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16399738 No.16399738 [Reply] [Original]

>Köhler intends to show that Nietzsche was gay, and that this insight leads to a reinterpretation of his work.
>Very illuminating is Köhler’s suggestion that Nietzsche went to Italy because it offered refuge to German homosexuals exiled from their own country. Long before Thomas Mann’s Aschenbach encountered the boy Tadzio, German homosexuals ventured south to find their own Tadzios. Köhler focuses on Nietzsche’s journey to Sicily in 1882, from which he seems to have emerged unusually well relaxed. We know nothing about what Nietzsche did in Sicily, but Köhler argues that he could not possibly have gone for any other reason than to seek homosexual encounters. (Köhler includes photographs of Sicilian adonises taken by a German photographer who had made a permanent transition from the cold, Protestant North of Germany to the allegedly sexually liberated South of Italy. What happened to the supervision of the Catholic Church down there?) Köhler writes as if that trip had been the culmination of Nietzsche’s homosexual life, whatever else that life amounted to.
>Yet in addition to the concern articulated in the last paragraph, we are now also wondering what the connection is between Nietzsche’s alleged homosexuality, which seems to be part of what Zarathustra reveals, properly understood, and the eternal recurrence, or the superman (whom Köhler brings a bit too much in connection with Nietzsche’s Sicilian encounters, saying that Nietzsche “saw” the superman in Sicily (p 255)


>> No.16399749

And? Why does any of this matter unless you are a loser who hate homosexuals for some reason?

>> No.16399754


>> No.16399757

>we know nothing about what Nietzsche did in Italy

>> No.16399762

Have you read the poetry he wrote in Sicily?

>> No.16399786

>Köhler intends to show that Nietzsche was gay, and that this insight leads to a reinterpretation of his work.
i can think of no greater evidence for the sickness of modern governance that this person and people like him are allowed to not only exist but actively publish instead of being exterminated like vermin

>> No.16399798
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>the "gay" science

>> No.16399806

Poetry is inherently feminine. you could read homosexuality into any poem

>> No.16399808

I wasn't implying that...I just wanted share it. Although, outing yourself with such a midwit opinion is a big red flag.

>> No.16400194

Didn't that nigga get syphilis from a whore? Also he wrote some 17 year old love letters in-between fruit binges.

>> No.16400202

When I become a well-known writer, I plan on making my sexuality as confusing a matter as possible. I look forward to the endless debates this will cause on 4channel.

>> No.16400280
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What did he mean by this

>> No.16400576

and why is that even a bother to humanity?

>> No.16400580
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A world where you can't have a young lad around for tea, compliment the kissability of his mouth, and then invite him on a trip to Italy without everybody getting all 'startled' and calling you a gayboy isn't a world I want to live in. No sir. But then again I'm a repressed homosexual on the DL.

>> No.16400658

holy based

>> No.16401220

It's a polite way of saying "dick-sucking lips"

>> No.16401274

Most people in society dislike homosexuals this means you are the freak.

>> No.16401283

he couldn't be gay cause he was an incel, there's no such thing as a gay incel, gays will fuck anything

>> No.16401286
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>And? Why does any of this matter unless you are a loser who hate homosexuals for some reason?

>> No.16401288

>We know nothing about what Nietzsche did in Sicily, but Köhler argues that he could not possibly have gone for any other reason than to seek homosexual encounters.
lmao, Sicilians BTFOd forever

>> No.16401297

>fruit binges
what was if with Nietzsche and eating pears like a madman? was that what drove him crazy and killed him ultimately?

>> No.16401307 [SPOILER] 
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I guess you could say he was a bit of a fruit

>> No.16401310


>> No.16401409

>changes environment to that with more sun, happier people and lighter food
>things that are generally considered to be able to improve one's health and mental state
>nah man, he fucked cute men in the bum, my gut is telling me so

>> No.16401419

Wrong. I would never fuck anything.

>> No.16401480

Well he didn't fuck any women, so where'd the syph come from?

>> No.16401488

>Poetry is inherently feminine.
Which would mean poets are inherently feminine, or in the case of men, gay.

>> No.16401503
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makes sense since most Nietzscheans are flamboyant homos

>> No.16401521

We don't actually know for sure who he did or didn't do, not like he was in a reality show with a camera on his trail 24/7.
Much like Köhler, we can just guess, and my guess is that Köhler was judging Nietzsche based on what he himself would do.

>> No.16401579

you ain't gay then

>> No.16402467


poetry would only be considered feminine in relation to the novel, and most of the good poetry was written prior to novels becoming standard

>> No.16402473
File: 80 KB, 800x352, sotadic zone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you retarded? Meds always practaice homosexuality and turn it into an art, unlike whatever mongrel heritage you come from.

>> No.16402496

A gay nigga who told everyone they were untermenschen faggots

Nietzsche gets more based with each passing minute

>> No.16402504

every single great warrior society put emphases on poetry. Americans did a good number on your brain, anon.

>> No.16402512
File: 120 KB, 442x661, Nietzsche_paul-ree_lou-von-salome188-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That would explain pic related...
Also it is not very surprising, only a mentally disturbed individual could write a cope as big as Nietzsche's philosophy

>> No.16402545

The syphilis diagnosis wasn't accurate. He likely had brain cancer.

>> No.16402566

>He likely had brain cancer.
from what? and where's the proofs?

>> No.16402584

Cringe. Homos are disgusting

>> No.16402598

>from what?
A tumor.


>> No.16402609


>> No.16402620

not all tumors are cancerious, so it's still speculation.

>> No.16402679

That's why I wrote "likely."

>> No.16402698


not syphillis, not brain cancer. he abused chloral hydrate as sleeping aid, and developed a tolerance to to the point of being unable to sleep at all. so he was tripping balls whenever he needed to rest. sleep deprivation causes insanity


>> No.16402731

so he was basically Jordan Peterson 1.0?

>> No.16402750



>> No.16402762

Homos spit in nature's face, imagine the hubris you must have to intentionally go against those who nurtured the earth and humankind for millions of years

>> No.16402781


>As I stood waiting by the table, the door to the adjacent room on the right opened, and Nietzsche appeared. With a distraught expression on his pale face, he leaned wearily against the post of the half-opened door and immediately began to speak about the unbearableness of his ailment. He described to me how, when he closed his eyes, he saw an abundance of fantastic flowers, winding and intertwining, constantly growing and changing forms and colours in exotic luxuriance, sprouting one out of the other. “I never get any rest,” he complained…[34]

>> No.16402808


but you also have to remember, nietzsche was better than peterson. he at least admitted to his deviance and drug use in his writings and talks with confidants. peterson actually got on joe rogan and blamed apple cider vinegar for his problems


>> No.16402879

i think nietzsche was eating too many pears too

>> No.16402881

>Homos spit in nature's face, imagine the hubris you must have to intentionally go against those who nurtured the earth and humankind for millions of years
so do monks and priests

>> No.16402889


>> No.16402909

as the Prophet said, there's no monasticism in true piety.

>> No.16402919
File: 108 KB, 1080x1257, ZEyaljh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"So was Nietzsche gay?
.... it should be unsurprising that no direct evidence of Nietzsche’s homosexuality emerges."

>He's gay, totally makes sense right guise?
>No, I don't have "evidence", just trust me, homophobe

Why are gays like this?

>> No.16402924

whos the prophet

>> No.16402937

there's a saying in islam, something along the lines:
>the whore would like that all women were whores

>> No.16403027

>homos spit in nature's face
>nature somehow allows for homos to exist, what's more it produces them
Quite a predicament bucko.
Did you know that penguins murder and rape the dead carcass of each other's offsrping and do this as a group activity?
Fuck, if you love nature so much why are you bothered by pedophilia and baby murder at all?

>> No.16403075

you mean the prophet who banged the 9 year old?

>> No.16403083

He means homosex is pathological, a malfunction or abnormality, which to him is a blemish in the face of nature. Following this premise I think it's safe to say anon would indeed consider penguin necrophile pedo orgies to be pathological, and indeed a blemish on mother nature.

>> No.16403093

Mother Nature is a prostitute.

>> No.16403098

please refer to

>> No.16403099

>penguin necrophile pedo orgies to be pathological
but are they?

>> No.16403112

It's unrelated to my statement.

>> No.16403119

If you consider reproduction to be the intended purpose of sex organs, then it would follow that using them in such a way that can't possibly conceive reproduction, and instead contributes to disease or bodily harm, would be considered a malfunction or abnormality, i.e. pathological.

>> No.16403122

Not everything has sex organs, so why did they come into existence?

>> No.16403126

Lucky for me then that I'm not some hippie larpagan worshipping muh mother nature.
I don't give a flying fuck about my abnormality, it was produced by nature so nature will suffer it's consequences and I will have as much enjoyment out of it as I possibly can.

>> No.16403129

teleological spook

>> No.16403139

>If you consider reproduction to be the intended purpose of sex organs,
why would anyone consider this? Think of how the mouth is used for eating, chewing, talking, and kissing. Why should anyone assume that any part of the body onlyy has "one" fucntion. Biological Reductionism and bad ontology.

The only way to appeal against homosexuality is to make a case for the sancity of heterosexuality. The fact that heterosexual, monogomous unions are more stable and can birth offspring is a part of this argument but it can't be the main crux of it.

>> No.16403146

>If you consider reproduction to be the intended purpose of sex organs
>implying that one can't give new purpose or function to already existing things.
Fuck off with this autism already. Man's greatest achievemnts come from deterritorializing, that is, using our abilities and gifts to explore the nature of reality We were never meant to just blindly follow our programming and coom inside vaginas 24/7.
Also most people unironically have sex to feel close to one-another and share love and intimacy, babies are just a secondary consideration.

>> No.16403153

>this is the guy calling others pathological
kek every time

>> No.16403155

Yes and hands were made to grasp things and use things. Anything. So masturbation according to your autism is actually okay, because your hands were meant to use grasp pull and jerk things, and your dick was made to be stimulated in a similar fashion.

>> No.16403160

Prove me that I called anyone pathological a single fucking time.
pro-tip: you can't because I didn't.

>> No.16403161

aren't you strawmanning? Anon never said he was against masturbation, you are projecting an Augustinian approach to sexuality which he might not have.

>> No.16403191

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure all multicellular organisms have sex organs.
In the Mouse Utopia experiments, an increase in homosexuality was observed as overpopulation became more rampant. You could argue that it's nature's way of limiting population.
(i realize i'm arguing both sides at this point)
Fair enough, I was just advocating other anon's point.
I guess I would argue the occurance of anal cancer, STD's, and tissue damage resulting from homosexual activity would be enough to call it a pathological behavior.

>> No.16403195

How am I strawmanning? He claims that sexual organs should only ever be used for reproduction.
Masturbation is not reproductive.

>> No.16403208

>anal cancer, STD's, and tissue damage
Anal cancer is caused by HPV, which spreads just as well amongst heterosexuals, so that's out.
You do have a point about STD's spreading more easily amongst homosexuals though, however they are mostly attributed to anal sex, which is not something that neccessarily happens in gay relationships. Lots of gay men are perfectly happy with handjobs and oral.
Tissue damage is another thing that happens with heterosexual couples a lot as well. Also straight people have anal sex too.

>> No.16403212

>I'm pretty sure all multicellular organisms have sex organs
And unicellular?

>> No.16403249

>Anal cancer is caused by HPV
Cancer can also be caused by tissue damage, no?
>Lots of gay men are perfectly happy with handjobs and oral.
True, but oral is a good way to pass along diseases. Not to mention the wasted sperm, to which I think there's some evidence that sperm degrades as males age, or hypothetically, as they overuse their nutsack.
>Also straight people have anal sex too.
Which is pathological for all the same reasons.

>> No.16403298

I never heard of cancer being developed as a result of mechanical damage. I'm not an oncologist though, but I suspect there is a reason that when we want to encourage cancer to develop we use chemicals and radiation in experiments and we don't just puncture the cells with a needle.

>True, but oral is a good way to pass along diseases.
Only if you don't have a committed partner.

>Which is pathological for all the same reasons.
Actually I think we can basically just say that promiscuity is the only pathological pattern that we can see here, since two people don't just magically create a new disease when they orally satisfy each other.

Straight people engage in all the sexual activities that gay people engage in, however straight people are way less promiscuous, which leads me to believe that promiscuity is the problem and not the other stuff

>> No.16403375

No, some multicellular organisms reproduce asexually, such as coral polyps. And Algaes and fungi reproduce through sporogenesis, without sex (no fertilization event). Parthenogenesis, the development of a non-fertalized egg into a new organism, also happens with some insect species.

>> No.16403447

I maintain that butthole damage unavoidably results from sodomy, which will remain a pathological behavior until some evolutionary advancement renders sufficient robustness to the shitter's internal tissues, that it may prove impervious to such extraneous use.
Furthermore, it appears that any unnecessary waste of sperm is antithetical to the production of healthy offspring, given the evidence that sperm degrades with age or rampant production due to wasteful practice, and thus should be avoided by any male who intends to one day sire a family.
Lasty, I prescribe celibacy as an alternative to any persons afflicted with homosexuality, as a measure against the unnecessary spread of infectious diseases, which appear more rampantly among those who participate in homosexual practices, and which pose a threat to the well-being even of non-participants.
Interesting, thanks. I should have known that.

>> No.16403473

The argument against homosexual behavior is that it is strictly hedonistic. It is a stronger argument than most people think.

But... This argument also goes against non-procreative heterosexual sex acts.

>> No.16403481

I can't believe there is people who reads nietzsche and don't think he is gay, fucking us repressed-homos, everything you meme is just homosexuals larping fash stuff. You are even more disgusting than germans in that way.
The fact that there is a lot of homosexuals in negation who like Nietzsche, Evola and Mishima, all of them too homosexuals to hide their sexuality, and at the same time shame women, is just disgusting. Fascism, larpers and homosexuality are one and the same thing.


>> No.16403499


>> No.16403538


Natsoc here.

You're not gay if you fuck a man, you're only gay if you get fucked. It's called the Roman Method.

It was good enough for my ancestors, so it's good enough for me. I've fucked a few men, but I'm definitely not gay.

>> No.16403577

the sexual redpill is aristocratic male bisexuality based on falling in love with people’s beauty on a holistic level of body/spirit/soul. according to surveys, everyone straight, gay and foid all hate bisexuals because bi’s are the ascended masters who carry a nobility which offends the bougies. Everyone else is either npc (straights) degenerates (gays) or inferior (entire foid gender at large but especially lesbians who are the worse of all). Plato was right, Catholic Clergy is right, and asiatics are right in approach to sexuality.

>> No.16403585


so are you worried about AIDS or not

>> No.16403588

no because i’m a virgin

>> No.16403610


based virgin telling people the best way to have sex, through pure reason alone

>> No.16403713

Nietzsche was not a fascist and we also know for a fact that he had sex with women, while anything regarding a supposed homosexuality is mere speculation. Speculation that has only become fashionable in recent years, probably because it sells books.


>> No.16403753

>Speculation that has only become fashionable in recent years
It has been made since the 1890s, but I agree.

>> No.16403759

You clearly don't understand the Roman Method

>> No.16403791

Nobody cares about the details of your elaborate homo-cope.

>> No.16403846
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Nietzsche predicted the onslaught of dysgenic tinder sluts as well as the pink pill over 150 years ago
>From the future of marriage. Those noble, free-minded women who set themselves the task of educating and elevating the female sex should not overlook one factor: marriage, conceived of in its higher interpretation, the spiritual friendship of two people of opposite sexes, that is, marriage as hoped for by the future, entered into for the purpose of begetting and raising a new generation. Such a marriage, which uses sensuality as if it were only a rare, occasional means for a higher end, probably requires and must be provided with a natural aid: concubinage. For if, for reasons of the man's health, his wife is also to serve for the sole satisfaction of his sexual need, a false point of view, counter to the goals we have indicated, will be decisive in choosing a wife. Posterity becomes a coincidental objective; its successful education, highly improbable. A good wife, who should be friend, helpmate, child-bearer, mother, head of the family, manager, indeed, who perhaps has to run her own business or office separate from her husband, cannot be a concubine at the same time: it would usually be asking too much of her. Thus, the opposite of what happened in Pericles' times in Athens could occur in the future: men, whose wives were not much more than concubines then, turned to Aspasias as well, because they desired the delights of a mentally and emotionally liberating sociability, which only the grace and spiritual flexibility of women can provide. All human institutions, like marriage, permit only a moderate degree of practical idealization, failing which, crude measures immediately become necessary.
In other words, in Hellenic culture homosexuality was present (at least partially) because of the stratified gender relations of which women took the roles of wives but nothing more, and men desired more profound romantic companionship. Christanity replaced the older Hellenic pagan way of doing things with the concept of spouses as partners, soul-mates, etc. Friends, in other words. Since females have more "emancipated" in the post-christian era and have the same socia or more social capital as males, they essintally begun viewing males as pieces of meat to satisify their sexual urges. at the expense of choosing partners based on a man's character.

As a reaction to this, more and more men are staying single, are virgins into adulthood, and are all around avoiding women. Thus you have incels, pink-pill, etc. Nietzsche didn't seem very worked up about it, mind you. Just matter-o-fact.

>> No.16403974

>I maintain that butthole damage unavoidably results from sodomy
Oral sex is also sodomy so you are patently wrong, also vaginal damage unavoidably results from vaginal sex. You probably never had anything to do with a vagina or have a small penis, but bruising is not uncommon in vaginal intercourse.

Probably the only way for a beta to garner any dignity, so I commend you on your practice of it.

The spread of infectious diseases is not going to stop and the best thing we can do is develop curesand use protective measures. If you get AIDS its entirely your fault but its perfectly possible to have a good sexlife without getting sick.

>pleasure is bad
No it is not.

Having sex with women doesnt mean you are not gay. Just look at traditional catholics.

>> No.16404072

i obviously meant anal sodomy
>vaginal damage unavoidably
no, its walls are much sturdier than the anuse. try again
>hurr hav sex incel
i've done more drugs than you, i've fucked more cunts than you, not that it matters because none of that has anything to do with my previous statement.

seethe, tranny, sodomy leads to living hell, and the day will come again that normal people burn your kind at the stake

"but muh dicks n pussies, muh pleasure"
Your sins of the flesh are the only pleasure you know, because of your tiny mind and insectoid soul. We must eradicate your kind to further the evolution of Humanity.

>> No.16404096

>i've done more drugs than you
Pretty telling from your brain damaged posts. I hope your born again Christianity helps you stay clean.

>> No.16404123

I'm not Christian, I just like burning things. Go try the Roman Method, like Nietzsche used to do.

>> No.16404154

>walls are much sturdier
Yes and sturdy walls also get damaged. How retarded are you?

>i've done more drugs than you,

>i've fucked more cunts than you
No, you're an incel.

>burn your kind at the stake

>Your sins of the flesh are the only pleasure you know, because of your tiny mind and insectoid soul. We must eradicate your kind to further the evolution of Humanity.
>murder is less sinful then lust
>eugenics are somehow okay
>muh evolution
The church fathers disagree with you. Also sex is good, healthy and a good thing and pleasure is also good, even according to christians, your ultratrad LARP is for nothing, clearly you can't even convince yourself of your bullshit.

Cope harder incel.

>> No.16404166

>vaginal damage unavoidably results from vaginal sex
Children are born from that place, you moronic incel.

No, it doesn't.

>> No.16404175

Whatever else, he was certainly a faggot.

>> No.16404181

Anon the vagina is literally damaged the first time a woman has sex. African tribes without the wheel know this.

>> No.16404195

Why would this effect anything? Personal lives of philosophers don't matter.

>> No.16404227

>incel reeeeeeeeeeee
>sex is good
tell it to the rope, buttslut
>healthy and a good thing and pleasure is also good
are you ESL or autistic? you sound like an ai chatbot

Look, it's simple. Gay = evil, and punished by diseases and broken sphincter. Wasting jizz is bad because retarded semen = retarded kids.

see? simple. even you can understand the ancient learned wisdom of mankind.
... not that your reproductive health matters anyway, because if you reproduce, evolution goes backwards. I guess in your case, gay is fine. Go get diddled and buggered.

>> No.16404238

Do you think the genitals are not damaged during child birth? There are women who literally have to get surgery on their asshole following birth due to a tear.

>> No.16404265

>No, it doesn't
Tell that to any women and when they say you're wrong your autistic rage will signal you that this is why you're an incel.You are a willful retard thinking that he knows better, but you don't even know the basics of gynecology.

I love the helpless impotent rage contained within this seething post.
Look at yourself. This is what you are. A smalldicc incel raging against a world that wants nothing to do with your bitter rage. You are just mad because some people enjoy their lives and you don't and since you don't no-one else should either.
Anyways, just to remind you: if two gay men have sex (anal or oral) and they are both free of any disease, they can continue having sex with each other literally all their lives without deveoping any infections.
Promiscuity is the source of STD's spread, not anal sex. Sorry, but you are just a smallminded hateful fool

>> No.16404328
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>impotent rage
My rage is very potent, unlike your barren neo-vagina, but the fact remains that gay "men" get poo on their dicks every day, and such a wretched mockery of sacred union will never be considered healthy or normal by any healthy normal person.
>Promiscuity is the source of STD's spread
the human anoose lacks barriers against pathogens that actual sex organs have, which is why gay homosexual queers pass diseases more readily than regular heterosexual whoremongers. Even factoring in a whore's whorishness, gay whores are simply more diseased. It's "god's" (the universe's) punishment for denying the reality that your butthole isn't meant to get diddled.

>> No.16404330

He's recommending that men have sexual liasons separate from marriage... and what you got from it was that he advocated for single male virgins?

>> No.16404359

>and what you got from it was that he advocated for single male virgins?
no, i'm just explicating based on the fact that realized sexual breakdown of traditional christian monogomy before other people did.

>> No.16404380

>Do you think the genitals are not damaged during child birth?

If the vagina was "damaged" during childbirth then nobody would ever be able to have a second child, you nincompoop.

>There are women who literally have to get surgery on their asshole following birth due to a tear.

Pretty much every woman deals with this in childbirth. (Not tearing anything is exceptional, not the other way around.)

So? It's by design.

>> No.16404396

'Damaged' implies being broken and becoming unfit for intended purpose.

Which is diametrically opposite of what happens when a woman loses her virginity.