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16361654 No.16361654 [Reply] [Original]

The absolute state of English in Academia

>> No.16361665

Are you the guy who thought U of C was an Ivy League school?

>> No.16361672
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>> No.16361675

>Black Studies

>> No.16361682

Why don't blacks speak out against all the pandering? Don't they feel patronised?

>> No.16361690

Why does the US like niggers so much? What's the deal? It's a bizarre fetish considering there are other minorities.

>> No.16361689

>Claims to be an English department.
>Capitalizes "black" when it's grammatically incorrect to do so.

How much of an education could a person possibly receive there?

>> No.16361702

They're a political fashion statement.

>> No.16361709

I think there was a change in some dictionaries where they capitalize black when referring to black people.

>> No.16361725

>Why don't blacks speak out against all the pandering? Don't they feel patronised?

I don't think they care. If you hear from minority students who have benefited from affirmative action, they never seem concerned that they may not have deserved the slot they got. They seem to think it's funny, actually. They either don't care or they think it's all well and good because they're just enjoying the unfair benefits of a system that they believe is skewed against them anyways. Only white people get all hot and bothered at the idea of fairness, which is why white people ask questions like "How can you live with yourself if you got a university or job slot only because of the color of your skin?" No other racial group has that sort of obsession with fairness and rule-following, which is why countries like the United States will be in decline in the coming years.

>> No.16361726
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whatchu mean cuh?

>> No.16361736

Fairness is a good thing to strive for, but the idea that people get anything on the basis of deserving it is just the product of religious and meritocratic brainwashing.

>> No.16361738

They enslaved them and built their country off of their labour, and they built their culture off blacks as well.

>> No.16361744

Style guides, not dictionaries. People like me who write news pieces typically follow the AP Style Guide, which is updated annually. The utter idiocy of it is only compounded by the fact that "white" is still advised to be lower case, which doesn't make logical sense because any argument for capitalizing "black" can also be used for "white."

>> No.16361749

AP style guidelines now dictate that Black is to be capitalized (white remains lowercase).

>> No.16361755

>meritocratic brainwashing.

>> No.16361767

>No other racial group has that sort of obsession with fairness and rule-following, which is why countries like the United States will be in decline in the coming years.

This is, sadly, true. And it's not necessarily that other races don't uphold rule-following so stringently, but that whites will capitulate by excusing rule-breaking by others, but hold other whites accountable.

It's a strange self-flagellation.

>> No.16361768

>the idea that people get anything on the basis of deserving it is just the product of religious and meritocratic brainwashing.

Yes, the concept that you can outwork someone by putting in more work is "brainwashing." I understand what you're getting at, but it's not that insightful.

>> No.16361772

>built their country off of their labour
Highly unlikely. Real Americans far outnumbered negro slaves.

>> No.16361799

>Its not that insightful
Nothing on this board is. Its all schizophrenic racism by self-loathing, self-impressed morons.

>> No.16361801
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>they built their culture off blacks as well.

I guess you haven't noticed it's the other way around. Blacks adopted Christianity hook, line, and sinker. And a lot of their behavior most likely stems from Scots-Irish "honor culture," which is why they have such a hard-on for "respect" and "disrespect."

>> No.16361818


>> No.16361830

were black slaves used for public projects? or was it just for private exploitation?

>> No.16361842

Am I racist if I don't like American Niggers? Most other blacks from other countries are alright, but American Niggers are loud, whiny, and annoying that I can't help but dislike them all.

>> No.16361863

>And a lot of their behavior most likely stems from Scots-Irish "honor culture," which is why they have such a hard-on for "respect" and "disrespect."
Makes sense. When the Irish were immigrating en mass to the US, they were viewed as niggers, sometimes even lower, so they lived among them in their communities and shared many things with them. That's why American Irish thugs and niggers are too similar.

>> No.16361864

Feel free to dislike whoever you want. Only leftoids want to prevent people from having freedom of association. It's one of their main tenets.

>> No.16361874


I lived in the US and there is not a single difference between a white american and a nigger

>> No.16361877

Are you stupid? Why would any group of people give up an advantage due to feelings?

Exactly. I never got white people's obsession with fairness. It's a cold world; use every advantage you have to push yourselves forward.

>> No.16361899

>I never got white people's obsession with fairness.

Fairness isn't a unique obsession to whites, though. You can clearly see lamentations by non-whites about "unfairness" in many things right now.

>> No.16361912

>hurr muh neoliberal underpinning
No mention of the role of the Civil Rights Act in mandating everything he's upset about.

>> No.16361915

The idea behind honor culture is that it stems from places where there's little formal law enforcement. Honor and respect are very important things in this context. If I have the reputation of being a man that can be taken advantage of, then I can lose my property, livelihood, and my life. If I have the reputation of being a hard-ass, then my well-being is secured because no one will want to mess with me. This, in turn, leads to generations upon generations of maniacs prospering relative to those who are weak, and it inculcates people with a profound value of respect and disrespect. Respect becomes an indicator that you will not take advantage of someone, and disrespect is the opposite. It's been argued that in American blacks this culture was adopted by their proximity to Irish and Scottish people in the south, who, being some rural countries, have a tradition of societies built around concepts such as honor, respect, and disrespect. Even today, the violent crime/homicide rate in the U.S. south is substantially higher than in the U.S. north, which was peopled by different white ethnic groups less reliant on honor culture.

>> No.16361924

Truly a cursed timeline where we do this to ourselves

>> No.16361929

It's not strange at all - in the US blacks are viewed as children so it would be mean to not excuse rule-breaking. All US race discourse is just a disagreement by whites over whether blacks are to be treated as mentally ~6, ~11, or ~16.

>> No.16361944

>You can clearly see lamentations by non-whites about "unfairness" in many things right now.

Their concept of fairness is skewed and is more based on outcomes than opportunities. For instance, if we assume that blacks are shot by police more frequently because they commit more crimes than other groups, that is not an unfair system, it's a fair one because all groups are being treated the same based on their chosen frequency of actions. They also want to rectify unfairness by inserting further unfairness into the equation (e.g. affirmative action policies).

>> No.16361959

It's a fucking mess lmao burgers should've taken them back to Africa and call it a day.

>> No.16362036

Perhaps fairness is the wrong word. Maybe caring about other groups at your group's expense? That's a better way to put it.

When it comes to white people, I can understand alt-right and nationalists. I oppose them because we are in conflict, but they are rational. It's the liberals, "BLM", "pro-refugee" group I don't get. Yeah, they're on my side, but I see them as useful idiots. I have no idea why they are stabbing their own people in the back.

Maybe it's because whites are just nicer. The Brits left India, after all. If it had been the other way around, and our people had colonized Britain, I am sure we'd still be there, regardless of the hardships placed on the colonized.

>> No.16362041

>people think social sciences like anthropology and sociology are the problem because they don't come to pseudoscientific racist conclusions
>meanwhile the real problem is that pseudo academic topics rooted in "critical theory" like african american studies, women's studies, and queer studies have absolutely no valid methodology behind them but they've bored their way into academic institutions by dint of politics

You don't even fucking know who the enemy is but you sure are ready to go off huh?

>> No.16362050

That's everybody on this board

>> No.16362057

Whites aren't any nicer than other races, the antiwhite stuff is not coming from white people ultimately.

>> No.16362067

Naturally the English departments would side that way. What passes for serious academic study on that side of things is a self-referential circle jerk.

>> No.16362107

They think that they can ride people like you to power and that you'll be so grateful that you'll submit to their rule. Also whites outside the former USSR are so haunted by Hitler that they tend to submit to the aforementioned leftists.

>> No.16362108
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/lit/ btfo

>> No.16362122

prove that black lives matter

>> No.16362130

they make great twerking music

>> No.16362139

critical theory + white guilt in the US -> only blacks are capable of authentic cultural production, determination of who is and isn't of value, morals, justice, etc. because the victim is always right, also, Hitler.

>> No.16362151

And then one day, for no reason at all, people voted Hitler into power.

>> No.16362159

>They think that they can ride people like you to power and that you'll be so grateful that you'll submit to their rule.
The funny thing is I consider myself a moderate. While I wouldn't push LBGT stuff, they'd be allowed to live the lives they want, quietly. Women in the workplace/education would be encouraged, and outside of anti-capitalist movements, I wouldn't suppress anyone.

But what happens when my Muslim bros rise to power? Many of them are opposed to things like women's rights and western values like democracy. I can't imagine leftists are blind to this.

>> No.16362166

This is close to being a parody.

>> No.16362178

There isn't going to be a "Muslim rise to power" - they're going to become generalized Black Americans and essentially grift off playing a sacramental role for liberals, Islam will develop into a theology of resentment which will be used to justify it.

>> No.16362182

every human beans matter sweaty :^)

>> No.16362215

>There isn't going to be a "Muslim rise to power"
History proves you wrong.

>> No.16362235

I think my scenario is more likely, but both of us will die of old age before we find out who is right.

>> No.16362237

Western Muslims will be domesticated by Liberalism until they are just another group of consumers.

>> No.16362269

>implying an Ivy League wouldn’t do this

>> No.16362304

I dunno. Every group of people that try to use Muslims for their own ends eventually regret it. See the past 50 years of American buffoonery in the Middle East for example.

>> No.16362341


imprisoning animals doesnt make you imitate them

>> No.16362349

The US got a lot out of Saudi Arabia. As far as the various wars go, the US is really more interested in spending money than in achieving any real objective.

>> No.16362356

tfw currently in AP history and Ap english courses

>> No.16362383

Pay attention to your zoom class kiddo, get off of 4channel.
Also, AP in AP style guide = Associated Press
AP in AP English = Advanced Placement.

>> No.16362385

((((The US))))
the ((((American))) machine relies on the military industrial to be the financial force for their wars in the middle east, even if calling them pointless is almost a compliment.

>> No.16362392
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>and they built their culture off blacks as well.
Black culture is inherently imperialistic due to its libidinal nature, and in a society in which cultural institutions are racing to the bottom to create products with the greatest mass appeal, it wall invade and tear to pieces any and all existing cultural products which previously existed. It already accomplished this goal in the west, and it is currently ransacking East Asia.

>> No.16362412

>really more interested in spending money

>> No.16362419

>implying the cultural studies and social sciences don't have an incestuous relationship

>> No.16362425

>it is currently ransacking East Asia.
huh? Mainland China's racism would make your average liberal faint.

>> No.16362430
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>> No.16362447

shit, I knew what that meant, I just assumed because of the conversatoin it was AP. I thought was only one or two newspapers? Guess I dont read enough of their drivel.

>> No.16362467

>young 2nd gen Muslims often are radicalized
>every young Muslim guy I know is upset about liberal culture and how it affects Muslim women (they become sluts)

>> No.16362468

Yo We da Gods now!

>> No.16362474

It goes further than cultural production, I once read an article stating that to be white is to exist in bad faith.

>> No.16362497

Doesn't mean that they're capable of resisting the allure of African American style syncopated dance music and professional basketball.

>> No.16362510

If you only plan to live less than 30 years, sure.

>> No.16362512

Yes, for now. In a few generations they’ll be like mainstream American Christians.

>> No.16362522

panem et circenses

>> No.16362527

It's all that matters once you've secured a base level of material comfort.

>> No.16362591

Black people aren't stupid. Why would they stop the shitlib gravy train? Middle and upper class black people can do whatever they want with no financial risk and get paid handsomely for it at the same time*.
*the poor and working class black people are not so honored

>> No.16362594
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Literally every paper and news org now, it caught on like wild fire. A couple had the balls to also capitalize White, except when they need to denote bad huwhites.
Signalling the racial hierarchy is a complicated business.

>> No.16362650

oh lovely
what a time to be alive, especially just before I graduate high school

>> No.16362667

It says Black Studies, not the English department
It wouldn't happen that you are less than completely honest with us, would you anon

>> No.16362674

Capitalizing "black" has been compared to the terms Latino and Asian, which are capitalized, but which are demonyms derived from actual locations (black isn't a physical place). It would be all well and good to argue that it's a proper noun and should be capitalized, but then, yes, "white" should be capitalized as well if we're using that logic.

>> No.16362685

>Capitalizes "black"
Speaking of which, can someone sympathetic to the cause presents us with the argument for the distinction?

>> No.16362688

African should be capitalized but black shouldn't.

>> No.16362689

Have you ever read the Afghanistan papers? The US spent money on nonsense like feminist ice cream factories. Spending a lot of money means money being transferred to government contractors to do nothing.

>> No.16362706

surely this will all back fire ?

>> No.16362714
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>> No.16362734

Yes, which is why African American is capitalized. When I read "Black Americans" it sounds as though they're referring to people from a country called "Black America." This also flies in the face of other AP guidelines regarding location capitalization, where, when referring to a location of a place (i.d. north, south, east, or west), you don't capitalize the direction unless it's part of the name of the place (e.g. North Korea vs. south New York).

>> No.16362748

I tried to google it but I can only find a Fox News post, can you link me to the original statement or at least some more neutral source

>> No.16362752
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I thought you guys said /pol was being schizo, what in the fuck is this???

>> No.16362753
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>The university intellectuals also play an important role in carrying out the System's trick. Though they like to fancy themselves independent thinkers, the intellectuals are (allowing for individual exceptions) the most oversocialized, the most conformist, the tamest and most domesticated, the most pampered, dependent, and spineless group in America today. As a result, their impulse to rebel is particularly strong. But, because they are incapable of independent thought, real rebellion is impossible for them. Consequently they are suckers for the System's trick, which allows them to irritate people and enjoy the illusion of rebelling without ever having to challenge the System's basic values.

>Because they are the teachers of young people, the university intellectuals are in a position to help the System play its trick on the young, which they do by steering young people's rebellious impulses toward the standard, stereotyped targets: racism, colonialism, women's issues, etc. Young people who are not college students learn through the media, or through personal contact, of the "social justice" issues for which students rebel, and they imitate the students. Thus a youth culture develops in which there is a stereotyped mode of rebellion that spreads through imitation of peers—just as hairstyles, clothing styles, and other fads spread through imitation.

>> No.16362759

saddest words something something right again

>> No.16362762

I'm the person you're replying to and I can do that. You could argue that since "black" in America refers to a distinct group of people that it's actually a proper noun and not a common noun. Still, the case isn't as strong as for other ethnic groups, since the demonyms of those people typically refer to distinct physical locations. For instance, an Irish person is from Ireland, but a white person could be from any number of different places including but not limited to Ireland. Same for black people.

>> No.16362775

Here’s the department page:
Scroll down a bit and you’ll see the announcement.

There’s also this site:

>> No.16362776

you could argue that White means ancestry from Europe, and Black means ancestry from Sub-saharan Africa. That's really what the words mean more than anything else

>> No.16362777

>the case isn't as strong as for other ethnic groups

Isn't as strong in the sense that they should be lower case as "black" is, I meant.

>> No.16362783

Do they mean you have to take an elective? Boo hoo.

>> No.16362798

"Europe" and "Sub-saharan Africa" aren't super specific though, hence the use of common noun lowercase. When you separate those regions into discreet areas (countries, cities, etc.) then they become uppercase as they gain specificity.

>> No.16362813

This reminds me of an interesting conversation I overheard while waiting in line at a campus restaurant at UCLA. Two friends, a black girl and a white guy were talking about admission policy. The white guy kept implicitly bringing up the topic of affirmative action and how he felt it was used against him since he didn't get accepted to his first choice. He mentioned the discrepancy of tiered requirements for different races and how he disagreed with it. Basically pointing out the unfairness against Whites, Asians, and males. But then he said something interesting. He unironically stated that it is so difficult for a straight white male to get into college that even his legacy status at his first choice didn't grant him acceptance. His oblivious remark which he made with sincerity made me kek inside.

>> No.16362819

Europe and Africa refers to identifiable places, but black and white are common nouns because they're not named after locations, they're named after colors.

>> No.16362825

I mean Europe and Africa take the capital themselves. sub-Saharan Africa doesn't on the 'sub'. To be honest all of this seems a bit autistic

>> No.16362832


The insanity of it all. Perhaps we do inhabit a jester domain.

>> No.16362834

>White doesn't represent a shared culture and history in the way black does

>> No.16362838

I don't think they're simply named after colours though, there are really dark Indians and Australians but we don't call them black. Then there are really pale Asians but we don't call them white. White means the Europeans to most people, which gets a bit vague at the contours of the continent, and Black means sub-Saharan Africans.

>> No.16362854


I have a graduate degree from UCLA. When I left home and the midwest for Los Angeles at 18, I didn't have a GED or a high school diploma. I lived in my car, worked two jobs, then went to community college—partly because I didn't know anything beyond basic math and needed to take remedial classes. I also happen to be white and male. It's always fun to hear it implied that I'm privileged because of it.

>> No.16362862
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>you have to take this elective
>have to take

>> No.16362869

Yeah, and that sort of delves into the kind of "colorism" that some people talk about. In the end, though, white and black are colors, and there are varying shades of those colors as well. I understand what you're saying, but if we're talking about capitalization then it matters how specific something else.

>> No.16362871

Hmm I see. I think this kind of thinking about ethnicity is pretty outdated in general, since someone can identify as ethnically Irish without living in Ireland, because his parents were from Ireland etc. But I guess we can't just throw these long accepted linguistic practices out of the window.
At any rate, one possible counter argument is that if "black" refers to a specific group of people in America, it follows that if you live in eg. France you can't be black, which is a pretty hilarious reductio unless there is a possible response I am missing.

>> No.16362874

oh lovely, could you not post that again its rather disconcerting

>> No.16362879

Did anyone ever build further upon Ted's ideas? I feel like conservatism has gotten psychoanalyzed into oblivion, but the obvious mental disease that inhabits modern academia has been left untouched, mostly.
It's a shame because Ted, while obviously smart, isnt a trained philosopher or psychologist.

>> No.16362892

Okay that's fair.
I guess that's fair enough from a legality standpoint right, the professors can decide what texts they will teach.

>> No.16362898

I think it means ALL grad level applicants to the English program must say they plan to do research within the sphere of black studies in order to even be considered. So, humorously, the very white faculty are forcing Asian American, Middle Eastern, etc. applicants to write about black Americans so that they can feel good about their endless white guilt.

>> No.16362904

Would that even be possible? If you tried to 'pathologise' modern leftism/'woke' neoliberalism, the system would simply 'cancel' you.

>> No.16362906

>one possible counter argument is that if "black" refers to a specific group of people in America, it follows that if you live in eg. France you can't be black

Sure. It's really just about drawing a line in terms of how specific something is. For example, we don't capitalize "man" even though a man is something unlike other animals, and is not a woman or a child, but we've agreed it's too general of a term to capitalize.

>> No.16362907

Haha I did my undergrad there.

The current academic establishment is going to fall apart soon. It's not a matter of if but when. 5-10 years tops. Trump's reelection will probably be an unstable enough atmosphere that half the people supporting it as an institution will start to go in other directions, and the other, more crazy and ideologically programmed half will triple down on all the insane rhetoric. The financial backers will slowly fade away while the frontline ideologues will start chugging their own koolaid by the gallon.

Can't wait.

>> No.16362911

>as literary scholars we attend to the atmospheres of racial violence

>> No.16362913

This isn’t about logic, anon. You know that already.

>> No.16362921
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>University of Chicago
Poor Tanya.
How will they break it to her?

>> No.16362926

Samuel T. Francis did a good job in Leviathan and Its Enemies. Paul Gottfried can turn you onto conservative social scientists who tried to study "woke" campus culture in its various stages. They both draw on James Burnham, a Marxist who described the coming "managerial state."

>> No.16362928
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So america really is going for the 70IQ mongrel population end, huh? Truly the sadest way to go out, humiliating and slow.

>> No.16362939

I'd like to see someone build on the bombing campaign

>> No.16362944

I am so glad I dropped out of an English Masters last year when I realized how much of it was pure masturbatory bullshit.

Every English department inevitably turns into a bunch of larpers who want to play at being sociologists or philosophers but hide behind "interpreting" those message through literature rather than having to put in the work of actually studying those subjects and how they apply to reality.

>> No.16362952

Plenty of people have done that desu

>> No.16362962

Why? That's playing right into the system by lashing out in pointless violence. Ted even admitted he did the bombing out of anger and not because he thought it would change anything. He should have accepted that things are really bad right now and devoted himself to the long road of fixing them.

>> No.16362963

I also went there.

One time poor old Harold Bloom came up in a discussion held by English majors and a lecturer. They talked about him like he was a white supremacist.

>> No.16362965

>outwork someone by putting in more work
Look at this faggot, trying to turn the delusion of meritocracy into a tautology.

>> No.16362968

No I get that, what I am saying is that if someone wants to argue that "black" in America only refers to black Americans, he would need to explain why everyone also applies the term to non-black Americans.

>> No.16362985

The scale he did it at wasn't enough. If he'd been able to put together larger-scale bombs or bioweapons he could have made a lasting difference. Release Black Death 2.0 and cleanse 70% of the population, or place dirty bombs in the major coastal cities, and rolling back industrial society will become possible again

>> No.16362987

There was a recent psychology paper on virtue signalling/victimology linking it to some Dark Triad traits.

>> No.16362993

>delusion of meritocracy

Yes. You're not a mediocre fat failure because of your own shortcomings. You're that way because of the "meritocracy."

>> No.16363008

>They talked about him like he was a white supremacist.

He has good argumentative points regarding literature, which are too difficult to debate against when your ideology is built on delusion. It's a lot easier to dismiss someone as a racist, sexists, etc. than to actual refute their points, and when you're as poorly educated as these people it's basically impossible.

>> No.16363027

>This isn’t about logic, anon. You know that already.

It's about controlling people. And yes, I already knew that.

>> No.16363034

>It's not a matter of if but when. 5-10 years tops
I have heard this phrase used so many times to describe so many things that it has completely lost all meaning and relevance, and people their credibility.

Not saying it won't happen but it most likely won't happen and if you ever said it out loud, other people will remember you as 'that guy whos predictions never come true'

>> No.16363052

Glad we agree that only the best and brightest succeed in academia, and that the University of Chicago English faculty are taking the most enlightened possible position.

>> No.16363060

>The financial backers will slowly fade away

>> No.16363084

>The current academic establishment is going to fall apart soon. It's not a matter of if but when.
This would give me a lot of pleasure to watch, but I'm not so sure. Could you expand on this?

>> No.16363090
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>Be a white man.
>Work for a large government agency handling most of its publications.
>Constantly get submissions from others in the department for inclusion in my publications.
>Constantly get poorly written social justice content from dumb liberal white female employees that include non-words like "Latino/a/x."
>MFW when I scrub essentially all of our published content of this horseshit.

No need to thank me. But I need to ask, why aren't more of you helping?

>> No.16363135

>willingly left to expensive place (one of the most expensive in the country) then complains about being poor
That's just you being dumb, anon.

>> No.16363170

>>Work for a large government agency handling most of its publications.
>>Constantly get submissions from others in the department for inclusion in my publications.
>>Constantly get poorly written social justice content from dumb liberal white female employees that include non-words like "Latino/a/x."
What kind of agency is this? And what kind of work do emplyees do there? Can it even be considered work? And they are paid by taxpayers?

>> No.16363185
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I dropped out of Northwestern University in 2014 or so but I'm kinda glad I did; the social justice movement was just ramping up then and I was already weary of it; can't imagine what it would have been like if I'd stuck around
it's ranked higher than several of them

>> No.16363216

>That's just you being dumb, anon.

I'm not poor anymore, Anon. I have my own place by the beach in LA and now with remote work I get to live pretty much wherever I want and I've been traveling.

>> No.16363234

It's a bubble that is only sustained by rich people thinking that the default prestigious way for their spoiled kids to spend their 20s is going to a high ranking university. They don't know what high ranking means or is based on necessarily, but they know they have a useless kid or two who doesn't want to go to work in the family business or something arranged through their father's connections just yet, but they can't have them loafing around at home smoking weed. So they want to send them away to a plausible distraction for 4 years. Actually it used to be 4 years just for the degree, but on average they take 5-6 years to complete it now, and then they do a useless Master's in Journalism or something. You have to be able to tell the other rich people that your kid is doing something worthy of their class (even if you know they really aren't).

That's the main reason universities are so messed up. They became primarily camps for kids like I'm describing, and the kids and their families have high expectations for the "experience." The administration lowers academic standards and tailors the experience of attending university to be more about some kind of woke lifestyle than about learning or training. But remember all of this is still sustained by the fact that they get a fancy degree at the end, so they can claim they weren't just smoking weed for 4-8 years. That's the linchpin.

The university takes the tuition and government funding and big donations (tax writeoffs for the parents) and invests in real estate and so forth. They are businesses. The parents hide their embarrassment at having a pothead hipster twitter child. The child gets to smoke weed and jack himself off for his 20s pretending to be an intellectual. The only thing that suffers or is sacrificed is the academic standards themselves.

The system works as long as all these parts stay in play. But several of them are breaking down. The students are now becoming so dumb and radicalized that the parents don't appreciate it. Mainstream society is starting to learn that a Journalism degree from Yale is something to laugh at, not admire. The looming recession will begin popping bubbles soon in general, and the the pyramid scheme slash money laundering scheme slash investment banking scheme that is the American university system will be one of the first and hardest hit, especially if confidence in it drops and it has its own organic recession.

To add a cherry on top, if Trump is reelected then all the people who sustain this system and similar and related systems are going to go bonkers. They could tolerate Trump for 4 years but they will assume the apocalypse is happening because they went from being able to freely manipulate the economy to only being able to mostly manipulate it. This will cause the massive depression that has been artificially held back for 40 years in the eyes of all real economists.

>> No.16363269

Sorta same here, except I'm Mexican-American and I got my GED->CC->transfer to UCLA, all coupled with shitty warehouse jobs. It is true that AA disaffects people while also "aiding" others, that is why I think AA should heavily focus more on economic class rather than race. For example, I was a member of a community for underrepresented groups in engineering, basically minorities. What I found out about the group was that a majority of the members came from economically-healthy backgrounds, and in the case of Hispanic members, a good chunk of them were basically white in the superficial sense, and only "Hispanic" in name. Did AA help all of them? No, since many had amazing academic profiles but for sure some did get in with AA's help, and in doing so rendered AA counterproductive since a lot of these people had the resources available to succeed academically since infancy. The reason I responded to that post was to point out that AA isn't the only player in the unfairness game and focusing solely on >black ungrateful >white virtuous is fallacious.

>> No.16363272

Made me fucking laugh.
So much for people who love diversity to slam the entirety of sub-saharan africa into a single culture.

>> No.16363278

I'm sure there are a dozen similar classes to choose from anon.

>I think it means ALL grad level applicants to the English program must say they plan to do research within the sphere of black studies
Sure, but are they saying this exclusively must be what they work on, or are they saying "at some point in time we'll be asking you to collect data for this black guy?"

>> No.16363285

I assume both. You'll be required to work in that field of study with the profs that head it.

>> No.16363301

And then the white profs do nothing but all of the teaching? I'm not totally convinced.

>> No.16363312
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He's not dumb. People bitch about California all the time, but it's one of the best states for getting a second chance in higher education.

Fuck up in HS? Drop out of college?
No problem, just get A's in CC and transfer to a UC for a STEM degree, and here enjoy your complimentary bio-diverse Stacies.

>> No.16363332

Who said all the black studies profs are black? This is still the USA, the vast majority of the profs are going to be white no matter what sort of affirmative action they attempt.

>> No.16363369

Actually, the first slaves were enslaved by rival African tribes. They were already enslaved by other blacks before being sold off to the Portugese etc. Until fairly recently slavery was endemic throughout history,

>> No.16363371
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Personally, I feel the degradation of institutions has really set me free.
Not to go into specifics but I've spent a lot of time in prestigious institutions, and I realize (from knowing the people directing these discussions at least on a local level, up to a national level) from recent identity politics discourse around GF's suffocation and the following protests that the whole pretense of political justice is just a flimsy cover for the children of wealthy black people to secure themselves some cush positions at NGOs, to add points to their CV, to garner ever more elite institutional accolades.
There's a prestigious award given out by schools of this profession that has been established since like the 1910s, it was meant to go to the top 10% or so of students based on academic achievement. Obviously I'm never up for something like that being as I'm a retard who posts on the channel, but some good friends of mine were gunning for it from day 1. Some were even set up pretty well to get it.
But- our student government, of which the minority are white people who by requirement are "out and proud" gay, elected to change the requirements for this award. Now, it goes to the student who has shown the most "community leadership" and "advocacy," with bonus points for kids from minorities. surprise surprise, our resident "black voices" (rich black girls from good schools who have built their career thus far out of pushing the affirmative action buttons) get the award. Friends are pissed and dismayed. I would find it funny if I didn't care about these dudes.
So they changed the prize so they could get the prize. The meaning of the prize was lost on them.
This is one small section of a major trend I see in academia and the institutions in america we formerly believed were important and reputable.
From my school I could go one of two ways. I could serve communities, or I could try to make money. You'll have to take my word for it that I showed up fully intending to go serve communities who needed me, but now I will be cynically figuring out whatever way I can to make as much money off this retarded system as possible, because I owe them nothing, I know they don't do anything they claim to do, and would fuck me over immediately given the chance.
I'm not the only one too. Each of these brilliant dudes who was going for this big academic prize, guarantee you this left an impression. I know from conversations that it has affected their career priorities.
Let the fuckers have their decaying institutions, pat each other on the back, cling to titles and the trappings of power.
It will keep them occupied while I pillage.

>> No.16363386

Sure, but are they saying this exclusively must be what they work on, or are they saying "at some point in time we'll be asking you to collect data for this black guy?"
The wording makes me think they want the former, but its quite vague. The vagueness of the statement is likely intentional. They hit all the right buzzwords (systemic, hierarchies, cultural production, etc...) Also, none of these fine literature scholars collect data, since in Current Year that's an activity which is steeped Eurocentrism and is deeply problematic.

>> No.16363424

Different times. I was a senior in high school in California at the time and signed up for the new "women's studies" course because I thought there would be a lot of girls there. We had like 2 or 3 weeks dedicated to the sexism and bigotry of Islam and the Middle East. The entire class was pretty much about sexism (but also some bigotry in general) in Latin America, the Middle East, and Africa with some Asia and the acknowledgement that these are the places with the worst offenders, not America or Europe. We had debates on abortion and these high schoolers were having actual good faith class-wide debates with no yelling or hurt feelings and the class was split like 50% with nuanced opinions. Some kid randomly walked into class and said that women shouldn't have rights and the entire class burst out laughing, even the women. The teacher calmly explained to him how rude that was and he apologized.

Blog post but I imagine I'd have a much different experience in 2020.

>> No.16363459

>women shouldn't have rights

They should have the right to vote. The other rights they can have, though.

>> No.16363460

Based. The Africans I've met from other countries are always intelligent, hard working, and well-spoken. It's unfortunate that exposure to Americans seems to turn their children into conformist nigger retards within a single generation,

>> No.16363468

*Shouldn't have the right to vote, I meant.

>> No.16363471

At the end of the day as long as niggers rely on the generosity of mentally unhinged liberals they're still not going to be a threat.

>> No.16363493

China won't allow it.

>> No.16363500

Is all of academia like this now? Or is it only for the liberal arts. I thought that stuff like math/physics would be the exception (except for the usual affirmative action/diversity stuff)

>> No.16363527
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>I thought that stuff like math/physics would be the exception

They're trying to weasel their way into STEM as well, but when you're working with measurable, observable phenomena via the scientific method it's a bit more difficult to make the claim that the studies of these disciplines are rooted in white supremacy.

If anyone's particularly interested in this topic, check out the book in the photo here. It's written by a former dean of Yale Law.

>> No.16363550

>Organizers of the #ShutDownSTEM protest wrote on the demonstration's website that "this moment calls for profound and meaningful change," and urged white and non-black people of color to educate themselves as well as create a "detailed plan of action to carry forward."

>"Those of us who are not Black, particularly those of us who are white, play a key role in perpetuating systemic racism. Direct actions are needed to stop this injustice," the Shut Down STEM website reads. "Unless you engage directly with eliminating racism, you are perpetuating it."

during the peak of the ICANTBREF riots, they wanted STEM to be canceled since it is white male dominated

>> No.16363568

I mean, he also said that the bombings served to bring people's attention to the problems about industrial society. It did work (that was the only way he could've gotten the manifesto published)

I'm curious, did he say the thing about the bombings being out of anger when he was in jail? Did he write another book (I looked, but couldn't find it online)

>> No.16363608

> they wanted STEM to be canceled since it is white male dominated

I guess no one's told them about Asians.

Self-loathing white liberals are weird. I guess this is what happens when you get rid of religion, you get this weird quasi-religious thing instead.

>> No.16363614

Hip-hop/rap is poison for the brain. Imagine this. You're an impressionable young child. Now spend several hours every day listening to music with lyrics like
>i fuk dis bich wit muh dicc glock on hip kill any whyte cracka who tell me shit
>dealing benz in my benz i kill yo frens nd fuk yo bich n dats on crip
>finga on da trigga kill that nigga rob his tommy hillfigga nigga #blacklivesmatter
>fuck da system whyte man holdin us downs gotta resist em nd kill these clowns
This is poison being injected into their minds 24/7 and they are told that they must like this music because of how progressive and culturally important for black people it is.

>> No.16363618

literally the only experiences I've had with africans involved them complaining about american blacks. when I was job hopping a lot I was at 3 different places with francophone africans and they all vocally and bluntly expressed their disdain for american blacks.

I was in a breakroom wishing I remembered my phone so I could record this hilarious argument between a group of skinny blacker than coal french africans and this one generic 300lbs mulatto who considered himself a black nationalist.
another time I was carpooling with someone from guinea and he unprovoked started telling me about how he dated an american black girl and had such a terrible time that he would never even look at american black girls again.

>> No.16363621

>"Unless you engage directly with eliminating racism, you are perpetuating it."
Unless you [publicly repent], you are [with Sin].

>> No.16363626

At least they tell you what you're signing up for. The humanities have been pozzed for quite some time now.

>> No.16363632

It seems really exhausting, doesn't it? I don't see the point anymore. Trying to live by their perverted, every-changing ethical code would make me feel like a slave, if I were to do it.

>> No.16363647

>The humanities have been pozzed for quite some time now.

They destroy everything they touch. That's how you know they're wrong.

>> No.16363648

you've gotta have your soul invested in it. It's not an effort for these people it's just the basis of their identity. like how you don't have to necessarily "think" about going to work everyday or doing whatever it is you regularly do

>> No.16363676

It's a selection effect. The pond keeps all but the highest-tier Africans from getting to North America, Euro ones behave badly.

>> No.16363689

why do you think civil rights is a thing? its because of neoliberalism.

>> No.16363804

"Neoliberalism" is after the CRA historically.

>> No.16363960
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everyone: Media brainwashing isn't real
also everyone: I suddenly have very strong opinions on race where I had none a few years ago, and I must now center my professional work and personal values around it

>> No.16364133
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this isn't actually anything new. people have been bitching about things like "blacklisting", "black sheep of the family" and so on since the first wave of political correctness in the 1980s

>> No.16364149

>Breonna Taylor
Do people still believe this was a racist killing?

>> No.16364153

I think a lot of cultures across the world have that association with the color black representing something bad or evil

>> No.16364179
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I think it really depends where you go. I went to two universities, one in a major metropolitan area, at least for my state, and the other in a small town of barely 20,000 people.

The university in the city was infested, especially in the film/media departments, with professors who waxed poetic about social issues, even if they had no bearing on the subject being discussed that day. This was already on top of the fact that most of them were either wholly self-absorbed, or totally incompetent, or both, with only a few who broke the mold and managed to actually teach something interesting.

In the smaller town, the professors still had some of that, but it was definitely dialed back, either because their audience wouldn't be receptive/just was genuinely apathetic, or because they themselves didn't feel as dogmatically about the issues as their comrades in the city. What's more, they were way, way more into their classes, enthusiastic, hands-on, not at all some bullshit aloof caricature like some of the metro profs. And some of them had even worked in upper-tier universities, and come to the small town one and stayed. They seemed, on the whole, way more relaxed, and if not content, then at least satisfied to some degree, way more than profs from the city.

Idk. I think it's really about environment, especially for these types of people. The more you isolate those who depend on collectivism, the less they rely on collectivism, and the more they calm down, because they realize they're more than what they are in a group. I hope so, at least.

>> No.16364185

I'm not friend to BLM or any of that nonsense, but no-knock raids are a pretty terrible policy, especially if the officers aren't wearing uniforms. Every so often, cops will go to conduct a no-knock raid and go to the wrong address (either through error on their end, or because an informant lied) and innocent people, sometimes children, get killed. There also aren't that many great arguments for no-knock raids unless hostages are involved. If you're trying to apprehend a criminal, you can just wait until he leaves his house then arrest him outside.

>> No.16364195

I asked if people still believed it was a racist killing, not if it was shitty police work

>> No.16364212

Its all bureaucratic power politics for a tiny elite of democratic party clients, the inner cities are locked in the same cycle of riots and urban decay since the 60s, now they are being joined by exurban and rural whites at the bottom of the pile.

>> No.16364246

Some variation happens every year in every grad program. Normally they won't say anything and just let whoever apply, but secretly they know they have needs specifically for a Victorianist to work with Prof. A, a Shakespearean to work with Prof. B, an early African-American lit student to work with their new hires Profs. Y and Z, and someone interested in contemporary American lit (with a special focus on Latinx studies of course) to work with Profs. C and X. I don't know if this coincides with them hiring more Black Studies faculty recently or not, but it's not too outrageous on the faculty end to lean all-in on this for one year assuming none of their junior faculty is facing a serious mentorship shortfall.

It's legal because at the end of the day they're essentially hiring these grad students to work under existing faculty, and so they can very stringently assess student research interests as compatible with existing faculty, especially as regards current and upcoming projects. And guess what a bunch of their faculty will be working on soon? Black Studies or some sort of adjacent topic. Why? Because when they get reviewed for tenure, they're going to be assessed on their work toward this "critical field."

No students are being forced to work on anything they don't want to. It's that you won't get accepted into the program if you're not already demonstrably working on Black Studies topics. The overall landscape is fucked, but in itself, this is almost a noble announcement. Most other programs wouldn't give advanced notice to prospective Early-Modern / Romanticist / Poetics, etc. students to go look elsewhere. I hope they publicly document how much time and effort this saves them by thinning out their applicant pool to just what they want.

>> No.16364249

The cops are obviously way out of control but the answer is to let people arm and police themselves

>> No.16364302

Because we get in only slightly less trouble than you if we do.
t. Black.

>> No.16364966

Only for libby arts. Engineering and Natural sciences are mostly free of this. What's funny is that in even some soft science departments like psychology you have around 80% of professorship and research experts thinking there's a genetic difference in intelligence between blacks and whites.
HOWEVER I am hearing horrifying stories of some lower ranked universities granting research access priority to "underprivileged" students. That isn't happening yet in any top 10 or even top 20 program though.
t. UT student earning a BS in civil engineering and going into materials engineering for grad likely

>> No.16364991

white people only care about fairness when it doesn't benefit them. same with minorities. people are greedy regardless of race.

>> No.16365256

>UT student
I could crack your skull like an egg, teasip

>> No.16365352

Trump wins the popular vote but Biden is going to win the electoral college

>> No.16365397

No, White is also uppercase when referring to race. There was much shrieking and handwringing over it by left twitter, because capitalizing White is apparently White supremacy.

>> No.16365414

If this happens I look forward to all the liberals who ranted about how the electoral college is evil get whiplash as they defend it as democracy's savior.

>> No.16366001

good bars desu

>> No.16366018

That's not going to happen. Biden winning the popular vote but not the EC is far more likely, especially given Trump will obviously pressure GOP governors not to count mail-in ballots.

>> No.16367034

t. A&M kid who got rejected from UT and has to publicly vent their inferiority complex

>> No.16367038

Who cares, it's not like any genius or even remotely intelligent person who stumbles into this university is majoring in English anyway.

Midwit in, midwit out

>> No.16367060

>Exactly. I never got white people's obsession with fairness.
This is why immigration was a mistake. I will kill a nigger before I leave this world.

>> No.16367246

All Americans are niggers and hating them is a sign of a healthy auto-immune reaction.

>> No.16367261

Brazil took in 11 times more slave than America, why isn't Brazil the worlds leading economy right now then?

>> No.16367345

I'm about 80% convinced that "black culture" in the USA is an entirely manufactured CIA plot to keep the blackman down.

Can you imagine black people converting en mass to Islam, or reading some of the 'alt-right' white supremacist texts like Spengler and Evola that get passed around here, or listening to Wagner, or embracing any other long standing cultural tradition that isn't just consumerism with lots of t&a? They'd do what every other ethnic group wanting to be free does, which is move to rural mountainous locations, stockpile weapons, and build multi-generational wealth.

But if you just feed them a constant narrative of victimization and crass materialism then they'll be mentally your slaves forever. Malcom X understood this, that's why they let him live for years preaching an ideology of 'kill whitey' and shaking hands with literal nazis then killed him the moment he started talking about God and universal brotherhood.

>> No.16367351

>He unironically stated that it is so difficult for a straight white male to get into college that even his legacy status at his first choice didn't grant him acceptance
I don't understand what this sentence means. Can you explain?

>> No.16367357

>Can you imagine black people converting en mass to Islam
Malcolm X did and he kinda advocated for the things you describe (although through a less survivalist/21st century framing).
There used to be a strong meritocratic trend in black culture, but it's been massively sidelined now.
In fairness you can't say the white response welcomed it too well.

>> No.16367378

>In fairness you can't say the white response welcomed it too well.
In fairness you can't expect white america to do anything but fuck shit up and steal. It's as much black people's fault for expecting whites to just hand them freedom and autonomy as it is white people's fault for not doing so.

>> No.16367413

I had the opportunity to study here or in Europe - I'm glad I chose Europe

>> No.16367560
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hahahahahahahaha. oh no no no. we told you, collegefags, but you just didn't listen.

>> No.16367595

why are you signing your own post with this

>> No.16367656

>white people only care about fairness when it doesn't benefit them.
Quel idiot.

>> No.16367672

>spans a variety of...languages
this is the university of CHICAGO. they should know that niggers can barely even speak their native tongue correctly. this is only an american english issue, and hardly at that lmfao

>> No.16367733

He knew people (or knew people who knew people) who could pull strings, but even that wasn't enough.

>> No.16367896

>cbs news giving the game away by blatantly showing it's a sign of disrespect

>> No.16367904

Are you just now realising that /lit/ is full of leftists who will lie to you to push their agenda?

>> No.16367908

>while obviously smart, isnt a trained philosopher or psychologist.
Perhaps people who have been trained by these institutions avoid criticising the institution's training for a reason

>> No.16367948

>tfw I was super excited to study with the faculty at UChicago
Feels bad, man.

>> No.16368011

I disagree, they can't subvert it in the same way but it still happens. It's taboo to study certain topics (race and intelligence being one of the big ones).
Politically inconvenient conclusions in statistics are attacked too. If you train a machine to detect criminality and it rightly predicts that black males are more likely to be criminals, they won't refute it with evidence, they will essentially tell you to commit scientific misconduct until you get the desired outcome.
Then there is the straight political attacks like James Watson being stripped of titles for stating what he believed to be fact and refusing to tell what he thought was a lie, whether he was right or wrong shouldn't matter, if you have people afraid to speak what they believe to be truth then you've killed the sciences anyway. And then there's stuff like 'shirtgate'.
You might also remember the push a little while ago to 'Decolonize STEM'
t. STEMLord

>> No.16368017

jesus christ why are americans so obsessed with blacks

>> No.16368020

The music industry perpetuating deviancy to the detriment of listeners is an anti-semitic canard. Do not repeat it again.

>> No.16368024

Reminder that Black people still have an overwhelmingly supportive view of the police and actually want more policing. It's literally Jews and White liberals and a few Octoroons who are doing this cringe, unpleasant bullshit.

>> No.16368028

"CIA" is a weird way to spell J.E.W. Maybe take a peek at who produces "Black" music.

>> No.16368038

I don't know about building upon, but Pol Pot indicated the first, hesitant steps in terms of policy for how intellectuals need to be treated. Although he was drawing on the wisdom of Qin Shihuang. It's unfortunate for us that all these individuals modelled an archetype of moderation.

>> No.16368049

>when you're working with measurable, observable phenomena via the scientific method
Those are whities tricks to enslave and colonize black magiks:

>> No.16368061

the most un-black known word they could have chosen

>> No.16368063

>Exactly. I never got white people's obsession with fairness.
This is why your race has historically been regarded as not fully human by whites. You can feign shock at that, but by your own standards you really don’t have a leg to stand on.

>> No.16368084

Wow. How new to all this are you? Be careful not to stare into the abyss for too long lest the abyss stare into you, new fren.

>> No.16368103

gee I wonder who could be behind this post

>> No.16368112

>physics is based on scientific principles
Yeah, I'm sure the Jew telling you that there's the same 10 or 11 dimensions as the number of Sephirot is being really scientific

>> No.16368119

>math isn't a sunk cost mess
Yeah, I'm sure if we just keep pursuing calculus we'll make great strides on all the unresolved problems in number theory. Just throw some calculus or set theory on it right?
>math isn't a shitshow of unethical behaviour and plagarism

>> No.16368128

>Engineering and Natural sciences are mostly free of this.
Engineering is full of SJW ideology and natural sciences are crammed with dogma.
Hell, we still measure turns in 2 Pi radians rather than "1 turn", "2 turns" etc.
t. Literal rocket scientist

>> No.16368133

I will, however, give engineers the credit of having a culture that actually encourages mistake making and question asking in the name of curiosity, as opposed to the math and physics emphases on received wisdom

>> No.16368142

Math is almost all rote memorisation of abstract "facts" with no reference to proof, or to open problems. Or even to application and history. There's almost no variety either. It's almost completely algebra, calculus and a little set theory and discrete math. You won't get almost any topology, or folding, or knot theory, or any of the other weird and wonderful areas of math. There's barely even any number theory. It's basically the type of math syllabus you'd create if you wanted to prevent any progress being made on open problems.

>> No.16368144

See Edmund Burke, Christopher Lasch, Alasdair MacIntyre, Carl Schmitt, Hans-Herman Hope, Thomas Carlyle, Isaiah Berlin, Jose Ortega y Gasset, Oswald Spengler, Nick Land, Curtis Yarvin, Joseph de Maistre, Julius Evola, Friedrich Nietzsche, Leo Strauss, Martin Heidigger etc. etc. As more academically acceptable intellectuals who have diagnosed versions of this malaise.

>> No.16368147

The point I'm circling around to is that, as usual, Pol Pot was not right, but in fact far too soft on intellectuals.

>> No.16368153

Spengy is still the goat. Perhaps the goat intellectual of all.

>> No.16368165

Mathematicians also generally avoid fucking around without knowing where they're going, and avoid simply stated (and central) but uncracked problems.
i.e. The places where you actually get the *most* development in math.
They claim that this is really smart because it means you can publish a greater volume of largely worthless paper about peripheral shit that's just a clumsy and tedious expansion on previous work. Fucking most inefficiently way to possible do mathematical discovery.

>> No.16368175


>> No.16368178

What does any of this have to do with the topic of this thread or the question he asked?

>> No.16368180

>I thought that stuff like math/physics would be the exception

>> No.16368182

white and black are colours, while Hispanic, Asian etc were always capitalized as races, both White and Black should be capitalized when used in the context of race. This left wing bullshit that white should not be capitalized is just to put white people down even more and should be viewed as lesser, as if they are not even a race or something and thus should not be capitalized. It's almost as if there is a collective agenda against White people.

>> No.16368214

You've got to be shitting me; this can't be real. University of Chicago for a long time stood as one of the elite American universities that didn't pander to all the SJW/political bullshit.

Just 4 years ago they said:
>Our commitment to academic freedom means that we do not support so-called trigger warnings, we do not cancel invited speakers because their topics might prove controversial and we do not condone the creation of intellectual safe spaces where individuals can retreat from ideas and perspectives at odds with their own.

How quickly and how far they've fallen if this is real.

>> No.16368221

Built for BBC

>> No.16368232

Oh my mistake, I didn't realise the image wasn't talking about the left wing bias and I thought you were schizo posting.

>> No.16368237

I did kind of go into a laundry list of my various problems with the way math is taught and pursued which strayed from the SJWism focus of the earlier discussion.

>> No.16368255
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Now China only needs to keep it's shit for a few more decades

>> No.16368395

You’d think with tenure protections professors would have more balls, but maybe not.

>> No.16368407

China has a lot of internal problems itself, it's doubtful that any country is going to survive in one piece at this rate

>> No.16368419

>Can you imagine black people converting en mass to Islam, or reading some of the 'alt-right' white supremacist texts like Spengler and Evola
Sounds like a good way of getting a Black cult that believes they're the true descendents of the Indo-Europeans and that the Indo-Europeans were Black. No thanks, replace Evola with some anti-modern Black writer that focuses on his own race's esotericism and I would see no issue with it.

>> No.16368444

you are the fuel that makes pr stunts successful

>> No.16368460

>on all the unresolved problems in number theory
like what?

>> No.16368479

>but the obvious mental disease that inhabits modern academia has been left untouched, mostly
Let me introduce you to my friend, Guido Giacomo Preparata. He analyzes the roots and growth of postmodernism (which is essentially neo-gnosticism) into the ineffective "liberal" multiculturalism being paraded everywhere. It is amazing because he is able to understand all the different 20th century theorists, point out where they are copying eachother, and then analyze the hilarious misunderstandings and appropriations that happen when such theories are given to Americans to understand. It is called The Ideology of Tyranny.

>> No.16368481

You’re not wrong, but the reason those social sciences “don’t” come to racist conclusions is because the zeitgeist doesn’t allow them to.

>> No.16368504

Uh you guys don't have a wildlife program. Why what would I even study, dykes and homeless niggers?

>> No.16368505

Nobody said anything about Jews. It was you who brough Jews into the question.

>> No.16368510

>'alt-right' white supremacist texts like Spengler

>> No.16368515

Thomas Sowell pls go

>> No.16368536

Well, according to each and every linguistics class I have taken (it was my minor), AAEV is just as much a real language, just as complex, and just as capable of expressing the whole range of human experience as “””””””standard”””””” English. So get fucked, bigot

>> No.16368542

yeah and it also sounds like dumb nigger speech.

>> No.16368552

t. Uneducated, racist troglodyte

>> No.16368565

t. screeching monke

>> No.16368583
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Speaking of monkes

>> No.16368591

moron, women used to have rights, its just that their rights now accommodate being an infertile wage slave rather than a wife

>> No.16368600

ever considered taking your meds and taking your schizoposting back to paranormal or politically incorrect?

>> No.16368623

Friendly reminder that Evola is intelligence too. First, he is part of the Italian peerage. Second, right after the first world war he began making dada art. His foray into Buddhism, magic and yoga is evidence of the Theosophy project (see evidence of the beginning of this project with Henry Steel Olcott), or stated more simply, the complete destruction of Christianity. Constantly referencing Nietzsche as an influence is evidence of the project to deradicalize Nietzsche (who was most likely some form of intelligence, meant to promote Wagner, until he got sick and was allowed to break with him, after which he wrote his most important books (Nietzsche is also probably gay, seeing as though both Paul Ree and Nietzsche came from wealthy families, yet decided to live together, and eventually create their own community) (similar to this is Tolstoy, see his tirade against the degenerating elite that he left entitled on art and science)). We can also look at the Ur group, which Evola was a part of. It's leading member, and a personal friend of Evola who introduced him into esotericism, Arturo Reghini, was part of the aforementioned Theosophical society, founded by Olcott, who served in the US Army during the American Civil War and afterward was admitted as the Special Commissioner of the War Department in New York, and was later promoted to the rank of colonel and transferred to the Department of the Navy in Washington, DC (intelligence was part of the navy at the time). That's one. Arturo, the puppet of American intelligence who "introduced" Evola into mysticism, also "introduced" him to Rene Guenon, who is a freemason and also wrote on and against the Theosophical society, confirming him as part of the project.

>> No.16368639

It is fairly well known that most black musicians are actors playing a part. Tupac was a gay theatre kid with a limp wrist obsessed with Shakespeare, until he was (as)signed to play the hard thug.

>> No.16368677

It's a private institution in a predominantly black city, why shouldn't they voice their support for blm? If anything it would be strange if they didn't

>> No.16368700

I try to avoid the news outlets since they assign everyone their opinions and they also have no qualms about dangerous or self destructive lies if it gets clicks. Maybe its worth attention if both sides are saying the same thing on something? I have opinions on topics Ive looked into myself like nutrition, but how the hell is any average joe expected to be an "informed" voter these days. Politics brushes with like every complex and broad topic available and one person isnt going to be a galaxy brain expert in all of them.
The only thing left is trying to look at clearly observable results of actions that can be physically seen, but then it gets murky real fast in sussing out specifics on every variable involved.

>> No.16368708

woke af

>> No.16368776

>write about my inflamed passion regarding black/racial studies in application essay
>several letters of rec. regarding my obsession with race as near faulty
>get in on half ride
>write dissertation with charles murray as only cited source
>cited 200 times
>mfw uchicago paid for a second bell curve
>mfw letters of rec. were just letters of expulsion

>> No.16368793

>Can you imagine black people converting en mass to Islam, or reading some of the 'alt-right' white supremacist texts like Spengler and Evola that get passed around here, or listening to Wagner, or embracing any other long standing cultural tradition that isn't just consumerism with lots of t&a?
You don't have to imagine it because all of that has already happened. African Americans have developed several "empowerment" cults and have plenty of fringe texts to accompany them. Even the Wagner thing has been done before. Du Bois wrote a short story about a young black man who finds solace in Wagner's music, and he was also dismissive of jazz. I think you're just ignorant of the African American culture.

>> No.16368800

I made a typo and said they should have the right to vote when I meant to say they shouldn't. Your post seems like kind of a non-sequitur in response to mine though. I didn't say anything about them not having had rights in the past.

Oh no, I've been found out.

>> No.16369009

>Islam will develop into a theology of resentment

>> No.16369023

That's what happens when an inferior culture exists under a dominant one.

>> No.16369114

How are you best taking advantage of the system? I am currently in university and would like to too.

>> No.16369276
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Students should default on their debt and stick universities with the bill for providing a useless education.

Students should default on their debt and stick universities with the bill for providing a useless education.

Students should default on their debt and stick universities with the bill for providing a useless education.

>> No.16369307

>The meaning of the prize was lost on them.
Aren't those prize always about getting some form of institutional good points to build a good-looking resumé? Seems to me like those rich black girls are just playing the game well, the way old WASP families have been doing for centuries (and nouveau riche Jewish families for decades).

>> No.16369416
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>No, White is also uppercase when referring to race.
No, no it's not.

>> No.16369447

It's even really a Anglo thing, Borges even wrote a short story about it. However it's more about cognitive dissonance than actual fairness if you look at Anglo history.

>> No.16369472

The issue is more believing that you can outwork anyone and that doing so will automatically make you earn whatever that person is earning. In practice that often doesn't work.

>> No.16369533

2nd generation are often most radical than 1st generation, because they didn't choose to come here. From the 4th generation onward political attitudes and demographic outcomes start to seriously align with the mainstream.

>> No.16369541

For some reason this made me think of Stuff White People Like and the way the use "the wrong kind of bad people" to describe non-liberals. Never failed to make me laugh.

>> No.16369551

Definitely. But action will still gain more results than non-action, even if the results are unequal among people.

>> No.16369558

>I guess that's fair enough from a legality standpoint right, the professors can decide what texts they will teach.
My poor, sweet summer child

>> No.16369616
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Well? Just go there and kiss your professor's ass, like you do with any other class. They've already said they're doing it for this year only, meaning that they're most likely doing it to cash in on the political fad, rather than any actual, genuinely philanthropic reason.

Getting university students to read black authors is not going to fix black-on-black crime. If anything, those students will feel like they're on a safari trip, watching these authors like animals. But you already know they don't want to fix things, they just want to give the impression that they are.

>> No.16369652

Tenure only protects you from the administration. It places no guarantee of enrollment in your courses, of graduate students doing research under you, of colleagues supporting your research projects.

>> No.16369666

Too bad Ted didn't think of buying a biochemical weapons factory with all those leaves he gathered while hiking.

>> No.16370108

They only capitalized black due to popular demand whereas historical norm was not to capitalize either and their hasn't been the same demand to capitalize "white". The Associated Press isn't the ultimate or sole authority on grammar. They did say that they would continue to monitor how usage and thought evolves, and periodically review their decision. Other media outlets are free to use any spelling rules they please.

>> No.16370324

>People like me who write news pieces
fucking kill yourself faggot journo.

>> No.16370431

That's because psychology has always been a tool only the left is allowed to wield. "Pathological" is to the left what "degenerate" is to the right.

>> No.16370561
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>2nd generation are often most radical than 1st generation, because they didn't choose to come here.
I presume the being killed in Syria took a lot of the fight out of them

>> No.16371072

these + Richard Weaver "Ideas have Consquences"

>> No.16371396

if you aren't a one man moore method in mathematics, then you are wasting your time

>> No.16371420

These people can't be argued with. They need to be dealt with in Minecraft.

>> No.16371435

No the argument is that "black" is a legitimate identity since it derives from collective oppression, "while" derives from the act of oppressing which makes it illegitimate.

>> No.16371444

Why can't people just stop being insane?

>> No.16371456

>“we are committed to the struggle...”
Truer words have never been spoken

>> No.16371463

Normally I have to go to /sci/ to get this many bad takes on maths

>> No.16371470

>No the argument is that "black" is a legitimate identity since it derives from collective oppression, "while" derives from the act of oppressing which makes it illegitimate.

This might be the most concise definition of slave morality that I've ever come across.

>> No.16371943


But one of the biggest ones, the Collatz conjecture, isn't even classified as number theory there. It's down under "dynamical systems" (yikes).

Broadly though, that list of unsolved problems is the type of think people should be taught from DAY ONE of learning math. We need people HUNGRY. We need them to RIP STEAMING HOT PIECES OF FLESH out of math, not memorise some bullshit.

>> No.16372100

>every human beans matter sweaty :^)
Okay, but he was asking about blacks.

>> No.16372141

True that.

In terms of teaching, I like the Moore method more than the contemporary way math is taught, but even the Moore method (applied to a class) is still busywork. We need to SHOW PEOPLE how previous proofs have been arrived at (including going into a genuine cultural/historical view of math, not just Black Lives Matter shit), but get them swiftly to the point where they're going out into new areas of math and trying to solve old problems and formulate new problems.
I'm not trying to codify jazz here, I'm trying to start new musical genres.

>> No.16372203

>Did anyone ever build further upon Ted's ideas?
What you're really asking is "why hasn't academica shat where it eats". They don't want anyone to point out that the emperor has no clothes because the emperor is actually three liberal arts majors in a trench coat.

>> No.16374137

>write dissertation with charles murray as only cited source
Sounds unusual for a dissertation.
What did you really write about?

>> No.16374224

since blacks mainly just farmed cash crops like tobacco and cotton, their presence actually prevented industry from springing up and left the areas they were in severely underdeveloped. That's why in the Civil War, the virtually all-white industrial powerhouse that was the North wiped the floor with the South that made its money by selling slave-farmed luxury goods to rich people in Europe.

>> No.16374238
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>People who read literature trend as better educated
>People who are better educated trend as less racist
>The same thing that is making people less racist is making people more racist

>> No.16374547

Good points. Read "The Whiteness of the Whale" chapter in Moby Dick.

>> No.16374931
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>> No.16374948

>spending responsibly entails steady economic growth
Peak boomerism.

>> No.16374979
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>> No.16375010

So is the idea that a genre of music could be the source of so many problems. Literal magical thinking.

>> No.16375052

Every economic crisis, in American history at least, has been caused by either irresponsible spending by a large percentage of the population, or irresponsible government policy.