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File: 1.84 MB, 2000x1200, right-wing-literaure-is-garbage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16406125 No.16406125[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What went so wrong for right wing literature?

>> No.16406134


>> No.16406146

that image is hilarious

>> No.16406157

is the joke that left wing is bourgeoisie and right wing is proletariat?

>> No.16406159

meme probably took 30 minutes to make. Time well spent?

>> No.16406163

Siege is a great book.

>> No.16406167
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>Liberal capitalists
>right wing
>on the origin of species, Nietzsche, and The Count of Monte Cristo
>the books and writer all about how life and people aren’t equal and shouldn’t be equal
>left wing in a modern sense
7/10 bait, I replied but I’m not bumping the thread or giving any u‘s

>> No.16406175
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>> No.16406182
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>> No.16406191

I changed my mind OP here is you're you and bump :)

>> No.16406195

Smith is left wing

>> No.16406205

That's a funny picture, it's also funny that the left dislikes the actual working class

>> No.16406207

>the “actual” working class consists of nazis

>> No.16406214

Bait post, but the actual answer, as always, is liberalism.

>> No.16406223

>the material conditions become irrelevant if you hold the wrong opinion
After Marx, every generation of Marxists have their IQ halved in order to make things interesting for the rest of us.

>> No.16406224

>a bunch of Liberals and one glownigger
>Right Wing

>> No.16406225

>subhumans exist in every people
>national socialists: every race
>subhumans: only whites

>> No.16406234

Is that a real quote? Because it doesn't make any sense a leavening agent makes the bread rise so subhumans are needed for society to thrive?

>> No.16406240

Lol none of those people would be left wing today, including Marx.

>> No.16406250

Doesn't Infinite Jest have an entire section dedicated to making of of the way African Americans speak?

>> No.16406261

I mentioned two books and one writer, none of which included Smith
Don’t pretend to be me
I grew up attending a British boarding school, and the only people I’ve met with more contempt for the working class than the upper classes are middle class “socialists” who care far more about diversity and stroking their feelings than they do about the desires of the working class or what would make the working class happy: diversity and immigration is far more detrimental to the working class than the rich or the economy as it introduces greater job competition and hence lower wages for low skill jobs

>> No.16406268

Another thinly disguised excuse to discuss politics but not on /pol/. I have to wonder why you felt the need to post this on /lit/, if it was for (you)s you would've gotten so many more on /pol/...

>> No.16406289
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Reminder that Dorian Gray ended with good old fashion Christian morality and that OP is a faggot.

>> No.16406300


>> No.16406305

I was referring more to the joke in OP's pic, unless you're calling jordan peterson and ben shapiro nazis

>> No.16406334

I've never met a right winger in real life that actually reads. Most people leaning on the left read crap, but at least it is something, I guess.

>> No.16406339

All books do is brainwash you. Real people think with their blood and sweat

>> No.16406344
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Charlie Kirk is superior to Nietzsche

>> No.16406353

>left-wing literature
>white colonizer protagonist kills a person of colour in justified self-defence but is too autistic to get off

>> No.16406357

Nietzsche didn't believe in God and Charlie Kirk does. Nothing else matters besides that

>> No.16406371

There’s no way this pic is not satire.

>> No.16406376

Socialism isn't inherently left-wing.

>> No.16406382
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maybe Charlie is just Nietzsche reincarnated

>> No.16406384

If I've ever seen some biased ass cherry-picking.

>> No.16406387

Reincarnation is a pagan myth. When you die God judges you

>> No.16406406
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but what if God sends you back for another round? what if it's like a boxing match where God comes to your corner between each round and gives you advice? perhaps we are only in Round 4 in the great boxing match of LIFE

>> No.16406557

because those are the only examples that are used to undermine National Socialists, retard.

>> No.16406588
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Wait until OP finds out the full name Darwin used as the title for 'The Origin of Species'.

>> No.16406629
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hmm... let me guess

>> No.16406767
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>> No.16406796
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>What went so wrong for right wing literature?
Here op, read this

>> No.16407222

yeah, nuremberg rally 1935 by goebbels. thats not what a leavening agent does. 'In cooking, a leaven, often called a leavening agent, is any one of a number of substances used in doughs and batters that cause a foaming action that lightens and softens the mixture'

>> No.16407231


Leavening agent, substance causing expansion of doughs and batters by the release of gases within such mixtures, producing baked products with porous structure. Such agents include air, steam, yeast, baking powder, and baking soda.

>> No.16407537

lack of empathy

>> No.16407576

Anyone who says this has a a shallow, essentialist view of art.

>> No.16407646

THey look pretty working class to me. Their cringe beliefs dont impact that. You are kinda just reinforcing his point.

>> No.16407692
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>Harry Potter (right wing after Rowling's transphobic comments)
>Left wings are all classics, most of which one needs to make mental gymnastics to even make a poor argumented claim that they're even slightly left leaning.
>Right wing is almost 100% pop-politics garbage, all written in 20th/21th century.
Way to out yourself as a nitpicking faggot, your nitpicking faggot.
I've met many. Although most right wingers I know don't read at all, the same could be said for most left wingers.
In general, few people read and only a few of these few read quality books.

>> No.16407852

I like to entertain that tought anon. Wouldn't it all be less cruel?

>> No.16407860

So he probably means that those lesser people in a race are used to expand the Fatherland. Does it make sense. Its probably what he meant.

>> No.16407861

>be Nietzsche
>argue for aristocracy
>retards think you're left wing

>> No.16407895

This anon is probably going to jail one day

>> No.16407914

He'll be the first to enter the gulags of Joe Biden's America.

>> No.16407915

And it's gonna be fucking based and redpilled.

>> No.16407922
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If I do, I will become the intellectual heavyweight of the Aryan Brotherhood and thus guaranteed a comfy life in the joint

>> No.16407934

imagine coping this hard

>> No.16407937
File: 56 KB, 850x400, quote-i-am-opposed-to-socialism-because-it-dreams-ingenuously-of-good-truth-beauty-and-equal-friedrich-nietzsche-140-15-38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16407974

Wow no Evola under right wing? Okay.

>> No.16407978
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is ezra pound the single most overrated dude of all time? I cannot believe there's a political party in Italy named after him.

>> No.16408001

i’m really fond of pound, not sure what bone you’ve got to pick w/ him and fwiw casapound is no longer a political party. it has reverted to a social center based squatters’ movement similar to casamontag. what is it about him that rubs you the wrong way?

>> No.16408008

pretty sure every author in the OP would be bourgeoisie

>> No.16408026

Pound's life story is interesting, but I just don't like his style. I've tried to read him many times and I never make it past the first 10 pages. I did like his trolling of the American government during WW2. He made the feds SEETHE

>> No.16408058

Damn son that a magnificent bait you made there, bravo.

>> No.16408130

Liberal capitalists are absolutely right wing. Not by far. But will move right to a surprising extent. A liberal would side quicker with authright than any of the far left.

>> No.16408139
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>> No.16408151

They're called niggers

>> No.16408172

He was a brilliant translator who imported and interpreted an enormous amount of Asian literature that resonated philosophically and aesthetically with many artists at the time regardless of what one can say about his poetry.

>> No.16408181

It's anachronistic to call anything prior to the 1800s left wing and right wing.

>> No.16408183

You put Rousseau in left wing even tho he's the symbol of right-wing in France. You should have put Voltaire in left wing, it would have made sense. But since this is obviously bait, here's your sage, faggot.

>> No.16408214

Where is Celine?
That right-wing list is quite Anglo-Centric.
One could have put Pirandello, D'Annunzio or Fernando Pessoa instead of Lewis, Stein, and D.H. Lawrence.

Also, the left-wing list breaks the time barrier in order to insert Auden, who is a later writer. Auden belongs to the first generation after modernism. The Waste Land was published when he was 15.
Thus, one could also have put Nabokov (who'd be considered a right-winger nowadays), Solzhenitsyn, Borges, maybe even Mishima (born in 1925) on the right-wing list.
One could also have put Stravinsky or Richard Strauss instead of the nearly unbearable Arnold Schoenberg.
The most salient thing here is that, despite popular mythology, right-wingers produced better art in the 20th century than left-wingers did. Though I'd argue that, in the second half of the century, this pattern probably changed.

Still, these lists are somewhat imbecilic, because, first of all, defining "left" and "right" is quite hard - is fascism really right-wing? One could give different answers to this question. Maybe it's better to put it in a category all of its own. G.B. Shaw was, in theory, a leftist - yet he admired Mussolini quite a lot, and Stalin and Hitler as well.
Furthermore, some writers change their views. Vargas Llosa was a left-wing writer during the early part of his career, then became a classical liberal during the 70's.

"I don't like it" is not the same "not good".
If you can't grasp this basic distinction it means you can't judge a work of literature. Personally, I can't stand Jane Austen, yet I recognize she knew how to write a novel.
Ezra Pound was the main force in cleaning English poetry of all the uselessness of post-Romantic verbosity. Even Yeats - the greatest of all post-Romantic poets - had his diction considerably altered after his acquaintance with Pound, and started to write a firmer, terse kind of verse.
As for Pound's poetry, he not only wrote it with great concision and visual richness, but was also a master of satirical verse, as well as rhythm - in fact, probably no poet of the English language in the 20th century knew rhythm as deeply as Ezra Pound. He mastered not only the traditional form (his oeuvre contains more than 100 sonnets, as well as sestinas, villanelles and more), but also free verse, at a time when it was still developing.
He successfully managed to put money matters into poetry, which is something quite hard. I completely disagree with his economics, yet I can't help but admit that his canto XLV (With Usura) is highly effective as poetry. Some cantos are simply beautiful, specially the later ones.
Besides, he was also an incredible translator, one of the best that I have read in any language. His translations are works of art on their own right (although some of them are too archaic and look forced; yet many others are extremely free and can be read as original poetry).

Pound is not overrated, but underrated (by people like Bloom).

>> No.16408231

you are a pseud. the fact of the matter is, I read Ezra Pound when I suffer from my chronic insomnia as he is a great natural sleep aid. he is a snoozefest and therefore trash

>> No.16408236

Go back to kraut chan

>> No.16408265

lmao, the right despises half of "their" artists
Marinetti was literally demanding museums to be destroyed
also, Dali was gay

>> No.16408290

>also, Dali was gay
>implying today's far right isn't full of gays.

>> No.16408368

You gave no criticism whatever. All you can state is your personal reaction to his poetry. You cannot actually criticize him on accounts of: lack of concision; poverty of imagery (metaphoric, comparative, descriptive); poverty of thought; poverty of originality; poverty of vocabulary; poverty of metrical knowledge.
You cannot criticize him on those accounts, because he cannot be criticized in that way, for his writings shows none of those vices, while showing many (if not all) of their corresponding virtues.
There is a reason why Pound attracted the admiration of authors as diverse as the then-Romantic and mystical conservative W.B. Yeats, or his Anglican friend T.S. Eliot, and the countercultural subversive Allen Ginsberg, or the similarly subversive Pier Paolo Pasolini. He produced works of enduring and solid poetic quality, whether you like them or not.

Jane Austen also puts me to sleep. Yet I do recognize her talent for writing a novel, even though the subjects she deals with are entirely uninteresting and irrelevant to me personally.

So you can express your physical - or psychological - reaction as much as you like. It doesn't matter. This is the lowest level of literary criticism, because it does not use analysis. You can "feel" a reaction to X without even have analyzed X.
Literary criticism, however, is precisely that which comes after literary analysis: first you analyze the work; then you judge it based on those criteria which have been used in the West for millennia and according to which most literary writers wish to be judged (verbal richness, formal mastery, concision, intellectual depth etc.)

>> No.16408390
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At this point can't we just drop nazism all together? Once you realize that having a certain skin color or genetic features doesn't make someone a subhuman, the entire concept of white nationalism seems retarded. Rome had it right long before white nationalists came along.

>> No.16408395

What do you mean by "right"?
The "right" is extremely diverse.
Of course an American conservative is probably going to despise someone like Marinetti, just like Ezra Pound completely despised the American conservatives (or any post-19th century American, for that matter).

I'd say the left-wing is much more culturally unified than the right is. It's almost a monolithic culture, in the sense that it all "tends" towards the same directions, and springs from similar sources (Marx, for instance).
The right-wing, however, can tend to a variety of directions, from American capitalist imperialism to Nazism, Catholic/Jewish/Protest/Muslim radicalism, Pagan revival, monarchism, Trumpian populism etc.

>> No.16408397

>those criteria which have been used in the West for millennia ... (verbal richness, formal mastery, concision, intellectual depth etc.)
Any source for these specific criteria in Aristotle or Boileau or any other important Western critic/theorist?

>> No.16408478

Sowell is right wing??

>> No.16408550 [SPOILER] 
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Dear /lit/,
Today, OP was a massive faggot
