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File: 66 KB, 956x738, Keith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16385418 No.16385418[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

He refuted Nietzsche. Why couldn't you?

>> No.16385421


>> No.16385425

Nietzsche refutes himself.

>> No.16385427

I could give two shits about some monolingual youtube faggot.

>> No.16385437

Kill yourself. I'm sick of seeing this little spastic in the catalog.

>> No.16385504

Lmao does this loser live in a motel?

>> No.16385506

Nietzsche's philosophy isn't refutable because it's not interested in true/false

>> No.16385517
File: 1.06 MB, 1246x813, 1600365203594.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He btfo'd the pedo commies, too.

Goes great with this kino, btw

>> No.16385777


>> No.16385969
File: 136 KB, 1552x660, 1590447996097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which way western man?

>> No.16385976

how about no e-celebs

>> No.16385980

is this centrist propaganda?

>> No.16385995

kek imagine being a burger and caring about politics so much

>> No.16386093

Truth and falsity exist without regard for understanding or compliance.

>> No.16386169

I'd sooner get fucked by Keith.

>> No.16386207


>> No.16386225

Are people impressed by this guy? So much talk, so little actual content.

>> No.16386252

>He refuted Nietzsche.
that's not how philosophy works, OP

>> No.16386269

>so much talk so little actual content
Just like /lit/

>> No.16386275

>hey guys, 100+ years of the world's greatest minds couldn't do it, but some random faggot on YT refuted Nietzsche with this short video
This board has become normalfag central, my fucking god.

>> No.16386337

Just admit you're getting filtered.

>> No.16386361


>> No.16386458

I like Keith but why are we seeing threads about him everyday? He's smart, cute, and has good beliefs but do we really need a Keith thread on /lit/ every single day?

>> No.16386473

Ripperger is absolutely based.

>> No.16386494

could just be coincidence
a bunch of people discovering him at the same time and posting threads irrespective of each other

>> No.16386499

>named ketih
>youtube talking head

three strikes

>> No.16386503

Yeah, that's it. You got me man.

>> No.16386533

does he change his voice for his videos?

>> No.16386546

>He's smart, cute, and has good beliefs

>> No.16386577

does anyone who matters actually put Nietzchean philosophy into practice?

or is it a bunch of anonymous chronic masturbators on twitter doing "Nietzchean" hot takes?

>> No.16386584

Nick Land

>> No.16386604

What books has he written?

>> No.16386622
File: 185 KB, 374x470, take_meds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16386626

>rightists are feminine twink boys and leftists are disgusting obese slobs

>> No.16386627

Exceedingly poor showing here, there's basic, glaring mistakes with essential concepts like last man/overman. Nothing worthwhile to be found.

>> No.16386635

He said mattered.

>> No.16386639

yes, they put it into practice without knowing it because Nietzsche talks about something natural in overcoming adversity

>> No.16386646

What it really says is "rightists" are shallow closeted homos

>> No.16386692

Do you mind pointing out where he actually refutes Nietzsche

>> No.16386712
File: 47 KB, 852x475, the_jew_fears_the_otaku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>does anyone who matters actually put Nietzchean philosophy into practice?
newfag detected

>> No.16386855

Fuck off you stupid autistic faggot holy shit.

>> No.16386897
File: 69 KB, 995x796, 779F010B-57F3-459D-88A0-71EE56134BBA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>uh oh. She noticed!

>> No.16386898


I'm not going to watch the video because I know he doesn't have the acuity to refute Ayn Rand nevermind Nietzsche.

None of his videos ever go really in depth on any philosophical topic, which I take to be an indication of his superficiality not a conscious decision not to do that type of content.

>> No.16386901

Stop spamming your parasocial pseud idol you fucking sperg.

>> No.16386927

>Twink X Bear

>> No.16387014
File: 163 KB, 1702x1384, based_champagne.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stop spamming your parasocial pseud idol you fucking sperg