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16383316 No.16383316[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do lefties really?

>> No.16383335
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>> No.16383337

cringe. this doesn't work at all.

>> No.16383344
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>"This is going to be a series on the similarities of the psychology and behavior between communists, Marxists, and demons"

>> No.16383346

Someone post that spiderman image. You know the one

>> No.16383348

They steal everything lol

>> No.16383350

twitter screencap posters must die

>> No.16383353
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why so tsundere?

>> No.16383358



>> No.16383359


>> No.16383365

holy KEK

>> No.16383366

Can someone just explain to me what this means. I know what Chapo is and that they're mostly rich faggots who look like shit. Also I want to fuck the steppe looking woman.

>> No.16383369

Nothing is more hilarious than retarded western leftshits seething over Kurds

>> No.16383375
File: 112 KB, 1190x386, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do idiots like BAP still say shit like this after Trump gave the elites massive tax cuts at the expense of the middle class and filled his administration with Wall Street lobbyists? Despite appearances much of the establishment is quite happy with Trump.

>> No.16383381

Explain what what means?

>> No.16383384

israel needs a friend in the white house. simple as

>> No.16383387

But the ruling class loves trump.

>> No.16383388

The establishment is literally in a cold civil war with trump right now what are you talking about?

>> No.16383396

do you think WWE is real too

>> No.16383397

The elite isn't a single homogeneous entity. The portion of the elite this guy wants top strike against are the academics and heads of tech companies.

>> No.16383398

>voting trump is a fuck you to the ruling class
what a strange world we live in

>> No.16383399

We defeated the accfags. We can defeat the twitterfags.

>> No.16383408

No, explain what that BAP guy is talking about and what the guy he's quoting is talking about. I understand what the guy saying they're unfunny means.

>> No.16383409

>voting for less taxes is a fuck you to the ruling class

>> No.16383415

Wait, didn't he suggest to join the glownigs to achieve will to beach towel power? Did he get in

>> No.16383417

The CIA assets line is always funny, but it's yarn-tier conspiracy

>> No.16383420

The corporate media absolutely love Trump. He makes their job so easy.

>> No.16383421

The media destroyed all of its credibility and is supporting violent riots because it’s wwe?

>> No.16383427

Various antifa lefties joined to fight with the Kurds in the Syrian civil war supported by the cia. I guess one of the chap guys was one of them.

>> No.16383428

not the hollywood elites

>> No.16383429

there are loads of people who think that journalism matters more than ever and "democracy dies in darkness" or whatever

>> No.16383434

There was only one accfag though. There must be twenty or more of these twitterfags and their followers.

>> No.16383438
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So that’s why they tried to literally impeach him? My guy you can do what you’re saying without destroying your credibility and the country.

>> No.16383448

Only in cities. Literally almost everywhere else the msn has no legitimacy because of their ridiculous actions. As well if the ones that still listen their literally starting violent riots that have killed a total of 30 people.

>> No.16383450

Antifa is the children of bankers and lawyers roaming around bullying working class people, defended by police escort. He's calling them out for being hypocrites.
>"I'm working class!" said the literal trustfund baby.

>> No.16383460

The white working class isn't a working class anyway.

>> No.16383461

lmao this is sad
bap used to be a guy who posted funny shit. when these dorks get a whiff of power they turn into schoolmarms. every time. twitter might be the best neutralization op of all time because it makes even anonymous posters snitches and paranoiacs

>> No.16383465

Sure it is.

>> No.16383516

Just like you stole Pepe from a very lib guy

>> No.16383519

Lol those idiots are talking about the YPG, a literal socialist militia. The USA supported them because they were a convenient ally after ISIS and most of the Syrian rebels went out of their control. Unsurprisingly they were thrown under the bus when no longer needed, America let Turkey fuck them up.

>> No.16383528

reported :^)

>> No.16383541

Of the neocons had the chance to invade they would’ve gotten further support.

>> No.16383551

Qanon faggot. celebs don’t like Trump but the real financial powerhouse of Hollywood (producers and media proprietors) adore him

>> No.16383558

Obviously that’s why they’re spending literally billions of dollars in an attempt to get him out of power.

>> No.16383566

No, they’re not

>> No.16383584

Yes they are lol.

>> No.16383585
File: 132 KB, 372x340, 1581168678545454556786678687863871203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Twitter & CNN are Hollywood

>> No.16383590

Burden of poof is on you, pal

>> No.16383596
File: 83 KB, 1280x720, 1902D491-F9F2-40DC-A97E-E3D0D995DC1C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally an anti trump series based on a bullshit book by comey coming out right before the election
>Hollywood actually supports trump

>> No.16383598

Find it yourself nigger i you shouldn’t ask for help finding easily found facts

>> No.16383600


>> No.16383601

>The Chad Ripperger vs the Virgin commie

>> No.16383602

Who's the heir and who's the dork?

>> No.16383611

>one anti-Trump movie comes out
>holy fuck, the entirety of Hollywood is conspiring against him!
Do you understand how dumb you sound? Anon, you're falling for one of the most embarrassing fraudsters since Joseph Smith

>> No.16383613


>> No.16383621

Celebs are not in control of Hollywood, Jesus Christ. The most power and wealth goes to producers and executives

>> No.16383624

From whom do you think they receive orders?

>> No.16383630

>The corporate media absolutely love Trump.

>> No.16383631

You’re beyond reason if you think like this

>> No.16383639

Oh no, the cast of 30 Rock said bad things about the president, what are we gonna do!?

>> No.16383645
File: 553 KB, 1242x1628, D36CCA32-6D15-4D8C-A57F-FC2B20ED1850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They literally do. My guy why do you think every actor is a liberal besides a few boomers that aren’t relevant anymore? Quite literally you can’t make it in Hollywood now if you’re an outspoken conservative. You’ll even get attacked for being a passive conservative.

Hollywood being leftist is no secret ffs. I’m not gonna handhold you anon but this is a bit ridiculous.

>> No.16383650

>Oh no, the cast of 30 Rock
Imagine being this disingenuous

>> No.16383657

They are members of the cultural elite, and they are bashing Trump. The problem is that you see the elite as a single entity rather than a set of disparate powerful groups in conflict for absolute supremacy.

>> No.16383661

You can't make it on this planet as a conservative so grow up or fall behind. You've been losing for hundreds of years to progressive ideas.

>> No.16383673

>some wealthy people support Donald Trump therefore they all do
Anon rich people can have differing opinions about things.

>> No.16383677

We're do for a massive paradigm shift once China assumes the role of global hegemon. Their brand of Schmittian Neo-Confucianism will be more conservative than anything we see in the west today. Get ready to honor your ancestors.

>> No.16383679
File: 47 KB, 640x531, 7D163E9A-FF1C-4F9F-AA7A-F085475528FD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can lol. The average republican has a higher annual earning their hw average democrat so it’s literally the opposite.

>> No.16383683

You guys can’t seem to grasp that actors (who yes, are a majority liberal) are not reflections of who they work for. The people in charge of every single studio are all right leaning, it doesn’t matter what Alex Baldwin says, what matters is who the Murdoch Family funds. It's that simple

>> No.16383691

What percentage of media does the Murdoch family own? How does it compare to someone like Ted Turner?

>> No.16383692

That’s what I’m saying and that's what Qanon drones don't seem to get. Hollywood isn’t a homogenous force that's aiming to destroy the Trump presidency

>> No.16383693
File: 58 KB, 976x850, DF72C763-83B9-4BD3-A4C1-7FDA4D501D89.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being this much of a brainlet. Are you a retard boomer or zoomer? Read some lit and study 19th century European history.

>> No.16383694

>bronze age fucking retard le neoconservatives are actually based and redpilled guy having the audacity to call anyone a CIA asset

LMFAOing my fucking ass off. this guy has more spooks in his family than fucking moldbug

>> No.16383702

The CIA program in Syria wasn't even attached to the YPG. The glowies were funding the FSA and by proxy al-Nusra while the DoD backed the YPG. This was a major source of frustration for the Pentagon as you had CIA rebels fighting a DoD backed militia. Also none of the Chapos were in the YPG.

>> No.16383703

They are. They have to be democrat or else the producers, directors and studios won’t hire them. That’s why they in particular have to virtue signal so hard.

>> No.16383705

Yet the world as well as America is more leftist now than it has ever been. You think you can hold back the progressive tide. But you'll fail like all your conservative ancestors. Failures.

>> No.16383709

Qanon always talks so hard about how everyone else is brainwashed when they follow the word of a /pol/ user with no sources as gospel

>> No.16383711

The Murdoch family is personally very liberal though. They only keep fox around because they have a monopoly on conservative media basically and it makes them tons of money.

>> No.16383713

It may be less homogeneous than tech or academia, but majority of its power players are in the pocket of the Democratic Party.

>> No.16383719

>people who work for survival level wages
>not working class

Please explain.

>> No.16383728

honestly let him
fuck the retarded middle class or working class or whatever you want to call it
the mentally invalids should be taken advantage of

>> No.16383736

>more leftist now than it’s ever been
>Trump got into the presidency by saying build the wall and make the Mexicans pay for it

>> No.16383739

That doesn’t sound like something a good liberal would do. But yes, I get your point. And that taps into what pretty much all of the elite does. They keep a facade of liberalism but are still greedy enough that they won’t want to lose the money they got from conservative means

>> No.16383740

Totally agreed. We need a rich capitalist country in the world where poor people get rekt.

>> No.16383743

>people want something other than have society lavish comforts on their body
>they’re obviously idiots
Hylics like you should be forced into slavery.

>> No.16383753

>saying something conservative makes you more conservative
He also supports fags and legal mexicans which would be a controversial opinion when be was born

>> No.16383754

Anon liberalism peaked in 1998. America is Weimar Germany mode now and their hedgemony is dissolving around them. Once that’s over everywhere in the world will revert back to how they were like before American power like it never happened.

>> No.16383766

Liberalism is peaking right now.

>> No.16383786

This is why framing poltics exclusively by culture war signalling is nonsense. The Murdochs may very well have progressive social values but they certainly don't have progressive economic values. That's why Fox news spewing neoliberal propaganda alongside conservative social commentary is beneficial to them. They're courting a segment of the population by mirroring their social proclivities while inculcating them into the neoliberal paradigm. The same thing is happening at MSNBC but instead of conservative social commentary you get progressive commentary. It's consensus building.

>> No.16383796

They knew there was no chance the senate would remove him from office. The Democrats' only platform is "I HATE TRUMP!!!1!!" so they'll take any chance to look tough by "opposing" him, especially if it's an empty gesture like that. Nothing but spectacle, my man

>> No.16383800

>He also supports fags
He was the first presidential candidate to approve faggot marriage before coming into office.

>> No.16383817

Reminder for all the leftists here
Communism can only work in homogeneous societies, so if you want it to work you better ship your monkeys off to Liberia

>> No.16383820

This just shows that society will overall move to the left even under conservative rule. Conservatives have had power 12 out of the last 20 years. And society is more to the socially left than it was 20 years ago.

>> No.16383826

I'll give you that one, your right

>> No.16383852

It's socially leftist, and only that because conservative economic policies obliterated communities. Every small town in this country is a dead end, and if you don't get out you wind up working for pennies for some big box store (the economic victors of America) or strung out on drugs (and possibly both).

You people can't have it both ways, when the fuck will you learn? Your charming America isn't coming back if you keep supporting epic capitalist policies to own the lazy poors.

>> No.16383861

>riots in the street killing people during a pandemic
>America can no longer project foreign power through wars
>old alliances at the breaking point
>peak liberalism

>> No.16383862

Conservative have no idea how to handle technology. I wouldn't be surprised if most of them still believe in technological neutrality.

>> No.16383869

because the presidency and congress are completely irrelevant to actual power.

>> No.16383883

When he was openly doxxed people posted this pic to prove that he's "the real deal". Never found him handsome myself, typically average.

>> No.16383891

really? right-wing grifters usually look like gargoyles, so he's a beauty in that regard

>> No.16383903

when exactly did they give up trying to create shit and decide to just steal?

>> No.16383904

I’m not positive pic is him but I think he’s pretty handsome. Would be the Achilles to his Patroclus.

>> No.16383905

Because of this
There is no social conservatism if "there is no society". Conservative ideology is just a cynical grift to gut the government and sell every last one of its organs before shit finally hits the fan and the wagecucks start butchering each other, and trads of all stripes are the ultimate mark.

>> No.16383910

Well by the standards of right-wingers sure, he's literally their god. The second best-looking guy of the dissident right is probably Richard Spencer and he would only be average if he wasn't fat. In general terms though BAP is only average though and certainly not the handsome superman-god he likes to play.

>> No.16383918

the dissident right are 95% anonymous for obvious reasons

>> No.16383922

He's basically ugly and has a lazy eye.

>> No.16383935

>lazy eye
tiny defects like that are sexy tho

>> No.16383950


>> No.16383962


>> No.16383976

He looks like he's the autonomous appendage of some industrial mutagenic slime collected in the drainage system beneath an airport auto mall that's trying make contact with the world. That or he's going to try to sell me on a sub-prime mortgage.

>> No.16384005

Aesthetics are the only thing that matters once you've secured a certain level of material stability. Caring about "material conditions" of individuals is literally bugman tier.

>> No.16384019

Yeah the wealthy really don't care about economic policy.