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/lit/ - Literature

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16357872 No.16357872 [Reply] [Original]

>reading off a screen
Have some self respect and put up the 10 bucks for a used paperback on amazon. Inb4 you don’t have money- if that’s the case then you don’t have the time for reading as a hobby and you should focus on your career.

>> No.16357878

It’s about getting it the minute I want it, not the money

>> No.16357886

Inability to delay gratification is the chief distinguishing characteristic between humans and monkeys. You are an ape.

>> No.16357932

OK gramps.
Should I also carry around a wind-up record player to listen to music?

>> No.16357937


>> No.16357938

>find book I want on amazon, its $9.99
>factor in exchange rate and shipping and it comes to $30

being a leaf is suffering

>> No.16357949

>he doesn't read off stone tablet inscriptions and papyrus scrolls

>> No.16357959

>he doesn't look for unknown authors that will become famous in order to listen to their stories first hand

>> No.16357964


>> No.16358008

>if that’s the case then you don’t have the time for reading as a hobby and you should focus on your career
This is anti-/lit/

>> No.16358018

If you’re poor you shouldn’t be allowed to read

>> No.16358358

>a used paperback on amazon
Amazon shills playing both sides now

>> No.16358873

>You are an ape.
Yeah we figured that out over a hundred years ago Anon.

>> No.16358878

Sometimes downloading a public domain ebook is a far better alternative than paying $150 for an out of print book that probably isn't even that good anyway

>> No.16358884

>That 28 year old tech-illiterate groomer who still hasn't realized that e-book screens are a completely different technology from conventional screens

>> No.16358898
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>not having a personal oratoress read you the finest works while she gives you a testicle massage at the same time

>> No.16358914

>Not reading almost everything for free
>funding the publishing jew for reading books by people who've been dead for decades.
Consoomer cope

>> No.16359061
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>reading off paper
Do you not have any dignity to arrange for a clay tablet like someone who is worthy of earning the wisdom of the written word? Even before the printing press was around, you zoomers kept writing shit on parchment, perverting the scholarly pursuits. You disgust me.

>> No.16359116

Is there a really cheap site to get used books? Amazon is ok but I can find better deals at value village/local used book stores but they don’t always have what I am looking for.

>> No.16359155

Should i fax you my opinion on this then?

>> No.16359169

>Have some self respect and put up the 10 bucks for a used paperback on amazon
Seethe harder kike

>> No.16359173

Make that centuries

>> No.16359186

I read about a 100-150 books per year. I would rather just get them for free.

>> No.16359191

Nigga have you seen an e-ink screen?

>> No.16359197

Try reading real books sometime

>> No.16359199

Over half the books I read are classical philosophy, with this year being mostly the Romans. Quantity is not contrary to quality.

>> No.16359216

>100-150 books
>over half the books I read are classical philosophy
>mostly Romans
Anon there's barely 1 or 2 philosophy books worth reading from that period. You are a retard and can't even lie. What philosophy books have you read?

>> No.16359223
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>probably thinks seneca and aurelius is philosophy

>> No.16359230

>not reading off e-ink
Fuck carrying anything that doesn't fit in my pockets.

>> No.16359231

Cicero himself has a dozen worth reading. Is that really what you want to argue about?

Yes, Seneca absolutely is worth reading. He was ridiculously influential on pre-enlightenment philosophers like Montaigne.

>> No.16359238

Ok, can you list the philosophy books you've read so far?

>> No.16359242


>> No.16359249
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>> No.16359252
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>Noooo you have to read the greekerinos and the germanerinos you can't just read something else!

>> No.16359295


>> No.16359296

If you can't read from a screen, you better start getting good at it. Very valuable skill. And it definitely can be trained. Of course you can't collect litkarma by larping your unread books then
Nobody ever has enough money, unless billionaires, oh I forgot this site is full of them

>> No.16359310

>I forgot this site is full of them
Fuck off newfag, /lit/ doesn't boast about material wealth stop trying to fit in with your reddit humor

>> No.16359314 [DELETED] 

nothing more reddit then buying books

>> No.16359320

nothing more reddit than buying books

>> No.16359328

Only insecure pseuds care about how others enjoy literature

>> No.16359409

Damn bro. Poor guy is probably butt blasted now.

>> No.16359438

>nothing more reddit than buying books
what about buying bubble-head figures that match every shelf's colour full of young adult fantasy genre fiction?

>> No.16359690

If you don't want to read on a screen why are you on a computer

>> No.16360332

>Losing money for no reason
I think you need some self respect

>> No.16360336


>> No.16360604

If the book isn't in a physical published form then it is necesarrily self-published garbage. Thanks for outing yourself as a 40-year old wine guzzling dog-mom.

>> No.16360621

You could resell if it is truly that expensive. Retard.

>> No.16360633

>using the internet and funding the internet jew
>using cellular data and funding the phone jew
>using free wifi and funding the phone jew or the computer jew
You're a hypocrite. Every aspect of your life funds a jew you fucking retard. Actions funding jews is not an argument since by using this website you are funding tech jews and social media jews.

>> No.16360644

GEE it's almost like that's what the book buying experience used to be! Seeing what you could find in a used bookstore. It's also how you discovered new authors. Now you're just some incel in a dark room browsing chart threads and posting based or cringe. Fuck you. You don't know how to develop literary taste.

>> No.16360662

that's why you buy an e-book reader and pirate books, only buying the ones you really want and can afford

>> No.16360726

lol you sound mad bro

>> No.16360746

There are enough contingencies that can be seen when searching for e. g. a book on the internet that mimic that. similarity recommendations, keyword clouds, interesting looking book thumbnails, etc.

>> No.16360941

there's some truth to what you say, but you come off a bit harsh
there's nothing inherently wrong with browsing chart threads if the person actually takes the time to read stuff instead of just posturing as you said
the internet is a great tool (with more than enough books for multiple lifetimes) if someone actually uses it responsibly

>> No.16361319
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Yeah, I read off a screen. Currently reading my Lucretius EPUB in my phone while displaying it on my smart tv. Absolutely comfy, not gonna lie.

>> No.16361327
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>> No.16361487

what means?

>> No.16362097

this is what non book stack larpers do.
good job. to the others itt: kys

>> No.16362213

>not yoinking every book you could every want instantly from mIRC

>year of our savior in these trying times, 2020


>> No.16362355


>> No.16363081

hilarious, much easier and more likely to find stuff by just using the usual normal dl websites

>> No.16363115


Imagine being so stupid that you think using mIRC is hard

>> No.16363230

>interested in wide variety of topics
>mostly older histories and philosophy, and religious texts
>have a well enough paying job
>buy $20 new books on Amazon constantly
>get whatever work I have for the day done and then read
>smoke/vape some weed
>maybe bourbon
>coffee and tea
>go down a wikipedia rabbithole (or referencing your own library if possible) from something/someone referenced in the book
>order a book on it
>book collection actually growing at an exponential rate

I'm living the dream bros