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/lit/ - Literature

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1640414 No.1640414 [Reply] [Original]

Give examples for each one, not neccesarily your favourite work, just an example.

Britain (1984)
America (Foundation, Gone With The Wind)
Russia (War and Peace)
France (Les Miz)
Japan (The Wind-up Bird Chronicle)
Chile (2666, The House of the Spirits)

>> No.1640444


>> No.1640450

Ireland - The Third Policeman

>> No.1640453

American literature?
How about no?

>> No.1640463

America has produced some of the greatest literature ever, and I'm not even an American.

>> No.1640471

Spain (Don Quixote)
Mexico (Pedro Páramo)

>> No.1640475

India (The Ramayana)
China (Dream of the Red Chamber)

I'm trying to think of something that isn't a poem or a play from the arab world...

Maybe Wolf Dreams?

Algeria (Wolf Dreams)

>> No.1640479

I'm sure you could count 1001 nights despite other areas being involved.

>> No.1640483


>> No.1640485

Is One Thousand and One Nights worth reading, for a modern Western audience? I've heard good things about it, but don't know.

>> No.1640487 [DELETED] 

i made that pic earlier today just for you Sunhawk

one of my favourite books!

America - The Great Gatsby
England - A Picture of Dorian Gray
Germany - The Trial

>> No.1640490


Yes. I have mixed feelings on the work: it's popular in the west, wasn't popular in the arab world for a long time. However, whenever poetry was suppressed by the Turks, 1001 Nights and other folk tales carried the torch for a while in popular arab culture. Views are mixed.

>> No.1640494


That's one I'll have to look into myself.


Yes, but some meaning is lost in translation, and some things you won't pick up on or will misinterpret due to a difference in cultures, but still worth a read.

>> No.1640498

Shakespeare comes to mind before 1984 but whatever.

>> No.1640506

19th century for everything except like Japan and Chile I guess

>> No.1640504

Finland - Sinuhe

>> No.1640503


brownbear, you're a fucking doll. What happened to the other tripfags though? We need a knew one to include newer tripfags, done in the style of the one with D&E holding his arms apart.

I kind of want to read Nights now, but it'll have to wait. I have 12 other books to read first.

>> No.1640508

oh wait I read centuries, not countries, lol

>> No.1640522

Britain (Mysteries of Udolpho, Discworld, Lord of the Rings)

Japan (Welcome to the NHK)

Italy (The Cardinal's Mistress)

Germany (The Birth of Tragedy)

America (Dune)

Argentina (The complete works of Borges)

>> No.1640527
File: 14 KB, 228x303, PH2011021101252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never heard of this guy. He includes himself along on a picture with such established names as Brownbear and Derp&Edgy. Pretentiousness has reached a whole new level on /lit/. Is this the guy who is trying to start the Socrates say meme, but its actually Plato?

>> No.1640545

Britain (not a country) - Of Human Bondage
America - Catch-22
France - The Count of Monte Cristo

>> No.1640546

i've never heard of sunhawk. that's funny he/she makes a pic with the other tripdicks to feel included in some gay club.

god damn /lit/ gets more and more stupid.

>the trial
even though german-speaking not necessarily german. the dude was a praguian, faggot. he was born there and is buried there.

i'll participate.

usa: raymond carver, flannery o'connor

japan: kenzaburo oe, natsume soseki

spain: cervantes

russia: dostoevski

u.k.: orwell, spike milligan

>> No.1640559


I watched the anime version of 'Welcome to the NHK' a few weeks ago, some interesting stuff. Wasn't a particular fan of the dramatic twists, but it was witty enough to be enjoyable.

Is the manga (I assume that's what it is) worth reading?

>> No.1640560


You should just get a trip and join the madness. Y'know, go down with the ship.

>> No.1640567 [DELETED] 

>the trial
>german language novel
>not german


also please read the thread before saying Sunhawk made that picture you fucking retards


>> No.1640572

i'll use a trip if i'm op in a serious thread. otherwise i'd rather just stay anon. i've no need to be an attention-seeking whore. i do plenty of that irl, bruh.

>> No.1640578

Great troll, Anonymous.

>> No.1640583

hey i said even though german-speaking he's not like hesse or mann, who were literally german authors.

you're only downplaying the czechs. just like a faggot.

seriously, i'll leave /lit/ for a week here and there and everytime i come back some new triptag has joined the circle jerk. fuck off, browneye.

>> No.1640616

>new trip


>> No.1640634


This guy is pretty mad. We need to get him a Chill Pill. Oh, and brownbear, did I imagine you posting for the last few months? Have you had any new adventures with books, pretentious cafes and chicks yet?

>> No.1640638

i hd one today but do not like to post whilst my other thread is still active
when it dies down i shall post my adventure

>> No.1640639
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>> No.1640642
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>> No.1640644
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i'm just teasing. giving you a hard time. you dish it out enough, surely you can take it too.

>> No.1640650


>basically no tripfags
>thread stays on-topic, productive, and mature

>> No.1640655

Jesus fucking Christ, someone besides me liked Antal Szerb! Where the fuck was I in January? I tried to get people to read Szerb for like 6 months in 2010, before I got fed up with /lit/ and left forever, only to come back yesterday.

>> No.1640659
File: 20 KB, 480x360, HARMONY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>basically no tripfags
>truman capote

mfw you're a retard
mfw cause and effect vs correlation
mfw buttmadfrustratedmutilated anon

>> No.1640669

Britain (If Nobody Speaks of Remarkable Things, Jon McGregor)
Canada (The Collected Works of Billy the Kid, Michael Ondaatje)
America (Mr. Sammler's Planet, Saul Bellow)
Russia (A Dog's Heart, Mikhail Bulgakov)
Poland (The Promised Land, Władysław Reymont)

>> No.1640671


A total of three posts out of more than a hundred...

>> No.1640672

Egypt: Naguib Mahfouz
Nigeria: Chinua Achebe
Trinidad: VS Naipaul or Clem Maharaj
India: Vikram Chandra
Canada: Leonard Cohen
Mexico: Carlos Fuentes, maybe Octavio Paz

>> No.1640673


Anonymous is the cancer killing Brownbear's /lit/.

>> No.1640674


>Britain (not a country)
>(not a country)

Excuse me, but what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.1640679
File: 30 KB, 540x498, dubs with it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw correlation vs cause and effect

>> No.1640682

you guys need to stop being serious

we should meet irl and bond

lets have a /lit/ hot tub party or something

>> No.1640683

Haw haw.

Brownbore singlehandedly put up our useless sticky. The board might as well be his.

>> No.1640686

England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland are countries, Britain is not.

>> No.1640687


The fact that we're even having this conversation proves cause. Tripfags caused me to make that comparison, which caused the thread to derail.

>> No.1640694

you don't know what cause and effect is do you?
YOU derailed the thread with YOUR image

>> No.1640695


No, just no.

England etc. are administrative districts of the United Kingdom, you moron. And Wales has never been a country - it's a principality.

Oh, and Ireland isn't in Britain, it's a sovereign state, you fucking retard.

>> No.1640696

Don't you have some greentext story to push out of your colon onto the serving plate that is /lit/?

>> No.1640701


Boring boring boring boring argument. Tripfags herp, anons derp and bla bla fucking bla.

If you don't like browneye, ignore him. If you don't like Anon, ignore him. End of.

Nobody ever talks about Italian writers (because they're mostly shit), but Italo Calvino and Primo Levi are both brilliant authors.

>> No.1640702


Not my image. And the thread was derailed long before I got here


Complaining about trips is shit-posting, yes, but anons are always going to do that, so it's irresponsible to do so.

>> No.1640705

You are denying that England and Wales are countries and calling me a retard? ohwow.jpg

>> No.1640708


Just stop

If this is your idea of trolling.

>> No.1640713

Yugoslavia - The Bridge on the Drina
If you ever wanted to understand why Balkan people fight all the time, this book might give you a little insight on the mentality of Christian and Muslim people living there.

>> No.1640714

No, it's not - do some googling please.

>> No.1640718


OIC. I was wrong. I still get confused by the whole England/Britain/Commonwealth thing.

>> No.1640723
File: 19 KB, 320x480, shantaram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


England and Scotland are countries, but they are not nations. Wales is a principality, and Ireland is a separate sovereign nation. Everyone's wrong at least once. Now, can you all shut the fuck up please? Fucking boring argument - take it to /int/.


This is Ivo Andric, isn't it? I read some of his stuff ages ago, and I remember it poorly, but I remember I liked it. I'll have to go and re-read.

The Aussies never get any props, so I'm going to say Australia: Patrick White, Nick Cave and Gregory David Roberts