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File: 370 KB, 828x805, 0D17AF3A-2B8F-4985-A291-DE1642F9BEE3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16393022 No.16393022 [Reply] [Original]

She made it /lit/!!!

Thank you for all your help!

>> No.16393030

Aren't they giving all Hugos and Nebulas to blacks and trannies now who write about anticolonial space feminists? I don't have the energy to keep up with this shit anymore, better pretend that the outside world doesn't exist

>> No.16393032


>> No.16393035

Wow, you need Jesus. Lol!

>> No.16393040
File: 113 KB, 750x400, 2A075A52-A208-44BF-B3B4-F83898E14A36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s all so tiresome

>> No.16393052


>> No.16393114


>> No.16393174

The awards still have value. Just take them as markers of what not to read.

>> No.16393203

Vox is right about almost everything

>> No.16393207

Hi Teddy

>> No.16393220

Go away, gamma

>> No.16393240
File: 27 KB, 313x500, creenge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16393307

Hasn't she won it 3 times already?

>> No.16393325

yes she is the greatest scifi author to ever have lived

>> No.16393397

Say what you will about the Hugos, they are forever based for cucking GRRM out of one.

>> No.16393480

her prose is YA-tier

seriously how is this winning

can samuel r delany just write a new novel please

>> No.16393546

Are you saying this is cringe because you think it's pro-Peterson, or are you a peterson fan?

>> No.16394290

I'm not doubting she's a very skilled writer (4 Hugos is an unreal accomplishment), but, I dunno. Maybe they should give it to someone new?

>> No.16394895
File: 379 KB, 1200x800, HugoTranny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will just leave this out here, don't (you) me.

>> No.16395052

Again ?

>> No.16396375

I've been brainwashed by /pol/. When I see a black woman I think "Made for BWC".

>> No.16396744

interesting how 4chan always operates in reverse wokism, if a black woman gets a reward it's always institutional racism with a pro black bias

>> No.16396759

It's called antiniggerism

>> No.16396770


>> No.16396794

Wow, so many women. I didn't know sci-fi was such a female dominated genre.

>> No.16396817

so talented, congratulations! hope she wins 4 more!

>> No.16396855

actually, it's called privilege lmao

>> No.16396930

Lemme guess, she wrote a book about racism

>> No.16396973

Eh, the series that got her the first 3 Hugos was actually quite good. Sure, ethnic tensions and racism are present in the novels, but I think it was done tastefully and not blatant idpol.

In general, I am sure diversity concerns play a huge role in these selections. But there are no dearth of competent women writers in sci-fi or fantasy, and I do think she deserves her awards. And if it really bothers you, realize that tons of white males are still writing sci-fi and fantasy; no one is forcing them to stop.

>> No.16396989

>historically women had to create fake male identities to get published, minorities were less likely to get published
based and redpilled goes the incel

>black woman earns award
waaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh this is why hitler was right waaaahhhh

>> No.16397001
File: 264 KB, 1336x1030, emergency skin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like just about the most heavy handed propaganda since WW2.

>> No.16397013

Looks like Jemisin doesn't know about contemporary African politics

>> No.16397028
File: 54 KB, 1024x1024, wojak-smirk-tuxedo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't heard about any of her books or any of the books in the Hugo awards website. Therefore they all probably suck.

>> No.16397146

And yet even the fatman is James Joyce compared to tranny niggers winning in the recent years

>> No.16397176

>for cucking GRRM out of one.
Funny thing is that he stated how small the circle was before his show took off and that now it's normie central.

>> No.16397221

Seethe harder, ytbois.

>> No.16397682

A postcolonial fantasy that essentially justifies getting rid of rich white men (republicans!). Presumably she doesn't actually endorse genocide and sincerely believes they can hitch a ride with Elon.

>> No.16397708

the author's skin color is already a marker for that

>> No.16398689

I don't think the awards were particularly meaningful even at their inception