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/lit/ - Literature

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16368292 No.16368292 [Reply] [Original]

based and redpilled as well as a great writer

>> No.16368301

Very brave and progressive of her to put a non-cis character front on centre in her novel. Bravo J.K.!

>> No.16368305

Hasn't this exact plot been done a million times

>> No.16368329

Your mom has been done a million times

>> No.16368337
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>> No.16368450


>> No.16368567
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Is this the endgame of every writer? To get so big and famous you can shitpost 300 pages at a time and nobody can ban you?

>> No.16368636

fucking based, hopefully this will normalize serial killer lit too tho

>> No.16368653

>great writer
I'm gonna have to slam that doubt button senpai

>> No.16368665

So the plot of Silence of the Lambs?

>> No.16368671

I challenge one of you to give me a sincere response: What exactly is based about endangering the lives of transwomen?

>> No.16368690
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how strange that we applaud talentless hacks simply because slightly more common sense than the average retard.

remember just a few years ago when "based and redpilled" Rowling was tweeting about open borders and how the UK must accept trucks of peace to crash through white privileged Christmas markets?

>> No.16368706

I thought TERFs were now being cancelled.

>> No.16368711 [DELETED] 

>out for blood
they only blood they are going after is from their hatchet wound

>> No.16368721

>/lit/: Harry Potter is terrible literature for children and for adults. Harold Bloom was right in criticizing it and it's a shame it's become so internationally popular.
>JK Rowling: I don't like trannies.
>/lit/: OM SO BASED AND REDPILLED!!!! I luv Harry Potter now! I'm going to order fifty copies now and follow JK on twitter! I luv her so much!

You people are fucking morons.

>> No.16368730


>> No.16368879

>I luv Harry Potter now! I'm going to order fifty copies now and follow JK on twitter!

Show one single example of anyone saying something remotely like this in any of these JK Rowling related threads, you fucking retard.


Dead trans people make the world a better place and arguably even improve the happiness of said trans people. Of course your original claim, that Rowling endangers any lives at all, needs to be show true first.

>> No.16368884

A novel doesn't "endanger the lives of transwomen." Stop being so dramatic.

>> No.16368897

>A novel doesn't "endanger the lives of transwomen." Stop being so dramatic.
Of course it does. It further demonises an already threatened and at-risk group.

>> No.16368918


Show that it demonizes a group
Show that "demonizing" a group puts its member's lives at risk
Show that trans people are an "at-risk" group

None of these a true btw

>> No.16368919
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How obsessed with trannies do you have to be to write a book about them?

>> No.16368921

>stupid people read rowling
>stupid people are easily manipulated
>stupid people’s perceptions of trans women radically shift in subconscious because their only exposure is a book by the Harry Potter lady
>finally meet a trans woman
>show nothing but contempt and disgust
>big beefy guy at bar asks dumb person “this guy bothering you?” And they say yes
>tranny gets shit kicked out of them simply for being different from societal norms
>happens everywhere she goes
>kills herself to find escape

Like, I understand the dislike of the word violence to describe something that isn’t a direct cause of bloodshed but it’s always going to be short hand for the structural and cultural problems ingrained in our society that cause the probability of certain outcomes to occur that do end in bloodshed.

>> No.16368946
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A novel doesn't "endanger the lives of jews." Stop being so dramatic.
-t. Hitler's Publisher, c1925

>> No.16368961
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>> No.16368967
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>> No.16368968


>> No.16368970

That Ace Ventura shit

>> No.16368977

How is she based? She just hates men

>> No.16368979

Is this an ironic post or are you really Jack Thompson levels of retarded?

>> No.16368985

Not a movie but was the plot for Police Quest 4. Word for word.

>> No.16368999


I've got news for you buddy. People are inherently disgusted by your mental illness, and particularly the way you choose to indulge in it.. They really don't need a mediocre author to teach them that.

>> No.16369000

Why is "obsessed" the only excuse this site has now? Every time someone criticizes something some cretin appears and spouts "OBSESSED OBSESSED OBSESSED" like it means anything, not just on this board either.

>> No.16369006
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>> No.16369005

JK Rowling has an obsession. Stop being disingenuous.

>> No.16369010

>>16368967 (exactly a minute and one second apart from the first)
Feel free to go back to your retard board, /pol/.

>> No.16369015


Are you seriously suggesting that the threat to the Jews during the 1930's and 40's came from a novel and not from something else?

>> No.16369019

I agree, we should also ban violent movies since it makes people want to commit violence in real life, people are THAT stupid after all, right?

>thinking people aren't exposed to trans culture discussion on extremely popular sites like twitter

>> No.16369022

Because the people who say other people are obsessed are seething at that moment. Take his shitty post or >>16369005. They are trannies and/or liberals who are buttblasted that Rowling is giving them the rustles. Just sit back and enjoy the laughs.

>> No.16369025


So you're also a schizophrenic? They should euthanize you.

>> No.16369032
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>> No.16369054

I can understand firing off a few tweets or a blogpost or two about trannies.
But to dedicate a significant amount your time to writing a work a fiction about them? Very few people would care enough about anything to do that. She's clearly very butthurt about the negative reaction she got from people and is doubling down.
Now, I'm not saying she was wrong to do it, but the fact she did is very telling that trannies occupy a large amount of her thoughts.
Obsessed is the most apt word for this, unless you can give me a better one.

>> No.16369056

You mean you saw her opinion about trans people being repeated endlessly by the mainstream media so you resort to your "obsessed" excuse thinking it means anything. I guess sports newscasters are obsessed with sports, why don't people chastise them for never shutting up about sports? Almost like being "obsessed" doesn't mean jack shit as an insult in this case.

>> No.16369060

Whataboutism at its finest you absolute fucking faggot. But even still, the vast majority of violent media comes from the US which has one of the highest homicide rates in the world. It’s as if you don’t understand that cultural artifacts effect culture and culture effects people. How can you be this fucking retarded?

>> No.16369066

All writers are obsessed with something by this definition, it doesn't fucking mean anything.

>> No.16369074

Make like your master (Hitler) and blow your brains onto the wall

>> No.16369085

>go back to /pol/
You are COPING if you think tranny skepticism is limited to /pol/. I suppose Rowling is a poster there?

>> No.16369092

Yes. She is "obsessed"
>why don't people chastise them for never shutting up about sports
Because /sp/ and sports fans are also under that mind control of obsession of material.
What a strange "gotcha". I guess you'll need something 'bigger' to justify your hate to your fellow man.

>> No.16369098

>If you hate trans then you must post on /pol/
You have bad reading comprehension. What are you doing on /lit/ if you don't read books? Oh wait.

>> No.16369115
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In the riches realm it's called "fuck you" money. "Fuck you" fame is on a whole nother level.

>> No.16369181

>Whataboutism at its finest you absolute fucking faggot.
No it isn't, at all. Do you even know what that means? Look up the terms you use before embarrassing yourself. Whataboutism is "THEY DO IT SO IT'S FINE IF I DO IT TOO", whereas all I'm doing is showing an example of your logic being flawed by pointing at mainstream content watched by hundreds of millions that, surprise, doesn't make hundreds of millions of murderers. But apparently you unironically think american movies, which tend to be exported GLOBALLY, cause violence. So where's all the violence in Portugal, the third most peaceful country in the world? They get american movies too you know. New Zealand? Austria? Iceland? Denmark?

Congratulations, you're as bad as the dipshits claiming Pokemon was satanic or that GTA turned people into murderers. Just like how Japan is the rape and pedo capital of the world since they're the top producers of that type of content in the world, right?

>> No.16369192

Based, where do I start with her bros?

>> No.16369198

By this logic all humans are obsessed with multiple things in their lives like reading books or watching movies or posting on mongolian cave paintings discussion boards, it's pointless to point it out in this case.

>> No.16369210

Other countries personal cultures factor more into their decisions on whether to commit violence than American movies do. Americans have no culture, thus they murder each other for fun or something. You are a huge faggot that walks straight into obvious snares.

>> No.16369228

Yes. All humans are obsessed. Not all of us make our work be our obsessions. This is the problem.

>> No.16369245

>tweeting about open borders and how the UK must accept trucks of peace to crash through white privileged Christmas markets
unironically based.

>> No.16369274

>Americans have no culture, thus they murder each other for fun or something.
I think /int/ is getting into your head a bit too much if you think this vague nonsense is an actual argument. What the hell is this "culture" that makes americans kill but not Portugal? Also, are you admitting that it isn't movies anymore but rather this """"""""culture"""""""" that is the problem? You mean gang violence?

Did you forget about the part where movies are watched by hundreds of millions? Where's millions of murderous monsters then?

>> No.16369286

Why does that make a difference? The point here is the state of obsessed, period. Also, by your logic, all writers make work of their obsessions, so how is she different from everyone else?

>> No.16369297

She isn't. They are all obsessed and shit. I didn't even make the original post.

>> No.16369304

>forgets original post’s discussion of cultural implications of media
>talks about movies instead because it’s an easier argument and avoids the uncomfortable nature of the original topic he knows nothing about
How are you such a massive faggot?

>> No.16369308

How many millennials and zoomers burned their Harry Potter books so far?

>> No.16369327

I didn't forget anything, we're still talking about cultural implications of media. You do realize movies are media, right? And you do realize that post I was talking to was also talking about movies, right? AND you do realize that my argument is about all media in general and movies were just an example, right? Holy hell are you one dishonest fuck. No wonder you never even bothered making an argument and just claimed that movies and books made people into criminals.

>> No.16369358

God forbid you went on twitter or read some shitty twitter thread posted here or you will quickly realize that they demonize themselves
most of them are far from mentally sound

>> No.16369566
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I think you misunderstand, that's what makes it so funny.

>> No.16369590

JKR is to liberalism what St. Augustine is to Catholicism; she can never be cancelled y adherents to the liberal religion.

>> No.16369592


>> No.16369599

Yea. Dressed to kill, Psycho, Silence of the Lambs, Filth.