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/lit/ - Literature

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16393270 No.16393270 [Reply] [Original]

Pole here. I always thought that continental European literature (like French or German literature) has always been the most superior in world history, but after actually, seriously getting into literature, I realized that English literature is the only literature that matters - WTF?

I always thought that the french and others were so superior. Wrong. France doesn't have Shakespeare. France doesn't have Chaucer. France doesn't have Milton. France doesn't have Faulkner, Whitman. Or Joyce. France doesn't have Steinbeck. Or Pynchon.

Why are Anglos so superior at everything yet again? I knew they were superior at everything else, but it came as a surprise that theyre superior at literature as well. Those pesky anglos! How do they do it!

>> No.16393451

Learn French and then judge it, dumb cuck

>> No.16393570

You think I didnt?

>> No.16393580

You're not fooling anyone Nigel. Everyone knows Polacks are too perpetually drunk on wodka to type in coherent English.

>> No.16393658

Haha, god the anti-Anglo seethe is massive on these boards. The top selling fiction writer of the last 20 years is J.K. Rowling. Oh noes, Anglos again!

>> No.16393698

>The top selling fiction writer of the last 20 years is J.K. Rowling.
>Genre shit
>Harry Potter

>> No.16394437


>> No.16394497
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You should read more eastern classics. Westernophilia or even worse anglophilia is a horrile desease of the mind in young Poles. You only think they are great because it's literature which can be read by everyone. You will probably never read spanish or hungarian literature as their translation alone takes so much out of them. Meanwhile every retard and their incestious child can read and meme an english book.

It's why american flags are th most retarded on /pol/. There is no discrimination. Every american can shitpost there, while only the creme de la creme of the respective other countries is fluent enought in a second or third language to commentate.

>> No.16394648

You're still growing, wittle poletyke. The real problem is you're viewing everything through the glasses you chose long ago. Take some English literary advice and begin again. Become a perfect baby.

>> No.16394653

>Meanwhile every retard and their incestious child can read and meme an english book.
I dont think this is right my dude. Not even native english speakers can read many classic english books

>> No.16394678

Learn Russian. It is easy as hell to do since you already know one Slavic language and you'll never regret it, there is a vast amount of good literature in that language.

>> No.16394689

I can just read the Polish translations.

>> No.16394698

>vast amount of good literature in that language
English has a vast amount of good literature, spanning 1000 years and dozens of writers, poets, playwrights.

Russia's only creative outburst spanned from the mid 19th century to the october revolution, roughly. Around half a century, give or take. Maybe five, maybe seven authors worth my time.

That's not a vast amount of good literature. That's a pathetic amount of literature (5-7 authors out of 100-200 million people, spread across just ~50 years out of a 1000) for a nation of this size and age.

>> No.16394734

It's not about being able or willing to comprehend them. It's about the easier access to them and the staying true to the authors words while also getting the cultural context, as everyone needs to learn english and their customs. This makes anglophonic literatur much more relitable and therefore better than reading a translation from a different culture to which one isn't as exposed and therefore doesn't get any subtext, most of the time not even understanding the reasons of certain deeds. Not only that, but you also get onnstantl flooded by anglophonic myths (shows, TV, comics, neologisms in your native culture) and humans have a tendency to like reoccuring themes and stories.

Sadly, especially in Poland, oikophobia is very rambant in the youth. Everything polish is gay and reactionary in their minds, while the west and england in particular are the land of honey and milk. To such a Pole reading some book rooted in ancient customs of his ancestors is much less interesting than reading Charles Dickens Christmas stories, which more likely than not he will know much better than his own seasonal celebrations. The Coca-Cola Truck resonates much more with them than the nativity fast.

This all leads to finding english lit better, even after you exclude the exotic value as would also be given by french or german lit.

>> No.16394750

Unlike england, russias has been fucked up by the west and east for centuries through genocides and embargos. Similarly to post-war germany. When people have to fight for pure surival, the leizure and pleasure of creative thought is completely swallowed by the wish to get to another day.

Meanwhile england has been geopolitically blessed and only now starts to fade into irrelevancy, revisiting their glorious empire in shows and literature like a dementic person unable to handle the now.

>> No.16394755

The official /lit/ power rankings:
0. Latin and Greek
1. Russian
2. German
3. English
4. Chinese
5. French
6. Italian
7. Spanish
8. Japanese
9. Norwegian
10. Polish
11. Korean
12. Portuguese

>> No.16394763

Don't know, but I used to think the same. They have, indeed, the superior literature. This, however, doesn't mean that there's not other good stuff on the planet, or that they have a right to come here and shit on the top of my head just because they write incredibly good books.

>> No.16394766

Anybody a Navokov fan here? English was Naby's 3rd language, after Russian and French, and he still managed to write amazing prose that most of us will never come close to. He was a Russian genius who didn't start writing in English until his 40's iirc.

>> No.16394771

what a qt

>> No.16394772

He was also born into a rich family and taught those three languages in his childhood

>> No.16394774

This feels like a list made by an italian university student or something.
Greek and Latin are good, but if you think they are the best you either need to read more, or get out of the mindset for which "old is better". They memed themselves into history by repeating to each other how good they were, which by all means they sometimes were, but there is lots of stuff that is on par, if not better, than them (Dante, Shakespeare, Joyce, to name some)

>> No.16394795

Oh but that's why I put them together and at 0 rather than 1. It was more a show of respect to how essential they were to everything which came after. The 3 writers you mention are all MASSIVELY indebted to the classics after all. I do think, however, that if population size or influence is taken into account, greek wins hands down. But if this was a per capita list Norwegian should be much higher and Hungarian would figure on there somewhere, so I get what you are saying.
Probably should have just explicitly excluded dead and semi-dead languages, I didn't include Sanskrit after all.

>made by an italian university student
British PhD student in a subject unrelated to literature, you are just saying this because Italian is extremely underrated on /lit/.

>> No.16394802

>English was Naby's 3rd language, after Russian and Frenc
Wrong, he learned English before Russian, at birth basically. His maid and nanny was a native British woman.

>> No.16394805

A more impressive example is Joseph Conrad, a Pole who was monolingual until his 20s when, only then, he began to learn English, and soon after he finished writing the Heart of Darkness.

>> No.16394809

France has Rebatet, Montherlant, Proust, Montaigne, Rabelais, Villon, Gadenne, Balzac, Mallarmé, Barbey d'Aurevilly, Bloy, Weil, Artaud, Baudelaire, Bernanos, Genet, Calaferte, Blanchot, Michaux, Bataille, Duras, Brantôme.
(to name a few)

>> No.16394810

>Unlike england, russias has been fucked up by the west and east for centuries through genocides and embargos
Nah. Russia fucked up the west and the east. And itself. No one else fucked it up. Also, not a very good cope for the fact that russians are just short heda mongoloids

>> No.16394819

These are good, but not great or even the greatest. They just dont have what it takes. They arent groundbreaking or soul shattering like Shakespeare or Milton

>> No.16394820

You do know from wher those revolutionaries came from? Why they have been specifically send to russia? That's like saying afghanistan has it self to lame for drone attacks instead of greater Israel and his puppet state.

>> No.16394849

Read Gadenne's Siloé or Rebatet's Les deux étendards and tell me they aren't great or amongst the greatest...

>> No.16394859

You have a point about Shakespeare which is truly one of those very unique writers. Faulkner, Milton, Whitman and Joyce are very good but countries like France have enough writers that the same argument could be made for them. Chaucer isn't that unique: the Decameron (from Italy) and the Roman de la Rose (from France) are arguably both superior and more original than The Canterbury Tales. Steinbeck and Pynchon are meme-tier.
France has Celine, Huysmans, Lautreamont, Proust, Mallarmé, Bernanos, Gracq, Giono, etc. who are all unique in their own ways and don't really have English equivalents. The same argument could be made for all the major languages. Enjoy what you read and stop being an autist on 4chan about it

>> No.16394872

Ty chuju, polska literatura jest najlepsza świata

>> No.16394884

I read Nabokov, but I'm not a fan of him.
In fact, everything for which you love Nabokov is literary convention. He deliberately wrote in such a way as to gain popularity, and he himself spoke of his method with disdain (in the same way Robert Howard disdained his adventure stories, and Lovecraft disdained his mysticism). I think there are better writers in America and Britain than Nabokov. For example, John Cheever is a really great writer (if you've watched The Shawshank Redemption, The Joker and want to get a feel for the original, then you must read Falconer).
If you want to read something really original from Russian literature, then you should definitely pay attention to Leonid Andreev, Andrey Platonov and Daniil Andreev. Leonid Andreev wrote short stories and novellas whose dramatic power would put King and Ramsey Campbell to shame, and he knew how to tell the simplest plot so interestingly, and at the same time so vital, that it looks like a hybrid between Hemingway and Shakespeare. Andrei Platonov was a master of stylization, and he surpassed Lovecraft in this, and his realistic works are similar to the stories of Thomas Ligotti in their richness of language and philosophy, but he was never a poser like Ligotti. In the darkest of his works, it is always made clear that horror and darkness will go away, but human achievements will triumph. Daniil Andreev was the son of Leonid Andreev, and he wrote the pseudo-mystical treatise "The Rose of the World", which had a huge impact on Western second wave fantasy. Erafia, Enrof - these are terms from the Rose of the World. Conjugation of spheres, ideas of Dagoth Ur, Eaters of Worlds, philosophy of cyberpunk - all this is Daniil Andreev, the secret inspirer of modern science fiction.
I would also recommend Maxim Gorky (Alexey Peshkov), but modern fascists do not like him, because Gorky outlined all human problems and gave them a communist rationale and a communist answer to overcoming these problems. Fascists have no answer to overcome problems, so they hate him.

>> No.16394894

>he really thinks that was coherent English

>> No.16394915

I bet 100 euroshekels, that OP hasn't even read the basic polish classics.

>> No.16394924

Come on!
Modern Russian is an artificial language of Pan-Slavic communication, which was invented by Croats and Ukrainian and Belarusian intellectuals who thought of themselves in the cultural space of Rus. Why is Hemingway so popular with its poor language? Because the Russian literary language is just as poor (and from the communist times and the spoken language).
And we didn't screw up in the west and east.
The entire red block lived at the expense of Russia. Even talk to the Poles - they admit that they used to live better. We did not oppress anyone, in Soviet times literature flourished, because only under communism people can live off their talent. Life under capitalism is Glengary Glen Ross; life under communism is New Atlantis. How many great writers have appeared in the USSR! Have you read Sayriddin Aini? This is a great Tajik writer, much better than Mervyn Peak, who wrote "The Death of a Usurer", where he described the contradictions and fall of feudalism so majestically that even the most educated Western writers could not dream of it.

>> No.16394947

>The entire red block lived at the expense of Russia. Even talk to the Poles - they admit that they used to live better. We did not oppress anyone, in Soviet times literature flourished, because only under communism people can live off their talent. Life under capitalism is Glengary Glen Ross; life under communism is New Atlantis.
this better be satire

>> No.16394957
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>Even talk to the Poles - they admit that they used to live better. We did not oppress anyone, in Soviet times literature flourished, because only under communism people can live off their talent.
I am a Pole. You can go and fuck off. ou had to bring a bottle of westen alsohol and your own needles to the hospital, the one to get any usefull service from the physician the other to not get a blunt overused needle pushed through half of your arm. Oh and in Katyn the russian jews pretty much exterminated everything intellectually active, pushing it on the Krauts.

Be delusional somewhere else, Sergey.

>> No.16394971

By the way.
Many talk about the influence on Bram Stoker of such a minor thing as "Vampire" by John Polidori.
But many do not know about other works. "Vampires" by Alexei Tolstoy is structurally similar to "Dracula" (stories in the story), where the vampire symbol first appeared - the bat, and there vampires enter high society in order to subordinate it to their interests. And yes, for the first time in this story, vampires drink blood. "The Family of the Vourdalak" by the same author was the first zombie slasher, just compare it to "Night of the Living Dead".

>> No.16394982


>> No.16395003
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Heterozygote advantage. Anglo is a nontrivial mixture of Celtic, Germanic (French Norman component + Saxon), and Nordic (foreign Norman component + Dane). This fusion created the most distinctive race, language, and culture in Europe, while most other countries were isolated and stagnated.

>> No.16395006

I have spoken enough with ordinary Poles - truckers who come to our warehouse to form an opinion.
Then going to the doctor (even the dentist) was free, now you have to pay half of the salary for one damn dental crown.
And yes. Your Polish historians themselves admitted that the Germans staged the Katyn execution. Why then did many of those whom the Soviets killed at Katyn return to their homes?
Oh, you know what's the matter. The liberal governments made a concession to the Fascist Republic of Germany, and recognized Katyn not even as a Soviet crime, but as officially declared a “crime against humanity”. What is meant by this is unknown. Only this was done by politicians in opposition to all scientific evidence.

>> No.16395009

>Cleans toilets in UK.
>Kisses British asses on this thread.
You seem to have an anal fixation.

For a slav you could just talk about slavs. The french vs anglo opposition makes it very obvious you're either an idiot or trolling. (Also all the most important texts in this planet were written original in romance languages)

>> No.16395024

nice bait my dear
OP here. Slavs are subhumans, I rather not identify with them. The real world and real life lies in Western Europe and North America, but the Anglo world is the one which I hold the dearest to my heart. It's the most superior and least insecure.

>> No.16395077

>having to buy a expansive bottle of vodka to even get looked at bevor the next 12 months waiting period, let alone get anything more than a clap on the back
Your free health care boiled down to
>get fresh air and take those sugar pills

Ah yes, the polish historians which didn't want to get katyn'ed danced as the russians pleased to.

You better be under age, faggot, not knowing what you are speaking or a senile commie angry that now he ha to actually delivere worth for a living.

>> No.16395080

Ah es, the already expected oikophobia. You're pathetic. Are you sure you're not just the usual bong trashtalking polaks while their kids get gangrapped by pakies?

>> No.16395141

To your regret, I myself am an ethnic Pole, and I have acquaintances from the Polish nobility. Does the surname Tugan-Baranovsky mean anything to you?
But what is it about. This glorious family were economists and historians, not writers.
If you want the opinion of a Polish writer, contact Andrzej Sapkowski, who actually registered in Russia. Check out his interview. "My great-grandfather was a Russian officer, he fought against Shamil!" - these are the words of Sapkowski. Read what Sapkowski wrote about Polish nationalism, about whom he was directed against (against the Russians, of course!) the collapse of the Soviet bloc).
I am not against the Poles, I am against the power of the Polish oligarchs, who for centuries have carried out their insidious plans, which each time lead the Poles into the abyss. Do you think I don’t know that an economic catastrophe is looming in Poland because of these pseudo-patriots? I know everything, and it hurts me because of it.

>> No.16395148

I know that I am subhuman.
John Tolkien wrote about it perfectly. I am a pitiful orc, a Jewish Bolshevik.
Only I'm more of an orc from Warcraft than from Legendarium.

>> No.16395151
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>> No.16395155
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>fuck polish oligarchs
Yeah, I am sure russian or international (((oligarchs))) are so much better.

>le nobel intellectual commie
Of course you are, you were feed and pampered your whole life, you never had to struggle through communism. Just like the modern elites don't care under which banner hey squeeze the goys. And what do I care about Sapkowski, a faggot fantasy author filling his trash literatur with erotika to sell to unsatisfied nerds? Do you even know where you're posting, kid?

>> No.16395159

I am an Eastern European. When I was younger, I also thought like this - that my own culture was inferior to Western European ones. I advise you to start reading books from your homeland and other Eastern European countries.

>> No.16395190

A 100 złoty you mean, but yeh OP is a fucking mutt who has no clue about the literature of his own fuckin country.

>> No.16395195

And needless to say, my life was easy.
I lived in the days after the USSR, I lived in the days of prostitutes and gangsters. The new capitalist times decreed that I must die because my family did not have much money, but my grandfather saved me. He was a poacher and got black caviar to save me from anemia. Now I am raising money to save my family from poverty.
Keep repeating your mantra that capitalism is the best form to realize. Capitalism tried to kill me, and now it is trying to turn you into a faceless multi-ethnic herd.
In Britain, capitalism tried to disconnect that kid from life support, and it was only President Trump's intervention that saved him, but it was only the influence of the individual. Under socialism / communism, the system itself saved you.
And I will not forget this lesson for the rest of my life. We, ordinary people, are orcs for the elite who can be killed. But Karl Marx and Antonio Gramsci said our lives are just as important as the lives of the ugly, evil inbreeder mutants who have taken over. Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels and Antonio Gramsci saved my life so that my soul could develop, and for this I am eternally grateful to them.

>> No.16395245

Bazowany post

>> No.16395292
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I never said that capitalism is the best, you complete mongoloid, but contrary to you I lived through communism. You merely have a warped view because your familiy flourished under communism on the backs of us plebs and now you're miserabel because you suffer the pain of actual work and the consequences we all know.

You're basically a spoiled richfag wishing that the working class feeds and cloths you while you preach about the virtues of communism (while beeing nothing but a leech).

>> No.16395316

Norwid alone pisses on all post-Romantic anglo poets from a great height, you delusional traitor

>> No.16395321

You're laughing?
Under the Soviet system, my father worked, he was a foreman at a construction site. In Soviet times, only criminals and former convicts went to the construction site, because this work was hard labor. In the USSR, only criminals worked at the construction site, because it was very hard work, ordinary people did not want to work on it. At the same time, everyone who worked at a construction site was given an apartment in a building under construction.

You just don't want to admit that life was better before because you live in self-denial.
Lol fuck! If you are such a fan of the Polish oligarchy, then you must also be a fan of Sarmatism. This santa claus, who is called Karl Marx, was from the Jewish caste of Levites (Cimmerians-Scythians), and he is more Aryan than all these assholes from this site.

>> No.16395322

>I realized that English literature is the only literature that matters - WTF?
Literally only the French refuse to acknowledge this, German-speaking intellectuals in particular have always acknowledged English literary prowess.

>> No.16395338

przestań kompromitować siebie

>> No.16395349

Good post.

>> No.16395370
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There is no "one literature that matters". There have been great writers and great poets from all around the world and creating this kinda artificial order is just mental gymnastics.

>> No.16395371
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>You just don't want to admit that life was better before because you live in self-denial.
How would you know, you fucking retard, you never experienced it. You never seen the negative sites, because like most foremen and people with even a little power, they wer corrupt and got "gift" and better treatment for small help. Of course you had a nice appartement, maybe even a car without having to wait for a decade. But get into your thick head, that this is the life of privilige in the commie regime. And god forbid you weren't corruptable or made a joke on your own foremen. Suddenly you were a convict against the people, one of the worst criminals. And if they ran out of convicts to burn out, they siply made new ones, as in accusing someone of hatespeech of their time.

For the average pleb living under communism meant having too little to live and too much to die. Everything which was officially free was either unattainable or had to be bought under the table, mostly both.

You are an retarded teen which clutches to an ideology which would burn him out without thinking twice for the benefit of party elites just because you have problems comming to terms with the fact that all life is work and that if you work well, you just might get a better life.

And now cease pestering adult on here with your mentally ill ideology.

>> No.16395397

>English literature is great because of my opinion
opinion discarded, now get the fuck out

>> No.16395430

I have never been privileged.
Even more - one of my grandfathers was in a concentration camp (he was not a Jew), but he never dared to say that he was in a concentration camp.
We lived like ordinary people, we had no higher privileges, but we had Soviet privileges, which were accessible to all Soviet people, and which are still inaccessible to Western people. We could get an apartment, we were given a free land plot (dacha), my grandfathers had a decent pension so that after 60 years they could devote themselves to their hobbies, and each person helped another person.
This is the standard situation for Soviet socialism (which was officially moving towards communism).
I saw Heaven for people, and now I see Hell, do you think I want to love this bitch Hell? Never!
Communism is heaven. Capitalism is hell!
I know what I'm talking about.

>> No.16395447

What can you recommend out of Leonid Andreev's works?

>> No.16395506
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>we had no higher privileges, but we had Soviet privileges
Nigger, those are the same. The only things you had above starvation level were those which you got through corruption. Let me guess your father and rest of the family never talked about those small favours made to each other. Alls you have seen was that you have enought on your table. Just look at the fact that you think everyone could have had a dacha, my fucking retard. This was just like the fiat polski, which you had to wait for decades for and have connections. Most peoples dachas were a joke in buttfuck nowhere - let alone that you had neither time nor money to go there at your leizure.As everything in comunism is sounds nice on paper but it a joke in reality. Just think about the firt picture I showed. Do you kno what that is? It's the conequence of communism. Of quotas and corruption. You had to buy a fucking living carp for christmas and keep him for days in your bathtube, because already killed ones could be half rotten, making your family seriously sick.

>I know what I'm talking about.
Never mind, you're obviously a troll or completely brain dead.

>> No.16395587

My father bought live crayfish and we kept them in the bathroom. And I played with them. After that, I secretly released the crayfish into the lake so that they could live.
And yes. My father threw each ruby into the bath, and before cooking we humanely deafened her with a hammer.
Don't talk about what you don't know!
Have you seen poor children collecting bottles to bring money to the family?
Have you seen rapist killers who carried and killed schoolgirls in the basement of your apartment building?
So go with your blessed capitalism.
I know that under communism my grandfathers did not lock the doors, and their children slept right in the courtyard of apartment buildings.
I know the truth, and you just like an obsessed repeat the capitalist mantra of degenerate ghouls, that with this ghoul system it will be easier for ordinary people to live.
But this is not the case.
Therefore, ordinary people laugh at the death of Ruth Ginsburg, who supported capitalism, so ordinary people surpass Hugo Chavez and Alexander Lukashenko, because life was much better under them than under the rule of satanic degenerates.

>> No.16395601

We had summer cottages that were given to us free of charge so that we could grow natural fruits and vegetables for ourselves and for our children.
Could this be under capitalism?
I can come to my dacha and do whatever I want, because it is my property, and it was presented to my parents for free, is this possible under capitalism? not!

>> No.16395646

don't care, anglos still suck

>> No.16395674

Can you name these oligarchs?
Are you sober my slavic brother? You sound somewhat too nostalgic and empathetic, almost like someone drunk or on drugs. I just wanted to know.
>so that we could grow natural fruits and vegetables for ourselves and for our children. Could this be under capitalism?
I can come to my dacha and do whatever I want, because it is my property, and it was presented to my parents for free, is this possible under capitalism?
Not for free, but everything else is still possible and even small town working class can afford it. In towns of eastern and nothern Poland everyone owns "działka", roughly same thing as your dacha.

>> No.16395732
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Did you drink homemade wodka too often? Because your rain doesn't sound healthy. Maybe skip the bottle spreaching coomunism and actuall go to work lazy ass leech. Pieces of shit like you would have been send to a gulag for work aversion.

No such thing as "for free". Someone had make the wood for the dacha. to build it without pay, probably something who made a joke towards the wrong guy. You were given the dacha to grow food, so that the state didn't need to care for you as much, you retard. It's not free, you're literally working for free for the state. Meanwhile you can just buy a cheap dacha and do wahtever you want with it.

You people with your delusions of "free stuff". No such thing, just ignorance of who paid for it.

>> No.16395768

Do not call me brother, because the most brutal war can only be between brothers. Let's stay simple towarish. This is a good word and does not oblige you to anything. Neither friendship nor enmity.
Do not call me brother, because the most brutal war can only be between brothers. Let's stay simple comrades. This is a good word and does not oblige you to anything. Neither friendship nor enmity.

Well, yes, I have a dacha, and my grandfather got it for free. As well as an apartment. I have two apartments, which the Soviet regime unreservedly provided to my ancestors. And he provided scholars with free access to the Sarmatian nerves. If we had capitalism, then these fates would be shared among the landlords, and we would have such finds as the Pitldown man.
Back in Soviet times, we had natural products, natural milk and natural kefir. The fat content of milk cannot be lower than 65%, but now we drink shit at 40% and 35%, this is the merit of capitalism, but that's not all.
Soon the Germans will force Poland to return the Western Slavic lands that the Slavs defended 3000 years ago. Lebnitz's idea of the unity of all Slavs has died, now the Germans want to devour us completely!

>> No.16395790

If you are lazy, then nothing is free.

>> No.16395836
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>The fat content of milk cannot be lower than 65%
Tell me more about that mystical butter of yours and ask me how I know that you'Re too young to even show for yourself.

>> No.16395975

wow she was actually hot

>> No.16395999

anything after the classics is waterdowned dribble

>> No.16397407

Maybe a single dozen if you're being generous.

>> No.16397437

>German-speaking intellectuals in particular have always acknowledged English literary prowess.
They acknowledged Shakespeare largely because he's the only A*glo worth acknowledging.

>> No.16397454

Read his memoir. He started learning English when he was a young child.

>> No.16397758

Tak jest, najlepsza świata, panie Makumba.

>> No.16397777

>he doesnt know that Shakespeare was a part of a contributive culture

>> No.16397799

Based and bard-pilled

>> No.16397864

Shakespeare was trash who was amplified by the contributive culture of Elizabethan English. Imagine being proud of a plebeian who was carried by the combined efforts of contemporary playwrights.

>> No.16398890

The fact that you haven't cited a single French or German author leads me to believe that you are not a Pole but a burgerperson who has read fewer than a hundred books in their life