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16397992 No.16397992 [Reply] [Original]

does god exist

>> No.16397996


>> No.16397999


>> No.16398001

If the universe had a beginning, then yes

>> No.16398013

who created god

>> No.16398017


>> No.16398021

Nigga we are not about to go into infinite regress. God is god and it ends there

>> No.16398024

No, you'll have to become him for us.

>> No.16398028

Ask him when you go to heaven.

>> No.16398037

Stfu dimwit

>> No.16398041

which god?

>> No.16398045

Define god. A super intelligent creator? Sure, its called lphysics

>> No.16398052
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Does it matter either way?

>> No.16398059
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are god and the universe one and the same or is he a different entity

>> No.16398069

God created the heavens and the Earth. He is a different entity, though his presence pervades his creation.

>> No.16398080


>> No.16398087

>not His
LARPer detected

>> No.16398111

if god real why bad thing happen??

>> No.16398114
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if we were made in gods image, and we are stardust, and all the matter in the universe is stardust, then god is the universe
that's what I saw when I was tripping on shrooms at least

>> No.16398128
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>> No.16398129
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>> No.16398140
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that's up to YOU

>> No.16398145

Here is the thing anon:
- if he does and he can prove it to you in any way shape or form, then that's great.
- if he doesn't and doesn't prove it to you that's fine too.
- if he does but doesn't prove it currently, he cannot blame you for not believing.
- if he doesn't but something proves it you are being played. Various "miracles" and 2000 year old books with floods and meteor swarms that dissapeared when people developed cameras fall here.

People after drugs often share the experience of being one being that experiences life through limiting itself in different bodies. It's a good philosophy, since you're less likely to rape and harm something that could have or will be you.

Ultimately it doesn't matter. It's just an idea. If you weren't taught a culture that believes in God you most likely woudn't care. Be happy and live :)

>> No.16398148

why would it matter

>> No.16398171

>It's a good philosophy, since you're less likely to rape and harm something that could have or will be you.
Unless you're a chronic masturbator.

>> No.16398185

i don't believe that does much evil to the world. Only to yourself. And that's better than what, 70% of the people?

>> No.16398197

This is supported the Bible, though your conclusion of God being the universe is faulty. God created Adam out of clay, ie the Earth, but clearly we are not molded in the image of the planet. We are molded in God's image. The difference is subtle and it appears your autism isn't able to handle the distinction between an image and the image's matter.

>> No.16398201

No I mean if youre a chronic masturbator and believe others are just an extension of yourself you would have no trouble raping them.

>> No.16398202 [DELETED] 
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Beauty, redeeming beauty. It thrusts you out into the fact of action, built upon the being of the world; Parmenides, Heraclitus, Plato, Christ. You choose in the most primordial sense to be and of a prior orientation of your culture or unique being in heroism, you choose to create! If the reality of the profundity of being is realised only fully self-consciously in rarities, and if beauty can be such; then action will determine it certain that it will be found, for what you seek in silence. At least if you are of that mind, but you thrust yourself upon life no less, if monkish meditation be your will. For "He who knows what is, knows what he wills in the midst of what is", ignore is/ought distinction, it is unimportant except for that when you wish to dissect what you already know to better understand. Ultimately it is all truth, realise it however you may and what bridge your spirit must cross. Be certain of who and what you are.

>In expressing the characters’ motivation I felt I had to maintain an uncommonly delicate balance; naturally my hero cannot appear to be totally unconscious; rather I have tried to portray Siegfried as the most complete man I could conceive of, whose highest awareness is that all awareness can only be expressed in the utmost immediacy of life and action: to what immense pre-eminence I raise this awareness - which may almost never he expressed - you will realize from the scene with the Rhinemaidens. Here we discover that Siegfried is immeasurably knowing, for he knows the most important thing, that death is better than living in fear: he knows the ring, too, but scorns its power, for he has better things to do; he keeps it only as a symbol of the fact that he - never learned fear. You must admit it: the gods in all their glory must pale before this man! . . . "


As Christ says, if thy right hand offend thee; cut if off!

>> No.16398207

Bro, if I make a statue of a man, would you claim that all men are marble? Because that's what you're doing with God.

>> No.16398227

well you could see that you cause pain to the others. And if not, then, well, maybe prison would taught you that unwanted advances are bad. But yes, sociopaths always find a way to game any system.

>> No.16398276 [DELETED] 
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Consider an omnipotent and disembodied being, X.
If X is omniscient, that entails that X knows everything, including how to do gymnastics and play golf.
If X is disembodied, that entails that X doesn't have a body.
In order to know how to play golf and do gymnastics, one needs to have a body.
X doesn't have a body.
Therefore, X's attributes of omniscience and disembodiedness are in conflict.
If X's two attributes of X are in conflict, X cannot exist.
Therefore, X doesn't exist.
Thus, if the Judeo-Christian God has the same attributes as X, the Judeo-Christian God doesn't exist.
The Judeo-Christian God has the same attributes as X.
Therefore, the Judeo-Christian God doesn't exist.

>> No.16398277

so you're telling me god exists but he isn't made of matter
sounds fishy

>> No.16398327
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>>16397996 #
>>16397999 #
>>16398001 #
>>16398017 #
>>16398128 #
Consider an omnipotent and disembodied being, X.
If X is omniscient, that entails that X knows everything, including how to do gymnastics and play golf.
If X is disembodied, that entails that X doesn't have a body.
X doesn't have a body.
In order to know how to play golf and do gymnastics, one needs to have a body.
If X doesn't know how to play golf or do gymnastics, X is not omniscient.
If one of X's attributes causes another of X's attributes to not be true, X's attributes are in conflict.
Therefore, X's attributes of omniscience and disembodiedness are in conflict.
If X's two attributes of X are in conflict, X cannot exist.
Therefore, X doesn't exist.
Thus, if the Judeo-Christian God has the same attributes as X, the Judeo-Christian God doesn't exist.
The Judeo-Christian God has the same attributes as X.
Therefore, the Judeo-Christian God doesn't exist

>> No.16398339

Again, your autism seems to not be able to grasp the difference between an image and its matter.
God existed before the universe. He created it. It doesn't matter what God is "made" of. It doesn't matter what the universe is "made" of. God is not the universe. God created us in His image. He is the potter; we are the clay. Because we are made from the universe, does not mean God is made from the universe. There is no reasoning to support this. There is nothing in the Bible to support this.
You think you're some slick atheist pointing out fallacies, but you're an idiot. "Man make statue in his image. Image made out of marble. Therefore it logical to conclude man is marble too." Clearly man in the flesh is not marble. Hopefully now you realize what an idiot you are. I won't be replying to your autism again.

>> No.16398345

>In order to know how to play golf and do gymnastics, one needs to have a body.
This is where your argument is false.

>> No.16398350


>> No.16398367

I literally told you I was high when this thought popped into my head lmao calm down nigga

>> No.16398426

By definition, procedural can only be possessed by a being with a body. And God doesn't have a body.

>> No.16398440

Yes, but not the desert god of the Jews. Xenophanes was definitely onto something.

>> No.16398458

God doesn't "exist". God IS.

>> No.16398475

no but Satan does

>> No.16398481

God transcends this, both imminently and extratemporally

>> No.16398485

I can know how to play golf without a body.

>> No.16398498

God can create a host body through which he lives. Ever heard of Jesus? Lol your argument is weak. When you cracked open that Dr. Pepper after your """mic drop""" the entire can spewed in your face.

>> No.16398501

Every pro-God answer is
>God exists because he said so
Don't bother OP, just look at the rest of that thread trying to find euphemisms to say that. Go read a book.

>> No.16398632
File: 186 KB, 1023x1280, IMG_20200918_183125_121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God is consciousness. Imagine the universe as a bubble, inside the bubble is time and space, outside the bubble no time and no space, only the light of concsciousness.

You are a tiny fraction of that consciousness that manifested in a body. You are the universe experiencing itself.

The most advanced edition of this consciousness are white people. It is their duty to not regress into niggerdom. To carry the torch of fathers. Kikes are diabolical (Dia=entzweiung, splitting) they are the children of satan. They thrive on seperating us from our forefathers, culture and ourselves. They profit from seperating good men from their spirit. They profit from seperating people from their souls.

What you must do is strenghten the symbolic power. Symbiosis=zusammenführen, put together, join.

Bonus: die frau ist ein vehikel des satans.

>> No.16398710

Re-reading what i wrote the sentence
>you are the universe experiencing itself
Feels wrong, out of place. But i guess we are made of two parts, one ingredient is consciousness(the soul) and the other is "the universe", the vessel in which the soul is being manifested in. Thats all i got nig

>> No.16398728

Pagan, this is philosophy, you can't put it up to object-related tautologies like "God is consciousness". Read Heidegger or Kant.

>> No.16398736

But anyway I did find your post intriguing.

>> No.16399123


>> No.16399380

>The most advanced edition of this consciousness are white people. It is their duty to not regress into niggerdom. To carry the torch of fathers. Kikes are diabolical
we wuz WIKANGZ my fellow brother

>> No.16399506
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>does god exist

699 On one occasion, I heard these words: My daughter, tell the whole world about My inconceivable mercy. I desire that the Feast of Mercy be a refuge and shelter for all souls, and especially for poor sinners. On that day the very depths of My tender mercy are open. I pour out a whole ocean of graces upon those souls who approach the Fount of My Mercy. The soul that will go to Confession and receive Holy Communion shall obtain complete forgiveness of sins and punishment. On that day all the divine floodgates through which graces flow are opened. Let no soul fear to draw near to Me, even though its sins be as scarlet. My mercy is so great that no mind, be it of man or of angel, will be able to fathom it throughout all eternity. Everything that exists has come forth from the very depths of My most tender mercy. Every soul in its relation to Me will contemplate My love and mercy throughout eternity. The Feast of Mercy emerged from My very depths of tenderness. It is My desire that it be solemnly celebrated on the first Sunday after Easter. Mankind will not have peace until it turns to the Fount of My Mercy.
- Sr. Faustina, Divine Mercy in My Soul

>> No.16401000


>> No.16401011
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Only the force is real

>> No.16401265

Under most definitions, no.
Under some, yes.
Does the thing that created all the universe want to stop you from eating pork? No.
Is there a single thing that is infinite, timeless, spaceless, and connected to everything in the universe? Yes.

>> No.16401282

First there was nothing
Then boltzmann brain appears (God) creates everything


>> No.16401295

Yes and no.
Yes, god is real and enacts his will on the earth the way an ideology or economic system does.

No, there is no afterlife.

>> No.16401298

god is beyond causality, dummy

>> No.16401320

No afterlife,huh, bit fucked you know
My life is kind of ahit at times and thats all i am going to have, at least i have some pleasure over knowing everyone else will suffer the same but its not enough

>> No.16401496

>>>16397992 (OP)

>- if he does but doesn't prove it currently, he cannot blame you for not believing.
Do you know what faith is?

>> No.16401526
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Depends on your definition of "God".

If you mean a human-looking entity that made us in His own image; probably not.
If you mean a force of nature that propels the universe into creation and entropy, then yes.

>> No.16401537

God usually means an omnipotent, benevolent, intelligent, personal creator of the universe.
He is not human-looking because He is not material. He transcends material.

>> No.16401543
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If you created a video game simulation and somehow figured how to make the denizens inside of the game self aware, how would you go about making the denizens acknowledge your existence as the creator of them?

-you can't physically go inside the video game and tell them it's physically impossible to, they don't exist in a physical realm and you're a physical being
-creating a likeness of yourself inside the game and manipulating the code would be seen as a hoax of some sort by the denizens with no way to prove it
-you could hope the denizens infer your existence but most of them are too stupid to

>> No.16401548

Yes. He called me just the other day to tell me he is thinking of getting into witness protection program.

>> No.16401560

It kinda comes down to one's interpretation of God I think.
Many believe they have a personal relationship with God and that we were created in His image (as I believe the Bible says, unless my retard is showing again).
Yet vile people have believed themselves to have a positive relationship with God, and virtuous people have believed that God was against them. This contradicts the idea of an omnipotent God to me, since I would think He'd know right from wrong and to give the good and evil reason to believe Him and where they stand in His favor. I'm sure there are passages in the Bible that address/refute this, and feel free to post them if you have any. I've yet to read the Bible.

The closest thing I can think of that would fit my idea of God would be gravity. A force present throughout the universe without which neither we, nor the planets or the stars, would exist. It is too broad to possibly know or care for human ideas of morality, and it exists regardless of whether or not an individual believes it.
It may be retarded but it's what I'm sticking with until I read something that changes my mind.

>> No.16401563

Uni/multi-verse is god and it ends there

>> No.16401595

>Do you know what faith is?
Why did he show up at all if he wanted pure faith?
All these miracles would prove he didn't count on anybody to have faith just based on nothing.
Or do you believe that a newborn has ingrained faith in God? Because if not - then by God's design - faith is a memetic virus, not an inborn quality.

>> No.16401602

>-creating a likeness of yourself inside the game and manipulating the code would be seen as a hoax of some sort by the denizens with no way to prove it
that's a lie - you would just need scale.
Showing all the people of the world some phenomenon that shoudnt have happened at once.
Sadly 'Gods' were defined by borders, so definitely not omnipotent if not only one religion arose at the same time from all countries. Not by fight - but by miracle.

>> No.16401609

We created God in our image

>> No.16401617
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>> No.16401621

If we created Him, we couldn't we just as well destroy Him (in ourselves, not necessarily in humanity as a whole)?
If we destroy Him and He ceases to exist in us, can we call Him God?

>> No.16402654

Jesus is God

Jesus has a body

>> No.16402826

Niggaposter at it again. Please stop behaving this way, you’re better than that.

>> No.16402841

elon musk

>> No.16402848

what if we live in a simulation inside a simulation... woah

>> No.16402854


>> No.16402869

It was the same God. Gods are outside the time axis. It has been stated that the original timeline was one similar to the Nick Land route. As in the Land timeline God and Capital doesnt really interact that much so probably in that similar Land route timeline Land interacted very little with God. He may have not interacted with him at all.

>> No.16402888

*rips bong* *coughs* bro stop this is too much man..

>> No.16402930

He killed himself.

>> No.16402965 [DELETED] 

Has Nick Land spoken to God?

>> No.16403037

Anyone that doesn't see that God exists, has experienced or seen righteous in this world and rejected it. That is why all athe-fags are really satanists.

>> No.16403049


>> No.16403076

>Judeo-Christian God doesn't exist
Correct. The christian God exists though.

>> No.16403594

do you?

>> No.16403602

It doesn't

>> No.16403758

>Showing all the people of the world some phenomenon that shoudnt have happened at once
if it shouldn't have happened then it by definition couldn't have been ruled out as a hoax in fact it would be largely viewed as a hoax or future generations would believe it just never happened and is just a work of fiction.

>> No.16403840

Well, then eternal recurrence exists

>> No.16403850

conjecture. the universe as a whole can be beyond causality as well given the fallacy of composition. god is unnecessary in this theory

>> No.16403922

of course I exist

>> No.16404209

i have literally never given a fuck about this, and i'm not an atheist.

>> No.16404938

I think I saw I'm once, and even if I'm not sure at that point I was already convinced

>> No.16404946

Yes. God exists and He is good. Become Catholic.

>> No.16405296

what's the difference? And how can I separate all jew manipulation from Christianity? King James Bible?

>> No.16405310

define bad and define free will

>> No.16405676

Really unlikely, if so not the God of any of the major religions.

People saying yes are larping

>> No.16405733
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>Why yes, I am an agnostic theist. How could you tell?

>> No.16406071

But if this is true, what’s meant when people claim we were created in his image?

>> No.16407353
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>> No.16407376

>agnostic theist
asinine position, just like gnostic atheist.

>> No.16407511

if he does, where did he come from?

>> No.16407669
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jesus said, live by his word and you will realise his word comes from God and not man. be loving, and live to make oblivion would be an injustice, then you will start to believe. you dont believe to be good, you believe because you are good

>> No.16407684

Spinoza's God*

>> No.16407747

Do dogs Exist?

>> No.16407748

yes but not the way you think

>> No.16407754
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>> No.16408361

How so? A gnostic theist claims to know that which exists above their own being, while the agnostic rightfully claims that it's beyond their understanding.

>> No.16408562

the universe isn't a whole tho

>> No.16409040
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>> No.16409042

Yeah you just can't see or touch or smell or hear him and people have spent the entirety of civilization writing cope about it. Sounds legit.

>> No.16409059

No, but the gods do

>> No.16409077

Oh no no no

>> No.16409147

Program an event on the game where the stars line up to form the words "Hey guys this is the guy who programmed this simulation, AMA."

>> No.16409156

He was an atheist. Try reading him someday.

>> No.16409165

I don't care fag, thanks for the Dr Pepper pepe though

>> No.16409166

Yes, I do exist.

>> No.16409175

But that's not rape, that's consensual sex

>> No.16409204

>X doesn't have a body.
>The Judeo-Christian God has the same attributes as X.
Christ had a body, you moronic nincompoop.

>> No.16409205
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>does god exist
>you'll have to become him for us
More or less. God is immanent through collective human action, He is the hivemind of the united humanity and the peak of its efforts, God is the brain and humans are synapses.
>are god and the universe one and the same or is he a different entity
Classic theology calls it "mystery of faith", modernist-dialectic theology calls it "unknown factors" yet to be discovered.

>> No.16409259

Okay bro but like...what if the singularity hit in 2050 and were just watching replays our of pre-singularity days? What then

>> No.16409278
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Singularity is either God (Supreme Being) or "god", as in - angel of creation. Either way, dialectic Christian transhumanism is the highest for of the holy faith and its only future.

>> No.16409303

Define "god".

>> No.16409326

White man in heaven who judges everyone sins.

>> No.16409589
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>I don't believe in a magical sky God but I do believe in the magical bang!

Atheists, everybody.

>> No.16409596

He was an atheist according to Jews/Christians/Muslims. He was a good boy who knew God to everyone else.

>> No.16409605


>> No.16409625

It doesn't change much whether he does or does not. I doubt that he does, but my life won't change much regardless.

The discussion of god is pretty circular, so it's not one I like having.

>> No.16410474

If you don't believe in God you believe in Satan

>> No.16410503

Yes, I feel it exists, so it does

>> No.16410611

Brainlet with confidence.

>> No.16410651

This is a great book anon.

>> No.16410680
File: 52 KB, 460x493, damn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me (1) proof that he does?

>> No.16411117
File: 548 KB, 2526x2826, neoplatonic proof of god.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'ere you go

>> No.16411187

idk bro

>> No.16411267

ya probalby

>> No.16412085

God's Dad

>> No.16413297

Yes, but he cares not for the world and we're better off as a society, when you weigh it up, if we don't worship a God or Gods or believe in some theistic religion that says there is no God but clearly indicate that there is a higher power, like Buddhism or Hinduism for instance. We should have freedom from religion above freedom of religion.

Imagine a person makes a clock, which they put a lot of detail and effort into. The clock can run itself but every now and then the clockmaker decides to clean it or brush dust off it or even open up the back to see if it works properly. Maybe even in the clock's long life a cog or pendulum needs to be replaced once or twice. The clockmaker is the higher power and the universe and/ or Earth is the clock.

>> No.16413519 [DELETED] 
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Yes, and I can prove it
1. Every contingent being has a cause (Premise)
2. The composition of all contingent being (call it U) is a contingent being (Premise)
3. Therefore, U has a cause (call it X) (1, 2)
4. X is either contingent or necessary (law of excluded middle)
5. If X is contingent then U contains X and so X causes itself (2, 3)
6. Nothing can cause itself (Premise)
7. Therefore X is necessary (4, 6)

This is what we call God