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16385442 No.16385442 [Reply] [Original]

Essential reading.

>> No.16385446


>> No.16385505

Agreed, it’s time for anarchy

>> No.16385528
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>> No.16385618

>liberalism failed
>the world is ruled by liberalism
really toasts my strudel

>> No.16385635

read the book

>> No.16385665

seeing this book makes me embarrassed because one time i was talking to somebody as if i had read it but realized partway through the conversation that i was thinking of another book

>> No.16385683

I was thinking of buying this book because I'm currently reading lots of anti-liberal literature - de Maistre, Cortes, etc. - but as I was about to buy it on Amazon I checked the "related books" section and saw 10 books that had cookie-cutter titles and descriptions so I got the feeling this was just one of those cash-grabbing mass-produced pieces of crap. Is it actually good?

>> No.16385836

Based, Fukuyama on suicide watch

>> No.16385859

Turns out the free market doesn't fix itself

>> No.16385874

uncle tom house nigger

>> No.16385878

Yeah it is. It’s a meme title and for that reason I was put off, but I read an article of Deneen’s on First Things that convinced me to give it a shot. Deneen’s way more radical than he presents himself

>> No.16385933
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Essential reading.

>> No.16385938

What is the name of the MacIntyre-Deneen-Lasch-Berry-Vance post-liberal school of thought?

>> No.16385945

By saying this you have only proven him right

>> No.16385992
File: 457 KB, 1085x1461, Alasdair_MacIntyre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Illiberal Catholicism? They're all Catholics, right? And they're all pretty much picking up a strain of anti-liberal, anti-mass-democracy thought that's always been present in the Church. I know in particular that Deneen and MacIntyre are Catholic converts.

>> No.16386004

Why? What's the thesis? Or one of the arguments? I will legitimately read this if you can provide anything of substance. The answer in reality is low IQ brown people fyi.

>> No.16386017
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The world is ruled by China. Westerners are hilarious, they're totally irrelevant but completely filled with self importance. They are in their death throes and only ever gasp about their supremacy.

>> No.16386022

You DO follow Deneen on Twitter, right, Anons?

>> No.16386031


>> No.16386040

How bizarre. You'd think they would have gone the other way and accused any white person who hesitated in donating their precious organs as a racist.

>> No.16386042
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Change your life tier

>> No.16386051

The western consciousness exists to kill itself.

>> No.16386699

Dangerously based

>> No.16387180
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>> No.16387274

ok chao yuk

>> No.16388007

Racist donors.

>> No.16388040

Refuted by the Cambridge capital controversy

>> No.16388091

Paternalistic Conservatism?

>> No.16388405

love it when people make this post and reveal they havent even read the first few pages of the book

>> No.16389270
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i judge books by their cover, you should try it some time

>> No.16389313

>Century of Humiliation
bout to be a millenia

>> No.16389355

It is very good

Common Good Conservatism

>> No.16389397

The self hatred white people have never ceases to amaze me

>> No.16389460

>Common Good Conservatism

>> No.16389466

It's a meme spammed by twitter tradcaths.

>> No.16389763

Catholics have had an under appreciated role in destroying western civilization. The Vatican quite literally is banking on the 3rd world to replace European Christianity and adopts policies precisely to this effect. Africa is the future of Christendom, scary to think.

>> No.16389781
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>Agreed, it’s time for anarchy
Which is full throated democracy

>> No.16389797
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>> No.16389825

>Catholics have had an under appreciated role in destroying western civilization.
Compared to the protestants they are mere amateurs

>> No.16389902

>the cover
what does it mean by this?

>> No.16389995

Um, is there a full version?

>> No.16390006
File: 692 KB, 2048x1842, IMG_20200625_135831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop acting as if modern events reflect the entirety of history. Catholics have always said it's of the upmost importance that a people's culture remains in tact and allows for wars in the defense of it. Christianity was only Jewish for it's first 30 or so years, after that it became totally absorbed into Greek and Roman teaching that it became an entirely different animal.
Pretending as if the modern Pope and Church (which are nightmarish) are how Catholics have always been is retarded and childish, anyone with any concept of Church history knows that's false. Many theologians and even prominent Popes literally laid out spiritual justifications for defending one's own race with the sword.

>> No.16390009

What are some other essential propaganda pieces that masquerade as real literature, aside from what you suggested?

>> No.16390016
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>> No.16390027

where's this from? looks interesting

>> No.16390081

Race: The Reflections of a Theologian by Bonaventure Hinwood

>> No.16390194

All of Lasch is essential reading.

>> No.16390203
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Democracy shall be physically removed

>> No.16390248


>> No.16390272

hello, reddit

>> No.16390320

They are far worse than the protestants

>> No.16391153

How so

>> No.16391969

All expressly economic or political books are dork books that are more concerned with theorizing the needs and desires of a populace instead of working with and approaching said populace from a non-academic or intellectual level which makes them entirely ineffective

>> No.16392098

>White w*men