they need this kind of salvation, they dont want to listen its not a salvation at all. thats what i recollect from all the meditation larpers and enlightned people in general. dont care how blunt or how convincing you can be, they always find a way to believe. and im not all about "dont believe in anything". just that is so boring a religious thinking pervade again, specially when is religion for people who hate see themselves as religious, its all so tiresome.

this is my nigga.

>> No.16409337

Meditaton is important to silence the unwanted voices in your head. I personally think that those come fromthe excessive information whe are exposed in this technological era.
I believe to be a good daily practice to achive better mental control and dicipline and therefore achieve any goals you set, but nothing else. Living to achieve a "higher state" is a waste of time and a disrespect with the idea of being alive.

>> No.16409441

>Living to achieve a "higher state" is a waste of time and a disrespect with the idea of being alive.
Yeah, I read that negro slaves in the USA were 100% happy and content... until white man forced them to learn... then they became sad and angry.

>> No.16409495

>Evola also holds Christianity in the highest regard
So you didn't read evola then. Good to know.

>> No.16409510

Yes it is.

>> No.16409527
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meditation, a millenial discipline, exist because the problems of this techonological era?. the "unwanted" voices are as old as human thought. the technological era it has nothing to do with it.
people are subtituting "higher plane" with being in peace, silence the bad voices, silence the ego or whatever stupid notion like that. you cant quit the esoteric and religious tone of meditation just because you use it to feeling better with it. this is like praying to a crux with jesus because it makes you feel beter how he is god and he saves us all, but at the same time you are praying only because the peace inside it gives you. almost all western meditation trend is larping being a enlightened buddhist. you have to accept uncritically the buddhist premises (silence the unwanted voices is good because the real you is not the unwanted voices.) its a fucking cult for a reason you fuckers.

>> No.16409609

Perhaps you can meditate by yourself in your house for free... You are not obligated to believe you are becoming one with the universe, just sit down and shut your brain for an hour or less.

Sorry to made myself unclear, I meant a esotheric higher state, pursuing knowlege and better understanding of the human experience is always valid

>> No.16409615

Kill the ego. Embrace vipassana.

>> No.16409629

You're kind of missing the point. Ego death is not necessarily a goal in itself, but is the stuff from which we carve out individual egos. We slam these little phenomenal walls around tiny noumenal slices and claim it as our own, but it doesn't change the fundamental nature of the self -- it doesn't change that we are all of the same basic structure, which is just existence itself. Meditation is one of the ways, obviously, and intense psychedelic experiences can do it as well.

The kind of empty you're talking about is a fundamental misunderstanding, by the way. You are never trying to separate yourself from anything. The goal is actually the complete opposite, the allow the noise in your head to exist, but to see it as a thing-in-itself, just an experiential object. With practice, and enough focus, you'll be able to actually see your thoughts as something separate from "you." I'm trying to keep this short, but the element you're missing is the establishment of the self not as the myriad experiential objects floating around in the mindscape, but the entity which observes it all. Your negative feelings don't just go away any more than the positive ones do, you just get to deal with them from higher ground. I always get wary when people say things like escape, panacea, etc, because to me this signifies a pretty significant misunderstanding of a fundamental component of the meditative religions/philosophies.

>> No.16409745

shut your brain how?. how a buddhist tell you?. for free?. who are talking here about money?. cults are shit because fried your brain with dogmatic ideas not becase they drain out your money, fucking materialists. i dont say in any place "becoming one with the universe". you think you know you better when you shut your brain?. that is the religious side, anyway you yourself admit it.

this is you
>Living to achieve a "higher state" is a waste of time and a disrespect with the idea of being alive.
this is also you
>I meant a esotheric higher state, pursuing knowlege and better understanding of the human experience is always valid
my point is that meditation is esoteric and religious, you basically admit it and add "better understanding of human experience" in order to not feeling like a pathetic fanatical evangelist or something but the point is made anyway.

>> No.16409757


>> No.16409897

How is fanatic to meditate once in while without the dogma?
How is imposible to separete the practice from the exercise? Its like saying you cant jog without supporting breast cancer awareness.

Its just self control, you are literally doing nothing for a while. But it is also my experience, I dont know, dont do it if it makes you so mad.

>> No.16409966

Go back to gobbling dick

>> No.16409975

>Sorry to made myself unclear, I meant a esotheric higher state, pursuing knowlege and better understanding of the human experience is always valid
you are clearly a bot
>t. Satan

>> No.16410033
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>you are literally doing nothing for a while.
well, you can really do nothing for a while and dont call it meditation.

>How is fanatic to meditate once in while without the dogma?
because you are doing it because the dogma. you believe that all this "thought mess" have to be controlled because you are teaching or persuaded to think that. you think you are more enlightened after you meditate. you really believe this.
look, meditation is a religious practice from the beginning, only self conscious westerners deny that. the intelligent westerners hate seeing themselves as religious because they linking it with dumbness and they dont want to be dumb. but hey, go meditate because is good to you, and pray to jesus but dont believe in jesus at the same time. you dont understand that meditation is a dogma because you believe in that particular dogma. (the "thought mess" is bad and with meditation i remove it.)

>> No.16410312

Why are you so passionately against meditation? It's been proven to have neurological benefits - and yeah fine, similar benefits come from drinking green tea etc - but there's more to it than just "escaping" the thought mess.

Meditation has been proven to reduce anxiety etc. Are you now telling me that mental illness is a joke? Regardless of how you frame it - whether you see depression and anxiety as a valid illness or a social construct - they're things that lead to suicide if unchecked. And if you think that's fine, survival of the fittest or whatever, then well we're just on very different pages.

And that's fine. But you probably won't think so.

>> No.16410384

>It's been proven to have neurological benefits
praying to jesus when you believe in jesus probably will prove the same. my only point is that is a religious practice not that dont have benefits. the fact that you are trying to omit it every time talk more about you than about meditation.

>> No.16410418

It gives you the tool to detach from the thought mess. You can then choose to go back to the thought mess or escape it if you dislike it. Meditation itself is a tool, you don't have to do it connected to greater metaphysics.
Personally I meditate because it's an useful tool for my manic episodes and it holds a fascination as to which wierd mental states I can achieve.

>> No.16410419

Sorry man I'm a different guy to the OP. Fair enough, from my side I don't dispute its a religious practice and it carries certain doctrinal baggage. I think modern mindfulness used in corporate spaces etc is highly dangerous and built in favour of the employer precisely because by trying to remove the religious element it let's capitalism pour in.

But I do think when used respectfully it's much more nuanced than just an escape. It allows for space to readjust, if used correctly.

>> No.16410420

Ok, so don't lose your sense of self. You don't have to go all the way.

>> No.16410451

But meditation does not since unwanted voices? Just makes you aware they exist and gives you the option to ignore them.

>> No.16410646
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ok, more or less thats my point. specially the part of certain doctrinal baggage. i see it dangerous because they are selling it like it have not.
>It allows for space to readjust, if used correctly.
but why with meditation?. why making alive an old religion practice?. to me is more because a nostalgia for a religious feeling that because a real and sincere looking inside for inner space. i mean, not one of the meditators meditate without knowing is a metaphysical ancient practice. they are perfectally aware of that. they larp as if they are detached from the religious part but is only a larp. or is a larp to not appear as some kind of religious dumb but deep inside they believe they are really going to the depths of the mind (or universe if you believe enough). but they end trapped and believing in a religious tool precisely because they dont look inside in first place.
and i say all this because religion is usually a void for critical and inventive thinking. they make you feel comfortable and numb. but everyone believe and invent stupid things, i know.

you really dont need meditation to know you have "voices", or you have "thoughts" or deep "imagination". this is just a millenarian religion and his fanatics put their methods down your throat. well, at this point is netflix and microsoft teaching how good is for your health but its the same in the end.

>> No.16410806


>> No.16411016

I had an university professor who was obsessed with "kill the ego" and all kinds of meditation and holidays in Singapore... now that university is full of Chinese people teaching & handling administrative stuff. This is the Netherlands I'm talking about. Just so you know.