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/lit/ - Literature

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16405374 No.16405374 [Reply] [Original]

Every other person:
>I'll study the most modern things available to understand my area and the world.
>All of my worldviews and understanding of reality are based on writings by people who lived 200~2000 years ago.

What did they mean by this?

>> No.16405380

MOST people are extremely poor thinkers. Even the philosophers considered best are extremely poor thinkers.

>> No.16405386

Every other person
>dumb as rocks, slave, hylic. SOULLESS
>high-iq enlightened mystics. SOUL

>> No.16405403

FACT: Utopia existed on Earth and it was called the Anglo-Saxon Era of English history existing between ~450AD and 1066AD. Reading any literature that did not come from this era is gay and pointless.

>> No.16405432

Who is top left and bottom left?

>> No.16405457

who are bottom left and right and middle left and right? I know the others, but those escape me.

>> No.16405464

fill in blanks:

_______ - Descartes - Newton
Spinoza - Leibniz - Locke
________ - Hume -

>> No.16405476

oops, forgot el goblino in bottom right (Kant)

>> No.16405487

montaigne descartes newton
spinoza leibniz locke
berekeley hume prusian goblin

>> No.16405491

>Early Modern Enlightenment thinkers

>> No.16405498

I'm going to guess and say de Montaigne and Berkeley.

>> No.16405501

How does it feel to still be stuck to the mindset of someone living centuries ago, while trying to deal with a society that has moved past you? Is this why you remain so unhappy?

>> No.16405502
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>>I'll study the most modern things available to understand my area and the world.
More like "I'll watch dumbed down youtube videos to be more efficient at my wage slave job and become successful"

>> No.16405511

>Anglo-Saxon Era of English history existing between ~450AD and 1066AD. Reading any literature that did not come from this era is gay and pointless.
What literature works is included in this period?

>> No.16405514

Ah I've never seen Berkeley without his fancy robes and wig

>> No.16405524

Are you a woman?

>> No.16405550

Every other person:
>I'll study only what is most easily available to understand my area and the world, thus trapping myself within the humanist dogma of post-enlightenment sociologists
>All of my worldviews and understanding of reality are based on a wide array of writings by people who lived from nearly any time in the last 2 and a half millennia, I am more open to concepts novel to myself than the average conceited pleb that never questions the value system he was given as a child.

That modernist conceit is especially ironic given that modern morality is based on one of two things:
1) Christian morality that praised the meek and humble that was overemphasised following the Protestant reformation but was always a core part of the religion, despite these modernists claiming to be against religion.
2) a misunderstanding of Spinoza’s emphasis on freedom, in that modernity emphasises the freedom of getting what you want whereas Spinoza’s freedom was to be free from your own irrational impulses

>> No.16405564

What is emotion to one who is immortal?

>> No.16405569


>> No.16405571

why are you speaking for every other person and /lit/? who do you think you are?

>> No.16405577

>>I'll study the most modern things available to understand my area and the world.
you're right anon, I should get back on tiktok and watch an endless stream of drip-feed dopamine content
then wind down with some deep intellectual conversation on Twitter's 240-character-limits and with genuine retards

>> No.16405583
File: 19 KB, 370x342, Im-loathin-it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Presentist wallowing in late stage modernity

>> No.16405585

It feels like being correct lol imagine falling for the "Enlightenment" meme. Muh human rights, material wealth and the liberty to vote for Plutocrat A or Plutocrat B every four years is the apex of human development.

>> No.16405613

If /lit/ were medical doctors:
>Quick, quick, administer blood letting, make offerings to Asclepius, balance his four humours.

"Uhm doctor maybe we should use the proton computer tomography to scan his organs?"


>> No.16405614

And 2520 niggas will be high on what our age excreted?

>> No.16405615

I read anything as long as it's good but due to the way time works it is such that there are more works between 200-2000 years ago than in the past 200 years

>> No.16405627


>> No.16405629

lmao, i like this twitter meme too. what other variations of it can you come up with?

>> No.16405639

actually it's pronounced "Barkley"

>> No.16405648
File: 43 KB, 470x573, get a load of this fucking retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very weak bait or literally mentally retarded. But truly written as a retard who never read anything written before 1980. Go read the texts written by political figures, philosophers and historians from 2000 years ago or further behind, and come reading all the way to the present and you will realize that all the things we have nowadays, the political and philosophical debates, are just modern versions of the same problems we have had throughout all of history. We've had debates over whether or not people should have the right to bear arms since the Roman Empire and Feudal Japan, with the Estate's hunger for power always being the reason they want to take people's weapons. All of the modern political ideas of the left were invented in the late 19th century by Gramsci, Marx and their buddies. All of the right's ideas come from early USA philosophy and politics.

Even utter and complete bullshit like "blackpilled incels" are just pseudo-intellectual socially retarded faggots whining they can't get pussy like Schoppenhauer did on his own time.

There is nothing new in the world and there will never be. Go do some reading and finally realize how pathetic you are in the grand scheme of history.

>> No.16405662
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>. All of the right's ideas come from early USA philosophy and politics.

>> No.16405687
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If /lit/ were rocket scientists:
>Just add more gunpowder, we must see whether the World Turtle of Goddess 媧皇 and the Abrahamic Firmament are compatible!
"Uhm sir this is literally just gonna explode, plus we could just show you the GIS Data from NOAA Geostationary assets."

>> No.16405696

>work ethic
>free enterprise
>small government
>private initiative > public initiative
>defense against powerful governments

>> No.16405707

I'm not pathetic desu speaking for yourself uwu
He's correct in the context of the American right, though. They're all just liberals.

>> No.16405709

>Everything ever created before in the history of philosophy, politics and etc applies 100% the same in a world with internet where people can blow up nuclear powerplants by sending infected mp3 files.
Sure thing, champ.

>> No.16405716

Beowulf is the most known, the poems and riddles of the Exeter book, The Battle of Maldon, The Battle of Brunnaburh, The Wanderer, The Seafarer, Deor, The Wife's Lament, etc.

>> No.16405741

>because communication is faster and weapons are more deadly, the fundamental principles behind things have changed

They have not

>> No.16405742
File: 39 KB, 336x512, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying progress exists and humanity's history is linear

>> No.16405760

Why didn't you mention the Heliand reeeeeee

>> No.16405766
File: 314 KB, 1357x960, a07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why didn't you mention the Heliand reeeeeee
Because The Bible isn't Saxon in origina (even though God is an Anglo-Saxon)

>> No.16405787
File: 69 KB, 512x288, mortal kombat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If /lit/ were in charge of armies:
>Prepare a siege, dig trenches, arm the trebuchet "Famine is more terrible than the sword", boys, we will run them out!
"Sir they just jammed our communication systems and there is an ICBM about to hit our position in 5 seconds, plus they are self sufficient in resources with their current technology for at least 250 years. Orders, sir!"

>> No.16405817

>implying that we wouldn't summon demons from the netherworld with Sumerian incantations.

>> No.16405822

Even in college courses philosophy is thought through its history. You really can't join the conversation if you don't understand where it comes from and how the arguments and ideas evolved over the ages.

>> No.16405857
File: 119 KB, 624x434, 1579974265934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and esotericpilled

>> No.16405859

He’s clearly referring to American conservatives rather than fascists or other more distinct and less currently powerful political ideologies. American conservatives absolutely do draw everything from that point. There’s a reason why American “conservatism” is all about jerking off democracy and freedom, it’s because they draw their values from the ideologically liberal masons who founded the USA

>> No.16405868

Science is not comparable to sociology (which is a pseudoscience trying to take the place of philosophy)

>> No.16405875

VGH... imagine being EVROPEEN and being able to call on a pre-liberal history...

>> No.16405892

>American conservatives rather than fascists
>implying there is a difference
Literally blindsided by aesthetics lmao

>> No.16405900

america has 0 understanding of fascism

>> No.16405926

Just subvert American individualism into something Nietzschean, burger. It might not be peak trad, but it's something. You can do it! Just make sure to be anti-capitalist so all the libertarians don't corrupt you.
Subzero IQ take. If this isn't bait then you must be the most stunningly delusional specimen I've ever seen.

>> No.16405929

Oh look, it's the seething /sci/fag that keeps making one of these threads every couple of days. How are you doing?

>> No.16405935

>Constitutional Republic that depends on the democratic election of representatives that cuck each others decisions day and night because of ideological differences

Ah, just like an absolutist government system

>> No.16405936
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>> No.16405969

I'm doing alright. How are you?

>> No.16405978
File: 51 KB, 1218x561, 1595495021602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now you're cool.

>> No.16406040

>the pro-democracy, Jew-loving, centralised-power-hating people are fascist because they aren’t totally permissive of all possible creeds
Did you go to an American school?

>> No.16406122

American conservatists are not right-wing they're centrists

>> No.16406692

Left centre right is a very reductive way of creating an absolutist political spectrum.
When someone says “the American right” they mean American conservatives because right and left really just mean conservative and progressive of the time, which is constantly in flux. I would agree that America doesn’t have a true ideological right because everything is iterations of liberalism there

>> No.16407472


>> No.16407484

>i dont understand knowledge as a continual process and instead think that I and now is absolutely correct until it is not.

>> No.16407497

One of the advantages of reading material by people living a long time ago is that you free yourself from the progressivism mind virus and recognize that even fucking ancient Athens had the same philosophical controversies and political movements that the US does. The unnamed Athenian in Laws literally talks about fucking political protest marches in Athens against tax raises. Nothing is new under the sun.

>> No.16407504

>should I read the most widely regarded and celebrated thinkers throughout history?
>no, I'll read pop-literature written 2 months ago by some random person that will be forgotten by not only me but the entire world in less than a year

>> No.16407690

>read great philosopher
>hes a theist
wtf bros literally EVERY single time??