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File: 141 KB, 900x563, LeftTube_header.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16399280 No.16399280 [Reply] [Original]

what philosophers do today's "leftists" use as their guides? it's obvious that they aren't influenced by post structuralism because while on the one side they cry that say gender is a social construct (which it is) they present their ways of looking at such issues as objectively true, something that's completely antithetical to post structuralism. so what philosophers/philosophies do they base all their contradictory rhetoric on? is it in large part judith butler? i haven't read her because she seems uninteresting to me but in general, from what I've seen, they all seem to quietly almost despise people like foucault and derrida, and almost none of them ever even mention guys like baudrillard and deleuze.

btw I'm not just talking about pic related, i also mean absolute idiots like adam connover, peter coffin and thought slime

>> No.16399298

Helloooo, I’m the nostalgia chick, and I aborted it so you don’t have to!

>> No.16399305

>knows all the bread tubers
>answers his own question
>thinks his ideas are more big brain than popular internet intellectuals of the day

wow OP, that's some great literature.

>> No.16399325


yeah i know them. i also know idiots like crowder and Shapiro. doesn't mean i think they're good.

so it is judith butler? just say so instead of talking this type of shit.

and what ideas did i even present? are you kidding me

>> No.16399420

Sorry, i don't follow internet pop-politics so can't tell you. But a substantial part of the current Progressive movement in the US does stem from intellectuals such as Judith Butler.

>> No.16399549

It’s only leftist big media talking points with a thin veneer of intellectualism on top.
>post structuralism
I’d be surprised if they could make it through a book by Derrida and grasp it. One of the people in your pick made a big crying video about how they couldn’t make it in academia due to the focus on those authors.

>> No.16399566

We desperately need /incel/ - Ecelebs

>> No.16399574


>> No.16399577

Why do they always have to look and act so disgusting?

>> No.16399649
File: 206 KB, 1200x1601, Nietzsche1882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only philosophy videos I've been watching on youtube lately are by Eric Dodson, and they are mostly pretty good.


>> No.16399650

From what I understand philosophy tube and contra are the only ones with philosophical knowledge, and contra hates philosophy. I think it's more applying philosophy to leftist causes than any hard philosophical beliefs or takes. Outside of those two, they don't give a shit about philosophy they're just leftists. Also, what makes you think they would despise foucault?

>> No.16399655

Pandering to their audiences

>> No.16399670

Finally someone said it. Thought I was the only one who thought shapiro and crowder always seem out of their depth when not arguing with 20 year old BLM ideologues

>> No.16399679

Based. Fuck babies.

>> No.16399684

None of that horseshit has anything to do with the left. Nice try, libfag.

>> No.16399692

Whatever philosopher looks the best. They're pure aesthetics and emotions.

>> No.16399698

low iq breadtubers

>> No.16399700

omg YAS slay qu33ns yaaaaaaaaas take my time

>> No.16399712

It's mostly Marx and Kropotkin. Marxian and anarchistic intellectuals. But I'm going to point out now that 99% of internet personalities are all pseudo intellectuals who don't actually know what they're talking about.

My philosophical influences are heavily Aristotelian and some enlightenment philosophers sprinkled in. But my main philosophical and political influences are Aristotle, Sun Tzu, and Machiavelli. My economics is influenced by the Austrian School, and by Menger, Mises, and Hayek. Just to give an example of what I think and

But for the most part, Breadtube or in fact any political content creator has no intellectual substance to their videos with the exception of a very few channels.

>> No.16399747

They don’t base their views on anything, except what will make them feel the most superior and make them the most money.

>> No.16399766

I tried to watch one of philosophytube's videos and he was too disgusting for me to even finish it. If I'm going to see someone talk for more than 30 mintutes they should be pleasing or at least interesting to the eye.

>> No.16399768

who's an actual lefttuber?

>> No.16399771


>> No.16399775


>Not real leftism

Wow he showed up. In record time too. We haven't even built the gulags yet!

>> No.16399783
File: 66 KB, 956x738, Keith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keith Wood's has a far higher IQ than any midwit breadtuber. I tend to notice that esoteric far right youtubers like him tend to explore far more interesting topics, and without all the flare and theatrics.

Here's a few examples:


>> No.16399787

>using yt for opinions
very gay and must I add faggotpilled

>> No.16399788

Does this guy have a single original opinion? He just parrots whatever shitty philosopher he's just read.

I'm so sick of sheep.

>> No.16399793

Butler is a poststructuralist. You're making the mistake of thinking they have some psychic need to be consistent, when the most basic claims of that school (end of metanarratives, no absolutes) are flatly self-contradictory and they don't seem to be bothered by this.

>> No.16399807

You seem to have no idea what the left is.

>> No.16399812

No idea. I read books, I don't watch videos like an imbecile. That's why I'm posting on the literature board.

>> No.16399814

Bump ,i would actually want to know who they are influenced by since they obviously dont take post structualism to its ultimate conclusion. Just making counter myths is still mythmaking, and at some point of establishment, is simply a myth.
You think? Its possible marx is one, simply because he leaves a lot of the social ramifications open. though i guess you could round it out and say marxists.

>> No.16399826

The right has:
-Thomas Sowell (economist, went to Harvard and UChicago)
-Bret Wenstein (evolutionary biologist; not right-wing but lefties hate him)
-The late Milton Friedman (extremely famous economist)
-Jordan Peterson (clinical psychologist; taught at Harvard)
-Ben Shapiro (at least he has Harvard credentials)
-Douglas Murray (chad-tier journalist)

Meanwhile the left has:
-Contrapoints (tranny Youtube)
-Philosophy Tube (another Youtuber)
-Hbomberguy (retarded gaming journalist who thinks Dark Souls 2 is the best Dark Souls lmao)
-More Youtubers like Shaun who say "witty" things in Twitter

The left mostly gets their sources of political philosophy from Youtubers and redditors. At least the right has some respectable figures with legit credentials. I guess the left has Chomsky. That's something.

>> No.16399832

You class purists haven't been relevant for decades and prescriptive grammar is your last gambit.

>> No.16399836

Nice bait, libfag.

>> No.16399839

Their guide is that they want to be able to do whatever they want, and then they ally themselves with other people with similar selfish goals. What they believe doesn't matter so long as it all leads in that direction.

>> No.16399842

You wish, tranny.

>> No.16399846

I'm not leftist by any means, but contrapoints can be alright sometimes at least from a toleration point. Actually tries to put together an argument. I almost never agree with him/her, though. For example, one video contrapoints tries to explain the obesity/fatness problem and why it's not people's fault essentially. Totally doesn't seem to understand the concepts of thermodynamics and calories in vs. calories out.

Vaush is an obese retard. Philosophy Tube literally just started ripping off Contrapoints style (shamelessly, too)

>> No.16399848

tbf Didnt Contrapoints major in philosophy?

also, gotta say, i dont think non zoomer ledtist listen to those types. I guess if we are talking "ecelebs" i guess that works.

Im personally more right leaning, but I want to be fair.

>> No.16399854

Wish I could kill a leftist like their head as an egg to a grind stone

>> No.16399855

pretty much same, i can at least apreciate contra's arguments, even though i feel there is a slight >>16399846
udging of perspectives, but at least they try to be somewhat fair. the others are complete peepeepoopoo. I remember Vaush trying to fucking deconstruct the joker gamer meme and it was fucking awful.

>> No.16399859

Contrapoints isn't a leftist. She's just a liberal

>> No.16399863

says the guy that still takes Marx seriously

>> No.16399865

Nobody in the real world gives a fuck about your trigger warnings and microaggressions and intersectional hair-splitting, faggot. Get out of your internet bubble.

>> No.16399880

Organic intellectuals are advocating for the subaltern now just as Gramsci wanted. You're a fossil my guy.

>> No.16399883

This. The internet safespace of yt and twitter is the main domain of intellecutal disuccsion amongst the young population

>> No.16399885


im center-left and i follow jordan peterson a lot

i go to a private sustainable ag college and a lot of the reading in the foundational classes is on Wendel Berry and Vandana Shiva.

>> No.16399886

The whole point is to appeal to women and gay men; personally I would be running away screaming, but I guess it works.

>> No.16399897

Then the world has a fossil majority. Actual working people don't give a fuck about all your queer bullshit.

>> No.16399901

The only people with Twitter accounts are celebrities and literal nutjobs. Nobody with any sense pays attention to social media.

>> No.16399951

howdy y'all fxlks! i(9eye) jus luv this nrew safe space lik omg wii can talk so mooch about current aevernts and get so many talkin points for twitterz like omg?!!!

>> No.16400037

Calories in/calories out is a gross oversimplification. It does not take ANY hormones into account, which are practically the sole determinant in whether food is stored or burned

>> No.16400065

People eating less than 800 calories a day don't get fat.

>> No.16400100



>> No.16400120
File: 67 KB, 360x200, Yukkuri Marisa Reimu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously, log off once in a while. Twitter e-celebs are irrelevant in the real world except to Zoomers. In any case, they shouldn't be discussed here.

>> No.16400152
File: 47 KB, 836x368, 8cgv32no4sk51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

begone ayncrap

>> No.16400163

>those guys aren't leftists
>who is?
>idk I've never watched anything

>> No.16400165

Where do I start with leftist literature?

>> No.16400169

this^ guy gets it

>> No.16400174

Serious thinkers do not put out videos on youtube, you fucking faggot.

>> No.16400185

The real world is populated by normies who believe the same shit.

>> No.16400204

Name one modern serious thinker with no videos on youtube

>> No.16400206

If you want pinkhair bullshit, Judith Butler.
If you want Libertarian Leftism, Murray Bookchin (Ecology Of Freedom is good)
If you want tankie shit, Das Kapital

I'd say take the Strasser/Owsley/Dugin/Southgate pill and be a National-Anarchist/National-Bolshevik
Southgate's Tradition And Revolution is good

>> No.16400211

He posted on the social media site 4chan

>> No.16400221

All of them.

>> No.16400224

>Name one modern serious thinker
Kek to think they want plebs to read or know about their work.

>> No.16400225

Sure, if you have a severe hormonal problem, it may affect your weight. However, this is not the case for the vast majority of people.

Most people just eat too much and don't move around enough.

The hormone argument is just as bed as the "muh genetics" argument.

>> No.16400228

Great answers

>> No.16400230


The average reasonably informed and ideological leftist is influenced more by his leftist social group's conventional axiology than anything else.

The leftist value set and the dispositions towards them are reinforced by their ingroup online discourses, academia, mass media and popular culture. It is also reinforced by their interactions with the right wing and other political systems outside the typical Western political climate.

The typical current leftist axiology has emerged from various strands of leftist thought into the current amalgamation you experience. It's refined and changed as the political climate changes. Sometimes new theories and paradigms emerge too.

Those strands are liberal, neo-liberal, gay liberation, anti-racism, egalitarianism, psychoanalysis, sociology, critical theory, existentialism, post modernism, post-structuralism, cosmopolitanism, Marxist, socialist, post colonialism, secularism, humanism, mixed market capitalism, human rights, institutionalism and so on and so forth.

Too much weight is given to "big name philosophers" like Chomsky/Derrida/Latour as heart of leftist influence and not enough to the typical leftist university professor/researcher who writes in a highly specialised field. These professors sharpen the ideology and culture more significantly than any other factor through criticism and theorising.

>> No.16400260
File: 47 KB, 315x500, 51jWIiQTWrL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do think though that the vast majority of their bullshit comes directly from Judith Butler

>> No.16400273

Right?! Imagine thinking that intelectually rigours peeps are still writing like omg catch up with the times! lol!

>> No.16400316


If you're talking specifically about LGBT, BLM, Muslim apologetics and such then it's probably not primarily Butler/Derrida/Marx. It maybe the case in academia and the theories filter out into the wider leftist ecosphere and they then adopt the useful parts for their purposes.

It's possible, but more likely it comes from interacting with what sociologists call socially deviant groups, these are criminals, homeless, disabled, subaltern ethnic and sexual groups and such.

The group's communicate their grievances, sometimes with erudition and sometimes without and the empathic liberal tries to accommodate for this.

They create theories and values that seek to prioritize, empower and amplify the subaltern groups in a way that fits into their overall doxastic system.

>> No.16400340

Marx was right about lumpenproles. They're the worst.

>> No.16400346

Incorrect. Insulin resistance is characteristic of long-term obesity, meaning your body MUCH more readily stores fat. Fasting + keto are key to reducing insulin, CICO doesn't even try to address the issue.

There's bounds of literature on this topic that more people need to read because there are a ridiculous amount of misconceptions about obesity and weight loss in general

>> No.16400347

yes all the intelectually riggerus peeps who are not to be named

>> No.16400365

hahaha! i lke tht ref! rawlng is souch a transphobe and neds to make yt vids more oftn if she wnts to reach the yngr audience like wht is she doing?@!

>> No.16400366

Of course they're bad, they're literally controlled opposition.
(((They))) would never give platform to good redpilled voices. The truth is just too dangerous.

>> No.16400379

Long-term obesity is exactly what we're talking about. You have only yourself to blame for turning your body into a bean-bag chair.

>> No.16400395


Why do our societies in the west venerate sycophantically and basically create a hagiography of the socially deviant?

If the right finds a good answer to this then I think they'll be a position to undo a lot of the progress made by the left. Knowing your opponent and creating a believable representation of them is what made the left critiques of traditional Christian conservative values so potent. Just do they same back and see if it works, why not?

>> No.16400420

for real though can you even name a modern serious thinker

>> No.16400421

If you're talking about the glorification of criminals, power always attracts, and the ability to flout laws and commit violence is power of a sort. Criminals used to be executed and publicly humiliated in a way that made them a lot less appealing. If you want a theory from the right about why crime isn't punished much anymore look at 'Anarcho-tyranny', basically the idea that you disarm the law-abiding kulaks, criminalize self-defense, and let the criminals run free. There is a more involved theory about why it's happened, I forget who came up with the term.

if you want a theory for why the left latches onto gays, trans, various ethnic minorities, then the best is probably Spandrell's Bioleninism: they're loyal to the regime because they can't succeed in normal society so they have something to gain. Just like the proles are loyal in Leninism because they gain status from the revolution.

>> No.16400446

yea! they all be on yt lol!

>> No.16400449

You can't even grasp the concept of a thinker not making narcissistic videos of himself constantly, can you? Your whole generation should be euthanized.

>> No.16400452

excuse me sweetie I said "for real"

>> No.16400455

>Knowing your opponent and creating a believable representation of them
Ironic coming from someone who doesn't know what the left is.

>> No.16400456

fo reak fo real on fleek!

>> No.16400465

You're acting less retarded than the other guy so I'll try asking again, is there anybody who counts as a currently active "serious thinker"

>> No.16400470

dey bee the ones on yt and twitters like fo real fo realll! ll!

>> No.16400486

What kind of retarded question is that?

>> No.16400490


>> No.16400501

Do serious thinkers exist?

>> No.16400502

y u be quotin me like 2 time lol!

>> No.16400514


>> No.16400554
File: 2.19 MB, 250x185, 1469759699300.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>systemic racism

>> No.16400559

Everyone here likes to complain about how the left only consists of mindless social media figures, even as you all regurgitate the same handful of talking points about leftists being NPCs. You all are the real NPCs.

Comparing leftist youtubers to conservative intellectuals to score rhetorical points is dishonest. I could just as easily point to public figures like Ben Shapiro as proof that the right lacks real intellectuals. If you get to pick and choose, then I can too.

Even just looking at breadtube, I don't get the hate. Channels like Philosophy Tube don't pretend to be elite, they're clearly meant for a mass audience. It's like making fun of mtv for being sensationalist, what did you expect? They're still more well-researched than anything on right-wing youtube, and no one in this thread has raised any actual criticisms other than to repeat again and again how they're herdpeople, kool-aid drinkers, fragile zoomers, triggered pink-hairs, etc. Talk about a shallow herd-mindset.

>> No.16400563

Who's a real leftist intellectual?

>> No.16400569

Shapiro doesn't even really count as right wing. There are brainlet right youtubers, like Molyneux and Fuentes, they tend to get booted though

>> No.16400574


>> No.16400588

It's not really from a specific school of thought, but rather an amalgamation.
Zarathustra's Serpent had a good video on this.

>> No.16400596

they might say post-structuralists but like you said, they're way too confident in what they believe. i think they're literally just anglo-consequentialists who embrace a non-Marxist form of socialism on the basis of resentment and their spiritual and material poverty. so probably they are reading Chomsky

>> No.16400603


>> No.16400606

breadtubers don't read theory, they grift.
So true! Have you heard of Love Life and Anarchy?

>> No.16400607

i like contrapoints and i hate the left bro respect where its due

>> No.16400609

Nonsensical post.

>> No.16400611


>> No.16400628

>originality over truth
You need to read Guenon.

>> No.16400660
File: 33 KB, 828x621, 21676C5A-2529-49FE-80D1-C94755DF6752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They typically cite their sources. From what I remember:
>Marx (capital, critique of the Gotha program, economic and philosophic manuscripts)
>Butler (gender trouble)
>Wittgenstein (tractatus)
>McLuhan (medium is the message)
>Chomsky (manufacturing consent)
>Kropotkin (conquest of bread)
I’m sure there’s others I’ve forgotten.

>> No.16400697

Like in general or rn? Cause I mean I can give you a long list of random names throughout history. Using the left extremely broadly: Zizek, Marx, Camus, Etzioni, Georg Simmel, Hofstadter, Herbert Crowly, Betty Friedan, Jane Addams, Stanton, Rousseau, etc.

Obviously some from above don't neatly fit into left or right, but definitely can see their influence on the left.

>> No.16400701

Monstrum in fronte, monstrum in animo. Leftists are fuck-ups, weaklings and freaks

>> No.16400705

You forgot to add Michelle Obama

>> No.16400738

Right now

>> No.16400793

Its almost exclusively Marx, Kropotkin, Bookchin, Chomsky and, ironically, Stirner as far as I have seen but I really dont think that they *actually* read their works other than the breadbook.

>> No.16400795

>what philosophers do today's "leftists" use as their guides?
Each other. That's why it's such a little incestuous fag-fest.

>> No.16400796

>good redpilled voices
There'd need to be a few first.

>> No.16400805

Hes pretty good.

>> No.16400810

I can't speak for all the breadtube nerds, but Thorn cites his sources.

>> No.16400820

>cites hxs sources

>> No.16400871

not op but can you name some current right wing intellectuals?

>> No.16400885

Mike Pence

>> No.16400902


kiss my ass faggot

>> No.16400915


>> No.16400926

im from europe and the left-wingers here will say Parenti (aside from marx/lenin). most of them are kinda weird though and stick to their just as autistic left wing group of friends which are a lot of the time are just liberals.

>> No.16400942


Richard hard
I.P. Friely
Ben Dover
Ray Piist
Phil Miass

There's loads libtard.

>> No.16401065

and a marxist hegelian dialectic

Since they contribute to a propaganda machine they follow alot more pedagogy and rhetoric, with a bigger emphasis on rhetoric.
Alot of how they reach their audience is similar to how barnes and nobel and borders would reach out to normies and connect philosophy with alot of pop culture crap like "philosophy of the simpsons" or philosophy of the matrix or philosophy of harry potter.

I hope you realize that these people are sophists through and through.
They have patrons dedicated to paying off their egos. All philosophical flag planting, is pure crowd pandering.

The only "online" philiospher that i ever heard of was Roko.

>> No.16401115

You're moving goalposts, but sometimes, sure. A lot of obese people are brought up by their shitty obese parents and their hormonal balance is completely fucked by the time they become self aware enough to realize it

>> No.16401125

Memery aside, the OP is asking for the philosophical underpinnings of these content creators' work. Philosophy Tube lists his.

>> No.16401160

I've unironically been told by an award-winning professor, someone who has given numerous presentations at the UN and is a world-renowned expert in their field, that "academic twitter" is a good place to gather information. A lot of rich, influential, and powerful people spend their time on twitter.

>> No.16401172

does that youtube tranny have onlyfan yet?

>> No.16401175


>> No.16401183

> Knowing your opponent and creating a believable representation of them is what made the left critiques of traditional Christian conservative values so potent. Just do they same back and see if it works, why not?
But these people know nothing about Christianity. These things only "worked" because of the institutional power held by those who agree with them.

>> No.16401186


>> No.16401413

Lmao you've clearly never read Simmel

>> No.16401420

Logo Daedalus
Greg Johnson
Jonathan Bowden (pbuh)
James Mason
Penti Linkkola (pbuh)
Ted Kaczynski

>> No.16401553
File: 423 KB, 850x1201, Yukkuri2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yukkuri shiteite ne!

>> No.16401556

Linkola and Kaczynski are leftists.

>> No.16401574

based. his videos introduced me to a lot of great ideas and authors.

>> No.16401599

People in this thead are misninformed. As an actual Gommunist, let me tell you none of these fucking retards quote marx, let alone even Kroptkin. Everyone in the image are culture warriors, more interested in the works of Judith Butler than any serious anylisis of the economy. check their channels , every single one is cultural bullshit. These are radical liberals not marxists.

>> No.16401603


>> No.16401612

>Call for proletarian revolution
>Turns out most proles dont give a shit about it
>All "proletarian" revolutions are just a shitload of criminals, bougies and some proles
>b-but it's really classes that move revolutions

>> No.16401627


>> No.16401631


Contrapoints has a degree in philosophy.

>> No.16401633

he dropped out

>> No.16401642

marx was indeed a retard, yes

>> No.16401871

Marx, Gramsci, Adorno, Freud, Lacan, Hegel, Zizek, Althusser, Lenin, Chomsky, etc.

>> No.16401887

contrapoints is okay

>> No.16401894

Shut your fucking mouth.

>> No.16401904


This is like arguing that having only one arm makes you worse at basketball.Yes, it does but most people who are bad at basketball still have both arms.

>> No.16401905

Lol /pol/ actually reads books?
/pol/ reads anything?

>> No.16401908
File: 876 KB, 888x715, 1600597515064.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Contrapoints is hot

>> No.16401909

why is it called breadtube and is it related to breadpill and breadgang?

>> No.16401916


And getting hotter every video

>> No.16401925

You can only go so far as a leftist without stumbling into contradictions. Their presupposition philosophically allows the right for a child to enjoin in sexual activities with anyone as long as it is consensual. However, the political affiliates of the left are the ones that is the quickest to oust anyone with pedophilic tendencies, despite being in-line with their philosophy. Trans-racial issues also becomes something that they can never solve, each "ought" they gave does not align with their proposition of the societally constructed nature of the biological and social functions. A philosophy or movement that is drenched in contradictions can never last. They can only delay the inevitable as they continue to operate under the mask that they are in any way nuanced.

>> No.16401932

The biggest contradiction is that nonwhites aren't supposed to develop their countries because their IQ is too low and their skin is too dark. But their GDP per capita grows anyway because they don't care what the right wing believes.

>> No.16401943


>> No.16401948

None of that horseshit has anything to do with the left.

>> No.16401949

lindsay ellis?

>> No.16401967


>> No.16401972

Well she was a part of channel awesome and now that breadtube occupies roughly the same cultural space as channel awesome (retarded pseuds parlaying a basic knowledge of a chosen topic into larping as intelligent) she needed to join that too.

>> No.16401978

Ted is a Maoist
He hates both libs and rightoids

>> No.16402495

Hi Spandrell

>> No.16403004
File: 97 KB, 552x572, 1533017888745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like edward dutton :)

>> No.16403025

Unironically this is so much more pure. Hating the system due to its very nature rather than its contexual effects. Were ancaps the real anarchist this whole time?

>> No.16403036

I think it's related to Kropotkin's book Conquest of Bread which was a meme in /leftypol/ circles back in 2016
>read the mf'ing Bread Book

>> No.16403618


>> No.16403626


>> No.16403634

>Kaczynski is leftist
How so?

>> No.16403640

/pol/tard here, outside of 4chan I only read books. In general I see more discussion of books on /pol/ than on /leftypol/

>> No.16403683


Dropped out of a PHD. Contra has a BA.

>> No.16403691


IME most of /pol/ are Dissident Right due to memes. I think you are part of the 1 % who reads.

>> No.16403695

leftist philosophy
>thats like so vibes

>> No.16403696

wow nobody with a BA in philosophy could be retarded

>> No.16403775

I don't know who this faggot is but at least he had enough smarts to realize he was wasting his life big time and back out with energy left to spend.

>> No.16403776

Definitely some leftist sociology bullshit that counts as 'philosophy' nowadays.

>> No.16403778

Western "leftists" don't have a coherent world view or philosophical system. They're not even really Marxists in the sense that they reject his dialectics and embrace idealism.

>> No.16403829

What are you experiencing that informs you on how much people on a forum are reading?

>> No.16403854

Not him. Other than all the edgy Nazi LARP books some of the stuff recommended on /pol/ is decent, if its history related. Condense a book with a relevant line and that will satiate the vast majority of people. I'd say 1 in 100 actually picking it up sounds maybe even optimistic. If enough people on /pol/ actually read it wouldn't be the same superficial discussions about ancient aliens tier garbage for like 8 years.

>> No.16403860

He should’ve gone with a BSc in biology, that way he wouldn’t be living in denial of his own reality by now

>> No.16403893

There's really only two edgy Nazi LARP books I see repeatedly recommended (Siege and Turner Diaries), unless you mean non-fiction books giving sympathetic accounts of natsoc and its philosophy, which are actually good to read. I dispute the idea that it's superficial discussions on ancient aliens tier garbage, it's mostly current news stories and discussions on globalism/NWO, with twitter screenshot bait threads sprinkled throughout. Honestly I see almost the same amount of actual book discussion there as I do here -- most of the posts on /lit/ seem to be about philosophy or shitposting, although shitposting of a less edgy and more goofy variety

>> No.16403919

Destiny recently called everyone on the left online is a fucking idiot. His words not mine.


>> No.16403924


>> No.16403926

He's right desu.

>> No.16403938
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I don't think so

>> No.16403940

Why are liberals so much better at internationalism than leftists. Is this why modern leftists keep conceding to libz?

>> No.16403942

there's substantially more effort-posting on (7+1)chan's /pol/ than 4chan btw

>> No.16403944


The level of discourse.

You talk about how more books are mentioned on /pol/ but IME (when /leftypol/ had more traffic) there is a high level of discourse on /leftpol/ in comparison to /pol/.

I've also debated elsewhere with people, and have seen people who are simply regurgitating /pol/ memes. /pol/ IMO is not made up of Keith Woods and Cultured Thug heavily readers. Live by memes, die by memes, IMO that's the state of /pol/.

>> No.16403947

there are some intellectual liberals
leftism on the other hand falls apart under serious scrutiny

>> No.16403954

There's certainly a more formal and wordy level of discourse on /leftypol/. I also agree that you're more likely to see regurgitated /pol/ memes than /leftypol/ memes, but I would chalk that up to the near-complete lack of potent memes which come from those circles. They don't regurgitate memes but they regurgitate rhetoric.

>> No.16403956

No nigga he's a leftist.

>> No.16403962
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Because leftist internationalism is about mindlessly shouting 'solidarity' while waving a Palastinian flag.

>> No.16404057

No, it was literally a philosophy BA.

>> No.16404093
File: 38 KB, 1208x573, name redacted.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf is wrong with wiki editors that they need to censor a talk page like this

>> No.16404313

Actually they are all 200iq geniuses using Peirce's sign logic to reify the dynamic nature of identity and it's contingency on social consensus to the object that gender mediates. It's an ultra-realism that exposes the controversy of constructivism as meaningless pedantry.
Jk, philosophy only plays an auxiliary role in treating trans people and other gender weirdos with respect. It's stupid when people try to pretend philosophy can decide wether or not we should be nice to other people, I'm talking to you OP. The difference between kindness and bigotry is far more primitive than any verbal disagreement.
Now go away cuck.

>> No.16404323

that faggot ds2 player in the middle there is the biggest strawmanning retard ever. Why are all the leftists channels such fucking midwits? popular ones anyways.

>> No.16404341

Philosophy can help decide whether enabling gender confusion is a nice thing to do

>> No.16404409

It certainly doesn't seem like that to me. All I see are you morons using poorly understood philosophy vaguely to justify cyberbulling trannies and sometimes people on the trans team foolishly indulging you on those terms.
Anyone who has any understanding of philosophy at all knows that philosophy has no practical applications whatsoever.
a bunch of braindead pedants pretending that philosophy has any practical bearing on their puerile and pointless debates that ultimately come down to treating weirdos the way you would like to be treated or not isn't helping anything except my cringe compilation.
If you would just shut up and love each other the entire issue would disappear with no ill consequences.

>> No.16404411

>they present their ways of looking at such issues as objectively true, something that's completely antithetical to post structuralism
I think this is true in principle, but never in practice.
Nobody who every convinced a bunch of people thought of themself as being probably maybe wrong. Even the people who claim that everything is relative think of themselves (inconsistently) as being right about that.
I.e. this cricitism you give would also apply to the original relativists and poststructualists.

>> No.16404422

>treating weirdos the way you would like to be treated
>If you would just shut up and love each other the entire issue would disappear with no ill consequences
wow it's just that simple! Nothing braindead or puerile about these ideas at all

>> No.16404446

reviewbrah is the only one

>> No.16404451

Nice try cuck, but like I said this is not really an intellectual disagreement. If it was I, as your superior in every way, would destroy you. The issue of being nice to other people who haven't done anything to hurt you or what you love is a puerile one, and anyone who fails to do so is a bad child.

>> No.16404479

But again, is it nice to lie to somebody about what their gender is?

>> No.16404487

Hey don't forget the intellectual heavyweights Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert, and John Oliver

>> No.16404494


Physiognomy is real.

>> No.16404540

Why would he study philosophy if he hates it?

>> No.16404573

Tube guy doesn't know shit about philosophy and Contrapoints dropped out of an MA

It's like saying a guy who watches vsauce and similar channels on youtube "knows about science."

>> No.16404579

Telling someone it is wrong for them to be the person they feel they are is, unkind, ignorant, and pointless. all our identities are fictional for the most part, and anyone who claims otherwise is delusional, and to deny fiction is to deny reality in General
Consider Emerson's nonsense:
The old Sphinx bit her thick lip,--
Said, "Who taught thee me to name?
I am thy spirit, yoke-fellow,
Of thine eye I am eyebeam.

"Thou art the unanswered question;
Couldst see they proper eye,
Alway it asketh, asketh;
And each answer is a lie.

>> No.16404632

So then what influential leftist thinkers are left? They are incredibly influential, but hardly profound or interesting. It's all the same intersectionality idiocy

>> No.16404636

>It's like saying a guy who watches vsauce and similar channels on youtube "knows about science."

The thing about leftoids is that they never make anything, they only destroy and dismantle. Consequently, they never really 'know' anything at all.

>> No.16404645

As a self-identified expert on both biology and metaphysics I can confidently say that you're talking nonsense here

>> No.16404646

At least we don't invade east asia and the middle east and destroy entire civilizations

>> No.16404650

Because they reject your fascist beauty standards, chud-boy.

>> No.16404797

Reread your post. Do you really believe this garbage? What leads a person to say such things? Maybe you're just a teenager, or maybe you're an adult with a teenager's worldview.
>Telling someone it is wrong for them to be the person they feel they are is...
I am the President of the United States and the reincarnation of Jesus Christ on Earth, and I have come to tell you you're full of shit. Sometimes it is necessary to tell someone what they really are.

>> No.16404813

I don't think they're really thinking that hard about their worldview, it's basically a form of "folk postmodernism" derived from critical race theory (in a generalized sense of race), anarchism, and Anglophone Protestantism

>> No.16404820


Who is 'we' you repugnant little weasel?

>> No.16404824
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>My economics is influenced by the Austrian School, and by Menger, Mises, and Hayek

>> No.16404828

Reminder that Yusef btfo Crowder irrecoverably. Crowder had to alter his whole Change My Mind set up because of it

>> No.16404869

Ugly in soul, ugly in body

>> No.16404888

Trans people do not believe they are cis people, if you don't get the difference it's because you are an idiot. Believing you are the president is fundamentally delusional, believing that you have transitioned to playing a gender role other than the one who were assigned at birth is not. You are too stupid to understand what that post you told me to reread is even about.

>> No.16404897
File: 58 KB, 960x540, 1537588917-20180505001344421636-original-960x540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Serious innovation in ethics is a long time coming. Arguably, the golden rule has not been seriously updated in its own terms—conceptually, procedurally and culturally since 500 B.C.E., or perhaps 28 C.E., despite quite radical changes in the primary groups of modern societies, and the decrease in tribal societies. Since applied and practical ethics gathered steam, ground-breaking developments like the “ethics of complex organizations” have been few and far between. It is remarkable that moral philosophy is still focused on concepts that were contemporaries of phlogiston and élan and vital, bile and humors. The golden rule long preceded these. Such notions were formulated and plied in an age of rampant superstition, seasoned by deep misconceptions about the nature of reality, human nature (psychology) and social organization. Modern empirical research has had difficulty finding the stable psychological traits that we continue to call virtues.

>> No.16404941

Ok then give an argument explaining why the golden rule is inept in light of the developments you mentioned or why it fails to keep its value today. All this is saying is that things have changed, which is obvious

>> No.16404949

>Believing you are the president is fundamentally delusional, believing that you have transitioned to playing a gender role other than the one who were assigned at birth is not.
It is.

>> No.16404953

that pic though lmfao even our castrated brethren are superior to the roasties

>> No.16404958

Maybe it's emergent and new, and people will be quoting They in a couple decades

>> No.16404959

That's a man

>> No.16404965

It isn't though. Are you denying that trans people don't at least pretend to be the gender they identify as? This seems rather odd.
Transphobes simply can't handle a realist affirmation of trans identity, it's intellectually impossible for them.

>> No.16404980

>It isn't though. Are you denying that trans people don't at least pretend to be the gender they identify as? This seems rather odd.
They can pretend all they want but that's still a man.

>> No.16404982

Okay retard

>> No.16404992

If you think you've changed genders because you mutilated your genitals and acted differently, you're the real retard.

>> No.16405004

Far-right tubers are the only good ones, not including nazbol tards.

>> No.16405015

Imagine my shock

>> No.16405020

No I'm pretty sure that you are the retard here. Like literally a 90iq smooth brain. You write like a bot trained on /b/ lmao

>> No.16405037

Based garden gnome

>> No.16405038

You really think I'm not familiar with this brand of bullshit you're peddling? I am well aware of all the mental gymnastics you people do, all the words being redefined or simply misunderstood.
Look, I'll put it this way: What does it mean to be a woman? Does being a women meaning putting on a dress? Obviously not, that is a gender role. A feminine gender role is what women do socially, not what they are. Does being a women mean feeling like a women? That is useless. That is like saying "I am a frg5641 because I feel like a frg5641", it reduces woman to a meaningless dummy word. If there are no criteria by which we can say what is and is not a women, then not only is sex a fantasy but also transgenderism.
Now, there are actually people who are real women, and there's a lot of them, and its so obvious when someone is a women that you can tell by their bone structure alone if you had to. That is how you know a word is extremely useful and not at all made-up. Now, the idea that gender and sex are different is a modern construction, and not even a useful one, as in 99% of cases sex and gender are identical. "Gender" is an invented term to validate the fantasies of people with developmental deformities and neuroticisms, and it is only in this 1% that sex and gender are separate.

You can play whatever gender roles you want, but putting on a dress does not make you a women. Now please, stop spouting your fantastical bullshit.

>> No.16405047

They look like women to me bro

>> No.16405053

That is because you are a homosexual, a zoomer, and you probably unironically browse twitter like an incel.

>> No.16405063 [DELETED] 

At least he knows that he should live for himself instead of living for some kind of ideology about caring about something unrelated to him which he doesn't benefit from like some kind of nuclear weapon family.

>> No.16405077

I'd rather watch Black Pigeon Speaks, Computing Forever, Black Pilled or Styx than any of these faggots

>> No.16405080
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>masochists should hurt people
>judges should free everyone

>> No.16405099
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>> No.16405118

What is wrong with you?
What the fuck does it matter what they pretend to be? They can pretend to be literally anything, it does not make them that thing.
Think about what you fucking type here, because it is ridiculous and detached from reality.
>all our identities are fictional for the most part
>Believing you are the president is fundamentally delusional
Is the office of "president" not fucking fictional? Its only "real" insofar as it is behavioral and believed.
>believing that you have transitioned to playing a gender role other than the one who were assigned at birth is not.
Again, you can play any gender roles, but it does not change your sex. Male and female are real, at least in 99% of people, and by the way "man" is synonymous with "male" and "woman" with "female".
Sex is literally more real than the position of president. Get the fuck off twitter and think about how the real world works.

>> No.16405119
File: 26 KB, 600x450, avg_tranny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only thing these people are informed by is tranny porn and tumblr discourse posts

everything is based on justifying these dopaminurgic feedback loops to themselves. capitalism must be destroyed because it asks me to do something other than jerking off to tranny porn and getting into arguments online. heteronormativity needs to be destroyed because i dont like people staring at me when i say i want to be railed by a women with a horse cock.

>> No.16405120

Just to explain why you are undoubtedly retarded. Refer to my post you told me to reread. You said it was an error for me to say "telling people it is wrong to be the person the feel they are" because of your analogy of falsely believing that you are the president, that was intended to represent trans people that believe they are cis people. Which is retarded because as I pointed out, trans people don't believe they are cis people. You acknowledging that trans people pretend to be a gender other than the one assigned at birth, is an admission of your faulty analogy. Somehow you still believe that trans people think the are cis people, and have went on to prove yourself unkind, ignorant, and pointless as a person. because your bigoted lizard brain prevents you from thinking about this logically. I assure you that trans people are far more self aware than you are.
You are truly a burden to reply to. go find something better for a retard to get mad about, like professional sports.

>> No.16405126

I'd rather watch a tranny who has actually read a book than some fag with a goatee and a shelf of funko-pops who's knowledge of literature consists of seeing the cover one time of Atlas Shrugged

>> No.16405129

Cuck Philosophy is literally the only good one. hbomberguy makes good videos on video games.

>> No.16405169

Implying that "do onto others" implies gratifying their egotistical impulses only proves you never understood the golden rule to begin with. It means fulfilling their highest impulse. If that is to murder then the fulfillment is to recognize them as a murderer and act accordingly. If it is to be transgender, then it is to recognize them as transgender and act accordingly.
In both cases the judgement is done on their terms and not yours.

>> No.16405173

and he raised thousands of $$$ for charity. actually does praxis.

>> No.16405174

>-The late Milton Friedman (extremely famous economist)
The fame totally mitigates him being the Pinker of his time, a court intellectual

>> No.16405181

*which philosophers
Had to reread twice before i got it, im not a brainlet use which not what

>> No.16405182
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>hbomberguy makes good videos on video games

>> No.16405187

Kinda sad if your highest impulse is gender bending.

>> No.16405190

The praxis of sending dick pics to little girls and defending pedophiles, that is.

>> No.16405206

Kinda sad that you think this is what "highest impulse" means in that passage.
Transphobes can't even read. Now go away, I don't like arguing about trans people and would like to care less. If it weren't for you retards shitting politics, we could all go back to ignoring trans people.

>> No.16405217


I'm quite sure that's vaush, but you know, I think they're all probably pedophiles.

>> No.16405220
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>> No.16405228

t. has no idea what synthetic a priori is

>> No.16405234
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>> No.16405238

Brewis actively defended Sarah Nyberg after he was outed as a pedophile. The allegations of sending dick pics come from when he was a member of Metokur.

>> No.16405254

I am sorry to inform you that you are confused about who is posting what. This is a common occurrence on anonymous websites, so it is fine, but here I am:
You can tell its me because I type ranting paragraphs.
Now, this argument about trans not believing they are cis is retarded and useless. The real issue is a man believing they are a woman when they are a man, or a women believing they are a man when they are a woman.
>trans people don't believe they are cis people
No shit, it doesn't matter what they believe. It matters what they are. If you define "cis" as "not trans", then its just tautological that trans are not cis, but only because that's how you define the fucking words. Again, that is not the issue. The issue is with sex. "cis" and "trans" are not fucking genders, and are certainly not sexes.
>Somehow you still believe that trans people think the are cis people
You have repeatedly shown to be a poor judge of what others are thinking.
>and have went on to prove yourself unkind, ignorant, and pointless as a person
You have repeatedly shown that you believe it is fine for you to act unkind and ignorant, but not fine for anyone who disagrees with you. Yes, I have insulted you in these posts, as was my intention. You have also insulted me, especially by calling me "ignorant" with a "bigoted lizard brain" and such and such. You are eager to excuse yourself and criticize others for that very thing. The retard is you.

>> No.16405259

Only 0.00000001% of /pol/ would read that

>> No.16405273
File: 3.99 MB, 2248x3442, books2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope. /pol/ is more well-read than the average leftie on /lit/ and if you ever actually went there you'd see this is true.

>> No.16405279

Strauss as disseminated through cold war era defense and intelligence organizations.

>> No.16405289

Reading IQ infographics and fbi crime statistics isn't well read.

>> No.16405297


Coping (cont.)

>> No.16405299

You should read those too, you know. Educate yourself.

>> No.16405304

You obviously haven't even watched their videos. Contrapoints is strictly against gender as a social construct and most of them hate post-modernism in general

>> No.16405313

You're replying to two different people.
>Somehow you still believe that trans people think the are cis people, and have went on to prove yourself unkind, ignorant, and pointless as a person. because your bigoted lizard brain prevents you from thinking about this logically. I assure you that trans people are far more self aware than you are.
It doesn't matter what their imagination tells them. They're still male.
Who cares?

>> No.16405317

This is a mere verbal disagreement born out of your inability to comprehend what I wrote. I'd rather not argue with a retard because they can't understand the point they are objecting to.

>> No.16405322
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Provide one (1) instance where any of them countersignal any specific postmodern philosopher or claim anything that could be interpreted as them hating post modernism.
You can't because you're talking out of your own ass.

>> No.16405327

Lole I have a degree in molecular biology.

>> No.16405329

My iq is higher than both of yours put together. Yours is the smallest

>> No.16405341

Good, that means swallowing the redpills should be much easier for you. Now go and lurk pol.

>> No.16405362

Are you for real? Or are you just pretending to write like a lead poisoned boomer who came to 4chan after seeing Qanon on facebook a week ago and reading encyclopedia dramatica yesterday?

>> No.16405393

Look I'm not about to argue race realism to you. I'm just saying the science is settled, race is genetic and IQ has a large genetic component. If you're interested in this you should read up on it, you'll learn interesting things.

>> No.16405394

/pol/ hasn't even read ED. That would be too much reading for their ADHD brains. ED has a chaotic type of humor which they don't seem to get.

>> No.16405406
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>priding yourself in having read encyclopedia dramatica
You have to be fucking kidding me. This is unironically the level that leftists operate on.

>> No.16405407

--the sped program of the natural sciences, along with physiology.

>> No.16405416
File: 41 KB, 379x430, 1559367021735.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm far right but not even I believe the bullshit that /pol/ is well read

>> No.16405441

Yeah haha studying diseases at the most fundamental level known to man is definitely the worst science of all. I should be doing theoretical mathematics or something that will never help anyone on the planet, then I would have positive impact on the world. If only I was a """"/pol/lack """" then I would finally see!

>> No.16405444

Um excuse me but I have adhd, I wrote that post, I've read encyclopedia dramatica probably a decade ago and thought it was kinda funny because I was still a child. ED is not funny, now look what you did, you unintentionally fed into a dumb frog posters ego>>16405406


>> No.16405466
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Book is good.

>> No.16405483

Sorry I just don't think Im stupid enough to learn the things you have learned. Some knowledge is for certain people I guess.

>> No.16405513
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Haha yeah I'm sure you came to this conclusion based on rational examination of the evidence and not based on the fact that all the media is screaming 24/7 about the evil white supremacy and how acknowledging anything related to the biological reality of race makes you an evil nazi.

>> No.16405528

I don't think any of them are particularly insightful. I think I'm more upset at the way the internet has managed to standardize discourse.
I will give Hbomb credit for being right about Dark Souls.

>> No.16405529
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The science isn't settled. Where do you draw the line?

>> No.16405541

If that's how you want to rationalize being too retarded even for biochemistry, then go ahead.

>> No.16405544
File: 168 KB, 727x682, 1585907550141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, as we all well know the fact that twilight exists means there's no distinction between night and day.

>> No.16405556
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Ironically the best line of defense for actualizing a racially conscious white society is the growing level of persecution whites are starting to face. In the end, we might have to use the left's logic to do this, lol.

I don't think racial purity will ever be of substance again, simply the "white" identity will be formed of the ones who have been labeled white by their enemies.

>> No.16405560

We literally took graduate biochemistry classes as undergrads. In which world is biochemistry not the next worst biological sciences degree after biology?

>> No.16405580

What the fuck are you even talking about? I wasn't the person you were replying to. I was just a bystander startled over how you write like a retarded boomer that thinks they are an expert.
You could literally copy pasta your post to be about climate change, the flat earth, pee in balls, Qanon, etc.
There are hardly any differences between your writing and a typical anti-vax dad saying "do your research, chem trails are real" on facebook.
I don't give a shit about what you think about race and iq. Your iq is obviously small and this is supposed to be a safe place away from you morons.

>> No.16405596

this is a bit of a strawman, but you have a point. There are very few intellectual figures on the left(if any), in the modern day and age anyways.

>> No.16405605

Get back to me when you've done your research, faggot.

>> No.16405606

Yeah, charity for turning children into trannies instead of something actually useful/virtuous like helping starving kids or cancer research.

>> No.16405626

Sure day and night exist, but what about the morning, afternoon, evening, and after midnight? Aren't they all different times with their own characteristics?

Saying that arabs aren't white is like saying that morning and afternoon aren't both times of the day.

>> No.16405633

>charity for turning children into trannies
kek the absolute state

>> No.16405635

Charity is capitalist. If you wanted starving kids fixed, the government should do it.

>> No.16405660

What kind of response is this?
>government doesn't do good thing therefore I won't do good thing
>irrepairibly damaging children is a-ok though, and I will gladly financially support it

>> No.16405685
File: 1.58 MB, 2190x3221, Oscar_Wilde_3g07095u-adjust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One that's been around for a century.

>> No.16405700

would you say the average /pol/ack is more well-read than the average twitter user?

>> No.16405708

They're called mutts.

>> No.16405711

it's more like saying sunset isn't a time of night

>> No.16405713

Bougie meme

>> No.16405715

Taking a 300 and 400 level biochemistry course is not the same thing as majoring in biochemistry, which itself is not particularly difficult. Your degree is just dolled-up microbiology, in which you memorize like 4 or 5 major signaling pathways, 100-200 4 letter acronyms for genes and their products, and the Stanford metabolic map--something so easy that even braindead medical students can accomplish it. I guess that would be difficult for someone who probably spends most of their time doing navel-gazing research on glycogen storage diseases for a 75-year-old PI.

>> No.16405736
File: 86 KB, 1000x1000, 1591318908060.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what philosophers do today's "leftists" use as their guides?
Depends on which part of the left you're talking about. There are still obviously post modern influences within left wing ideology today but just as it was previously its too wide of a spectrum to give a handful of examples and say that they are the true left, just as it is with the right. People of opposing viewpoints have an unhealthy tendency to oversimplify their opponents

>> No.16405754

>Taking a 300 and 400 level biochemistry course is not the same thing as majoring in biochemistry, which itself is not particularly difficult
Anyone who says that biochem isn't difficult is either a brainlet or a completely egotistical genius with not self awareness to speak of. Not many people are capable of this and if you think otherwise you're probably the type of person who hates normal people. Which means you need to get over yourself

>> No.16405763

Probably, I mean nu/pol/ is basically just right wing twitter / facebook now but there was a time when /pol/ actually read random esoteric right wing literature which was kind of fun to discuss , or at least watch them sperg out over it

>> No.16405770

>posting stonenazi
zoinks scoob

>> No.16405779
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>> No.16405781

Contraopoints video on gender where she argues against the "gender isnt real!" people

>> No.16405782

He's barely even right wing, he just likes to troll people and of course just about everyone takes the b8. Honestly I'm surprised he doesn't piss off maga types more, he definitely likes to troll them to some extent as well.

>> No.16405785

Take your meds

>> No.16405792
File: 283 KB, 1033x1033, curious-connections-remaster.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16405828

>but there was a time when /pol/ actually read random esoteric right wing literature which was kind of fun to discuss
They were popular until /lit/ discovered and ruined them, most of the regulars of those threads still discuss shit on the Murdoch Murdoch discord.

>> No.16405888

Biochemistry is flowchart memorization with some lip-service to chemistry. Molecular biology is name-the-mutation with some lip-service to flowchart memorization.

>> No.16405891

if stonetoss is a nazi then being a nazi isn't a big deal

>> No.16405893

He believes in an anti-semitic conspiracy theory which makes him detestable no matter his politics

>> No.16405906

Being hateful is a big deal

>> No.16405916

And everything that I've said comes from a place of deep self-loathing, I assure you.

>> No.16405934

Leftists are the most hateful people on the planet lmao

>> No.16405946

>the leftist hates himself

>> No.16405951

>people who want class to be under one interest group rather than multiple conflicting ones is worse than the people advocating for genocide!

>> No.16405984

If everyone was in the same class based interest group, it would still be in everyone's interest to drop humanity's ball and chain and the eternal guzzler of public resources.

>> No.16405987

Nobody said they were worse, they just tend to be more hateful

>> No.16406020


>> No.16406093

imagine believing the modern left cares abut class warfare
those people are now called class reductionists

also, imagine believing the current left isn't as bourgeoise as it gets

>> No.16406117

>that latest video in which he goes "bro he didn't have to kill those suitors" when they stayed at his home for many years, forced themselves on his wife and his female servants and ate copious amounts of food, not to mention that most of the suitors would have teamed up to kil him (which is why he had to take them by surprise)
What a brainlet

>> No.16406155

Never understood this mcomic. Capitalists and communists are teaming up against fascists and... (what does the yellow shirt with the snake represent)? Also, what's the reason for those team-ups?

>> No.16406231

yellow shirt is libertarian
tug-of-war is "culture war"
libertarians and fascists are the two main streams of dissident right thought
commies and rich guy team up in the sense that commies and McDonalds HR department have the same cultural viewpoint

>> No.16406236

Thanks for elaborating, but the capitalists and communists team-up is way too much of a stretch - the horseshoe theory is a meme

>> No.16406292

It's got more to do with the fact that self-proclaimed internet communists are just bougies who don't give a shit about the actual working class and often perpetuate causes that enforce capitalism.

>> No.16406321

Top hat guy doesn't represent capitalism as an ideology, he represents the current rich ruling elite, who have always funded leftist movements

>> No.16406330

Good points, anons.

>> No.16406405

wtf is that cat real?

>> No.16406502
File: 59 KB, 601x424, keith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kinda liked Keith until I found his Twatter page.

Why does this website turn everyone into a fuckwit? It's mindblowing.

>> No.16407279

read theory, chud

>> No.16407502

Keith gets death threats from dopamine addicted trannies on a daily basis. You can't expect him to not get a little sparky every now and then.

>> No.16407550

No I get it, it's an act and he's being ironic

I'm just tired of it in general. I'm 30, he's probably closer to 20. I just want to find esoteric far right musings without the sensationalism and breaking news babble.