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16402341 No.16402341[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Liquid shit eyes

Based Rowling

>> No.16402353

we've had this thread

>> No.16402358
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>can you think of another way of totally concealing your face

>> No.16402381
File: 36 KB, 540x334, tumblr_41000a999cd7612f242d53e4a731a012_5e250aa5_540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's so bad about this again? One bit of questionable description doesn't make a book worthless, or invalidate a writer. Not that there's anything wrong with "liquid-brown eyes" to begin with. It's pretty straight fucking forward. You guys are severely autistic.

>> No.16402387

Okay, and, tranny?

>> No.16402405

u can't think, u can't read; no discernible talent

>> No.16402406

>Not that there's anything wrong with "liquid-brown eyes" to begin with.

As a brown eyed mutt, I feel we're far more soulless than blue eyed or even green eyed people.

>> No.16402431

Okay retard, fuck does that have to do with anything?

>> No.16402436

There is something wrong with having liquid brown eyes

>> No.16402438

What’s wrong with the phrase is that “liquid” as an adjective doesn’t work for colours. The colour brown being in solid or liquid state doesn’t tell me anything about its shades/hues.

>> No.16402480
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Oh no nigger, not the hues and tones. Whatever will we do without knowing the fucking hues and tones of someone's fucking eyes.
Large and liquid-brown imply big, bright eyes, and sweet could either imply a softer shade of brown, or an unfocused gaze. I get what she's trying to get across. It's not that hard to puzzle out, but apparently, we need her to come out and explicitly start naming colors because we're retarded.
>nooo bro the author didn't state the main character's eye hue noooo literally unreadable broo ahhhhhh waaaaa
Just fucking kill yourself.

>> No.16402493
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>> No.16402500

>imagine posting this every day because you're a Pavlovian dog reacting to the latest twitter outrage

>> No.16402501

Top is a cope, when the image in question even ranks high tier blue eyed people.

>> No.16402506


why are you defending this? it's terrible writing, anon. you've just written a whole paragraph and still haven't explained what liquid adds lmao

the meaning of words matter otherwise what's the point of writing anything


>> No.16402510
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>> No.16402516

>And this woman--
>Could've been a man...

>> No.16402538
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Liquid means bright, reflective eyes, you dumb fucking retard. How do you still not understand this? Rowling used an adjective that got to the heart of the matter instead of writing some long-ass sentence about the quality of her eyes, because nobody wants to fucking read that, and it's not relevant to the plot. The only reason this is called into question is because a flock of angry twitter sheep got mad she made a tranny villain and at now grasping at straws to call her a bad writer. Hang yourself.

>> No.16402556

>I just, like, “get” it bro
Liquid is an adjective specifically prepended to the word brown. The dash combines both adjectives to make it dead-clear that they are describing the same thing: the colour. But “liquid” doesn’t actually say anything about the colour of her eyes. It’s complete nonsense. If it was meant to be seperate and describe some other quality of her eye, it wouldn’t be conjoined like it is.
Don’t make this your hill to die on.

>> No.16402574

You have to go back.

>> No.16402597

ah yes, as opposed to those eyes which aren't bright or reflective

even if this made sense (it doesn't) it would still be redundant

I bet you're one of those idiots that thought HP was trash until Rowling started trans hating and now you're 'convinced' she's a 'good' writer and always 'has been'

I bet you're also one of those idiots that defends trump's intelligence because you agree with his 'politics' i.e his racism and sexism lmao

kill yoself senpai

>> No.16402643
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>illiterate dimwit is wrong
>immediately spergs out and goes off on some unrelated rant about politics
You truly have my sympathy, anon. I didn't know I was arguing with a literal vegetable kek

>> No.16402662

Sure friend, I’ll follow you out. :^)

>> No.16402733

>I'm the illiterate dimwit

ok bud maybe it's bedtime, want me to read you something? how about a glass of milk?

>> No.16402737
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>tfw bright blue eyes

>> No.16402830

You've never heard someone's eyes described as a pool of liquid? Have you read any poetry? Never heard of a crystal pool? Holy shit you're illiterate. Liquid in this sense tells you something about the clarity and brightness of the eye. Holy fuck, you're an awful troll. I don't even know why I am bothering to reply.

>> No.16402856
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You people never accomplished anything in the history of this planet.

>> No.16402928

maximum cope

>> No.16403738

Maximum seethe