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/lit/ - Literature

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16356819 No.16356819 [Reply] [Original]

I'll start.

>> No.16356841

Why is this considered guilty pleasure it’s pretty good? My favorite chapter in this one might have been Sansa’s at the tourney

>> No.16356852

Cause it's Genre Fiction and shitty.

>> No.16356857

First three were solid fantasy novels.

Last two were meh at best.

I liked the first 6 or so of the old R.A. Salvatore Drizzt books. They were fun.

>> No.16356903
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The American Tolkien

>> No.16356916
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I think it’s his best book (though he’s really much better at short fiction)

>> No.16357123

This board is just elitist and hates genre fiction. GoT is pretty good and was enjoyable to read apart from Dany chapters. GRRM is definitely a talented writer

>> No.16357139

I like Wheel of Time and Mistborn and Percy Jackson

>> No.16357151


>Dany shitting intensifies

>> No.16357157
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very guilty but consistently entertained

>> No.16357160
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more catholic science fiction

>> No.16357162

The books are unironically good fantasy despite the show going to shit and 4chan just being contrarian and bitter

Though I doubt the fat lazy fuck will ever finish them

>> No.16357341
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I really enjoyed this book

>> No.16357365

Book 10 of the iliad

>> No.16357368

people unironically use this to shit on GRRM.

>> No.16357382

shill me something fun

>> No.16357459
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>> No.16357476

The board just hates fiction and reading generally.

>> No.16357482

He's not lazy, but bored. The world became deeply uninteresting to everyone, including the author.

>> No.16357503

i like his suspenders. it looks like theyre on fire

>> No.16357508

I used to like reading ASOIAF, but after seeing what's gonna happen to Dany... yeah. I mostly read nonfiction (STEM and history) and litfic now.

>> No.16357574

No, he got successful and doesn't have to write anymore so he won't. He's a victim of his own success and is on record saying that he's never actually liked the process of writing. Every time he talks about his process it sounds like an absolute fucking nightmare for him.

>> No.16357587

I heard the books is supposed to be alternative to the show. So, who knows we might get a different ending.

>> No.16357607
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I'm developing on weird interest in stories where sweet young novices are sexually bullied and taken by other nuns, either escaping in the end or ending up the pet or lover of one or another more strong willed woman. That said, I'm struggling to find many.

Does anyone know of any titles that have that kind of plot? I'm trying to avoid outright porn, as often the better written books do a better job at pulling you into the setting and scenario, but GGRM tier scenes would be more than acceptable.

>> No.16357794 [SPOILER] 
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I read a lot of fanfiction.
There's just something about how a literal who can take premade characters, give them depth and create interesting narratives that I find fascinating.
I have the fanfiction and AO3 apps on my phone, and I download my favorites for easier access. I cannot get enough. Even when it's bad, there's certain kinds of bad I can tolerate because it's neat to see how others interpret characters, their personality, and motivation.
also pic related
If you know what to look for and how to filter results correctly, you can find some surprisingly well written stuff.

>> No.16357841
File: 127 KB, 1484x1094, apu reading book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What fanfiction are you reading at the moment anon? What are some good fanfics you would suggest?
I, personally have never been able to make it to the end of any fanfic, except one. I start out all excited and loving it, meeting my favorite characters and seeing them in different settings, but after a while the "guilty" part becomes too much and I feel like I should be reading something original, but it really shouldn't be like that. I only finished a HP fanfic that was a fake Order of the Phoenix, but I came across it back when the real book hadn't been released and I just got hooked because I had nothing else to read in a similar vein anyway.

>> No.16357846
File: 142 KB, 600x912, Sweeny Todd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1800s cheap pulp fiction

>> No.16357930

if anything, his sex scenes are worse. They are below the quality of the average literotica submission.

>> No.16357951

I have a deep love of fanfic, and it was my primary reading material in my teen years. I've moved on, but it still has a soft spot in my heart.

>> No.16357954

what's the problem with Dany's fate other than bugman shit like she deserved better or muh character development. It feels a lot like the ultimate fate in a Greek tragedy.

>> No.16358061
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Right now I'm reading
>pic related
Because I shudder at the thought of being able to do something useful in life.
Here are some ones I like:
From Russia, With Love [Lackadaisy]
Washouts and Weed killer [Voltron]
An Unexpected Turn of Events [Artemis Fowl]
A Mountain I'm Willing To Die On [Zootopia]
Sad Judy [Zootopia (points for being written on /co/)]
Magical Mystery Oops [MLP]
The Demesne of the Reluctant [MLP]
The Metropolitan Man [Superman (this one's fantastic)]

As for finishing, I would get over that. There are way to many 150k+ word fics, and so few people seem to know how to write a satisfactory ending. Most of the ones I read I get tired about 60-75% of the way through, when we're past the climax but the writer wants to drag me through another 30k of saccharine. I'd say the sweet spot is between 30k and 120k. Less and there's either very little plot (not always a bad thing) or the writing is terse. More and it feels like the author is shoehorning in every idea they have.

Link that HP Fanfic.

>> No.16358072

>other than bugman shit like she deserved better
That's literally it desu.

>It feels a lot like the ultimate fate in a Greek tragedy.
How do I learn to appreciate tragedies? I feel like reading something that doesn't end in a happy ending is a waste of time. Why wallow in misery?