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16382905 No.16382905 [Reply] [Original]

What are the theological grounds for rejecting evolutionary theory of biology? Why do so many protestants deny it? Are there any denominations that officially accept it?
I'm trying to find myself a nice Christian girl, but they always end up being young earth creationists who deny evolution and think that Noah got all the animals on the arc. It's bizarre.

>> No.16382915

>I want a dumb, obediant, religious girl
>wait, not like that!
pick a speed

>> No.16382948

Americans haven't made the leap from intelligent design to fine tuning yet. Give them time.

>> No.16382978

try this

>> No.16382983

What exactly is wrong with young earth creationists? Why does it matter how old someone thinks the Earth is? I come from a pretty conservative christian background myself and many creationists are some of the nicest people I've met.

>> No.16383046

I know you're just trying to provoke me, but nothing I said implied that I want a dumb and obedient woman. I have my reasons why I'm pursuing Christian women, but that's not it. It's mainly because where I live, the other options are young crusading feminists, single moms in their 20s, or women who have no personality beyond liking dogs. So I'm giving Christian girls a try.
Plus, if she were dumb and obedient, she wouldn't start trying to convert me when I say that I'm agnostic and trust the experts when it comes to scientific issues. I swear, these people are just as bad as the much maligned fedora tippers.

>> No.16383064

find a catholic queen

>> No.16383130

In my experience, these sorts of people get kinda weird when they find out that you (shockingly!) trust the experts. They start using these evangelising techniques that they learned in Bible college and it gets really tedious. I'll have a discussion with anyone about any topic, but I'm not trying to convert them or "save" them by convincing them of the truth of the biological theory of evolution, so I wish that they would afford me the same respect. I'm not some lost soul and it's incredibly patronising for Christians to approach conversations with people outside their religion that way.
Plus, it is the height of hubris to believe that you understand these things so well that you can conclusively demonstrate that the entire scientific community is wrong. This combined, with how self assured some of them are that they're found and everyone else is lost really leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

>> No.16383508

As someone with a spiritst leaning, I just point out to them that not only do I belief humanity evolves, but that our souls also evolve towards God.

>> No.16383608

Trick them by claiming to reject Darwinian evolution. They won't know what to do when you start talking about umwelts.

>> No.16383620
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>In my experience, these sorts of people get kinda weird when they find out that you (shockingly!) trust the experts.
Too much cringe

>> No.16383641

There is simply no evidence of evolutionism. It's simple.

>> No.16383733

>what are the theological grounds for rejecting evolutionary theory of biology
the fall of Adam is supposed to have brought death into this world, and Christ is supposed to be the new Adam who will step on the Serpent's head and overcome Death.
>Are there any denominations that officialy accept it
It doesn't have to be the case that evolutionary theory HAS to be rejected, if your interpretation of God and of the Fall of Adam is more allegorical-philosophical then literal, then it doesn't really matter what happened pre-fall, the Genesis account gives us "five days" before the Fall but if there are no humans, there is no time either (as much as a tree makes no sound if no one is there to hear it, neither does time pass if there is no one there to perceive it passing) so five days, seven days, a billion years, does it really fucking matter? Catholicism does not extend the perception of time to animals as they live in absolute present anyway. In that way, it is perfectly reasonable that God has guided an "evolutionary" process (even though even Darwin didn't believe in 'evolution') throughout these aeons leading up to the moment where the first true Man and the first true Woman had a soul blown into them by the breath of God.

>> No.16383772
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>What are the theological grounds for rejecting evolutionary theory of biology?

Serious critiques, which do not assume or entail a 6000-year-old earth, or require a literal interpretation of Genesis, include:

Behe, Darwin's Black Box

Phillip Johnson, Darwin on Trial

>> No.16383814

I mean, what's more cringe: having the humility to accept that you're not an expert in biology and doing the epistemically responsible thing by trusting expert consensus, or thinking that you know better than the entire scientific community because you watched some videos out of Colorado Springs at weekly bible study that say evolution is false?