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16369120 No.16369120 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.16369122

Pure Land Buddhism

>> No.16369124

Bronze Age Mindset

>> No.16369130

The one that I believe in

>> No.16369141

what do I read to learn about this?

>> No.16369142


>> No.16369144

Dialectical materialism

>> No.16369266

Advaita Vedānta

>> No.16369317
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>> No.16369328

Without knowing yourself, you cannot fully understand each individual philosophy that may work well for one man or bring doom to another.

Good luck filtering through the numerous ones we're presented with nowadays. However through that path we develop and grow, seeking deeper wells to uncover and drink from.

>> No.16369336
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>> No.16369361

can you pick a more incompatible trilogy ?

>> No.16369383

Hegelian Catholicism

>> No.16369385

thinking isn't butters strong suit

>> No.16369414

It depends on the individual, the time, and the place. But for most people living in the West rn, anything that exposes the toxic narcissism produced by idiots adhering unthinkingly to tenets of neoliberalism.

>> No.16369432
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>> No.16369475


>> No.16369482


>> No.16369512

American Pragmatism read William James

>> No.16369527

whatever I agree with

>> No.16369528

You can also read the three pure land sutras https://www.bdk.or.jp/document/dgtl-dl/dBET_ThreePureLandSutras_2003.pdf

>> No.16369532
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> Is it because Westerners have come to lose their intellectuality through over-developing their capacity for action that they console themselves by inventing theories which set action above everything, and even go so far, as in the case of pragmatism, as to deny that there exists anything of value beyond action; or is the contrary true, that it is the acceptance of this point of view that has led to the intellectual atrophy we see today?

>> No.16369564

Abstract intellectualism without connection to action is pointless. If thinking A is true or B is true will lead to no practical difference in your life, then A and B are the same thing.

>> No.16369575

None, stop treating philosophy as a set of positions which you are supposed to pick

>> No.16369589

This is not true of Peirce, who explicitly opposes his pragmatism to the putting of action above everything

>> No.16369621

If you believe this, then read Zen. Bodhidharma or Dogen

>> No.16369800

>life is only atoms interacting with other atoms case closed

>> No.16369855
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Cosmic pessimism

>> No.16369874

Correct in what sense?

>> No.16369912


I knew I didn't like that son of a kike

>> No.16369918

Epicurus wasn't a stoic and there's some common ground between those three.

>> No.16369924

I came to “believe this” after reading Heidegger and Derrida

>> No.16370167

Plotinus metaphysics

>> No.16370192

just rape them back retard

just because A and B have no difference in /your/ life, doesnt mean they aren't different - look at any mathematics beyond your level.

>> No.16370198

Pure mathematics

>> No.16370226

epicureanism no one disagrees that frens make you happy

>> No.16370249

Epicurus isn’t a stoic. They’re perfectly compatible, but the question was for the “most correct”
Says the damp sponge with fingers to type.

And here’s another under 17 y/o who can’t think or read properly yet.

>> No.16370333

Butterfly why do you always stop replying when someone starts to get the better of you. It shows weakness

>> No.16370369

It ought to show that I’m reading
Or even sleeping or going to work

>> No.16370532


>> No.16370547

Communism, transhumanism, and urbanism

>> No.16370565


>> No.16370679

But you post in other threads. You will just straight up leave a thread lol

>> No.16370978
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Sorry your father figure let you down

>> No.16371002


>> No.16371239


>> No.16371393

It is true then, americans are hylics

>> No.16371410


>> No.16371461

ashtavakra gita

>> No.16371496

Aristotle was right on maybe 95% of everything. The rest can only be appreciated in the light of the Catholic faith. It should be all you need OP.

>> No.16371505

Hobbes is *absolutely* correct. About everything.

>> No.16371552

If I had daddy issues I would be more drawn to fascism and manosphere gayness

>> No.16371578
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The one of being, under Christendom.

>> No.16371606

There is not one truth to life

>> No.16371610

Alduous Huxley's take on Perennial Philosophy.

Imagine a world, if you will, where nothing makes perfect sense. Where one world view (atheism) lends itself towards believing in coincidence piled on top of coincidence, and the alternative world view (theism) presupposes a sense of purposefulness to the universe with no clear explanation as to what that is.
Here comes perennial philosophy to answer our prayers. Let us say that hypothetically mysticism were true... then what would that make Jesus? Jesus would be a man who was born just like any other man, but who achieved greatness. A state of permanent union with the Divine, which adherents of other mystical schools attest to.

So... the purpose of life is not only to be a good person, but to become as Christ, permanently at One with God. "Behold, the kingdom of heaven is within you."

Let's face it, faith itself just works. You just believe it because you wish it were true. If skepticism can be wrong, does that make it necessarily rational(as maybe there IS an explanation for everything)? Best to see for yourself with your own eyes methinks.

>> No.16371696
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a primacy of existence Metaphysics
a conceptually contextual Epistemology
a non-primitive Ethics
an integrated egoism-dependent Politics
an Aesthetics that actually redounds to the objective function of art

Ayn Rand
THE last and premminent Aristotelean

>> No.16371822

Mine obviously

>> No.16371835

Wtf I hate guenon now

>> No.16371846

I hate randfags but this is a cool drawing

>> No.16371871

Captures the progressing nature of philosophy nicely doesn't it?

>> No.16371885

Its too late anon this is what people treat philosophy as, not an understanding and interpretation of truth but a faction that can belong in so they can post memes

>> No.16371914

Eclectic perspectivalism, I'm arguing all sides of every issue with myself in every thread.

>> No.16372329


>> No.16372528

wtf I'm an objectivist now?

>> No.16372994

This is a philosophical position.

>> No.16373004

>Heidegger and Derrida
The peak of Western philosophy. I have no clue where we will go after them.

>> No.16373010

the more I mature more appealing it is to me
always go back to it

>> No.16373017

Determinism, with a creator

>> No.16373021

Soft determinism*
Without freewill (technically) but it still feels that way

>> No.16373035

I'm the opposite, the older I am the dumber it feels

>> No.16373048

To eastern philosophy

>> No.16373055

There is a lot we can learn from Eastern philosophy, but going forward the West must come to it's own conclusions.

>> No.16373076

Exhibit A

>> No.16373695


>> No.16374197

Thread bumpism

>> No.16374304

4 - 1/10
its all so tiresome

now for the ACTUAL ANSWER, just read kant, nick land, nietzsche, wittgenstein, deleuze and lacan, and study a lot of math

>> No.16374311

they are all true

>> No.16374324


Now for the ACTUAL answer:

Read the Bible and study a lot of Math along with Quantum Theory and Computer Science.

>> No.16374339

Kant and Lacan are based tho.

>> No.16374444


What's the math and computer science for?

>> No.16374466

The one that you believe in.

>> No.16374595

dangerously based

>> No.16375080


>> No.16375130


>> No.16375242

sad tired variant of collectivism, next

>> No.16375265
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>an Aesthetics that actually redounds to the objective function of art
What's so special about hers?

>> No.16375299

Zen Buddhism

>> No.16375304


>> No.16375320

>They are all true bro

>> No.16375330


KEK the complete opposite of Fascist philosophy.

(I don't like Fascist philosophy, IMO it worships violence.)

>> No.16375667

>shits up the thread, posts the worst suggestions yet

>> No.16375693

holy based

>> No.16375704

No one asked.

>> No.16375714

Pyrrho, Hume, Laruelle
literally the more minimal a philosophy is, the more correct it is

>> No.16375716

poopoo peepee philosophy

>> No.16375726

Yea I agree violence is a big no-no. We should all be friends instead.

>> No.16375737

being friends is still an action. you should really an hero by starvation to become a trve intellectual

>> No.16375845

embarrassing post

>> No.16375854


>> No.16376280
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>now for the ACTUAL ANSWER
>and study a lot of math
I think you misunderstand philosophy.

>> No.16376286

no dustoevesky or kierkegard?

>> No.16376357


>> No.16376485

The philosophy of the valkyries.

>> No.16376625
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>> No.16376640

retroactively refuted by Damascius

>> No.16377624


>> No.16377796

Quinean naturalism

>> No.16378214

>what's the most correct opinion
you /pol/ faggots are insufferable sheep.

>> No.16378273


>> No.16378945


>> No.16378961
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Theurgic Platonism.

>> No.16379070
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>> No.16379229

The butterface gives an inhuman shriek, bursting the eardrums of every sentient being within a 50 mile radius
>Kissinger killed MILLIONS
>I would worship myself
In fear that this narcissistic subterranean gremlin might lower its IQ, the local garden shrub attempts to flee but is held fast by discount mulch

>> No.16379290

What should I begin reading to understand this?

>> No.16380215


>> No.16381762


>> No.16381855

if you left out nick land i mightve taken this answer serious

>> No.16381946
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Completely reject intellectualism and science. Scoff at rationality. Brush aside human emotion and feelings. Stay outraged at every moment of your life at things you can’t change.

>> No.16382397

>Brush aside human emotion and feelings.
>Stay outraged

>> No.16382697

Rage is the only acceptable emotion to have.

>> No.16382709



please fuck off and never come back.

>> No.16382713


>> No.16383284
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transcendental scepticism ideologically

and following your instincts on a practical level

>> No.16383831

a quick guide to that can be found here


>> No.16383847

Solipsism. You guys are all in my head lmao

>> No.16383860


>> No.16383863

I'm 99% sure I know who you are lol.

>> No.16383865

a synthesis of Yogacara buddhism, Hegel, Eliade's idea of a "new humanism" and Marshall McLuhan/Terence McKenna

Vedanta, Jung, the Transcendentalists, Saussure and Junger are optional if you want a deeper understanding of the collective consciousness and how humans should operate but not entirely necessary

>> No.16384003


>> No.16384408
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Ian Brady's of course.

>> No.16384414

Process Monism

>> No.16384425
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Eugene Thacker is fucking based

>> No.16384643

>Eugene Thacker

bargain bin land who is bargain bin deleuze

>> No.16384653

Shower thoughts and poetry are Thacker.
More fun to read than opaque stuff like Deleuze.
If you want a nice middle ground, see Frank Ruda

>> No.16384686
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fuck you accfag.

>> No.16385046

accelerationism is really gay its taking the worst parts of marxism and rooting for the bad guys in the story

>> No.16385065

Nick land isn't marxist iirc

>> No.16385138

it's not even that. Life is just the dream of whatever the fuck is dreaming it, just a mindless garbage nothing

>> No.16385149

Some kind of cope like absurdism so you don't end up killing yourself

>> No.16385207


>> No.16385222

>just read kant, nick land, nietzsche, wittgenstein, deleuze and lacan, and study a lot of math
Based but I'm not good with numbers

>> No.16385230

Onions overdose

>> No.16385237

How do you know they are from /pol/

>> No.16385240

This website is 18+
See you in 4 years when you realise that the world is actually a good place

>> No.16385256

meh, everything else is lying to yourself

>> No.16385291

I think it's non-committalism. Barring extreme examples, most schools of thought can be refuted as easily as they can be embraced. The world exists (in some way). We are in it (in some way). It (philosophy) all has little to do with our daily lives. Philosophy is an experience and it can be a good one. But it's ultimately transient. Like everything else. Is this, in and of itself, a philosophical position that requires commitment? Maybe. I could take it or leave it.

>> No.16385315

Anything you tell yourself is a lie in the absence of truth. Those things are no different. As far as I can tell you aren't even referencing philosophy as bodies of thought. You're just saying these things provide you with adequate schema for existing in a way you're okay with. That's fine. I don't believe in intellectual commitment because that commitment is eternally tenuous. And that's okay with me.

>> No.16385316

Now rate Daoism and Zen Buddhism

>> No.16385323

What kind of nothing is it? There are two and they are different.

>> No.16385377

An experienced nothing I guess, like a dream.

>> No.16385407

-sideways eight/10

>> No.16385449

So it isn't nothing, it just doesn't exist in such a way to satiate your idea of "something"?

>> No.16385457

pretty much it's as good as nothing, it's just a passing experience. Once it's over it's as if it never even happened, your memory of it won't be around to confirm that it did.

>> No.16385475

individuals that actually read don't concern themselves with trivialities like OP.

>> No.16386513


>> No.16386689

You read some cunt and now you think you’re Father Zosima. Suck my cock.

>> No.16387004

sounds like a position there, anon

>> No.16387007


>> No.16387033
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Anything that has this vibe

>> No.16387070

from most to least
1. Solopsism
2. That one where everything is true
3. pan cynicism
4.post modernism
5. deism
6. Water treatment

>> No.16387102
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>go innawoods
>have lots of children
Simple as.
if unable to copulate other career options include
>bridge troll
>mountain troll
>truffle farmer
>domestic terrorist

>> No.16387104
File: 1.64 MB, 4800x7200, Anti-Tech Revolution Hydra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anti-Tech Revolution and Wilderness

>> No.16387160

Sad that no one has said Leibnizian metaphysics, that’s what I think

>> No.16387276


>> No.16387279

This is some severe reverse-cope. Praying for you.

>> No.16387802 [DELETED] 

zyzztology has been working very well for me but you have to couple it with zen buddhism at times aswell and some stoic moderate phases of ascetism to reset receptors and you good to go.

>> No.16387810
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pic relateds philosophy has been working very well for me. tried stoicism, ascetism and zen buddhism previously which i also keep up at times.

what that means? live only half the year on alcohol, cocaine and whores, take the rest of the year off to reset receptors. ying and yang.

>> No.16387941

Unironically Descartes

>> No.16388213


>> No.16388256


>> No.16388498

I didnt know you could be wrong in some many ways with so little text

>> No.16388502

Instincts are what you are supposed to folow.
But is it what you really are supposed to embrace anon?

>> No.16388696

on a practical level, yes. you have to

>> No.16389003

you have no argument

>> No.16389011


>> No.16389228

Don't fall for it. Pure land budhissm is a sham and is what ruined budhissm.

>> No.16389387
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Spiritual Satanism

>> No.16389399


>> No.16390253

Unconditional love

>> No.16390282

If it didn't come out of the mouths of Socrates, Plato, or Aristotle it's wrong. They discerned the universe, everything that came after was just semantic dribble.