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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 387 KB, 750x1067, thened.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16358480 No.16358480 [Reply] [Original]

lol this bitch is dead

>> No.16358489

I'm fine with that.

>> No.16358492
File: 224 KB, 521x937, C3CD715A-C539-4968-969C-52951D600BFB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mrs. Rowling, I believe this call is for you.

>> No.16358495


based, and that's a good motto to live by.

>> No.16358497

why is it bad to have a trans serial killer exactly
'apparent homage' is a stretch as well.

>> No.16358505

if your only representation of trans people is of the worst type of killer and criminal possible then yea that is a big problem. this bitch is finally going to be cancelled. all the poltards on this board will seethe haha it will be glorious.

>> No.16358510

Its basically a movie trope at this point that trans ladies are untrustworthy, so there are a couple of murder mysteries where the twist is that a trans lady did it. De Palma's Dressed To Kill, and fucking Ace Ventura are two prime examples.

>> No.16358518
File: 40 KB, 536x831, Obersturmführer-Rowling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Rowling redemption arc has been so amusing. I don't even care if she's still a radfem, at this very moment there's tens of thousands of people I despise seething with anger aimed at her. I think I may even buy the book for myself.

>> No.16358523

incel alert.

>> No.16358527

i gotta say, no matter how much you disagree with her, you have to admit that she is incredibly based in the literal sense.

>> No.16358532


>> No.16358540

that is sad it is considered bad because trans are usually mentally ill and get angry over small things. they kill in record numbers. they are freaks and it is believeble if they murder. trans are all mentally unstable and irrational.

>> No.16358546

>tens of thousands of people seething with anger aimed at her
There's more than that, friend.

>> No.16358552

>they kill in record numbers
Where the hell did you get that. Most mentally ill people aren't even violent.

Also, Psycho is another example, although Norman Bates isn't exactly trans.

>> No.16358556

liberals are hysterical

>> No.16358565


This is why the trans community (and really this extends to pretty much all supposedly oppressed groups) get rightfully disrespected
They constantly create double standards that only harm their own legitimacy

>> No.16358590
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Every second that passes new people come across this news and for some their day will be ruined. But I don't care about the random SJW's that come across this and get mad because they enjoy and are addicted to being outraged in the same way /pol/tards are. What really brings me joy are the trannies who see this news and get even more confirmation that they are unnatural creatures, and that one of their past idols views them with disgust. This book, and perhaps even the tweet in the OP could inspire a hon to join the 41%.

>> No.16358594


>> No.16358598

You some butthurt Christian?

>> No.16358614
File: 41 KB, 788x685, 151574411922954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, Christians are just as delusional as trannies albeit in a much less disgusting way. I just think they're gross and I enjoy the suffering of things I don't like.

>> No.16358617

Sounds pathetic desu.

>> No.16358623

Jo can't be stopped. Based /ourgran/ does it again.

>> No.16358624

Perhaps, but at least I'm not a tranny, a Jew, or Dutch.

>> No.16358626






>> No.16358629

Perhaps TERFs were our allies all along

>> No.16358631

>people only now questioning the moral of jk Rowlings books

>> No.16358643

>'I picked my pseudonym from two of my heroes, Robert for Robert Kennedy and Galbraith from whothefuck cares'
>There was some crazy doctor electrocuting gays by the exact same same name
Sounds as unsubtle and retarded as Harry Potter.

There are better writers with a shorter Wikipedia page than this hack. What a time to be alive.

>> No.16358665
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>> No.16358682

Did silence of the lambs make you cry or something? you seem bitter

>> No.16358696

>Seething Reshitters
Fuck those faggots

>> No.16358700

Why would the cancelling of the Harry Potter author make /lit/ seethe? If anything it'll piss off apolitical millennials with Harry Potter obsessions and thereby potentially radicalise a few more into becoming anti-woke.

>> No.16358722

Yeah, you can see the retarded Nazis in this thread having a kind of welcome to the dark side moment with JK

>> No.16358745

how did nobody notice the thing about her pseudonym before? She has been publishing under it for 8 years now.

>> No.16358759

Give me a single reason trannies should be allowed to live.

>> No.16358760

I don't know. Is there any good reason why you should be allowed to live?

>> No.16358764

Because those faggots don't read, not even Harry Potter.

>> No.16358765

No one had reason to look it up until she became target of cancel culture.

>> No.16358769

If I have one going for me it's that I don't broadcast my sexual hangups and force other people to alter their behavior to accommodate them.

>> No.16358773

>lol this bitch is dead
>worth $670m

Yeah, game over for her. It won't be long until the cancellation has her kicked out of all her houses and living on the street.

>> No.16358776

If you google the name "Galbraith," the first result is John Galbraith, the economist. Who the fuck has ever heard of Robert Galbraith Heath other than this bitch?

>> No.16358778

If that were true, then you wouldn't be advocating the death of all trans people. Needing a bunch of people to be dead sounds like a hangup to me.

>> No.16358821

It's a hangup, but not a sexual one. My problem with trannies is a righteous hangup because people are a walking antithesis of truth. They are corrosive of the good just like their father the devil and they, like all things that are evil need to be destroyed.

>> No.16358825

>the moral

Don't care about the issue, opinion discarded.

>> No.16358828

>they are corrosive of the good just like their father and the devil...
I think you need to lie down friend.

>> No.16358830

I think you should be thrown off a cliff.

>> No.16358840

Based Queen. I need to read Harry Potter again.

>> No.16358843

Genuinely laughing my ass off.

>> No.16358845
File: 167 KB, 686x911, edd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think you need to lie down friend.
Tell him to take his meds. That's a zinger.

>> No.16358849


>> No.16358919

that comment from the telegraph is utterly stupid and obviously just designed to provoke a reaction.
which it has apparently succeeded in doing. fuck them.

>> No.16358929

I hate how coy it is.
>one wonders
Yeah, one wonders what the queer community is gonna think of Rowling's anti-queer book after she's taken an anti-queer stance. One sure does wonder.

>> No.16358941

the book obviously isn't "anti queer" though. that's just what the reviewer wants people to think
>whose moral seems to be: never trust a man in a dress
i haven't read the book myself, but there appears to be one man in a dress in the book. not all of them.

>> No.16358949

>because trans are usually mentally ill and get angry over small things. they kill in record numbers.
gonna need a sauce on that fake fact of yours. the trans women i fuck slay my cock tho thats for sure

>> No.16358956

Yeah that's not transparent at all.

>> No.16358957

>Imagine being so successful you can make everyone shit themselves and show themselves for the mindless little follower drones they are just for the lulz

>> No.16358965

It's like they have a checklist of the same insults. If insinuating that you have a sexual attraction to them doesn't work, you must be crazy and have to be condescended to.

>> No.16358968

WHAts wrong with having a trans serial killer?
>muh representation
>but only in a positive, superhuman way
If you want to be treated like everybody else, you must accept bad FICTITIOUS roles.

>> No.16358973
File: 44 KB, 409x409, 1599607748991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds comfy terf gang rising

>> No.16358979

The guy said I should be throw off a cliff and that trans people should be killed, not that he wasn't attracted to them.

>> No.16358982


>> No.16358984

>whose moral seems to be: never trust a man in a dress
It's a true moral though, isn't it?

>> No.16358985

They should be killed and you should be thrown off a cliff for the good of man. Seriously, you're a fag.

>> No.16358986

>record numbers
You're more of a fake bitch than she is

>> No.16358992

Wishing somebody's death over the internet is the most pussy shit I can imagine.

>> No.16358993
File: 231 KB, 960x720, 1581790086519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder the guy seething is actually bluepilled still. The problem is homosexuals which includes transvestites. Homosexuality is the problem. Moreover, MtF surgery transgendered are safer for society than "normal" homos because they are effectively castrated meaning they wont snap and molest. If you bifurcate a distinction between homosexuals and trannies and say one is good and the other bad, you are still a normie and still cucked.

>> No.16359006

harry potter has always been good fiction. a contemporary classic

>> No.16359009

No, that's not a thing. Nobody sees somebody wishing somebody else would die and thinks that's some female shit. You're just grasping at anything you can to try and insult me as a way to defend your golden calf. I'm glad you recognize that feminine behavior in a man is something to be despised though.

>> No.16359018

I only meant you're a coward.

>> No.16359019

What if you're a homosexual but you don't have sex? What did Plato say about that?

>> No.16359020

Careful everyone, we got an internet tough guy in the thread!

>> No.16359045

its okay to be a terf

>> No.16359063

The word ‘love’ in English has sexual connotations that didn’t exist in the Greek version (Eros & erotic). Love (Eros) is universal, and can be applied to anyone. The idea that loving a man has to include anal sex is a modern one.

Homosexual identities are incredibly stupid and only amounts to a sexual fetish.

>> No.16359092


Lol do you think wishes are real?

>> No.16359098

No. That's why its cowardly to threaten somebody over the internet.

>> No.16359175

Who threatened you?

>> No.16359188

Does this mean that we as modern men misinterpret Alcibiades' speech in the Symposium? Socrates and Alcibiades cuddling at night while Alcibiades is overwhelmed by love for Socrates seems to have sexual undertones to the modern ear.

>> No.16359206

Isn't the different meaning in greek made by αγάπη as opposed to έρως?

>> No.16359226

anon that person didn't even kill anyone
most transvestites aren't homosexual, and don't have reassignment surgery

>> No.16359253

You forgot Sleepaway Camp

>> No.16359261

yeah trannies tend to be too baseded up to do much damage try randy stair for one that actually killed people

>> No.16359287

Yeah, more proof that Rowling is a hack, stealing from better bigoted artists.

>> No.16359290

Well, Robert Galbraith the conversion therapist isn't exactly a household name - no one thought to make the connection between Rowling and him before now, because why would they? He's a relatively obscure figure and no one associated her with his movement/opinions until the tirades.

I'm not sure becoming a hyper-autist about trans people to the point where you rebrand your entire identity as "the anti-tranny" is a redemption arc.

>> No.16359305

Whoa, buddy
No negative allusions to my boy Spinoza there acceptable
The gowns he wore when grinding
lenses were all the manly rage back then!

>> No.16359326

Pretty weird examples you picked, considering two of the most famous movies of all time (Psycho and Silence of the Lambs) have the same theme

>> No.16359366

she's not been redeemed. She's been shown to be a complete hypocrite. She wants to virtue signal and be holier than thou and talk down to people who don't hold the progressives views inculcated in her youth, while at the same time she wants to have exactly the same sort of reasoned conversation with her intersectional trans rights critics, that she denies to those she criticises.
She can burn in hell. Dumb bitch.

>> No.16359380

Are you retarded lmao? Eros was romantic and sexual love you idiot. Philia was friendship.

>> No.16359405

>twitter post
please kill yourself

>> No.16359425 [DELETED] 
File: 2.43 MB, 4032x3024, FA270E9C-C10B-4CA3-9CFC-56CBDC0EFD59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work at a book store. It’s pretty anti trans. The end has the bad guy, still crossdressing, insulting men as he’s driven off in the back of a police car. He literally says “men need to learn consequences for their actions” as he’s driven to jail.

>> No.16359446

wtf spoilers dude

>> No.16359460

/pol/fags would deny that the sky is blue sooner than they would doubt their worldview.

>> No.16359464

You know what, I am sorry actually. I should have used the tag.

>> No.16359469
File: 2.43 MB, 4032x3024, 07D8E5B3-8BAC-478B-A138-E165067E6773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work at a book store. It’s pretty anti trans. The end has the bad guy, still crossdressing, insulting men as he’s driven off in the back of a police car. He literally says “men need to learn consequences for their actions” as he’s driven to jail.

>> No.16359471
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>> No.16359475
File: 164 KB, 1125x1131, GHmpoMh5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It’s pretty anti trans.
Brilliant news.

>> No.16359478
File: 219 KB, 454x520, FFEB0269-99E5-4EFC-A5B8-4C7CD5313F43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16359495

She is just seething because trannies have climbed higher than woman in leftist oppression hierarchy. In the same way white trannies will probably seethe at black trannies in 5 years. Its all very pathological

>> No.16359499

Bad take.

>> No.16359503

>this bitch is finally going to be cancelled
Sorry, one of the richest and most successful authors in history is not cancellable. Maybe try some tranny-weary schmuck earning $40,000 in a plumbing job.

>> No.16359505


>> No.16359507

The goodreads page is pretty fun.
I love watching internet drama that I'm not emotionally invested in.

>> No.16359521

This ain't it, chief.

>> No.16359524
File: 281 KB, 371x532, 1500165602448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

terfs are very based desu

>> No.16359527

How am I wrong though? She fueled this progressive shitshow by switching character genders and races for years. But now it suddently stopped being beneficial to her in-group (white woman) and therefore its bad?

>> No.16359548

Psycho is a shit example, it has nothing to do with trannies

>> No.16359567
File: 487 KB, 1512x2688, sVYsraW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can transgenderism be seen as anything other a joke to the common person when 99% of them look terrible? How can that visceral reaction to a man in a dress be overcome?

>> No.16359573

Specifically the idea that Rowling is jealous of trans people for occupying a higher place in the 'oppression hierarchy.' She's obviously pissed because she perceives them as trying to usurp womanhood, and trying to, in some way, co-opt female oppression. At some point she said something like "if there is no such thing as sex, there can be no same-sex relationships," so she's also white-knighting for gay people by being a transphobe. She's just generally confused and threatened by it in a way that she wasn't confused and threatened by gay people or POC. Its not that there's some weird oppression math going on, there are specific reasons why she sympathizes with gay people, but doesn't understand trans people.

Also, the PC brigade isn't a unified front, and a lot of them already didn't like Rowling's attempts to appear 'woke' before this happened.

>> No.16359616

The majority of the ones that go outside look good. You only notice the ugly ones because they're obvious and they're online.

>> No.16359623

It never will be.
I'll call a man who decides to take hormones and wear a dress a woman if doing so doesn't inconvenience me and not doing so makes me a social pariah.
They will never be women in any worthwhile sense. They will never be mothers, they will never be widely sexually attractive to men.
They will always be treated like mentally ill men with gynecomastia, because that is what they are.

>> No.16359628

>The majority of the ones that go outside look good.
Don't be ridiculous. You can spot them a mile off, outside and online. This is evidenced by the fact that most men have, believe it or not, masculine features which are not sufficiently modifiable with oestrogens or surgery.

>> No.16359630

Theoretically, I may have seen some that I never questioned because they looked indistinguishable from women but I have seen plenty of non-passing trannies in real life.
The best of them looked like an ugly young woman, most look like men cosplaying as aged prostitutes.

>> No.16359644

Actually, I have seen a few attractive trannies in Thailand (the ladyboy meme isn't really a meme), but they still had clearly masculine physical features and the voice is always a giveaway.

>> No.16359657

I don't understand why she's so focused on trannies? they're not even 1% of the population and they're already killing themselves.
Is there some other motive behind her tranny crusade? I can't seem to find a reason she'd go out of her way to write a book just to shit on them (and subsequently most of her liberal fans).
either way, not even hating trannies would make me see Rowling in a better light, she single handedly ruined 21st century british literature.

>> No.16359688

It made a lot of people cry:

>> No.16359700

I will now buy your book.

>> No.16359707
File: 276 KB, 1229x2048, 1599930397568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fucking BASED

>> No.16359717

Trannies like to invade female spaces and try to reap the benefits which bothers someone like Rowling who has set up a ton of female only charities and organizations and you have some man in a dress trying to fuck it all up

>> No.16360070

>liquid brown eyes

>> No.16360102

>furfag avatar
why did anyone even reply to this shitty thread

>> No.16360117

your life seems pretty sad do you want to talk about it? I mean really how could you find someone be cancelled to be funny? Did your parents beat you one too many times?

>> No.16360118

The fact that you took out your stupid butterfly won’t cover your stupidity

>> No.16360126

Im sure the uglier ones hang themselves at greater frequency

>> No.16360129
File: 45 KB, 401x432, roastiesBTFOd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek kinda of like trannies beating women in sports and getting free rides to unis instead.

>> No.16360132

Im pretty sure the butterfly is multiple leftypol users posting under one trip.

>> No.16360137

You have people on here advocating genocide. Honestly, who cares if this millionaire bitch loses a large chunk of her audience. I don't even think she's really 'cancelled.' She'll definitely still make money after this, but honestly who cares if JK Rowling loses her career. Most people don't get rich and famous, and most famous people don't remain relevant for as long as she has. How could she possibly deserve anything she's gotten.

>> No.16360140

>clown world image
We tried to warn you. Go back to /pol/, you said.

>> No.16360144




>> No.16360150

we need more of this honestly. in a few years all female sports will be dominated by men while the woman watch from the sidelines, too afraid to speak out

>> No.16360155

>women are losing out because of trannies
Impossible. By some magic, all intersectional (see: non-white male) groups are supposed to be unified.

>> No.16360162

why would anyone genocide trannies
they solve half the problem themselves.

>> No.16360180

>liquid brown
does this mean diarrhea?

>> No.16360185

butterfly is a TERF

>> No.16360189

So you're saying Rowling is based

>> No.16360202
File: 626 KB, 820x1232, jk-rowling-photos-02182010-06-820x1232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna succ so bad bros

>> No.16360208
File: 123 KB, 620x349, external-content.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No contest

>> No.16360209

I wasn't talking about genociding trannies. Just people on /lit/ advocating genocide. Why would anyone here have any sympathy for JK Rowling

>> No.16360216


>> No.16360224


>> No.16360225

>that cleavage
mommy knows how to advertise excellently

>> No.16360241

I dont really understand sympathy can you give a detailed explanation?

>> No.16360255

Exactly my point

>> No.16360263

This is literally what Irving Welsh's Filth is about.

>> No.16360267

Why can't she write about a trans serial killer?

>> No.16360268

Silence of the Lambs and Filth, too.

>> No.16360273

Brb picking it up

>> No.16360285

There's being progressive and then there's thinking men in a drag are women rather than being mentally ill.

>> No.16360293

I like the Galbraith books; has this one just been spoiled for me?

>> No.16360295

They're loud.

>> No.16360312
File: 63 KB, 1024x683, 180410-trans-weightlifter-injury-04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least the weightlifter snapped his arm into oblivion

>> No.16360345

theres nothing stopping her, shes incredibly wealthy and an established author
its just pretty transparently tranny hate given her very public political views, choice of pen name, and the way she portrayed the subject in the novel

jk rowling straight up openly hates trannies and feels entitled to have zero criticism over this

>> No.16360362

Exactly. She can done this, and already has. She's just getting backlash for it, and a lot of radical leftists are finally realizing that she's just a spineless lib.

>> No.16360366

i don't think you know what the word radical leftist means

>> No.16360375


>> No.16360377

Impressive pedantry

>> No.16360380

Nah, white women can't get canceled. That would fry their programming.

>> No.16360382

Happened to Roseanne

>> No.16360390

you voice the mildest criticism of the propaganda program and its:
>straight up openly hates trannies
seek help

>> No.16360392

>radical leftists are finally realizing that she's just a spineless lib.

It’s the spineless libs who allow gender dysphorics to force their delusion onto innocent people. Radical leftists hate LGBTQ bullcrap because it denigrates the working class and the poor.

>> No.16360400

>Radical leftists hate LGBTQ bullcrap because it denigrates the working class and the poor.

Haven't radical leftists moved onto racial issues and tossed aside working-class issues?

>> No.16360408

Far-leftists certainly aren't as focused on Idpol as a lot of libs are, but Rowling is definitely a lib.

>> No.16360415

I’m not quite sure if the radical left is really behind the BLM pogroms. I suspect there are billionaires and other elites pulling strings behind the scenes.

>> No.16360422

A lot of people are getting on the BLM bandwagon now because they're really just anarchists who hate the police. Sure, a lot of anarchists think cops are racist and that that's bad, but they also just hate cops because they work for the government.

Anyway, Bernie Sanders got a lot of attacks from libs for not being Idpol enough both times he ran, and for running a campaign that was too class-based. I think Sanders's platform is pretty representative of a lot of far-leftists beliefs on race vs. class at this point.

>> No.16360423

The radical left are the billionaire’s bitches.

>> No.16360428

tell us more about kid chef

>> No.16360446

good one tripfag

>> No.16360469
File: 630 KB, 1232x901, 2020-09-14_17-22-20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's currently number 3 best seller on amazon
no idea why that richard osman book is so popular

>> No.16360482

This is such a stupid hill to die on. You were okay with all sorts of liberal lunacy, but transpeople is where you draw the line?

>> No.16360581

Benedito de Espinosa was "excommungated" and an ethnically portuguese Jew, so, if he wasn't secretly a tranny, he's free.

>> No.16360608

based and buffalobillpilled

>> No.16360619 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.52 MB, 1608x1196, 1600102218536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly fäm Rowling's detractors sound like titsguys, those distinctly clunk skulled lunks conditioned to silicone fascimile, tense tongues fluttering to globes in spirit, waiting for their physical deliverance

>> No.16360687

She's mad because troons(that she not only defended before, but also helped create) have jumped higher on the oppression totem pole than actual women
>We’re living through the most misogynistic period I’ve experienced. Back in the 80s, I imagined that my future daughters, should I have any, would have it far better than I ever did, but between the backlash against feminism and a porn-saturated online culture, I believe things have got significantly worse for girls. Never have I seen women denigrated and dehumanised to the extent they are now. From the leader of the free world’s long history of sexual assault accusations and his proud boast of ‘grabbing them by the pussy’, to the incel (‘involuntarily celibate’) movement that rages against women who won’t give them sex, to the trans activists who declare that TERFs need punching and re-educating, men across the political spectrum seem to agree: women are asking for trouble. Everywhere, women are being told to shut up and sit down, or else.
If tomorrow females jumped back to the top then she'd have no problem going after anyone against trannies again

>> No.16360695

>seethe at black trannies

>> No.16360717

Again, the idea that this is about the trans place on the 'oppression totem pole' is so fucking stupid, and just reveals that you don't actually understand all the dumbass infighting going on among idpol people.

>> No.16360937

This. She was indoctrinated on Second Wave Feminism, they didn’t prepare her for this

>> No.16360973
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>old liberal nipples

>> No.16360976

Based. /OurRolling/.

She'll be the next Michelle Malkin.

>> No.16360979

Lmao based

>> No.16360988

Still better than Academic Advising

>> No.16360992


>> No.16360996

>you don't actually understand all the dumbass infighting going on among idpol people.
Explain, I have always thought it's about who's the most oppressed and deserves the most sympathy

>> No.16361010

>Men is drag try to cancel an actual women
Lolol no matter what era, women suffer

>> No.16361014

Caring about the working class is the blandest most moderate centrist talking point there is. The DNC radical hardliners have all moved on to race and LBGTQ a long time ago

>> No.16361015

Tranny's still snap, just with an axe after they're emotionally between the 46% and projected anger at the world.

>> No.16361027
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Kek okay reddit

>> No.16361031

It's about as opposite as possible, on places like 4chan you see perfectly taken photos of trannys to be passable(there's always a giveaway though) but they don't exist irl.

>> No.16361038

You can literally find quotes from Western World leaders who bragged about slaying puss in the 60’s and all that degenerating behavior is done by roasties for easy cash.

>> No.16361041


Yeah, I think the Criminal Minds television show already had an episode like that.

>> No.16361054

No, its not like everybody gets a turn on top.
They're just all different groups with different political prerogatives trying to form some kind of coalition.

Libs are mostly OK with idpol because its not really about challenging capitalism. If you can work a job, libs don't care what kind of person you are, hence liberal diversity.

Rowling is a wealthy diversity-lib who feels personally threatened, in her identity as a woman, by trans identity. Rowling doesn't care if people are gay, or if they're black because really she just doesn't think those people have anything to do with her.

Meanwhile, gay people and trans people tend to have similar interests. A lot of legislation that "forbids discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation" also includes "gender identity." So gay people and trans people form a pretty solid coalition, because they have similar material interests, in terms of being able to sue people.

So when Rowling comes out as a transphobe, gay people and trans people all get mad at her all at the same time.

You'll notice race doesn't really factor into it. You won't see Ice Cube complain about Rowling.

>> No.16361077
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>> No.16361156

>/lit/‘s opinion on JK originalmy “hack”
>opinion now is some sort of Based social warrior

Can you fags be more transparent

>> No.16361176

maybe 3 people in this thread are actually from /lit/

>> No.16361184

>/lit/'s opinion
Yeah, the anonymous board has a collective shared opinion on JK Rowling.

>> No.16361201

Never heard of irony?

>> No.16361212
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I hate trannies so much

>> No.16361213
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>> No.16361224

people think this is some epic own, like it will be used against the establishment

no, it's actually the point, and it will be used as further 'evidence' that the two sexes are the same
"actually, incel, did you know that women athletes have begun to give similar performances as male athletes? they just needed time!"
they will not mention that the athlete is actually a man, because "trans women are women"

the oligarchs do not actually believe any of this, it is just a tool to increase their profits and expand their herd of slaves

>> No.16361229

I guess I don’t get why it’s hypocritical or wrong to dislike her writing but to admire her for not giving into widespread pressure to humor the delusions of the mentally ill

>> No.16361238

Nazis haven't been around since the 40s anon... it's like screaming about 'postmodern neomarxist'

>> No.16361252

The rare "based but not redpilled" . Like early Trump tweets

>> No.16361277

he's not a trannie and doesn't spend his existence denying biological facts.

>> No.16361291

Anon, these "oligarchs" are in this case as much victims to peer pressure and ideology as these retards. Stop sounding like a marxist

>> No.16361366

"oligarchs are victims"
you are literally braindead

>> No.16361385

Ok, illiterate slave

>> No.16361480

What the fuck does that mean? I keep seeing it everywhere "puts my life in danger". Why do these people keep making a mountain out of a molehill why do others enable it?

>> No.16361692

I have a feeling that the only actual danger to trannies are they themselves.

>> No.16361701

the rope is far more dangerous to him than some middle aged bong but trannies aren't known for mental fortitude

>> No.16361706

The 'that speech endangers me' is a pretty clever way to shut up people up to be fair. Fucking trannies.

>> No.16361847

Almost as pathetic as killing yourself because someone called you a pronoun you didnt like

>> No.16361964

>Lolol no matter what era, women suffer
Absolutely. The way Rowling's now treated is the best validation of the TERF movement we could ever imagine.

>> No.16361987

>I keep seeing it everywhere "puts my life in danger".
It's because they are mentally ill, and every sad thought can trigger them into committing suicide.

>> No.16362034

When did she get so based

>> No.16362204
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>women suffer
As it should be.

>> No.16362227

>he doesn't know about the increase to 51%
anon, I...

>> No.16362740

I'm too autistic to not tell them to kill themselves anyways.

>> No.16362953

hello is this the literature thread?
my anti-buzzword filter seems to have filtered 90% of posts. this IS a literature thread, right?

>> No.16363003
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When will TERFs finally ally themselves with the Right and crush degeneracy?

>> No.16363196

>Falsely thinking you can cancel a billionaire one woman industry
The class logic of cancel culture is fascinating. You can really only be canceled if you are not powerful, wealthy and influential enough to be worthy of cancelling. Yet another example of how identity politics is deftly deployed to disrupt class consciousness .

>> No.16363203

It's about a writer and a book, fag.

>> No.16363204


>> No.16363249

from what I can see, most of the posts in this thread are about the writer's beliefs.
if JKR was also revealed to prefer coke instead of pepsi, would that be on topic?

>> No.16363350

Because the only difference between a terf and a liberlul it's that they didn't drink the tranny cool aid and that's it

>> No.16363426

There's actually a lot of similarity between radfem mentality and incel mentality. It's not equivalent of course but there's a lot of points where it matches up.

>> No.16363439




>> No.16363477

Radfem is
With a lot of circular logic discussion and biased statistics meant to prove that men are intrinsically less than human with lots of anecdotal examples of how every man they've ever known was fucking evil. Obviously the way they come into it and their social position is different but looking at radfem spaces reminded me of when I used to browse r9k.

>> No.16363483

two sides of the same coin: bitching

>> No.16363485

Her whole image has been getting destroyed by accusations of being transphobic, and what does she do? She writes a book about men dressing up as women to kill. Dear god this woman is kind of hilarious

>> No.16363504

>He literally says “men need to learn consequences for their actions” as he’s driven to jail.
I feel like she was going to use that for the anti-incel book but the trannies dogpiled her for her Tweets about women and biology.

>> No.16363530

Politics is people who would hate each other teaming up to fight someone else they both hate more.

>> No.16363539


>> No.16363566

>Her platform puts my life in danger,

>> No.16363592

>Next time I walk into a women's bathroom I might get the shit beaten out of me or even shot by one of those conceal-carry purse guns.

>> No.16363699

Wow, her prose is so fucking bad.

>> No.16363746

>Nah, white women can't get canceled.
they're the main targets of the mob these days with the Karen meme and shit, they seem bored of attacking white men

>> No.16363792

actually a lot of nazis survived well into the modern era

>> No.16363858

Holy shit a Nazi flew over my house.

>> No.16363874

trannies genocide themselves bro its a self correcting problem

>> No.16363876

They fly now?!

>> No.16363905

>and a porn-saturated online culture
Wait, she is anti-porn as well? Why is she left wing exactly?

>> No.16363919

because she likes fighting against the man but now that white women have authority she's become a conservative

like a poor dude who strikes it rich and then defends capitalism

>> No.16363941

Or Bolshevik who takes over the communist party, bans divorce, throws gays in a gulag and then pumps up his military after kicking the hippies out and murdering their leader with an ice pick.

>> No.16363956
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well, i've just ordered the book. now i half suspect this was a viral marketing campaign targeted at me in particular
i will probably never actually read it. i'll just put in on my shelf next to my copy of the satanic verses in the category "books that made idiots lose their shit"

>> No.16363964

almost like once people achieve power they refuse to give it up haha

>> No.16363966

If trans women arent women how come me, a proudly straight man, gets rock hard over some of them?

>> No.16363985

Isn't this what Psycho is?

>> No.16364029

Yes, fag

>> No.16364043
File: 747 KB, 1706x2560, lvMER8B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dunno anon but daisy taylor is woman enough for me

>> No.16364054

you've been alone for far too long

>> No.16364060

Into le trash it goes

>> No.16364084

You should be buried under a hospital for the retards. Don't worry you'll fit right in, fucking retarded fag

>> No.16364093

not her fault she was born in one of the medieval baby mutilating countries

>> No.16364459

based measured responce one of the most pathetic arcs of tradcells on /lit/ i´ve seen yet

>> No.16364482

Trannys are notoriously mentally ill tho

>> No.16364491
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>The most mentally ill people should buy guns

>> No.16364522

none will pass the checks they campaigned so hard to be put in place lmaob

>> No.16364551

Most mentally ill people aren’t violent
But most violent people are mentally ill

>> No.16364556

Lol wtf

>> No.16364559

It's both you can't win with women.

>> No.16364560

faggot alert

>> No.16364633

shut the FUCK up, jesus fucking christ

>> No.16364990

fuck you for making me jack off to a fucking dude.

>> No.16365007
File: 35 KB, 450x250, +_b8156c31a2ad2f0b8ab5f2042fde10a9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can 2020 get anymore based?

>> No.16365049

>Woman is just an image, just appearance.
It’s highly insulting, but I don’t seek male approval, so it’s neutralized on me.


>> No.16365081
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sorry anon
you appear to have created a strawtranswoman

>> No.16365106

Women are not even shallow

>> No.16365113


trannies are the ultimate reflection of misogyny, hence why they are rampant without altright incel groups

>> No.16365141

This one is a special case, given the money invested in her appearance, but....

Consider the "modern", white, liberal woman. Most of them are sincerely ashamed of being women! They aren't proud of their feminity at all; it's something that they erase and reject. The rejection of motherhood, gender roles, etc., all point to the fact these "women" are just not actually women at heart (or at least, they wish they weren't.) Then consider the transwoman. She might not have the parts, but at least she considers femininity to be a good thing. She claims womanhood whole-heartedly, and tries her best to be a woman, to be feminine. If it's the thought that counts, she is more of a woman than most liberal women today. I hope medical technology improves. Transwomen are more women than many ciswomen in mind already; it's time that's reflected in the flesh.

>> No.16365148

/r/gendercritical refugee?

>> No.16365225


>> No.16365378

Guys this book is unreal. Have another excerpt:
>He waited in the doorway with folded arms. "You finally made it. I was just about to give up on you." Her brown eyes flickered in the lamplight. "Bold words." With that, she stepped past Jake as though he were a spectre, or maybe a mirage. She left the way she came and flashed a playful look over her shoulder-- "Come, take a walk with me!" She stretched her legs and smirked quite Jewishly before slitting Jake's throat and dilating with his collarbone. "I can't wait to harass beautiful and talented young women on Twitter.com" he said before skipping away into the night, like a gay tiger

>> No.16365388

You can use two places at once you know

>> No.16365417

>TERFs and Anons, pointing the finger and laughing together
To be united by hatred is a fragile alliance at best.

>> No.16365427
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>a spectre, or maybe a mirage.

>> No.16365443

That subreddit was purged.

>> No.16365453

small kek

>> No.16365461

why are you in my board?

>> No.16365477

>You have people on here advocating genocide
I don't think you understand what you're saying. Literally no one believes this in earnest. Also, I'm sure your definition of genocide is vague.

>> No.16365479

I feel kind of bad for them. Whenever reddit mods suck the girldick and ban a bunch of rightoid subs they always just emigrate to ruqqus. But these women have literally nowhere else to go.
I think there was actually one site that was intended to be 100% female only but it crashed and burned for whatever reason.
Man, imagine being a depressed paranoiac AND being a woman at the same time. Must be rough

>> No.16365487

Why haven't they been banned? They've been causing problems for awhile now.

>> No.16365496

>causing problems
>Implying that there is anything right with this board.

>> No.16365508

Show me an instance where this actually happened the way they think it would

>> No.16365531

Everyone here with common sense, please take a short moment to laugh with me. Let us laugh at
>Hardcore TERFs
>Trans cultists
>Pinkpill, redpill, purplepill, blackpill, (etc.)pill...
God it feels great to be a normal, ordinary person. I shitpost so much online but then slip right back into my comfortable normalfag life, just another white man worker with no real obligation one way or another
Aint life grand?

>> No.16365549

Based. The internet is a mental asylum.

>> No.16365595

Im the exact same way, except Im even more racist IRL

>> No.16365638

>t. Goku

>> No.16365703

>We’re living through the most misogynistic period I’ve experienced. Back in the 80s, I imagined that my future daughters, should I have any, would have it far better than I ever did, but between the backlash against feminism and a porn-saturated online culture, I believe things have got significantly worse for girls. Never have I seen women denigrated and dehumanised to the extent they are now. From the leader of the free world’s long history of sexual assault accusations and his proud boast of ‘grabbing them by the pussy’, to the incel (‘involuntarily celibate’) movement that rages against women who won’t give them sex, to the trans activists who declare that TERFs need punching and re-educating, men across the political spectrum seem to agree: women are asking for trouble. Everywhere, women are being told to shut up and sit down, or else.
not based at all

>> No.16365727
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Amen, brother.

>> No.16365979

>Her platform puts my life in danger
WTF I'm buying the book right now.

>> No.16366085
File: 117 KB, 220x220, crying pepe moving.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That feel when you're a
>Hardcore TERFs
>Trans cultists
>Pinkpill, redpill, purplepill, blackpill, (etc.)pill...

>> No.16366110

What’s her name again, /lit/?

>> No.16366189


In the end of the day, you are still defending a pseudoscience you gene denying faggots.

>> No.16366249

J. KKK. Rowling

>> No.16366288

J.K. “You’ll never pass, lass” Rowling

>> No.16366312

J.K "If you cut your dick you won't be a chick" Rowling

>> No.16366315

im convinced twitter is where all the mentally ill weirdos that tumblr harbored ran off to

>> No.16366349

J.K "Dilate is not equal to menstruate" Rowling.

>> No.16366357

This is the best one and also unironically true

>> No.16366358

>yfw it's even more obvious that JK is stole harry potter

>> No.16366365 [DELETED] 

"You're a man" (jk) Rowling

>> No.16366372

"Slavery is a choice." - J.K. Rowling

>> No.16366380
File: 255 KB, 525x431, Codreanu2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck jannies, fuck trannies, fuck niggers and fuck kikes

>> No.16366383

"You're a woman" (jk) Rowling

>> No.16366386

lmao I did not expect this woman to have this level of banter.

>> No.16366398
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>> No.16366422

>dilation ain't menstruation
Sounds better.

>> No.16366528

I don't give a fuck about somebody having a tranny serial killer in a novel and if anything making it a taboo to make any group the "Bad guy" is kind of insulting in a way.

Rowling's pen name is some anti-trans shock doctor, she's wrote diatribes about how the trans agenda is going too far, and now this, and sometimes it make sense to read between the lines and go "Hey maybe this J.K. Rowling person doesn't like trannies very much and is a touch obsessed with them". At some point you need to be willfully ignorant and naive to ignore the obvious.

The rest of the world has moved on from trannies anyways unless they're black trannies they're yesterday's news just like women and people who identify as terrorists.

>> No.16366536

>he said before skipping away into the night, like a gay tiger


>> No.16366546

Yikes, she is such a horrible writer;

>> No.16366559

Why do you pretend to like Rowling and Harry Potter now?

>> No.16367158

There are two people saying anything positive about HP in this thread. And defence of Rowilng isn't "Terfs are white and based wife material" but "mocking trannies is funny and we should support it".

>> No.16367298

>She stretched her legs and smirked quite Jewishly
Lost it

>> No.16367343

Go back to /pol

>> No.16367562

Anyone found a link to her book online yet? Usual sources let me down

>> No.16367590

it's not out until next monday anon

>> No.16367604

The ancient gayreeks were gay

>> No.16367622
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The worst thing about all this is people on /lit/ are now talking about JK Rowling as if she's a an actual good writer

>> No.16367648
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Rowling is based, she is pulling that Eminem move and she will prove her power.

>> No.16367706

I'm a tranny and I think it's fucking hilarious

>> No.16367712

Our enjoyment
Either banging trannies, tranny porn, or laughing at them

>> No.16367717

:) you get it

>> No.16367752

Because she's hurting you, obviously, and it costs me nothing.

>> No.16368187

Based Kazutaka Hyōdō

>> No.16368257

I'm an incel but I'll laugh at myself.

>> No.16368258
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>> No.16368299

at least he is not a tranny

>> No.16368300

>fuck sharks
>mancrush on Robert Pattinson
>fuck Obama
>many such cases
>I love India
Early Trump tweets were redpilled as fuck. Are you a shark?

>> No.16368308

jump of a cliff

>> No.16368534

No it isn't. Radfem is
>the basis for the oppression of women is the material reality of the dimorphism of the human species, with women being smaller and weaker than men as well as being the sex that needs to carry the future generation, and in order to truly liberate women from patriarchy we need to focus on the objective MATERIAL basis for patriarchy
Trannies directly threaten this because they attempt to remove the objective, real, material basis for feminism.