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16369146 No.16369146 [Reply] [Original]

But this does put a smile on my face.

>> No.16369153

Link for those who aren't ants

>> No.16369168

Same here. I despise Rowling, but few things I hate most than mentally ill tranners.

>> No.16369175


>> No.16369205

The character is not even a tranny. Every time an LGBTard says she's transphobic for this or calls the character trans, all they do is reveal that THEY themselves think and know deep down that "transw*men" are just men in women's clothing.

>> No.16369218

>Implying a tran can see anything objectively.

>> No.16369219

Are you a mod? Will i get a warning for reporting this post?

>> No.16369220

holy based

>> No.16369222 [DELETED] 

Fake outrage SAGE

>> No.16369232

This. I think a lot of news sites got letters saying they would be sued for libel or deliberate misrepresentation if they kept using headlines saying the character is trans.

>> No.16369242

“Love will win” next post “I WANNA SMACK HER AROUND”. These things need to lay off the t

>> No.16369296

>Reporting discussing a renowned billionaire WRITER on a LITERATURE Prussian turtle shell carving imageboard.
Are you do you have are retarded?

>> No.16369309

probably a seething tranny

>> No.16369313

People in pain puts a smile on your face?

>> No.16369318

Love and hate are both expressions of passion.

>> No.16369332


>> No.16369335

>People in pain puts a smile on your face?
Where are the people in pain?

>> No.16369347

it's like these trannies want to exacerbate their mental illness by being outraged every fucking day on the interwebz

>> No.16369351

>4kb jpg

>> No.16369354


>> No.16369362

ahahahahahaha what the fuck is this world

>> No.16369363

Love this. The second someone goes against their worldview its
>Violent fantasies
>Misogynistic insults
>sexually abrasive comments

>> No.16369436

If their pain is something along the lines of "you can't portrait tranners as the sickos they are", then yes, it does.

>> No.16369577

No. But if someone who has made racist arguments against black people, and then came up with a novel of a black man who kills white people we'd have quite a few reasons to suspect this is too a racist argument and violent portrayal of the group they have been attacking.

It's not we think trans women are 'men in dresses', but the fact that she does and then makes them look like a deathly threat to women is why we call her a transphobe.

>> No.16369595

I would just assume it was Spike Lee types the pushing “stop saying you don’t see race and see my race” angle.

>> No.16369597

that "we" refers to the mental institution you're locked into, doesn't it

>> No.16369609

I would literally smile to watch this person hang themselves.

>> No.16369624

my ass faggot

>> No.16369630
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>> No.16369641

update on what the IA stand for?

>> No.16369642

Hey! you need to go back

>> No.16369645


>> No.16369647

Inteligence Artificial

>> No.16369658

Initially when this story broke I saw headlines with trans. Now they all say the killer dresses as a woman when he murders.

>> No.16370236
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did she start writing the book before or after she became the nemesis of tranny-advocates?

>> No.16370258
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Christ, trannies really can get away with saying things no-one else can, can't they?

>> No.16370736

Intersex and Asexual

>> No.16370754

That's because they used the accurate term transvestite, which predates the term transexual.

>> No.16370765


>> No.16370775

is that Homelander?

>> No.16370781


>> No.16370801

Probably before. I dont think she's had anything else out since the screenplays

>> No.16371997
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>No, not like that

>> No.16372002

god I hate trannies so fucking much

>> No.16372009

But that would be painful

>> No.16372041

that's not what your mom said

>> No.16372078

What’s intersex? Fucking animals?

>> No.16372163
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It's when you put a long thin (around .3 mm diameter) wooden stick up your urethra (regarding of biological gender) and proceed to flex down as quick as possible, bending your knees over your head and pressing your abs close to your pelvis as to make the long wooden stick snap into several wooden pieces; the process might be oftentimes painful but never as painful as the hardship LGBT members have to suffer on the daily. After this, a small mixture of Hydrofluoric acid, lavender oil, and a bit of confetti (to make it fun) is taken with a glass dropper (aprox 15ml) and whilst holding the body with the urethra opening facing upwards, the mixture is slowly applied directly into the orifice. The orifice is then closed (there's several methods from acidic dissolution of the skin to stapling it using the cute Tiffany blue staple that they sell at Target and Office Depot) and Voila! You're an Intersex and can brag about it on the internet and how painful it is and how much you have to go trough.

>> No.16372176
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>> No.16372201

Someone post a pic please, I can't view Twitter

>> No.16372208
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>> No.16372352

what is this pain I'm feeling...

>> No.16372436

I've never fact checked this, I probably read it on some random article but i think it's when a child is born with like, parts of both genders, or something. The doctors throw a coin, parents call heads or tails on what the child's "gender" will be. Sometimes the brain chemistry or whatever doesn't match up with what the child should've been and they end up with mental issues.

>> No.16372440

If it brings them closer to an inevitable suicide them in game

>> No.16372450

And right after they say they are the most loving and compassionate people. Fucking troglodytes

>> No.16372459

Trans “women” are men in dresses who want to be women. There is a difference

>> No.16372588

>Guys, I found a bunch of people saying stupid shit on twitter!
Fascinating! Truly surprising

>> No.16372589

About 40% of them don't get away with it

>> No.16373090



>> No.16373312

You realise that's a satirical account right?

>> No.16373315

Im surprised you're the first person to point it out. Maybe it's a poe's law thing

>> No.16373387

Sounds like bipolar disorder.

>> No.16373396
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>> No.16373413

They're bots, not real accounts. Social media has been overrun with bots for a while now.

>> No.16373481


>> No.16373491

It's more like a racist writing a novel of a white man in blackface who kills white people

>> No.16373909

Pretty sure most terfs are women, so by extension most of them have bought and read Harry Potter at some point or another. Definitely more than men who have cut their cocks off, I'd assume.

>> No.16374623

Just because you cut your dick off willingly and after that it hurts it's not an argument because the pain is self-inflicted

>> No.16375258
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Corps know they're so marginalized they won't ever need to deal with them in real world (except eventual mid-level management for some purposes)

But it's the queers that really hate women. I mean all troons are queers but I'm talking about the gen-pop.

Pic related.

>> No.16375982

Except JKR has never made transphobic arguments against transpeople, and doesn't believe transwomen are men in dresses (even though they are). She makes a distinction between transwomen and men who self-ID.

>> No.16376104



I saw this video on YouTube after searching for J.K. Rowling and any news about her new book. They cartoon characters and the one former Rowling fan discuss a bunch of things but also talked about J.K. Rowling's transphobia or supposed transphobia and they mentioned that the serial killer is some guy named Dennis Creed. When I saw that, I thought that she may be alluding to Dennis Rader who was also known as BTK, a notorious serial killer who also did some crossdressing.

>> No.16376182

Knowing trannies and their persecution complex they'll say the name was taken from Riley Dennis

>> No.16376319

>will i get a warning from the subreddit moderators if i try to silence this thread?
>also, where is the downvote button?

>> No.16376390

What's to blame for this uncritical arrogance and vanity? Public education?

>> No.16376493
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>> No.16376773
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If 'trans women' were actually women they'd just be called women

>> No.16377639

yes, let's just pretend that >her< perception of transwomen in her fiction is an objective and literal depiction of reality. that transwomen perceive themselves as "men in women's clothing" deep down. retard

>> No.16379058

Valerie Solanos was right

>> No.16380449

another lolcow thread thank the moderators for this

>> No.16380534

They need it to be real more than they want to know the truth. It's rageporn for them.

>> No.16380690

"You know we won't buy your books though, right?"
Implying Rowling needs any more money in this life or the next. Unless they freeze her accounts for hatespeech, she can say whatever she likes.

>> No.16380694

Ia Ia Cthulhu fht'agn.

>> No.16380702
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>"There are no bad people in the LGTBQ+ community. To even hint that there is = literal violence"


>> No.16380713

>all these people whining about how they won't be giving more money to a woman who is already a billionaire
It's hilarious. I love Rowling now for all the entertainment lately. Fairly certain she's just writing these books because she's bored now anyways. If she really cared about money she'd be writing more stuff set in the harry potter universe

>> No.16380715

Intersex is the state of being born with a mixture of both male and female sexual organs (or, rather, a mixture of both). The doctors don't flip a coin, they look at what's there and sometimes, if it looks more male or female, try to make it look more "normal" during an operation after speaking to the parents. That's not intersex though, that's unwilling gender reassignment surgery.

>> No.16381230

wait i thought harry potter was about the chosen one getting a free ride through life, and experiencing hardship only by his own actions, as compensation for having the fate of humanity heaped onto his shoulders

>> No.16381237

>Sometimes the brain chemistry
This bit is nonsense

>> No.16381265

/pol/ brain

>> No.16381289

Its a common transphobic dog whistle. Don't be obtuse.

>> No.16382165
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