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File: 510 KB, 245x245, grrm wiping hand v2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16393299 No.16393299 [Reply] [Original]

He has admitted the so-called 'new chapters' he's released were originally part of book 5. They were cut because the paperback was physically too big for anything more.

He's living a weird True Crime conman life where he's not accomplishing anything, but also can't truly enjoy his success since he has to keep up the pretense of writing.

>> No.16393308

He's got a new groupie riding on his dick every day. Let him finish out his days in WAP.

>> No.16393321

He. Is. Writing.

It takes time. It's not magic. He doesn't have elves or ghost-writers -- he does it all by himself. He has always been slow -- but he works on it EVERY DAY.


>> No.16393327

He put his series into a coma and the TV show's finale pulled the plug. Let him ride off into the sunset.

>> No.16393340

Stage 1: Denial

>> No.16393345

Writing 4chan posts doesn't count, George

>> No.16393360

He'll probably shit out one more book for one more cash influx but I doubt he'll finish the series.

>> No.16393370

Yeah, writing takes time. But it doesn't take an entire decade to write one fantasy novel. Stop rolling around in your giant inflatable ball and get to work, George

>> No.16393388

What is the point of making additional cash if you are already a multimillionaire and on death's door?
At this point he probably cares more about his "legacy".

>> No.16393542

>What is the point of making additional cash if you are already a multimillionaire and on death's door?
>At this point he probably cares more about his "legacy".

Yep. It's a myth "the rich always want more". The ones who spend ostentatiously do. But there are plenty who hit a certain level of consumption and are happy (the ones where people say 'fuck, he left a $50mm estate and didn't even buy a different Negromobile and crazy bling every year???)

>> No.16393550

Fame and wealth is a blessing and a curse when you achieve it late in life and you're an ugly old man like GRRM.

The overwhelming main reason men innately pursue wealth is banging young women. When a guy like GRRM hits it big he realizes "fuck, too late, I have an ugly old wife and I can't see my dick. Lord, why doth thou taunt me?"

>> No.16393559

Is GRRM Harry Potter for men?

>> No.16393565

honestly what motivation could he even have anymore, his little idea has already become a smash hit television show, the interest has certainly long since peaked, they even finished the story since he hadn't. if i was him i wouldnt want to write one more page of that shit either. presjumably he's under some contractual obligation to at least be trying to, hence the larp

>> No.16393583

at least he gets to eat like a king. a fat guy like him must be eatin 2500+ calories a day and with his money he's eating gourmet shit. who needs young pussy when you have lobster and steak every night?

>> No.16393588

More like 4500

>> No.16393596

C'mon anon, he said that there was a good chance it would be done by the end of the year.....in 2015. Fuck FatAss.

>> No.16393614

The saga of GRRM is proof one needs to properly outline a story past a certain point. "Gardening" only works for so long.

>> No.16393647

i think it's proof that you actually need to keep writing words on a page to eventually get a book done

>> No.16393657

He does write! But he writes stuff like his fictional histories instead of the main plot. I think he's stuck and doesn't want to work on the main series anymore, especially as its presentation on screen was panned so hard.

>> No.16393661

And he has kept saying that for every year since

>> No.16393665

The book not being finished yet is just further proof that the TV show ending is exactly what he had planned for the books

>> No.16393668

literally no one cares about this santa claus mother fucker

>> No.16393796

I think the fat fucker eats all day and buys arrested development gadgets and then at 1am as he's being pulled sideways into sleep by the titanic weight of his gut, he fantasizes about having finished the series and going to con after con after con after con to receive adulation.

>> No.16393801

I mean, I get it, at this point. His life's work has been highjacked by loons who ruined it in everyone's mind by fucking up the last season of the tv adaptation.
The story's fate got away from his hands as soon as the tv show started to expand on the written material. Now is too late to write, he should have done it while HBO was only on season 1 or 2.

>> No.16393825


>> No.16393834

To add to that, the hype started with the tv show being an adaptation of an ongoing lit series. Now that the tv show ended, everything GRRM writes will in fact be an adaptation of that tv show, instead of original material.

Must feel bad. I wouldn't write it. Fuck the readers.

>> No.16393854

this is wrong he already published half the book already chapter by chapter basis

>> No.16393858

i want to stain her dress with my semen

>> No.16393899

the guy's a fucking hack. he's the j.j. abrams of fantasy-fiction writing. I'm glad people are starting to realize it. GoT is just shock value and action for shock value and action's sake. no message, no meaning, no truth. just the crassest entertainment padded up to look sophisticated with elaborate plotting and names. it's really horrible and the people who like him have no souls. they are literally NPCs.

>> No.16393918

2500 calories is pretty typical of a single meal in America dude. To be his size you've got to be taking in probably 4-5k calories a day and doing nothing.

>> No.16393922

fuck what a disgusting degenerate

>> No.16395200

>no message, no meaning, no truth
I think that was his big concept to begin with. he thinks life is random and cruel and unfair. he tells a story without an ending or a moral. the book is not a novel, it's a fictional chronic. he literally has no idea where he is going with anything and he admitted this.

>> No.16395209


George if you die before you finish atleast Winds of Winter I *will* haunt you in the afterlife

>> No.16395218

will o the wisp
drieu la rochelle an hero so he knew what he was talking about

>> No.16395409
File: 9 KB, 250x234, crying soyjack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16395487

Would prefer him to work on Elden Ring instead. Hope he dosent curse that franchise. We have not received new info for this game for a long time. He is working on it with FromSoftware studios (those that made Dark Souls).

>> No.16396300

What should I bee seing in that gif?

>> No.16396310

He admitted he wrote almost the entire book but he wasn't satisfied with it so he just threw it away and started again.

>> No.16396894

Would ASOIAF have been better off as a series of self-contained yet interconnected novellas instead of the tomes it turned out to be? I feel like he would have finished it at least.

>> No.16397435

Natalie wiping her sweaty palms on her skirt after talking to GRRM, so aroused and nervous at the thought of being smushed under his big fat buffalo wing-filled gut

>> No.16397443


>> No.16397466

Hy do you kek? Did you think it was funny? Because what he said was not and IS not funny, WHY? Because it is NOT true that she was like he said she were feeling and acting like he stated in the comment (you) just responded now. So how can you kek with that. Makes no sense. Thank you N cya bit-ch

>> No.16397473
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>> No.16397480

than he's an asshole and a waste of space. mental masturbation for the sake of it is the worst kind of apathy. it promotes hopelessness and despair and adds nothing to the world but makes the world a worse place.

>> No.16397486
File: 89 KB, 679x522, 1598591510665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks life is random and cruel
>throws in the god of light who revives Jon Snow so that he can fulfill a prophecy spanning millennia

>> No.16397586

Smirkfu is so pretty anons. I wish she would smirk at me.

>> No.16397602

Just smirk it up bro

>> No.16397649

Nobody who actually reads any of this series could possibly think this. So why do I see this meme opinion circulate so often in so many places? I thought the books were popular, yet so many have not read them yet comment on them? I don’t get it.

>> No.16397662

Nigga just got burned out. Happens with everyone.

>> No.16397669

With what we know of the ending, I don't think one can see GoT as anything but a meaningless work that depends on shock and has a nihilistic worldview.

>> No.16397695

>what we know if the ending
Literally nothing?

>> No.16397725



>> No.16397727


holy fucking cringe please go back to re.ddit

>> No.16397742

>Dany dies
>Jon exiled
>Bran the Broken
I wasted my time with this series.

>> No.16397744

At least all the hatred has gone where it belongs, everybody despises D&D now.

>> No.16397762

What secret source confirmed these to you?

>> No.16397979

>George if you die before you finish atleast Winds of Winter I *will* haunt you in the afterlife
Don't worry. Based Sanderson will finish the series after the fat troll dies.

>> No.16397989

You think D&D would have shoehorned their show to that ending if it didn't come from GRRM?

>> No.16397998


>> No.16398009

It would have been better if he stuck to the original idea of making it a trilogy

>> No.16398015

what was that thing about the new place he's holed himself up in? like as if he's some kind of solitary monk in a dark lonely castle in the mountains writing and meditating long hours.

but actually he's just set up a sort of one-guest nursing home with plenty of internet and food.

>> No.16398043

True. Fantasy really needs to learn that less is sometimes more; we don't need a sprawling epic with no end in sight if 3 books could have done the same.

>> No.16398306

More than 40% of Americans are obese

>> No.16398311

This explains their intelligence.

>> No.16398353

>no material pressure as he is already rich
>no egotistical pressure as he is already famous
>interest in the storyline has waned abruptly after the end of the show
>finishing the series would be compared to what the show ended up being, as opposed to their own thing
>can do all sorts of things in life other than writing
>series has a lot of loose ends that would need to be conclusively taken care of, far less fun than beginning stories
>old and tired

Sounds to me like the ultimate procrastination cocktail for a writer. You could not come up with worse conditions for writing. Even a prisoner in a Cambodian labor camp in the 1970s would be better placed for finishing a book than this

>> No.16398356
File: 9 KB, 231x218, 1553842065141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He. Is. Writing.
>It takes time. It's not magic. He doesn't have elves or ghost-writers -- he does it all by himself. He has always been slow -- but he works on it EVERY DAY.

>> No.16398384
File: 98 KB, 757x767, 1587450239080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2500 calories
>a single meal
Do Amerifats really...?

>> No.16398473

true. but maybe he could find some semblance of purpose if someone else (someone younger and passionate, an intelligent fan volunteer maybe) came up with an outline for the rest of the story. if it's good enough and has like an evident spark of inspiration, grrm could just take it and write the prose for it.
the volunteer could be paid secretly.

>> No.16398503

I literally just had 6000 in one sitting.
I maintain 160lbs consistently. I will probably not eat for 2 days then stay at 1500 per day for all next week. I really hate this way of living but I can't get rid of whatever stupid fucking thing in my brain forcing me to binge eat

>> No.16398504

I feel what GRRM feels at a much lower level. I started a story and it became so popular that I’m too anxious to write more. My lesson? Always finish a story before posting it online.

Imagine being GRRM and so many people have these high expectations of you.

>> No.16398506

'tis clear only a visit to Pynchon can help this fat fuck out

>> No.16398508

stop shitposting George, wagie has to go back to his cagie and write his glorified LotR fanfic.

>> No.16398520

How about you do some addy and get back to it faggot. I know you have more than enough money to supply your upper habit, George.

>> No.16398528

>Always finish a story before posting it online.
I agree. I feel bad about all the fanfics I've posted over the years that will never get finished. Oh well. It exists to your own work too. Tell people about it, and the urge to work on it disappears.

>> No.16398544

Wait, I thought this was a literature board? Why is there a post about whether genre fiction writer x will continue writing genre fiction series y? I'm confused.

>> No.16398546

>He. Is. Writing.
Sure. Other things. Martin grew bored of ASOIAF a decade ago.

>> No.16398557

I know where to take the story and characters, that’s the sad part lol. I am just not sure if people will like it. I even wrote the next two chapters but refuse to post them.

>> No.16398566
File: 2.01 MB, 405x720, 1594952064121.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16398635


>> No.16398785

I think his pride gets in the way. I can understand it.

>> No.16398813

It’s rapier but less racist

>> No.16398815

I'd drain the soul out of his cock desu

>> No.16398924

They drink soda like we drink water.

>> No.16398941

Now I kekked at THAT.

>> No.16398962

The way I see, at the beginning of the gif their hands have just unclasped, then she turns and wipes her hand off, i.e., wipes off the sweat and schmutz on her hand from grrm's hand. Body language equivalent of: yuck.

>> No.16398980

im hard af rn
we are gonna make it bros...

>> No.16399081

At this point it is completely irrelevant for anybody apart from a few hardcore fans who still care.
The TV show defined what GoT is and that is never going to change again. That's just how entertainment for the masses works. The two nitwits and HBO fucked it up and nobody is re-watching that shit. Franchise is almost dead in the water. Even if the next book does come out which I highly doubt GRRM is never going to finish the whole story anyways. So yeah in my book he should just openly say fuck it and eat more ice cream sandwiches.

>> No.16400430

Pumpkin spice lattes.

>> No.16400698

Dumb faggot

>> No.16400703

This is not true GoT is highly moralistic to the point of sentimentality
What is this post a reply to, curious why is Drieu La Rochelle being brought up in this thread

>> No.16401775

Actor playing Bran said in the interview that Brandon the Broken on the throne was GRRM idea.