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16354928 No.16354928 [Reply] [Original]

White people cant write realistic PoC characters. Just stop.

>> No.16354935
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this is gonna be a gud thread

>> No.16354936

Yes English people should not write about characters who speak ESL

>> No.16354943

Finally some fucking permission to replace all the shitty PoC characters in my draft with whites.

>> No.16354951

People need to stop needing to stop things

>> No.16354953

>we need more representation of the 11%
>no one but the 11% percent can write them!

I hate to be class reductionist here but...

>> No.16354955
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>people here use twitter

>> No.16354965

Take your twitter horseshit back to /pol/, plebbo.

>> No.16354971

stop making threads from twitter screenshots. Just stop.

>> No.16354979

I’m Jewish. Gentiles shouldn’t even try to write Jewish characters, they always fuck it up. I imagine the experience is the same for PoC.

>> No.16354986

>Include a POC in your novel
>critics attack you for being ignorant of POC perspectives

Don't include a POC in your novel
>critics attack you for not including a diverse range of characters

It's reassuring to know that this is the reason why I'll never be published and not my lack of talent

>> No.16354997

This kind of logic is something I've been tossing around in my head.

The word of the day: stay in your lane! What happened to creative liberties? What if the novel I am writing - despite being a white man - is not meant to be some claustrophobic treatise on the exact conditions of my life?

>> No.16354999

Damned if you do, damned if you don't

>> No.16355012

Jews also mess up writing Gentile characters btw

>> No.16355016

that's ok i don't mind
i only like reading about white people anyway

>> No.16355021

Not true, Jewishness is the essence of humanity. Gentiles pantomime Jewishness.

>> No.16355023

Ill be sure to burn away all the jewish characters in my prospective books

>> No.16355026

Don't waste your precious words here! Reply on Twitter so the world can appreciate your deep wisdom on the subject. This board is for discussing specific works of literature. Take care buddy.

>> No.16355029

Why? It's not very hard to describe ash

>> No.16355030

White guilt doesn’t extend to poos

>> No.16355031

Maybe they're signaling that white people shouldn't be writing at all. The more white people write, the more you silence Black and Brown voices by flooding the market with your trash. White people writing is just yet another example of White people trying to maintain their dominance: you're trying to police Black and Brown bodies by continuing to silence them.

>> No.16355036

This is why nobody likes you guys buddy

>> No.16355046

The relationship of the author to their characters determines how well the characters are written. To say otherwise is pure cope. This is why traditionally there have been so few female protagonists- it’s easier to write a character you can relate to and this is why literary masterpieces generally feature men

>> No.16355052


>> No.16355057

In comparison to Whiteness, Jewishness is angelic. Jewishness, for all of its existence, has opposed the evil of Whiteness; from the Holocaust to discrimination in the the Middle Ages.

>> No.16355059

Honestly, white people just need to stop doing anything that they haven't explicitly gotten permission to do from a young, university educated woman. A young woman with a gender studies degree hasn't said that you're allowed to inhale and exhale at regular intervals? That's you're problem.

>> No.16355063

If that were true you guys wouldn't obsessively try to live in White countries, countries that keep kicking you out. It's clear that you want to be around Whites a lot more than Whites want to be around you.

>> No.16355072

White people need to get out of our countries. If you don't like it, leave.

>> No.16355075

You should go outside once in a while. People love Jews for our artistic talent. We also form the core of your legal and financial systems. Without Jews, China would have eclipsed America long ago.

>> No.16355076

Non-white people shouldn't write at all

>> No.16355090

Chinese are the jews of Asia

>> No.16355106

Can't wait for resegregation.

>> No.16355108

Save it for Twitter, homotron.

>> No.16355110

>Without Jews, China would have eclipsed America long ago.
God bless the jews for saving us from a bug's life

>> No.16355119

Sho nuffs burns my black ass pink when see dem white bois writing black folk.

>> No.16355129

Twitter is based, short and sweet replies with no strings attached. It’s no wonder there is much crossover with 4channel.

>> No.16355134

Thank G-d for Jews

>> No.16355195

I've seen people get memed into thinking this is right before they realise it literally makes it impossible for people to write fiction. Men can't have Women characters either by the same logic. The entire het-Romance genre is BTFO.

Wasn't JK Rowling condemned for having too many White people at Hogwarts?

>> No.16355213

I’m POC and write urban fantasy and can never write POC characters as the MC because it’s impossible to imagine

>> No.16355237


>I’m Jewish
No you aren't

>> No.16355239

Saira is exactly the kind of brown character I would write, jealous and riddled with insecurities.

>> No.16355244

Writing is also an exercise for empathy and something writers get out of writing is putting themselves in the shoes of other people so the entire idea is just fundamentally fucking stupid and self-owning the deeper down you go. So lets say you have a White author which was wondering what it was like to be say, an Indian immigrant in their community and decided to write them as a character, but was afraid to cause offence so they wrote about another white person just like them. They're just going to get further and further away from relating to you.

The thing is that people are coming from a useful observation, that authors who are very familiar or share the same experiences as their characters tend to write from a more informed and sympathetic point of view, and just taking that observation and coming up with a stupid fucking idea. Lets ban whitey from writing about Indians. That's white supremacy! It is actually a FAR better idea to promote non-white authors and for whites to do more consultation when writing about people unlike themselves.

This twitter shit is just stupid and unlike a lot of SJW shit you can be openly against it because it's so stupid that if you point out the flaws in the position a bit a person looks like a complete fucking idiot and tool trying to defend their position no matter how emotionally they appeal. It's just too stupid for people to tolerate.

>> No.16355246

>listen to the silly bitch and write only white characters
>get criticized for racistly depicting only white characters and not being inclusive
You can't win with these retards.

>> No.16355256

>specifying a race

>> No.16355259

If you can go along with the trinity, you should have no problem complying with contradictory instructions from your BIPOC overlords.

>> No.16355270

At least white people can write

>> No.16355273

If I hear the phrase “bLack or bRoWn” again I’m going to vomit

>> No.16355275

imagine being so vacuous and deprived of humanity that you're only able to relate to characters that are of the exact same race, sex, and background as you are. what a pitiful existence.

>> No.16355278

I guess Dostoevsky was deprived of humanity

>> No.16355279


>> No.16355292

They can’t anyway so it doesn’t matter

>> No.16355294

I’d never put niggers in my story in the first place

>> No.16355306

Wrote the character to competition, finish the novel and then in every description just say he’s black

>> No.16355324


>> No.16355332

That’s like writing the Iliad and then altering Achilles to be a Roman.

>> No.16355333

Just paste this tweet on the back cover and say “ I wanted to be respectful so I didn’t write niggers into my novel” - best regards, Anon

>> No.16355341

>This is why traditionally there have been so few female protagonists
No, it's because women are almost never extremely heroic or extremely evil or extremely cunning or extremely rebellious, so unless your goal is specifically to examine the mediocre a female protagonist usually doesn't make sense

>> No.16355355

Who am I supposed to use as antagonists?

>> No.16355368

>protagonists must be demigods
Maybe try reading something outside of genre fiction trash. Most protagonists are none of those things.

>> No.16355372

My protagonist is half-Cuban, but he's basically white so I'm ok

>> No.16355381

Sounds epic to me

>> No.16355394

I'm all for it, but probably not for the reason she wants.

>> No.16355406


>> No.16355482

Into the oven my jewish characters go

>> No.16355514

Should women be allowed to male characters?
Assuming women should be allowed to write btw

>> No.16355522

>twitter thread
>people actually bumping it

>> No.16355526

>from the Holocaust to discrimination in the the Middle Ages
Are Jews made of tachyons (and thus experience time moving backwards)?

>> No.16355534

Weirdly, that should be your royal road to novel ( in the sense of new) creation; the plethora of white MC's makes it all but impossible to make one that isn't like some previous other one; the dearth of black MC's should produce an opposite, liberating effect.
I think a major problem for black writers of your ilk is the anticipation of a black audience's potential responses. Make the MC as interesting as you are yourself, for instance, then you may face claims of having had made him 'too white' --which is damning these days no matter how good your tale is..
I think this is a major problem; acceptance works two ways; the number POC nerds far exceeds that of POC athletes- but who dares speak up for *them*?
The irony is that Americans are far more alike than different these days but there's no less popular topic right now.

>> No.16355643

Shut up Shylock

>> No.16355660

>legal and financial systems
Your people are the tapeworm of humanity. Inshallah we will reclaim Palestine from river to sea, and rape your daughters and sisters before marrying them and forcing them to convert to Islam.

>> No.16355674

You’ll run out of children to use as human shields eventually mehmet

>> No.16355725

Based IslamiChad.

Let the rivers run black with kike blood!

>> No.16355899

>The more white people write, the more you silence Black and Brown voices by flooding the market with your trash
>you're trying to police Black and Brown bodies by continuing to silence them
It's a really weird position to take if that is the case. Surely that's more of a problem with competition in the market? Sounds like a structural or systemic issue, rather than something you can just levy at an individual. It's like racial veganism– Your sacrifice won't make much difference to the environment on a global scale, and it might impair you in the long term, but its a very effective way of telegraphing that you do really truly care about the cause.

Seriously, how does stopping white people from writing address the bigger issue, which is that publishers themselves are being racially biased in their selections? Punishing the writers does nothing address systemic racism. It's pointless.

>> No.16356058

>black capitalized
>brown is normal
what did xhe mean by this

>> No.16356202

cancel Coetzee

>> No.16356219

is he a gusano

>> No.16357092

>Non-wizards should stop writing about wizards

>> No.16357475

As an asian woman I can confirm that non-Asians should not write Asian characters and non-women should not write women characters

>> No.16357535

I do wonder why /pol/tards think Jews are the ones behind Muslim migration to Europe. Jews aren't dumb enough to replace the one population that likes them the most with the one that hates them the most.

>> No.16357540

But then how are we supposed to diversify our cast of characters without getting called out for not having representation? Am I supposed to co-write all my books with BIPOC?

>> No.16357569

Niggers can't write realistic white villains

>> No.16357579

I thought Cacambo was pretty great

>> No.16357661

"brown" is not even a thing.

>> No.16357687

Hahahaha the Jewish elitism is astounding

>> No.16357696

I wish these godless commies would have the balls to come out and say they don't want white people to do anything except die.

>> No.16357723

So the juice in the jewish mass graves that totally exist is basically concentrated jewishness, so if I were to drink it in a reverse blood libel incident, I'd become uberjewish, uberhuman and uberbanker?

>> No.16357731

God, I fucking WISH I didn't have to put them into my novels to get them so much as looked at by publishers. The first critique I received back from a professional editor was
>Not enough POC
>Not enough LGBTQ rep
>White male leads are overdone, make him asian or POC
I'd be totally fine just writing about white people but you fucking cunts won't let me.

>> No.16358761

good post

>> No.16358807

>damn and then one day grandma got shot into a ditch

>> No.16358811

First day?

>> No.16359029

Who even is brown?
Arabs? Hispanics?

>> No.16359035

Asian =\= POC?

>> No.16359039

Asians are POC, except that its OK for white people to write about them.

>> No.16359075

East Asians are Schrodinger’s POC. POC when convenient. Try to not to overthink it too much, it’s not supposed to be a coherent system since coherency is a white thing.

>> No.16359105

Thanks for the insight. Will gas them by the end of 1st chapter from now

>> No.16359115

>We also form the core of your legal and financial systems.

No shit

>> No.16359122
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>we need to stop publishing white authors

>> No.16359140

Hispanics aren't Brown, they're Latinx/Hispanx. Arabs are Muslims. "Brown" is a rough assortment referring to non-Whites who are too worthless to have an actual oppression narrative, like Pajeets, or Muslim SEAs.

They do. They're cheering on the Antifas lighting the California forest fires for that reason.

>> No.16359152

wait, what? if there were ZERO minorities in white-made literature, wouldn't they use that fact to argue that white-made literature is racist?

>> No.16359154

The white/PoC dichotomy is illusory and an intellectual crutch used by those who are unable to control their base instincts. Only the weak fall prey to the follies of the limbic system.

This board is so obsessed with the arbitrary concept of race. These threads are no better than coomer threads; if you engage in either you are caving to your caveman instincts.

"My tribe good. Your tribe bad. Woman bears child. I fuck her."

Grow up, move on to greater intellectual pursuits.

>> No.16359171

Perhaps read the entries before posting? There's some interesting stuff in here-- not alot, of course, but some statements worth a comment. This preferred mode of yours as every bit as tiresome as what it condemns.

>> No.16359201

never read DFW have you

>> No.16359229

She's right though, stop including PoC in books

>> No.16359235

Too obvious, kike.

>> No.16359251
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>write white characters
muh diversity!!
>write other characters

>> No.16359272

I imagine there isn't really a consistent or unified opinion amongst the black community on the subject. You're never going to get a coherent answer if your only engagement with the different kinds of arguments being made is through cherrypicked twitter screenshots.

That said, I think those at the radial end of the spectrum could suggest that ALL white-made literature is racist, as it drowns out black voices who have been given far less representation. So in that instance the solution for whites isn't to stop writing POCs, but to stop writing period. Of course, none of them would openly admit to opposing free speech, because it really is an incoherent position to hold. You're holding white writers to account for a problem that is clearly institutional (publishers decide who gets published, not the writers themselves). Rather than cracking down on institutional bias towards whites, they would rather force white writers to make tokenistic sacrifices that do nothing to address the real (systemic) problem.

>> No.16359317

Yes, white people should stop writing. There's more than enough dead white men in the canon already.

>> No.16359395

Funny. What you rightly fear is that you don't measure up, which is understandable.

>> No.16359520

Exhaustion isn't fear.

>> No.16359531

I don't read books with black and brown characters anyway lol

>> No.16359546

An argument can be invalidated by a single typo.

>> No.16359559

Exhaustion from fear isn't any better.

>> No.16359586

Good thing this is exhaustion from monotony than.

>> No.16359592
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Very good comment

>> No.16359874

That just shows you haven't read a thing; but if you prefer (what is the equivalent of) a bunch of white businessmen fumbling around on the basketball court to the NBA then that's your own business.
You'll never be a good writer if you're incapable of either reading or appreciating great writing, however. Great art is about performance, anon
Not whining

>> No.16359893

White people have already played their part. All the good white writers are dead. All the great white thinkers, are dead. Europe and America are a Black man's world now. Whites will be a minority in USA by 2045 and Europe by 2070. The time for the Black uprising is now. Whites played their role and built a beautiful Europe and now us Blacks shall come in and reap the rewards, we will take your architecture, your culture, your women and your children and you will kneel to the Black Emperor.

>> No.16359894

Ok. My book will just have all non whites and women reduced to being fodder killed by my white male protagonist. I hope
>Whatever the fuck that name is
Finds my book acceptable.

>> No.16359899
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>> No.16359916

White anon, don't be racist, even ironically
It's just bad form

>> No.16359932

>das mine now

>> No.16359965

When a city contains 100,000 whites one year and then 50 years later it contains 10,000 whites and 90,000 people of colour, who owns it? US. Stay mad white boy. You can't hide from the fact the white population is on a decline as all white women are now craving my African BBC and ready to produce mixed babies.

>> No.16359982

I'm Chinese. Go ahead and take over burgerland. It will be a lot easier to takeover just like we are doing in Africa rn.

>> No.16359990

Oh no no no. Just wait till he finds out how much Asian's living in Europe and USA crave BBC. Some of dem even more cray cray than white bitches!

>> No.16359994
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>> No.16360001

We are in the process of perfecting genetic manipulation so our cocks will increase in both length and girth tenfold without the loss of intelligence. We da new kangz now.

>> No.16360018

Yes, please.

>> No.16360040


>> No.16360046

Blessed post

>> No.16360053

His post was obviously satire you dunce

>> No.16360130

Wokes are better at being reactionary than reactionaries. Cancelling David Hume and the enlightenment, bringing back segregation, repealing anti-discrimination laws, and abolishing the separation of church and state in order to help Muslims.

>> No.16360175

Asians are POC but POC don't actually matter anymore, they've been abandoned in favor of BIPOC. Which in practice just means black people because wokies don't really care about indigenous issues.

>> No.16360196


>> No.16360199

There was a top-down enforced cultural change after George Floyd died where Black is always capitalized, white is always lowercase, and brown can go either way.
Black - because they claim all black people have a monolithic historical experience and identity
white - because there is no global "white identity" and they don't want to enable white supremacists
brown - because being brown might be a proper cultural identity in some places but not in others

>> No.16360207

>tfw i don't describe my characters' physical appearances at all

>> No.16360453

I want to write a Dutch character named Little Ant who works as a full-time streamer

>> No.16360483

Where's the typo? It's a contraction of "you" and "are".

>> No.16360484

I want to write a Brazilian character named HorseFucker who moves to Europe to find his one true slavic love

>> No.16360505

For me, it's a Floridian trans-African man in love with a gorgeous Serbian youth

>> No.16360564

Anon, I...

>> No.16360585

ah, another privileged brahmin talking about white privilege, without fail. never saw descendants of dalit bitching about white privilege

>> No.16360594

Jews: Our minds don't work differently to yours. We're normal people... we're basically white!
Also Jews: >>16354979

>> No.16360618

ppl creating transgression after transgression is easy fertile ground for creation lol

till this soil white ppl

>> No.16360652

Daily reminder that Saira almost became a congresswoman in 2018 and was endorsed at the time by Andrew Yang (and more recently by Elizabeth Warren). She was that close to being another "Squad" member.

>> No.16361055

They forgot to write a comma
>That's you're problem.
>That's, you're problem.
corrected and expanded
>That is, you are problem(atic).
simple as

>> No.16361199

5 years ago

>> No.16361232


>> No.16361236
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Wardine be cry

>> No.16361244

It's sort of like when they demand that locations and mascots with references to minority groups be removed. So you're fighting the predominance of white culture by...removing references to non-white people and groups?

>> No.16361247


>> No.16361253

>has a hard-on for Wagner

>> No.16361472
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Black and brown people need to start returning to Africa and Asia en masse.

>> No.16361484

whitoids back to yurope, too.

>> No.16361495

Yes, because Jews do not experience consciousness as gentiles do. Indeed, it may well be erroneous to say that Jews experience consciousness at all.

>> No.16361506

Is his name Steven

>> No.16362602

Yeah I was already doing "that."

>> No.16362810

Not him but, I wouldn't mind at this point.

>> No.16363124

Ahh.. So we've come full circle

>> No.16363175

yo yo yo bix nood mufugga

>> No.16364024

Modern yuros will do a complete 180 on refugees welcome lmao

>> No.16364058
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>Schlomo nosed his way tiredly through his apartment, a proper elder of zion, his humpback strut with a certain degree of confidence and swagger. He sat down at his desk to chip away at his diamonds, and while doing so contemplating the goyim. Why do they persecute me so? He asked before finishing his stone.

>> No.16364071


>> No.16364151

I guess I'll be the only Goy with the balls here. Yes, we are jealous. Your race is responsible for the greatest statesmen and your women are the envy of every Goy women and the desire of every Goy man. We wish to be YOU, and that why Hitler wanted to destroy you... he was a Goy who knew what too many of us refuse to know, that we can never be you. That the gap between Solomon's progeny and the cave-dweller's litter can never be closed and so like a child that has been told no he decided that what he could not have, NOBODY COULD HAVE. That event, stained us even more and made the gap between us even more evident which is why so many try to debunk it, try to unbury the innocent. All that can be left to say is this, I'm sorry, Master.

>> No.16364175

moshe pls. We just want you to go away, like a bad smell

>> No.16364226

You would disagree with Air if it wore a yarmulke.

>> No.16364236

I'm not even that antisemitic I just get rustled by overly smug jewery

>> No.16364243

>Write book with only white characters
>It's time to stop reading white authors who write white characters
You can literally never win with wokies, you can agree with them on 99/100 issues but they'll throw you in the trash for that one issue you don't agree with them on

>> No.16364259

It’s easy:
>Name: Benjamin
>Appearance: Bald
>Personality: As cooperative as a white man when with people he needs to interact with regularly; absolutely honourless to everybody else without exception

t. lived in Israel for 3 months

>> No.16364386

>Hitler.. a goy
Actually he was some portion Moroccan Amazigh Jew- that's what his DNA reports at any rate

>> No.16364389

It's not about principles. It's about power.

>> No.16364415

and alt right incel racists can agree with PoC on 100/100 issues but they will throw them in the trash over their skin color. ever thought about that?

>> No.16364438

>and alt right incel racists can agree with PoC on 100/100 issues
well no. Freedom of association and affirmative action and welfare and free speech and so on. There's a reason they don't hate koreans or japs or whatever

>> No.16364454

>There's a reason they don't hate koreans or japs or whatever
of course, they're weaboos

>> No.16364467

>alt right incel racists
back to chapo subreddit you go
>racism is only skin deep
imagine believing this

>> No.16364855
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>> No.16364862

No it's because of their overall behavior, as in crime rates and whatever

>> No.16365051




>> No.16365089

I thought that maybe..
Oh, never mind

>> No.16365624

If you don't understand the validity of this, I really don't know what use there is in talking about it

>> No.16365929


>> No.16365940

The brown lady smelled her self. "Poop", she thought. "Perfect".

>> No.16365986

I unironically wish White people would stop writing brown people.

Segregate the races in all things, as it should be.

>> No.16366010

Whites should be the only people on earth to write black and brown characters and should be forced to write them in as cartoonishly an unflattering way as possible.

>> No.16366023

You can reason like this but to these maniacs you are racist no matter what. They will literally, unironically have absolutely no qualms about using the "lack of representation" argument against you, RIGHT AFTER using the "you can't write PoC characters" argument; AND they know this; AND they don't care, because they don't want you to be able to do anything and want you dead.

>> No.16366024

when did non whites learn how to read and write in English?

>> No.16366053


>> No.16366066

She’s going to be mad that my black and brown characters are just vessels for my own thoughts and fun with expressing them through lit.

One is a book about terrorists in Pakistan/ Afghanistan the other about a gang in South Africa turn of the 20th century a kind of South African western kek

>> No.16366107

Damn she’s running for Congress? These are the people that want to control shit...

>> No.16366119

Comedor de Cavalo

>> No.16366128

Why does everything for these people have to be “their story” a political emotional struggle. It’s like they’ve never heard of fiction

>> No.16366289

Why are they so angry all the time?

>> No.16366298

Guarenteed replies, fuck nu-/lit/.

>> No.16366516
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>> No.16368234

>God bless the jews
Whitoid bootlicking jews as usual

>> No.16368451


>> No.16368521

Or we should stop being racist like refering to people by their skin color. If she has any particular problem with any written character, than point out the writer/producer/whoever responsible and than she should state her argument why and what way it is a misrepresentation.

Nobody going to take it seriously if she's moaning like a pornstar without an actual argument.

>> No.16370130

Of you weren’t so brainwashed by porn you would know by now that nobody likes BBC. It’s a deformation and studies have found that almost all women prefer an average sized dick

>> No.16370403

>who owns it
Jews, duh.

>> No.16370633

Of course I fucking can't I'm not black and I'll never be, likewise niggers will never be able to be truly white. No one is going to be able to write another person like he could write himself because he is not anyone else, it is completely retarded to demand this shit because this logic concludes in only writing anything but autobiographies and no one reading them because they would not understand those works due to them not being the author. Imagine if somebody told Shakespeare that he should stop writing Hamlet because he wasn't Danish, nor a prince. The beauty of writing comes from the unique experience of the writer being made permanent and it interacting with the reader, creating and evoking common and transcendental human experiences in spite of the tremendous contextual and personal differences.

>> No.16370649

The prophecy has come true.

>> No.16370683

Black ppl should be cancelled desu

>> No.16370779

already ahead of you

>> No.16370894


>> No.16370912
File: 195 KB, 1200x1052, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woooo yeahhh babey segregation 2

>> No.16370922


>> No.16371090

Sounds like Saira is a racist

>> No.16371482


>> No.16371638

Kind of true, fuck diversity, I want more white people in my media.

>> No.16371845


>> No.16373460

You don’t have to read Jewish characters