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/lit/ - Literature

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16405153 No.16405153 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.16405215

John Locke

>> No.16405236

>No Hegel
>No Kant
not gonna make it

>> No.16405242

Gadamer is zoomer central.

>> No.16405365

Unless you have Guénon you'll never be able to tie it all together.

>> No.16405368
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Books to help me cope with the fact that there's probably some faggot 17 year old pseud out there who's already read all of these and will become the next Übermensch and I am just sitting here posting frogs?

>> No.16405492

the least you can do is post a rare one.

>> No.16405979

really don't think there is. If he's read that much shit and still finds society sufferable then he's just one of the millions of study queens who pursue knowledge solely for the good boy star stickers and a future position as a house slave to elites. If he actually knows what he's reading and finds society insufferable, he's forgone so much development in the other aspects of his life in order to properly grasp the knowledge that he's effectively a worm and can't apply any of it. Or he's a genius unlike any the world has ever seen and ur right lol

>> No.16406002

He's just under 50+ layers of irony, like all zoomers are

>> No.16406007
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A genius-- perhaps, but I'll do my best.

>> No.16406534

The esoteric bodybuilding subculture is very strange. I wonder when we'll see a serious attempt at an outside analysis of it. I want to see how some normal cultural researcher reacts to a guy who mixes talk about Plotinus' mysticism and the Aryan secrets of the Vedanta with stereotypical dudebro slang and /fit/ memes.

>> No.16406551

The anthropology of the internet is a rich field for the lesser minds that live in academia and don't post on 4chan.

>> No.16406771


>> No.16407187

by the time I was 17, I had already read Leibniz, Spinoza, Lichtenberg, Rochefoucauld, Nietzsche, Kierkegaard, Stirner, Baudrillard, and a small bit of Deleuze. I had read all of the presocratics. I had read Marcus Aurelius, Ted Kaczynski, Mark Fisher, and Nick Land, to name the "meme" authors. I had read Nabakov, Pynchon, Burroughs, Ballard, Nerval, Dostoyevsky, Kafka, Ligotti, and Ellis, though I preferred music to literature, so I didn't read as much fiction as non-fiction.

>> No.16407235

Holy fuck are you me? I had almost the exact taste, though I focused more on Hegel and Kant than I did on Lichtenberg or the presocratics.

>> No.16407310

Well what are you like now? What's your job and physical appearance? Have you actually developed any unique philosophic ideas of your own making?

>> No.16407349

To answer your question, the first is incorrect since school does not push students to engage with the great works of the past. In fact, it is the opposite. It forces children to read what they are told is greatest works of literature produced, but then when those very books end up being boring, it is implicitly assumed by them that they are "smart people" books and therefore they do not get it, instead of inferring that the selection of books was poor. They then project this characteristic on all lauded books from the past. Middle aged women will probably agree that Paradise Lost is a better book than their slice-of-life Oprah bookclub garbage, but will ignore the former and will continue to ignore the former for the rest of their lives, simply because it is a smart person book. This type then would be extremely rare. Star stickers are simply too easy to get to motivate people to read to that extent. People motivated that way will usually only gain a shallow insight into said field of interest (example, the pseudointellectual).
The second is much more likely, and is certainly closer to me. The insufferability of society is part of what drives one inward to the pursuit of knowledge. But the pursuit of knowledge also drives you outward into application and pressure-testing, so wormification is also removed. Of course, you are still a worm in that you remain a complete oddity to others, creating a loneliness and isolation that can never be cured, but at least you can fit in by simulating another and not alienating someone else.
The third doesnt necessarily contradict the second. There have been many examples of genius where their ideas could never be applied in their lifetime, or were only applied by others long after. Though, that would not be true for an actual genius, since such a person would create a methodology for improvement in any task, which would necessarily effect every aspect of life.

>> No.16407397

I am only 18, and am turning 19 in February. I am a Canadian, which is extremely odd since I find Canada culturally dumb, though I believe my intelligence can be explained through my Italian family. Yes, I have developed my own philosophical ideas, as well as shown where past ones have erred in places where I have seen nobody else point to. As a child I read calculus textbooks. I am currently in university for physics.

>> No.16407427

>What's your job and physical appearance?
I don't work. I am fit.

>> No.16407494

pure pseud

>> No.16408757
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>> No.16410027
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kek you mean you read their names on the spines of books as you rushed through the bookstore on your way to mccafe

>> No.16410576
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>To answer your question
Didnt ask one. Stopped reading.

>> No.16410731


>> No.16411003

>I’m Canadian and that’s odd because I think Canada is dumb >:(
Your philosophical “innovations” are undoubtedly shit