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16394738 No.16394738 [Reply] [Original]

How can I write a rapist that the readers will sympathize with?

>> No.16394744

Write him as a disadvantaged black youth from Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.

>> No.16394747

you need good bon mots

>> No.16394751

make the boipucci/pucci good

>> No.16394760

What if the rapist is a woman?

>> No.16394783

then i coom harder.

>> No.16394788

Read Lolita. That'll teach you.

>> No.16394800

Why do you want to?

>> No.16394806

Lolita loved him.
>inb4 pretended i didnt hear her whimpering
Just because shes crying doesnt mean she doesnt love him.

>> No.16394811

Write the first rape as appearing consensual from his perspective, then eventually reveal, somehow, more and more how all the sex was actually rape. Have him be delusional, deluding the reader. Like the first 100 pages comes of as a standard girl fantasy book with seemingly alluring scenes but eventually the rapist protagonist and reader comes to a self realization that it has all been rape, from 'mild' to violent. Perhaps even murder. A bit like a Nick Cave song that sounds all dandy until you read between the lines.

>> No.16394816

Make him a fatherless trans queer ftm black, it should do the trick

>> No.16394818
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give him a chad name, describe him very attractive and charismatic, everybody loves him sorta backstory, basically Ted Bundy idk, or maybe make him like American psycho where he is continuously lost in trying to find his own identity and feels bad man moments etc

>> No.16394864

Yeah, but he still raped her.

>> No.16394898
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What's his name again?

>> No.16394905

do this op. this is really good

>> No.16395274

Stoner was pretty sympathetic.
Seriously, though, I recommend that you skim over the rape scenes. If you avoid going into grisly details the emotional reaction of the readers won't be so violent. Even if they rationally know that he's a rapist, if they aren't shown him doing it then the emotional part of their brain won't jump out against him. Go into detail when it comes to his good deeds, or his more sympathetic character traits.

>> No.16395290

Make the girl very hot.

>> No.16395429

>Nick Cave
that sounds a bit like the death of bunny munro

>> No.16395482

A character that's been raped and abused so often themselves that they either do it with extreme disdain for themself in moments of weakness, or legitimately don't even fully grasp the evil of what they're doing or see it as completely normal.
That or write womans smut and make him a muscle-bound billionaire who owns a ranch.

>> No.16395687

why hasn't anyone said a clockwork orange

>> No.16396656

Just flesh out the rapist character, humanize, make the reader understand why he rapes. How you do this is up to you, if you can't think of how, then dont write.
DONT fucking do this gay shit.

>> No.16396668

This. It will be taken as a feminist WOKE wank material and many coomers will coom.

>> No.16396773

a chad who revenge / vengeance rapes women who have done evil or criminal acts and got away with it. ex; an evil woman lied about someone raping her and he got sent to jail only to tell the truth five years later and she gets off basically Scot free while he has spent 5 years in lockup and had his whole life ruined - in swoops justice chad with he cock of revenge rape to set things straight, or as straight as things can get through rape. a pedo fiddling kids but gets off free because of a powerful daddy? rape chad to the rescue, fucking the pedo to death to the cheers and delight of all.

>> No.16397458

Based rapeman.

>> No.16397660

Don't. Why would you? I understand that rape is a part of reality but if I'm going out for a quick rape then sympathy and empathy aren't the fruits I'm looking for. If you're just trying to make it excusable then balance it out with the rapist's greater half; make the victim equally unable to be sympathized with, or perhaps make both of them rapists, or just don't tell yourself it has to be excusable in the first place. To ask permission for this is as paradoxical as trying to consent to it. It's practically a-priori "bad." If you want to see the moon look first for the night. Don't ask for the silver lining first.

>> No.16397670

I assume that OP didn't mean statutory rape

>> No.16397730

Make him likeable, this isn’t complicated, honestly. If you need further explanation, just read Lolita which is an entire book about this problem.

>> No.16397734

It was rape in all senses.

>> No.16397928

make him president

>> No.16397965

vonnegut already did that in a story about corrective rape

>> No.16398211

write it really romantic and make him rape her out of love, also downplay the brutality of it for the romantic aspects. that will really confuse the reader

>> No.16399074

Best-seller prompt right here.

>> No.16399079

>she never begged a celeb to grab her by the pussy

>> No.16399180

Read Bukowski's short story The Fiend, which describes the molestation of a little girl, but manages to retain a certain quantum of sympathy for the titular rapist.

>> No.16399255

Thanks for that. I nutted.

>> No.16400841

read the Maxx

>> No.16400857

To capture the whole range of human experience. Are you afraid that a sympathetically written rapist would taint the reader's mind, inspire him to go out and rape as well?

>> No.16400932

Make the rapee also a rapist, that way it's eye for eye and everyone can feel good.