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16405268 No.16405268[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What the part of American Psycho when he says Nigger? The one when they’re at a restaurant or something, can’t find the page and my dumb gf doesn’t believe me.

>> No.16405314


>> No.16405318

Why do females style themselves to look more and more like children with each day?

Are men becoming more pedophilic?

>> No.16405321

It's a teenager.

>> No.16405323

But she looks 10-12

>> No.16405330

is this a confession?

>> No.16405340

i know i am. what choice do i have when i'm repulsed by whores and all women over 18 are whores? deep down they know we are gonna start going after younger girls just to get fresh goods, so they are instinctively launching a preemptive defense against this.

>> No.16405361

Not there /:

>> No.16405734

Here's a tip: look it up yourself you dumb fucking nigger.

>> No.16405748

so the day a girl turns 18, she immediately becomes a whore? even if she's a version?
i don't get your logic anon

>> No.16405749
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He memorized the page number

>> No.16405756

>not memorizing books, even terrible ones like American Psycho

>> No.16405762

>“A tip, mister,” the black guy asks, >“from you and the pretty lady?” >“Yeah,” I growl, trying to check my >hair in the cabdriver’s rearview >mirror. “Here’s a tip: get a real job, >you dumb fucking nigger.”

>> No.16405776

it's the opposite. Women have been dressing "older" since the sex revolution. you're probably mixing up the natural biological inclintation towards hebephillia with the idea that women are dressing "younger"

>> No.16405863

>The poem he makes Bethany read is the better use of the term:
She stares at me, her expression unchanged. “Oh, I almost forgot,” I say, reaching into my pocket. “I wrote you a poem.” I hand her the slip of paper. “Here.” I feel sick and broken, tortured, really on the brink. “Oh Patrick.” She smiles. “How sweet.” “Well, you know,” I say, looking down shyly. Bethany takes the slip of paper and unfolds it. “Read it,” I urge enthusiastically. She looks it over quizzically, puzzled, squinting, then she turns the page over to see if there’s anything on the back. Something in her understands it’s short and she looks back at the words written, scrawled in red, on the front of the page. “It’s like haiku, you know?” I say. “Read it. Go on.” She clears her throat and hesitantly begins reading, slowly, stopping often. “ ’The poor nigger on the wall. Look at him.’” She pauses and squints again at the paper, then hesitantly resumes. “ ’Look at the poor nigger. Look at the poor nigger… on… the… wall.’” She stops again, faltering, looks at me, confused, then back at the paper. “Go on,” I say, looking around for a waiter. “Finish it.” She clears her throat and staring steadily at the paper tries to read the rest of it in a voice below a whisper. “ ’Fuck him… Fuck the nigger on the wall…’” She falters again, then reads the last sentence, sighing. “ ’Black man… is… de… debil?’” The couple at the next table have slowly turned to gaze over at us. The man looks aghast, the woman has an equally horrified expression on her face. I stare her down, glaring, until she looks back at her fucking salad. “Well, Patrick,” Bethany says, clearing her throat, trying to smile, handing the paper back to me. “Yes?” I ask. “Well?” “I can see that”—she stops, thinking—“that your sense of… social injustice is”—she clears her throat again and looks down—“still intact.” I take the paper back from her and slip it in my pocket and smile, still trying to keep a straight face, holding my body upright so she won’t suspect me of cringing.

>> No.16406065

>sex revolution
You mean technological revolution? Biopolitics are inseparable from technological politics. The "sexual revolution" was really just the advent of contraception. Take away condoms and have more children, boom after a generation or two our children will be fucking again and young girls won't be trying to attract 30 year old men who give them cigarettes for head. Blame teenage boys for not having enough sex with girls.

>> No.16406189

Yea that one!

>> No.16406242

>a version
top kek anon

>> No.16406254
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i took pics of my favorite times in AP when i was reading it

>> No.16406637

Nigger on the wall will be on page 233

>> No.16406745

A version of a whore?

>> No.16406764

Does anyone else feel visceral disgust when they see images like this?

>> No.16406794

If you're disgusted by that you're a disgusting faggot.

>> No.16406821

fuck off you coombrained jezebelposter

>> No.16406829

yes i actually get violent thoughts when i see a woman
like whenever i see some fucking thot sticking her ass out wearing almost nothing obviously vying for attention and wanting to be desired, i find it hard to stop myself from daydreaming about bashing her smug fucking whore face in with a fucking golf club, watching her expression go from that fake "trying to be cute" face they all make to fear and then horror as she starts screaming and pleading with me before i hit her again and knock the wind out of her disgusting whore body, her screaming turns to frantic gurgling as i keep bashing her stupid fucking face in over and over until even that subsides, she's unrecognizable her head is a bloody bubbling pulp, all shades of red speckled with bright white and soggy grey littering her crushed cranium alongside tufts of her stupid fucking dyed hair jesus fucking christ i hate these people so god damned much i don't even want pussy from them i don't want their attention i don't want to be liked by these vile people they're disgusting, if one of them touched me i'd cut my fucking hand off i just want them to fucking DIE

>> No.16406981
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>a version

>> No.16407325

wow man, i think you need help. i've reported you to the based department and hopefully they can help you deal with your massive levels of based.

>> No.16407346

Pshh pleb
I wait for a girl to get angry with me and then I’ll sit down with her to hear her vent. And she starts crying and inside I’m so ecstatic because I’m gonna fuck her immediately after this. So I’ll be the perfect guy and apologize and then she’ll be happy and then we’ll cuddle and she’s like omg and I’ll be like sorry I’m just feeling so close to you and then she’ll get naked and then I’ll fucking ram in down her so hard and so fast and she’s like OMG and in my my mind I’m like OH REALLY BITCH YOU FUCKING THOUGHT TAKE THIS FUCKING NUT WHORE and she’s crying and I’m pulling her hair and unloading buckets of semen into her stomach. Then I’ll call her down again before making her suck me off man fuck women

>> No.16407368

i feel a visceral boner in my pants

>> No.16407395

you idiot, you think fucking a girl gives you the power over them? it's the opposite - fucking a woman is to put yourself beneath her, to let her control you by using her body to manipulate you through your basest desires and most primitive instincts. as long as you let yourself be driven by that part of you she'll always be the master and you the slave, no matter how weak and feminine she might seem on the outside and no matter who penetrates whom. do you really think she ever lets you do anything she herself doesn't want?
she's a spider in a web, you're a fly with a vore fetish

>> No.16407416
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>> No.16407433

so then I’m walking around shirtless and her little Sister conveniently comes down in her underwear and a shirt I gave her. And and we are trying to share the kitchen. Long story short, I killed the pussy in the bathroom in two min flat. Women is how you spell cocksocks

>> No.16407463

you sound like you don't have much sexual experience. you'd know how retardedly women will act for you if you fuck them right

>> No.16407481

Exactly. Simone de Beauvoir in the second sex lays it out clear that the female is a slave to her body meaning the cock is her God

>> No.16407491
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Men are naturally ephebophiles, not pedophiles.

>> No.16407507

This. It's shameless manipulation and should be punished.

>> No.16407513

damn 18 was a rough year...

>> No.16407541

if the female is a slave to her body, and man is a slave to woman's body, then doesn't that make him the slave of a slave, even lower than any particular woman?
>inb4 he's not REALLY a slave to his desires, since he totally has control over which woman he pursues to satisfy them
yeah but since you're still impelled to "have sex" as they say here, it's basically the same thing, except to woman in the abstract instead of a particular woman
sex is slavery, you are not in control, you do not have power over them. the only way to not be enslaved by them is to reject them in their entirety, to not them into your mind by ensnaring your senses with their bodies, to not give any thought to them at all
only then can you be free from their grasp

>> No.16407551

based /fitlit/ crossposter

>> No.16407553

This is fucking stupid. Your genes and the name of your father will die with you because you're so insecure that you treat sex as a power play.

>> No.16407554

Shut the fuck up slut you’re fucking retarded and gonna chock on a fat dick very soon I promise and your gonna love it because your a woman and I am your master. I will beat the shit out of you and you’ll come running back because this dick owns you and every other bitch in heat

>> No.16407579

I dress her up the way I like, tell her to get on her knees, I grab her hair and smack her her as she jerks me off and lollipops my cockhead, and when I’m ready I bust in her bloody face before eating her food and taking her money so that I can blow a fat one at some other bitches house

>> No.16407587

is this just some power fantasy or is this level of basedness actually achievable? if so, how do i achieve it?

>> No.16407601

Nigger, I tell her to stay still, and I but. I wake her up in the middle of night, and get it. My bitches have a bag of my favorite clothes. I snap my fingers and I raw dog these fucking bitches. Because a woman is a fucking slave. This is not a fantasy

>> No.16407609

All women are versions.

>> No.16407614

I dunno. Something about women engaging in vulgar homo-eroticism for attention is just revolting to me. Maybe it's because I'm a bi dude and I'm just sick and tired with the double standards out culture has about male and female bisexuality. It's like, female bisexuality is straight plus. It instantly increases a woman's desirability. If you're a male bisexual, that's gay light. It instantly decreases your desirability. You're confused, or you're just a gay guy in denial. Either way you're weird and neither straight women nor gay men trust you anymore.
Our culture, for some strange reason, can only understand male sexuality as being a strict binary and it has to be made explicit where exactly a man fits. If he can't be fit into one of the categories, he's a freak, an aberrative outcome to be shunned and avoided. Women on the other hand have complete liberty when it comes to sexual expression. They can express themselves however they want with whomever they want and how dare you shame them for expressing agency.
Our culture is being turned into one giant safe space in which women are celebrated for expressing their sexuality in any way they please, while men are tightly policed to make sure they properly regulate themselves and stay within ever shrinking boundaries.
The only thing I can think of to overcome this is a return to classical masculinity. Alexander of Macedon, after all, was bisexual.

>> No.16407630

Shut the fuck up breeder scum. No one likes traitors.

>> No.16407652

>You're confused, or you're just a gay guy in denial.
But you are when the first thing you feel about two kissing women is anger.

>> No.16407662

find a dick to suck

>> No.16407667

yeah bro i don't think most of the have sex crowd are thinking hard about having children or "the name of their fathers"
that being subservient to your lower desires has apparently become a part of your identity doesn't make you stop being a slave, it just means you've settled into your role to the point where you've come to enjoy it. it's stockholm syndrome, you love the lustfulness that controls you even though in reality it does not love you and does nothing for you but degrades you, lowers you to the status of an animal, leads you around like a trained dog. you are not "on top", you are not in control, you are absolutely enslaved to it. because woman has power over lust, and because lust has power over you, it's woman who is your master and who holds power over you
you're at the bottom of the totem pole, metaphysically cucked by the entire opposite sex

>> No.16407676

And then I’m at my best friends house and his girl is wearing a short skirt and keeps saying she doesn’t want to leave. So we are laying in the bed together and our toes touch... long story short- women do what I want when I want how I want. And when I’m satisfied I’ll give them the ok to get off the pill. Don’t get it twisted bitch

>> No.16407683
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>> No.16407729

These charts are stupid, there are younger women I don't find attractive at all and older women I wanna fuck so bad...and vice versa.
Most of them are somewhere in the middle, of course there are more attractive younger women but honestly I see attractive older women every day. These memes are just made by incels to take revenge on >females. But they are just not true.

>> No.16407742

Well, if I was just gay, don't you think I'd just be indifferent? I'm not going to try to justify my own sexuality to strangers on the internet though.
Honestly, being aroused by the complete removal of the male from female erotic experience seems utterly bizarre to me. Why would a heterosexual man be aroused at the thought of his own sexual obliviation? Why would feminine erotic satisfaction without any relation to masculinity what-so-ever appeal to a man at all?

>> No.16407745

Charts are for spergs and PowerPoint PHDs in general

>> No.16407768

cope harder roastie.

>> No.16407769

This chart was produced by a study that conducted an experiment and came to this conclusion using the scientific method. Your anecdotal evidence is woefully insufficient to counter the study's conclusion.

>> No.16407800

I don't get it either, it doesn't really arouse me. But I don't feel anger either, I just don't give a fuck.

>> No.16407806

kek. I remember coming across that graph half a decade ago. I said to myself "oh, yeah. that makes sense"

>> No.16407808

Do you wanna see my dick faggot? Is that what you're asking for?
>muh study
lol there is a study for literally everything.

>> No.16407811

17 and 19 are the most attractive.

>> No.16407999

It really seems to me like our culture celebrates and panders to women for existing and denigrates men for existing. I duno. I just feel so beaten down by the world.

>> No.16408035
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A few questions from an autist.
Why do we do this?
Why take a picture of yourself doing this?

>> No.16408052

It's just your perception.