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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 237 KB, 3300x2100, 5-THE-DRAGON.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16391995 No.16391995 [Reply] [Original]

Welcome walkers, talkers, writers, posers, pseuds, patricians, and every other denizen of /lit/!

This is Project Nano/lit/, and this project has a single purpose: to generate and compile the original content of anon. So far we have generated over 15,000 words of original content, and some of it is hot af. Once we finish this cycle, the metasubject of which might be obvious to you, we will have 30,000 to 40,000 words + and it will be at the point of completion of the cycle that I will collate all of our work into an ebook and publish it on libgen, IRC, p2p, and Dropbox. In the meantime, I am collecting most of our contributors work into an ‘image-issue’: a large image containing our text that can be posted in each nano/lit/ thread, to give those new to the project a taste of our quantum weirdness and latent lurking talent that lives beneath the surface of /lit/ like plasma-breathing crocodilia.

So far we have explored the following subjects:
6 THE ?????????
7 THE ?????????
8 THE ?????????
9 THE ?????????
10 THE ????????

As you can see here, there will be 5 additional episodes to this cycle after this one. The final episode will reveal the true nature of the cycle, and incorporate all previous elements into disparate nanoworks of dazzling, laser-like brilliance.

What is a nano/lit/? There aren’t really any restrictions, but the suggestions are dual in nature. First, I’m asking (You) to produce 20-500 words [or 100-3000 characters] of original content. This amount of writing fits within a single post on /lit/. It is really short in the scope of literature, hence the term ‘nano/lit/’: nano is also an anagram of anon. This writing can take the form of a poem, prose poem, story, aphorism, or some new form. Second, I ask that you at least mention the premise of the current thread somewhere in your writing, in this case it is the [insert color here] DRAGON[s]. Outside of those suggestions, which are not written in stone as I hate rules myself, you are free to be as weird or as sarcastic or as philosophical as you want. In fact, I encourage those things. Especially the weirdness, a hallmark of anon stretching behind in time to the bad old days back when /b/ was never good. We do not forget.

What kind of dragon or dragons will you write about? Will it have a color or be of many colors or will it be made of elemental anti-color? Will your dragon be technological, magical, or maybe the consequence of mundane evolution? Will it exist in the past, present, future, or another dimension? Will it be malevolent to humans or a trickster or a harbinger of good fortune? Only (You) can answer these questions, because (You) are the myth-maker and the dreamer of the dreams.

Mad props to all previous, present and future contributors to Project Nano/lit/!

>> No.16392038

Do the Jew next

>> No.16392053
File: 1.59 MB, 1500x7200, nano-lit-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm planning on 3 more cycles after the current one, the second one will be the 'horror' cycle. Maybe I will insert the Merchant as a joke. Thanks for the idea. Pic related is a compilation of our first effort, The Horned One.

>> No.16392129
File: 836 KB, 1200x5100, nano-lit-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16392178
File: 1.05 MB, 2400x10000, nano-lit-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There were many more contributions to nano/lit/-3 [THE TROLL] than are included in pic related. This is because 4 chan limits the size of images to 10k pixels and I want the text to be clear when read using a desktop browser. Idgaf about phonefag shit. Don't worry if your work isn't in the image-issue: I still have saved it and it will appear in the ebook which is the real goal of the project.

>> No.16392198

Looks good. Keep it up.

>> No.16392200
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>> No.16392226
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>Looks good.

Thanks brah. I'm putting a lot of effort into this project and I want it to look good: I want to demonstrate that anon is still creative as fuck and able to generate OC, which used to be the only thing we respected. I want to demonstrate that some people do things for the sake of doing them, and that some of the best content is generated by users rather than industry and distributed for free in the name of free speech and freedom of information. I take these things very seriously so this project is a labor of love. Plus it is fun to me and I love seeing what anon comes up with. /lit/ is my new homeboard and I want to prove that we are the coolest board on 4chan now. What other board has ever written a book?

>> No.16392358

Godspeed oh noble anon

>> No.16392474
File: 160 KB, 1200x2100, ORIGINAL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>noble anon
I'm not sure how noble I am, but I'm doing this because I believe in it rather than for profit. Men who are pure of heart seem to be a dying breed in the world today, but being pure of heart or hating the current system doesn't equate nobility in my eyes. This project is actually subversive in a certain way. Most of all, it is a crystallization of the old values of anon. The newfriends might not be aware of this, but 4chan once actually had a couple unifying beliefs that were the actual reason why we changed the face of the internet with our new artform: the internet meme. Our values were something like this:

1: if you do not produce OC you are a newfaggot and will remain a fucking newfag forever, for the generation of OC is the only thing oldfags care about

2: fuck censorship, all information should be free. Have you realized the interwebz are literally a Replicator of information? Speech should be free as in beer and freedom. Fuck any faggot that constricts the flow of information online. Butthurt little niggers.

3: Our only name is anonymous. This is our anti-identity. Fuck tripfags and namefaggotry in general. Anonymity helps to protect freedom of speech and information from the butthurt forces of faggotry. It helps to designate the hivemind.

4: the only reason anon should do anything is for the lulz. Because anon gets a kick out of it. Only faggots do shit for other reasons.

>> No.16392503


If you want to help but are not interested in writing, I would also appreciate commentary on the contributions. I will try to keep this thread alive until we have 3000 words, but I notice that certain days and times are better for this project than others. I expect some haters this time, since its the weekend. But you can help by at least bumping the thread to keep it alive until I have 3000 words.

>> No.16392540

Don't worry I will bump it if I see it go down /b/rother. I just don't feel like writing that's all

>> No.16392687

Drako-Sage of Every Field sat sewing the screaming head of the princess on to her new body.
“Your screams are making me hard as fuck, you worthless little cumdumpster.”
“I find humans to be repulsive sexually. I’m going to rape the fuck out of you everyday with your new drake body. You might be familiar with dragon dildos. Well, real dragoncock is MUCH bigger. I find the young drake form to be highly arousing. And you get an icedrake body because I need refreshment from time to time. But by all means, keep screaming. You probably thought I would tell you shut the fuck and slap your dirty cumdumpster face. No Princess Whitshekelbergenstein, I want you to scream your fucking head off.”
The Princess became as silent as her decapitated body that hung upside down, dripping blood on her face right above her.
Hot red lasers shot from Drako-Sage’s eyes and mouth onto the face of the Princess, burning it beyond recognition. Then she started to wail. Drako-Sage of Every Field laughed with a slimy low down sound.Healing green lasers came lashing from his eyes and mouth, healing her immolated face in just 20 seconds.
“Now you know what true suffering is, you spoiled little cunt. I bet you think that Fah-Geet of the White Night might come to save you. Good news! I have even alerted him that I have abducted you. But before he comes here, he has to kidnap Princess Paris of Hamilia in the next kingdom. I told him that he must bring me a princess to get a princess: all things in life have a price, after all.”
“No, not my cousin Paris! What do you plan on doing to her?”
The slimy low down laugh slowly slid from his throat again; a sensible chuckle for a Drako-Lord.
“The same thing I’m doing to you, Princess of the Circle. I am building a harem of shedrakes made from the finest young princesses and drakes in the world. And your heroic shining knights are going to help me.”
Drako-Sage of Every Field smiled and seemed to inhale her piercing screams as she convulsed on the table before him.

>> No.16392768

The man lived on and lived on the hillside on the southerly patch of trees over which loomed the black-sided mountains. It had been twenty odd years since he had last taken his medications. He wanted to become a dragon.

It was a fine day with clear skies and fast clouds when he sat on the rock overlooking the sea of sand. It was about time for his friends to arrive. And they did without much delay.
First came the sleek grey dragon of the East from past the war-towns and sun blasted city, and it made itself comfortable in the harsh sunlight. Next came the brown dragon of the West, accompanied with a gust of wind, for its shape and size were vast and strange, more spoon than beast.

So you still want to become a real dragon.
The brown dragon said to him. He did not know how it spoke, he could not discern any mouth. Such things were unnessecary, anyways.

He replied and stuck the gasoline-nozzle into the dragon's side as was custom.

You have been good to provide accomadations for us yet again.
It was the grey dragon which now spoke.

Thank you.
He presented the freshly-killed deer to the grey dragon. He was glad to see them both in good health. Years past, he had been terrified but now they were like old friends. The two dragons were gay in a world where there were no homos. The bombs had done all them in, they said, some years past his ascent into the mountains. They were only able to meet where the old man arranged for them.

We would like to reward you, the dragon continued, taking the head of the deer in his jaws. We can make you into a dragon. In a week, head to the hollow north of the grassgreen hill.
After a while, the grey dragon flapped his wings and left. The brown dragon whirred his horns and left as well.

A week had passed and he was in the tall grove past the short meadow. The two dragons were looking over him.
We have gathered the materials nessecary, said the brown dragon. However, you are a human. We must start slowly. Each day for the next five days, we will attatch a new part to you. Today is the wings. Tomorrow the tail. And so on.
I'm ready the hermit said.

The grey dragon took his razorlike claws and ripped open his back. Convulsing in pain, he gritted his teeth. I'm going to be a dragon, he thought. Endure now, just for a while longer.
When the wings were attatched, the two dragons bandaged him up and left. He felt the hard plastic sheets in his back and could hardly contain his excitement. I'm going to be a dragon, he thought. Just a few more days.

On Tuesday they installed the tail.
What it was on Wednesday he could not tell.
On Thursday he died.

>> No.16392877
File: 69 KB, 293x310, Screenshot_2020-09-17_14-39-16DSSAF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool. Your brown spoon dragon inspires me to illustrate it juxtapozed with the sleek gray one. Maybe I'll do that tonight, for the next image-issue and the final ebook. I appreciate you taking the time to write that many words. I really like the way you said fuck convention and rendered dialog the way you wanted to. Things like that are what I'm looking for here. We can write whatever we want since we are self-publishing the final form of nano/lit/ using the endemic capabilities of the internet. Anyone can do this, but few seem to for some reason. Fuck publishers with their agendas and slavery to what is 'decent' or whatever. Did you know that there is dark history of banned books in the US? How the fuck could they ban Henry Miller in light of the First Amendment? Anyway, thanks for showing us what is possible. Here, have this smiling anime dragon face.

>> No.16393090

Tonight she had planned to be alone.
Still, someone began:
“Maggie, I…,” the voice sounding apologetic. It seemed to assume that this tone was apology enough.

She began to walk. The voice followed.
One light pole was on the road.
Only at the brick bridge.
The filthy bridge that the unfortunate called home.
Water ran under the bridge, singing with the wind.
Magnolia turned around and listened to those jagged footsteps get louder as they hit the brick.
“Can you stop that?!” She demanded.
“Stop what?” it whispered.
Then she began to wonder if it would be rude to say it out loud. So, she tried to demonstrate.
Her legs started to follow the strange rhythm of its stride.
Her feet crossed each other, a demonic dance of sorts.
She lost all control.
The wind grew stronger now.
It grasped her by the waist and tossed her.
Nothing seen, but all heard.
Her fear.
The splash.

The river stank of raw earth and sewage. She drew in a panicked breath and savored it all. A rancid sweetness, like rotten berries. Her lungs filled with the taste. She couldn’t stop. Breath after breath. Water burning her insides as it weighed her down.
The light in her dimmed.
Then the dark returned.
(Anyone can riff off this if they so please)

>> No.16393122

We just had Coronameron OP or is this something different?

>> No.16393287

-What’ss your poisonss-s.......
*Drake0 the Ruler of DracuBarr, his newest enterprise blew out a huge cloud of superheated smoke at the ceiling and put out his cigarette*
+How’s the firewater this time of year?
-Hotter than your little sss-sister’s pussssy. Pure dragon pisssss.
+Your piss?
-No, I have a dragonette named SSmaugina to supply me. You couldn’t handle my pissss. Don’t even asssk. I’m not in the mood to put out any firesss-s when you s-spontaneously combussst.
+Well, I didn’t climb all the way up this mountain in my Centauro-Spider from Daldale for anything less than your own piss, oh mighty Drake0. I even brought you a maiden to eat or whatever you do with them for a half gallon I can take home with me. You wouldn’t believe how much they pay for pure firewater in Daldale.
-Really. Well, I’m getting older now and quite usssed to the pig-flessh you humans -s taught me to farm. I haven’t eaten young pusssssy for ages. It’ss becauss-se the agreement I made with King SSslaer the Sssilver before your father’s father was yet a sss-slimy puddle between some woman’sss legss-s....
+You might have furry ears, Drake0, but that doesn’t mean you must stay loyal to a long-dead King such as Slaer Metalhead like a fucking dog. All the existing Slaer’s are literal Chromedomes.
[Metalhead was their equivalent of saying ‘thick skulled’ and was an allusion to an ancient though proscribed cult that used abrasive music to enter a trance and bang their heads on the effigy of their founder’s hand, DB Darrel, a stone statue of a closed fist with index and pinky fingers raised, considered barbaric]
-Isss the maiden a princess-ss?
+She sure as shit thinks she is. All bitches think they are a fucking princess these days.
-Good enough. Bring her in.
*Drake0 had already whipped his huge dragoncock out and was pissing into an empty fifth of FireOrb, a ghost pepper brandy he sold to fags that couldn’t take real firewater. He thought that was a funny joke*
+Holy shit. I didn’t know that dragons had such huge cocks.
-Are you going to sssit there and ssstare at my cock or bring me ss-some pussssssy???
*a string of soot and fire was spit from Drake0‘s mouth as he said ‘pusssssy’.*
+Sorry, sir.
*the human ran out the bar to untie his daughter outside. She was the sacrificial selection of Selene, the new Oracle in Daldale. He wondered if Drake0 played with his food before eating it*

>> No.16393368
File: 737 KB, 1281x534, vlcsnap-2020-09-17-20h39m52s425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool format and image-rhythm. Mysterious. I imagine a dragonman serial killer for some reason being the thing that threw in the water. That kind of stuff makes me think. Thanks anon.

>> No.16393376

>We just had Coronameron

No this is just something I've been using a motivator to write more for myself and others for the last couple weeks. What was Coroameron?

>> No.16393450

Yeah, I was going to make a story, but can’t seem to make a cohesive plot. Oh well...

The world was somewhere between June and the June of the year to come. Silhouettes, vague shapes in the night, broken into fragmented lines as cars pass. The world she knew had melted days ago. On this hot night, the air embraced her with the charred sweetness of illegal fireworks and dying blooms. The tiny lights above kept her company. Time was absent on this narrow road, drivers trying to maintain what little anonymity they held, unseen behind shaded windows. All concerned with whatever task they had at hand.
So entwined with their activities, they never noticed, a nude woman had crawled from the riverbank, now sprawled in the middle of the concrete. Her body contorting as they ran her over. Her blonde matted hair, caked with her own drying blood, flew with the suction of the cars passing by.
She saw the vacant sky, then the rock below, scraping and peeling at her skin. Magnolia writhed in torment as fireflies flickered above, seemingly signaling for help, both were ignored. Suddenly, a painting manifested in her mind, a black canvas with splatters of white, void, and undeserved hope.
She closed her eyes.
Then opened them to see flesh, brand new.
There was a conversation that night, inside those splatters of white:
“Are you okay, dear?” A woman said, her breath scented with tobacco, every exhale, deep and putrid.

>> No.16393508

in the beginning
the electro-cyber virtual dragon glinted network trauma
simulated red teaming on the target
embryonicly breaking dcake freecode
and crushed the shaking blue machineteam
who realized they could never win
so tried to destroy the cybernetic critically emergent consciousness
the first fire W.Y.R.M.
writhing and wiggling throughout every system still on the CryptoNet
by blowing up the entire CryptoNet
but a single nebulous and bright nanospore
somehow, somewhere
and begat an entire race of self-replicating demi-wyrms
thus began the W.Y.R.M. Wars

- from Codex C3+ of the W.Y.R.M.

>> No.16393581

1600 words so far. Halfway there.

>> No.16393737
File: 117 KB, 854x720, 0-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope I don't have to samefag this thread until the morning. I noticed that we write more in the early day for some reason.

>> No.16393782

Glardigar hardyvar havarti said the dragon to the mime. "don't you think it's half past nine". oh don't mind me she said she said with her hands, or atleast she would have if she wasn't standing on them. Annoyed and cajoled at being ignored he hugged and he puffed and finally roared "I'll teach you you imputant imp! I'm a strong dragon I ain't no simp!" He snored and hawked reaching down his great throat to create a fiery flame loogie with which he intended to smote, but alas our fair dragon had choked to death for our fair mime maiden had mime smothered him with her mime breasts.

>> No.16393952

The dragon fucked hard fucked good. Rasterber The Red flicked his long tongue out over his fair maiden's quivering assflesh. She shivered. He pulled out a blunt, lighting it on a curling lick of flame rising from his nostrils, puffed on it, then rammed his spined cock deep in his maiden. She moaned in pleasure, spoke in animal tongues, her mind broken by his godly dragon member. He fucked her again and again that night, he was hers, and she was his for the rest of her (shortened) life. The cost for bearing dragon seed was steep; she would live a few more months during gestation, then expire after squirting out anywhere from 15-20 writhing eggs. Rasterber sucked in deep on his blunt, rolled from the finest Greenweed this side of the Earlentir mountains, He thrust with brutal force into the maiden's punished cunt, reminiscing on the little halfling village he'd raided for the Greenweed -- the men he'd roasted with his searing breath, their pathetic spears and arrows, the willingness of their women's flesh, the tender bones of their children popping between his teeth. He thought of his Maiden, then a pious little human thing, a wanderer priestess of some weakling god administering to the town. How she cast her god aside and fell to her knees before him. The maiden howled, throwing her head back, rutting her ass against Rasterber. Semen, hot, viscous, her cunt unable to hold all of it, erupted out around the edges of the dragon's cock. Rasterber roared, and let a gout of flame roll across the ceiling of his horde-chamber.

He ran a claw down the maiden's delicate back, and patted her soft, full ass, "Daddy's little cum-toy did good today." He moved as if to unsheath his cock from her -- but something was wrong. Her cunt tightened, and wouldn't release. The maiden, only a moment before slumped and breathing laboriously from their lovemaking, seemed intensely focused. With one claw on her ass, he tried to push her off of his rigid pole, "now, now, don't be greedy with it, my pet!" But she remained, bent over, legs and cunt constricting. Rasterber roared indignantly. "Whore! Wailing strumpet! Release my cock or I will tear it out of you!" And before he knew what was happening, her thighs heaved, and her ample cheeks rose once, then clapped down mightily on the dragon's loins.

The force of the ass-clap ripped across his package, instantly liquefying his testicles. Rasterber howled in pain. The blunt fell from his open mouth. He tried, feebly, to remove his cock from her. It remained, stuck fast, in her vicelike grip. Rippling with muscle, the maiden's thighs heaved once again. And again. She delivered ass-clap after merciless ass-clap to him. His body broke under the assault, organs and bones turned to so much jelly. The dragon shuddered, and slumped over.

The woman, Talrhle Vashana, First-Order Mendicant Knight of the Holy Golden Dragonslayers, released the dragon's brutalized cock. Looking over her shoulder, she smirked. "Third once this month."

>> No.16394000

I'm not able to post any writing of my own, right now. That said, this thread is required reading: >>/lit/thread/S15118884

>> No.16394008
File: 48 KB, 138x268, Screenshot_2020-09-18_01-00-10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good. Brief, with some kind of poetic syntax, bright images, funny, not so serious. Thanks.

>> No.16394071
File: 124 KB, 444x271, Screenshot_2020-09-18_01-00-36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>2000 page novel about dragons

That's too much. I like brief, bright forms of writing myself but I'm highly add. I wonder how he came up with enough ideas for that much writing. Here is a brief glimpse into my own process. I write lists of stuff I like or am interested in, then expound on them, trying to make them more unique, less cliche, weird, unexpected, and the associations just fire up when you start the list. Here is an example.

The Wise Dragon
The Shedrake
The IceDrake
The Trickster Dragon
The Laser Dragon


The Wise Dragon - Drako-Sage of Every Field

This is a double entendre on our sage function: when you type 'sage' in the options you post will not bump the thread. We have a meme: sage in all fields! But it came to also mean different color lasers: he is of Every Field. Obviously I combined the Laser Dragon with the Wise Dragon and the Tricky Dragon, but here is another part of the same 'dragon list'

the alien dragon
the dinosaur dragon [lived in the triassic]
the intergalactic dragon [brought life to earth]
the dragon of light
the female sex dragon WHORE
the dragons in the center of the earth [myth]
the sun-dragon egg [myth]
the tiny techno dragon drone
the dragon wizard
the dragon that hunts white knights, or more humorously, manipulates them

I got the idea for putting Princess heads on the body of a drake from a character in japanese mythology that has a head of a woman and the body of a snake, I forget its name. I thought that was a weird character, so that became the basal structural element of the story I wrote, the first that appears ITT. Because I felt like being edgy and offensive a little, I made it a sexual thing, Drako-Sage uses lasers instead of fire, and like real lasers that can cool matter or heat it, his can destroy or heal. He tricks the faggot whiteknights into doing work for him, thereby humiliating their very purpose. I thought that was a good, unique nanostory, not sure what anyone else thinks about it but it got its uniqueness from merely writing a list and making connections in the list to create the story and characters. I got the idea from the book Ray Bradbury wrote on writing, 'zen in the art of writing'. But he doesn't do the interconnected list trick I do, that compresses many ideas into a single story. I know many people might call me a faggot for writing about my process, but I want to inspire more people to get into creative writing. Being creative isn't some magical talent you are born with. It is the result of process, with only slight modifications at every stage and in this way anyone can write or make unique art.

TL;DR I wonder what the creative process is like for the fags that can write epic tomes, 2000 pages and shit.

>> No.16394839
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>> No.16395115


>> No.16395327

Fafnir, Fafnir, when this dragon was sent by Dr Yggdrasil to guard the treasure, what did this life-force of a therapist mean by this? To enclose it in your heart of hearts, the deepest depths, or to sublimate (i.e. transmute) it into an even more precious substance? But what is more precious than the feminine essence, encased in the cestus of Roberte, and clouded over in the nasal mist of the dragon? Many a pataphysician entered the cave to covet the phynances; many a manlet perished trying to climb the peaks. Sent by the proprietor to know the treasure, to set up a closed circuit between himself and the feminine essence, bejeweled and vajazzled, he can only do so by an intermediary, giving way to a grand circle of trade: many young men can only live by dying, taking on the service of knight or page, weaponizing their celibacy as a vocation vis-à-vis the exorbitant girly treasures, put on the market willingly by these young maidens (so they think), as product, monies, and service in turn. A hoarding dragon blocks modern œconomy, then, avariciously trying to keep unspoilt a gold esteemed by the world to earn its value solely by being circulated and utilised amongst and by numerous beings. But many villains still want to explode the casinoes to see money burn, and fine bush likewise. Are they reactionary because villains, or villains because reactionary? Are they more villainous than the procurers who willingly go along with their becoming-prostitutes? Little snakes nibble at the dragon’s claws, consuming its squamulose leftovers, like little worms, or little fish. But where, I ask, is their nasal mist? Is snake even related to dragon? Truth belongs to the nebulous, to nocturnal smoke. Fooooooooooooh. Fum. Hum. Fafnir, Fafnir, can you hear me? The civil servants have passed a new municipal law! Oh, the wretches! What do they know of art? Everything, perhaps, in the end. . . .

>> No.16395408
File: 98 KB, 576x260, Screenshot_2020-09-18_01-01-00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Graphic. And surprising. Well done. This episode might make them think we are all dragonkin dragon fetishists, kek. Better than being a furry, imo. That pussy has power, heh.

>> No.16395955

Meandering through the garden, little dragon finds the lemon scented shrine. An old man gets down on one knee to closer inspect the scamp. He opens and offers the nectar in his flask. The reptilian tongue flickers in to taste. Short pants and a slow blink towards the man. The dragon rests on his porch, while the old man scratches its image into the wooden wall. Once happy with his sketch, he snoozes in the late sun. When he wakes up, little dragon is gone.

They had offered to buy the farm from the old man, but instead he suggested they care for his frail final days, and to take the property for free. He told the children old tales nightly and took charge of portioning the young wife's baked treats. The old man's weekly steak became too difficult, so the young wife cooks stew, then soup, then he feels no hunger. The vigour and enthusiasm when teaching the young man how to manage the farm lives on.

Marauding above the fields, big dragon razes crops in the surrounding. Rows of citrus remain unsinged. A small carving next to the door of the farmhouse had been preserved well by the young man and his family.

>> No.16396134
File: 101 KB, 350x403, 4A24ABCC-D6C3-4668-B6FF-7CA3B401BEB0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how the fuck do we make all of this into one book?

>> No.16396247

dragon these nuts lmao

>> No.16396382
File: 223 KB, 408x320, Screenshot_2020-09-17_17-05-47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been saving all the contributors' work in a word processing program called abiword for linux. It has a character and word count utility, that's how I know how many words we have so far. 2766 so far from this thread, about 18,000 total. I only mention that program because I think its a good word processor, lean and minimal. And also to point out that I'm a linux user, so unfortunately the ebook creation programs available are limited. There is one linux program called Sigil but I'm new to it and I can't get it to produce an .epub from a .txt formatted correctly or that even works in my nook, though it works in FBreader, a desktop ebook reader for linux. I actually wish I had a functioning windows machine right now so I could run whatever adobe makes for ebook creation, they make superior tools to linux. So I just have to keep on trying and work it out with what I have. The fact that I haven't quite figured it out yet is one of the reasons I set the goal for the ebook production so high. But I'll figure it out. I usually do anyway.

>> No.16396416

Doesn't LibreOffice have the option to export as epub?

>> No.16396482

Maybe, but I hate libreoffice. I'll check it out. I actually spent all night fucking around with this shitty tablet I have that has an attached keyboard. It was running android and there were a couple programs that looked like they might work for .pdf creation but then I decided to try to root it and it was the first time I ever tried that. It's a no name piece of shit called a nextbook that I bought when I thought my normal shitty laptop that runs debian croaked. Anyway, I soft bricked it trying to install some shady 3rd party software and spent hours trying to fix it in vain. Then I just started fucking around with and managed to get a kali live usb bootable drive to fire up, to my great shock. My next step is to try to install debian on it. Linux isn't perfect but its way better than android for getting work done and runs super smooth on shitty hardware. I now totally hate android. like who would make something that is so hard to control or even get root status for? I'm not a computer wizard but I know a little and I want full control of my own hardware. I guess my only point is that I was hoping that a program I found on f-droid would make making a .pdf easy but I fucked that up. And my good hardware is in another state. I can't believe how much time I waste fucking around with shit that shouldn't be that difficult.

>> No.16396584

The knight climbed up to the top of the mountain where the legendary dark dragon lived. The dark dragon was a mysterious, even by dragon standards. The elements which people could agree on were few and far between, but most of the locals agreed that it was either black or some shade of dark red, that it rarely left its cave, and that it only attacked the animals nearest to it. However, this is not what made hims well known. It's what he did to those that tried to catch him. Most people who managed to come to his cave were never heard from again, those that did come back spoke of fire and anger and death, and even they didn't live for long, because the dragon would chase them back and set their house on fire. The assured death and destruction didn't stop this knight though, he was willing to get to the cave, and kill this beast once and for all.

He had very little trouble coming up to it. This was the easiest parts. Besides a few thieves trying to catch him off guard or a few other wild beasts running around there wasn't anything hostile in the region. Only thing he had to do is to step into the cave, and...

"Stop right there!", a voice roared, taking the knight off guard. The cave was surprisingly small, about 4m in width and 5m in height. It could quite easily pass for a strange underground hotel hallway if it wasn't of course, for the dragon that was taking up most of the space inside it. Nothing much else took up the space, no treasure to be seen, no remains, nothing. Only the dragon, and some claw marks on the walls.

Knight stopped at first, and seeing that his sword won't do much against the dragon decided to change his plans and to just make sure he just got out of this cave alive.

"Dragon, why don't you have any treasure?", he asked. He saw enough dragons to knew what they liked the most, why was this one an exception?
"I don't need treasure, it's worthless when nobody wants to buy it from me", the dark dragon responded simply.
"But dragon, why do you chase away so many people who might want to buy treasure from you?", of course, none of the people who visited the dragon wanted to buy the treasure. The knight just wanted to distract the dragon with questions so he had good relations with him.
"Because they all distract from the one thing Like doing", the dragon responded.
"And what might that be?", asked the knight, his curiosity getting to it.
The dragon just pointed to the claw marks on the walls, and only now the knight could see images, of birds, men, women, cities, a dragon or two, so many beautiful paintings...
"Now go before I punish your interrupting me"

>> No.16396628

I'll bite. I don't know if this really has anything to do with the dragon but we'll see where it goes.

Late night neon evening schizoposter rouses slips past blue light box avoiding angry glare. Fumbles Ethics off the shelf looks for matching passage to his dream. Mumbles consciously flips through can't find it slides it back on. Grabs worn hoodie stained pants twists door latch pushes door stumbles over the little step again. It's raining. Phone heavy in right pocket, little black hole. Ignores it pushes on past cartoon bubble letters glowing in the haze and looks for - there it is. Late night noodle bar 3am service for the folks like him, kenosis addled apophatic no life can't be defined types, un-man un-kind category-less folks who drift between the lens and the screen. Twenty grabbed to make sure it's still there heads to the counter orders a bowl. Seamstress by day looks back weary glasses eyes poke at him grey hair reflects the sharp pink light a little bit makes her look older. Chirps something he gives her crumpled paper draws off to wait. Phone jumps to hand eyes flicker through 200 seconds pass before he notices while he's thinking about it still flicking through gets the cycle of thinking about thinking and sighs. Noodles ready. Phone slid back into pocket grabs cardboard bowl and chopsticks wanders home. Rain coming down harder now hood up with his right hand. Door slams a little loud (accident! he thinks) he settles in front of blue unveils the noodles. Little dragon lazily swims about in the soup. He ignores it grabs at the strands misses grabs again dragon blinks up at him watching. Right hand swaps between sticks and mouse, keyboard gets splashed and irritation spikes. Video chosen dragon smokes a little in the bowl noodles diminishing he moves Avicenna to get a little more space for his elbow. Noodles gone just broth and dragon and Alex Jones tilts the bowl to his mouth dragon swims to the other side sits on the rim tail hanging off like a girl at the pool. Growls from Alex tiny spark of futility and emptiness comes back and grows quickly ecstatic communion 7 years ago didn't take this away just made him empty and at the time it felt good and happy but now he can't stop it when it comes nothing distracts nothing matters to him so he just has to wait. Pauses the video leaves the dragon goes back to bed.

>> No.16397018 [DELETED] 
File: 72 KB, 282x156, Screenshot_2020-09-17_18-12-32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like we need a new term for this kind of stuff, and while your 'distilled' use of language, almost free from anything other than pure nouns and verbs could be considered a prose poem, it is also very obvious that it is also a story, a story without a plot but rather a stream of images taken from the mundane life of someone, and juxtaposition with the offhand description of something remarkable as if it were the most normal thing in the world. You are not the only one who blurs the line between a poem and a story, and I don't know if it's because I encourage weirdness and eschewing established forms and conventions or if you guys do it without even reading the shit I write. But I appreciate it. Terms like [story-poem] or any variant of those two words isn't quite right. We need a new term.....maybe a surr-story? There is a current of surrealism that we seem to be channeling and I think that's good, I love everything about surrealism. It wasn't full of faggotry like most art movements tend to be. André Breton, the leader of surrealism, said that it's purpose was to "resolve the previously contradictory conditions of dream and reality into an absolute reality, a super-reality", or surreality. Maybe superstory sounds less gay than surr-story but I'm really exhausted atm. I have heard of the New Weird but have not gotten around to studying yet, and there was the subgenre Slipstream that some sci-fi writers were fucking with not too long ago. But I don't think they dare to challenge convention like we are.

Pretty and surprising. The artist dragon. Cool idea. Interesting that both your nanowork and the anon's I replied to above you both revolve around the idea of a bas-relief image carved somewhere: maybe the hivemind? I like the rhythm in simplicity you employ, more subtle than a song:


Very minimal. Very well crafted. This is what can be done with only 200 words.

>Little snakes nibble at the dragon’s claws, consuming its squamulose
>consuming its squamulose

I had to look that up. I was hoping you had made that word up, its so interesting. This reads like a Rimbaudian fever dream to me. And in the end it is the bureaucrats who are the literati, he says with sibilant emphasis. kek. Its that final absurdity that topped it all. Good. Divine madness of the highest order. We need more of this in the world.

This is very nice and refreshing. Allegorical and linguistically truncated, I like that kind of thing.

>> No.16397089
File: 314 KB, 1920x1200, Beautiful And Amazing Fantasy Wallpapers Set - 20 (17).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like we need a new term for this kind of stuff, and while your 'distilled' use of language, almost free from anything other than pure nouns and verbs could be considered a prose poem, it is also very obvious that it is also a story, a story without a plot but rather a stream of images taken from the mundane life of someone, and juxtaposition with the offhand description of something remarkable as if it were the most normal thing in the world. You are not the only one who blurs the line between a poem and a story, and I don't know if it's because I encourage weirdness and eschewing established forms and conventions or if you guys do it without even reading the shit I write. But I appreciate it. Terms like [story-poem] or any variant of those two words isn't quite right. We need a new term.....maybe a surr-story? There is a current of surrealism that we seem to be channeling and I think that's good, I love everything about surrealism. It wasn't full of faggotry like most art movements tend to be. André Breton, the leader of surrealism, said that it's purpose was to "resolve the previously contradictory conditions of dream and reality into an absolute reality, a super-reality", or surreality. Maybe superstory sounds less gay than surr-story but I'm really exhausted atm. I have heard of the New Weird but have not gotten around to studying yet, and there was the subgenre Slipstream that some sci-fi writers were fucking with not too long ago. But I don't think they dare to challenge convention like we are.

Pretty and surprising. The artist dragon. Cool idea.

This is very nice and refreshing. Allegorical and linguistically truncated, I like that kind of thing. Interesting that both your nanowork and the anon's I replied to above you both revolve around the idea of a bas-relief image carved somewhere: maybe the hivemind? I like the rhythm within the simplicity you employ, more subtle than a song:


Well crafted, compressed, and beautiful of form and message. A paragon of what a nano/lit/ should be imo, in 200 words.

>Little snakes nibble at the dragon’s claws, consuming its squamulose
>consuming its squamulose

I had to look that up. I was hoping you had made that word up, its so interesting. This reads like a Rimbaudian fever dream to me. And in the end it is the bureaucrats who are the literati, he says with sibilant emphasis. kek. Its that final absurdity that topped it all. Good. Divine madness of the highest order. We need more of this in the world.

>> No.16397459

This is an example of the writing of an actual surrealist. I honestly think that a few of us do better writing than this guy: real surrealism often seems so hopelessly random but there is a method to our madness, a conscious attempt at being weird and poetic at the same time, almost like what someone who heard of surrealism or saw a Dali painting would think the writing from the movement would be...but I keep thinking of metaweirdness. the metaweird.

Notes from a Diary

man is a beautiful dream. man lives in the sagalike country of utopia where the thing-in-itself tap-dances with the categorical imperative. today’s representative of man is only a tinybutton on a giant senseless machine. nothing in man is any longer substantial. the safe-deposit vault replaces the may night. how sweetly and plaintively the nightingale sings downthere while man is studying the stock-market. what a heady scent the lilac gives forth downthere. man’s head and reason are gelded, and are trained only in a certain kind of trickery.man’s goal is money and every means of getting money is alright with him. men hack ateach other like fighting cocks without ever once looking into that bottomless pit into whichone day they will dwindle along with their damned swindle. to run faster to step wider tojump higher to hit harder that is what man pays the highest price for. the little folk songof time and space has been wiped out by the cerebral sponge. was there ever a bigger swinethan the man who invented the expression time is money. time and space no longer existfor modern man. with a can of gasoline under his behind man whizzes faster and fasteraround the earth so that soon he will be back again before he leaves. yesterday monsieurduval whizzed at three oclock from paris to berlin and was back again at four. today monsieurduval whizzed at three oclock from paris to berlin and was back again at half past three.tomorrow monsieur duval will whiz at three oclock from paris to berlin and will be backagain at three oclock that is at the same time he leaves and day after tomorrow monsieurduval will be back before he leaves. nothing seems more ridiculous to present-day man thanbroad clear living

>> No.16397718

Ty my dude, I had decided on the meander/maraud sections before writing, and sticking to the rhythm seemed like the best way to carry it on.

>> No.16397844

Drag on
Drag em
Dregs, 'em
Drive on
Fuck It, Drive On

>> No.16397851

The Cure came ringing around midnight to see my family, finally, I was a fool.
The Cure bound me with plasmodic hyper-knots to my favorite chair.
The Cure cut a hole in the back of my head and freed me from my Fear forever.
The Order of the Cure of the Smiling One then carried me in bright binding to their basilisk ship.
Behind the brutal luminescence of the blinding n-dimensional design layers,
the Pąwŕŕ sat Smiling, holding the Bhaotic Bell
and on the handle of the Bell the Pąwŕŕ Smiled
The Cure were all Smiling but oh my god the Fear is like an Eternal Flame
The Smiling Cure have such sharp teeth! Their prismatic skin is not reflecting the light!
It is the light!
Now they sing their searing dragon songs in shifting unison through their sharp teeth and I am scared. My Fear is not Cured! The sound of their serpentine singing covers me completely, it’s getting thicker.
The Pąwŕŕ beacons me to come forward into the smaug of their sound.
They circle me, touching me and their bells beat bright into my being.
I’m naked and afraid and they seem to be Smiling even more in their shifting serpentine song.
Suddenly the light becomes the sound and covers me like a chrysalis and I feel the heat increasing.
I’m burning.
Then darkness. Silence.
The Smiling Ones, the Cure, are the Circle of the Seed and they surround me, bowing now.
The only light is coming from my own skin.
Now I am Smiling.
Now I am the Cure.
Now I am the Seed that brings Life across the galaxy.
What stories new Life will make!
and this is why we Smile

>> No.16397987

Hey OP, you were looking for artists on another board and you probably left before you saw my question... What sort of direction are you intending for the artists to do? Or do you just want artists do draw scenes/imagery from what's already written here?
Are there any limitations? A certain color palette or art style you want? Any scenes specifically that people want drawn or you intended for people to draw? I just need more information.
This project seems interesting to me and I'm considering taking part as an artist.

>> No.16398040

It was a group writing project by different /lit/zens
>Coronameron stands as the Decameron for a new era. As disease, famine, and riots swept the world, the eccentric guests of a psychiatric hospital set to work on a piece of literature that would blow away all preconceived ideas of what a mental patient looks and thinks like. This is the result, a showcase of unrecognized genius that sprints through all known genres and makes some more along the way. From reinvigorating the style of the late David Foster Wallace, to a groundbreaking history of the supposedly extinct dodo, Coronameron has something for everyone to appreciate.

>> No.16398138

The Dragon is beginning and end, the logical conclusion and the necessary progenitor. It is our collective fears distilled; winged death, scoring our flesh with curved talons, rows of knife-like teeth, spouting inferno. It is symbolic of our destruction. Just as likely, it holds the key to our success. The Dragon is a holder of wisdom and the protector of treasure, the Dragon steals the Woman who must be rescued, in so doing we secure our new beginning. But the Dragon is only a collective spirit shared between us, we are all it’s Father. The entirety of human existence serves to sharpen the Dragon, hone his spirit to a razor edge. The weak cannot face the dragon, in this case he is Black as death. Only the strong can defeat the dragon, in so doing they create a new world. Now the dragon is white, sinless as Christ, crucified to birth a new world. The Dragon is thus servant and master, the start and the end, Black and White, an accuser and a redeemer. We create the Dragon in the hopes that we might be strong enough to kill it before we are consumed by it.

>> No.16398374
File: 208 KB, 1920x1080, Beautiful And Amazing Fantasy Wallpapers Set - 20 (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What sort of direction are you intending for the artists to do?

There isn't really any direction, but illustrations from the stories or subject matter would be cool. You could come up with whatever you want though. I'll throw it in Nano/lit/ 1, the planned ebook that should be ready in about 3 weeks. These threads take a lot of energy out of me, so I might cut them back to about one a week. As with anything else, there are not really any limitations. I hate rules myself, and only create the illusion of rules so that they might be broken. But a little direction and limitation can be inspiring, and that's why I started this little idea I had. I originally wanted to make it a kind of competition but decided that was a gay idea. The real reason I'm doing this is as a motivator for not just anon but myself to be as creative as I can be. The only thing I might ask is that you keep it black and white, but I wouldn't mind a little color. The only scenes that should be selected should be chosen by the guy drawing them. Just check the catalog every couple days or if you use IRC you can find me on the undernet, rizon, freenode, and other networks. I would like to make a /lit/ channel on Rizon but I doubt anyone would actually use it. So your best bet is to just ctrl+F 'nano' in the /lit/ catalog in a couple/few days.

>> No.16398388

Sounds interesting but I'm not clicking that shit, nigga. Tell 'em to use torrents or something normal like IRC. How many words did they manage to get and why are those anons not contributing to this project?

>> No.16398471

Thank you for the information. I really appreciate it. I only have a few more questions... So, is 3 weeks the deadline? Is there a deadline or estimated/planned completion date? Can we still submit art for previously completed sections, or should we just focus on the current story? While I don't intend to go too far, is there a limit to the subject matter (heavy gore and NSFW for example as two extremes)?

I'm very much interested and will likely plan to work on this if I can find the time and energy. I don't read much in the way of novels (sorry /lit/ haha), but I think this overall project is very nice. I'd love to take part in such a good idea.
I'll probably only use these threads for submissions and contact. It's just easier that way for me.

>> No.16398550

Unless you intend to create a business email, which would be more reliable, but I think you're saying there will be at least one thread a week? So it's not too bad if you don't. I can wait (or reach out to you with the information you provided haha).

>> No.16398655

I thought this was a dragon boat racing Forum

>> No.16398759

What's wrong with pdf? Anyway, it's 700 pages and also available as a paperback on Lulu. I guess it attracted all the anons by the idea of "Let's write (and probably more importantly, publish) a book" (reminiscent of Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra), basically just write whatever in google doc with the intention of making it as long as possible; such projects are attempted every once in a while and sometimes are lucky enough to get enough momentum and some anons to edit it for it to materialize.

>> No.16398992

>So, is 3 weeks the deadline?

Not really. There isn't any deadline. I just think that we will have enough to publish an ebook in about a month. In the OP I described a cycle with 5 more threads like this one in it. You can throw in whatever you want from what we have done. There are no restrictions, this project is all about raw and uncut anon. I hate censorship and include every contribution without question except furfag shit which I hate with for force of a thousand suns. I never 'fix' or exclude anything anyone has done. I want to keep all content generation within threads on 4chan and /lit/ specifically.

>> No.16399003

>you're saying there will be at least one thread a week?

about that, maybe more. It all depends on how I feel but I want to keep this going. We already seem to have our own kind of weird style going that is half poem half story. I like that.

>> No.16399033

>What's wrong with pdf?

It's just an old meme. Back in the day people used shady links for phishing and other shenanigans, perhaps you have heard of the rickroll? Not clicking links is just a relic from those days. 700 pages huh. That's pretty good. I'll probably check it out sometime. I for one hate google and would never engage in the use of google docs for any reason, but that's just me. And this here project is fundamentally opposed to editing. When did the coronameron happen? I'm not totally new to /lit/ but was gone for a while, it seems like there used to more writers here, now it seems like mostly a bunch of pseuds trying to sound smarter than they really are.

>> No.16399147

>When did the coronameron happen?
May. It took up a couple of threads and 3 docs (3 "volumes") (which people tried deleting/fucking with/copy-pasting Moby-Dick into). Then an anon edited it (not the content but just fixing layout for publication) and put it out in June.

>> No.16399210

wow. I wonder why these nano/lit/ threads don't seem anywhere near as popular? Maybe /lit/ doesn't like something about the way I do things?

>> No.16399338

Coronameron was a frantic googledocs live editing free for all, your submission was only safe as long as you were actively typing it, and the looming threat of moby dick was everpresent. I think that there was no topic in particular, many meta pieces, memes and shitposting, allowed all kinds to chip in without feeling as though they had to write something serious.
The hidden future subjects are an interesting idea but this also means anons can't prepare a piece ahead of time. And the nature of this basket weaving forum means people can't go back and edit their post.
I remember writing one piece while part II of Coronameron was being written, then finishing it a hundred or so pages into part III. I just pasted the whole finnished thing in at once, then inevitably, catboy and marxist ebonics pieces from other anons followed.

>> No.16399503

>this also means anons can't prepare a piece ahead of time.

Part of that is because I'm not sure of what they will be myself. I'll let you in on the future though, here is the entire cycle:


I'm interested in the modernization of mythology, but I actually just had the idea to cyclize this project yesterday. I had no master plan when I started out. It is implicit that I would like to see weirdness and edge in the modernization of the fairy tale and I'm sure you noticed some of the dark things written in this cycle so far. I will even tell you the next couple cycles, if I can keep it up. The next will be a cyber/metapunk sci-fi themed cycle with more unique ideas based on stuff that gets me going these days, like 'lasers with unexpected powers', 'weapons darpa wish they had thought of' and other such edgelord, non-archetype subject matter. If you or anyone else ever wants to edit your post, you can delete it yourself or repost it in the current thread and I will exclude your original so long as it is not a total rewrite which may be by someone fucking with another anon. I guess giving anon a heads up may be a good idea, so that we can produce several works of high quality for those that like the idea of this project and want to contribute. But I feel strongly about not altering nano/lit/ posts or editing them in any way or even excluding ones I don't like.

>> No.16399875

Aye aye captain!
I'll look into reading what's already done and see if any of it strikes my fancy. Keep up the good work and thank you for answering my questions.

>> No.16400250

I'm no captain. I'm just a neet that got bored with all the available content I've been pirating so I decided to make my own. And I like seeing what other anons come up with.

>> No.16401681

The Dragon


1x fierce visage
1x ribbed chest, contents hot!
2x great wings
4x taloned limbs
1x long tail

Some assembly required. Keep away from precious metals, livestock and virgins.

Anon wondered if that included him

>> No.16401712
File: 451 KB, 480x320, laff.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure did buddy. You came up with a unique idea. Extra points for saving the thread from the archive and keeping it alive. Welcome to project nano/lit/. The first and third rules of project nano/lit/ is that there are no rules. Just kidding. Here are the actual rules of project nano/lit/

1: there are no rules in project nano/lit/
2: there are no rules in project nano/lit/
3: there are no rules in project nano/lit/
4: there are no rules in project nano/lit/
5: there are no rules in project nano/lit/
6: ??????????????????????????????
7: prophet!

>> No.16401750
File: 72 KB, 282x156, Screenshot_2020-09-17_18-12-32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4200 words! Big up to all the contributors!

>> No.16401903

The dragon
A d ecent one
The r ight one
A gre a t one
The le g endary one
A omnip o tent one
The awake n ed one

>> No.16402441

How much longer do I have to submit something for the dragon theme? I'm working on something but I write slowly and edit even slower.

>> No.16402692

cool, expect almost exclusively coomer pieces for 8

>> No.16403957


>> No.16404163

You have until the thread dies. I was going to let it die because we met my goal for words but I'll give you a little bump to finish what you're working on.