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/lit/ - Literature

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16387098 No.16387098 [Reply] [Original]

Just a question. How many of you have actually read the sticky?

>> No.16387105
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>> No.16387108
File: 96 KB, 912x905, keke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Please take the time to read what others have written, and try to make thoughtful, well-written posts of your own

>> No.16387109

Have you?

>> No.16387124
File: 74 KB, 867x867, 2345678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got some books from the websites linked in the sticky

>> No.16387142

Not even the jannies have, or they'd long since have banned the avatar-poster-spammers.

>> No.16387151

The sticky is a dead letter.

>> No.16387152

I check it periodically to see if there's anything new, maybe twice yearly

>> No.16387170

truth is more and more marketing work has been delegated to the jannies so they've less time for board hygiene

>> No.16387181


Never have beyond normal scrolling, though maybe I will sometime as a curiosity now that you mention it. It's also fucking stupid how the stickied picture is that gay boring heaven shit When Gustave Dore's hell illustrations for Dante, like the text itself, are of course so much more interesting and no this isn't a pleb opinion.

>> No.16387188

I’m too busy smoking it

>> No.16387190
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>How many of you have actually read



>> No.16387209

Bring on book pyres!

>> No.16387219

They should just delete that paragraph. /lit/ isn't even slow anymore. If threads die in under 24 hours with no bumps then it isn't a slow board.

>> No.16387252

Marketing work? Like shilling books on here, or something else?

>> No.16387262

it's not slow anymore because jannies literally don't do their job booting these shitposting dumbfucks off the board

>> No.16387415

my cock and balls are sticky to the side of my leg

>> No.16387515

"The sticky", haha! Yeah, I read that! It's only two words.

>> No.16387649

OP, your thread is against the rules of said sticky

>> No.16387651

sticky dont mean shit if the mods dont enforce it

>> No.16387658

I often read it when the board is slow but I still want to procrastinate. It always makes me chuckle a little.

>> No.16388342
File: 62 KB, 736x734, a41dc9b0c7ec832fa7485fb9312ced60--tintin-et-milou-les-aventures[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>...and try to make thoughtful, well-written posts of your own

I actually take post from others that I think are interesting and post it as my own...I have a file for copy-paste

nihil personalem puellus


>> No.16388461

5pm-1am is the "just got out of work and I'm going to take my wagie rage out and maintain my smug sense of superiority by arguing politics and being mysognyist on a literature board" If they're not offtopic arguing about jews and politics, they're arguing that they're smarter than the NPCs for reading "real literature". (Not like those femoids who make up most of the publishing industry and read signifigantly more than men). Luckilly I'm not american, so I get to browse during the "mostly talking about books" hours. When you imagine the men behind the impotent incel rage posts it becomes pretty funny though.

>> No.16389892

the nonfiction vs fiction threads are the most pathetic thing ive seen on here.