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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 25 KB, 300x375, Stephenfry300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1632873 No.1632873 [Reply] [Original]

Share your book ideas and your fellow c/lit/s will offer constructive criticism or at least tell you how retarded you are

>> No.1632877


can we do plays?

>> No.1632880

Fucking vicious satirical takedown of internet hipsters featuring: "ironic" child molestation and zoosadism/bestiality, a Twitter dedicated entirely to reading the backs of breakfast cereal boxes, an insane anime tranny, etc etc

>> No.1632882

Fantasy tale of self-discovery, loyalty and revenge in which the protagonist saves the aging king from assassination but as a distraction the antagonist's forces caused a riot in the city in which the pro.'s parents are killed. What follows is a journey across the land gathering forces and allies to defeat the growing power of the enemy culminating in a final battle. It sounds quite cheesy but I haven't really written everything I've thought of down, nor have I thought of nearly everything (major) in the story.

>> No.1632885
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your a grown man you can do what you like

>> No.1632889


ok, I was just wondering in case anyone wanted to do plays. I'll probably do a book though, maybe. im not sure yet.

>> No.1632890


Also, it is written entirely in that impoverished alogia style they have:

why even not put your d*ck in a baby


>> No.1632892

Broaden it out a bit it sounds like a generic fantasy book, try adding something different

>> No.1632896
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I know your trolling but fucking hell i hate you so much right now!

>> No.1632904


Any suggestions?

There'll be a few elements I didn't mention among certain races, rigid social structure/bias, racism

>> No.1632915

If it looks like Tolkien your doing it wrong. invent your own world, create a place that has never been written about before. if you cant do that you shouldnt be writing a book

>> No.1632933


Does that mean elves and any other thing used by Tolkien is pretty much out then? :( (Not that I was actually going to take that much out of his book (literally))

>> No.1632947


Sorry man, in reality I was going to do a story of England turning communist. It would probably be reactionary to Marxist-Leninism in that it's so harsh to the Middle Class who are overall not a bad bunch of people and provide the country with art, culture, knowledge and education amongst a lot of other things.

If you actually read many of Lenin's essays he is really expressive of his disdain for the middle which is pretty un-called for and hypocritical.

The novel would probably include the reduction of universities, destruction of "unnecessary" literature etc. making unwilling people work in industries.

I wouldnt be totalitarian it would just be communist and reflective of what life would really be like. Ultimately the middle classes would reintroduce themselves, create more tertiary industry, more culture, help to govern etc. and ultimately save the day.

It would centre around a homosexual professor of art history at the university of Sussex, he would also have HIV.

It would actually be a play though.

>> No.1632948

pretty much, if you tried you'd be fighting an uphill battle trying not to seem generic. If you do still want to do it id say try to rethink everything, maybe do a fantasy setting where humans arent the biggest pricks on the planet

>> No.1632959

read "a brave new world" might give you a few ideas

>> No.1632970


its just ideas but yeah ill take a look. certianly needs more planning and a focus. but its something i feel quite strongly about and think "could" be interesting.

>> No.1633067

go for it dude

>> No.1633081
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>An old CSIS Agent is called to active duty in 2040 to investigate the apparent suicide of the world's last non-augmented Music Star.

>Nanotechnology, still fresh and unregulated in many parts of the world, is only administered in severe medical procedures.

>Yet everyone making over 250k is augmented to shit

>The third-party Nanotech company which is offering unlimited augmentations and prosthetic limbs is dominating a market in a country that is always too slow and too late to regulate.

A young businessman arrives to the Province of Toronto to give a demonstration to Liberal Party leaders and affluent Elite of the capabilities Nanotechnology offers them the same night the last person actively pushing for Nanotechnology regulation is found dead. The Old CSIS Agent, running on first generation Nanotechnology that adapted to his body out of sheer genetic luck, has to put the dots together before this mysterious company monopolizes the next step of Human technological advancement.

>> No.1633087


why would you want to make a book about the attack on Middle-class Britain today? The middle-class have taken over every aspect of culture and politics. The working class once were represented by Labour but now all parties pander to the middle-class.

>> No.1633092

Surrogates and deus ex, its been done

>> No.1633094

this dude goes in space and punches everyone to save the universe

>> No.1633095

I was gonna make an anime about a man never leaves his house. The twist was that it was an alien zoo.

Dammit, I didn't read Slaughterhouse 5 until 2 weeks ago.

>> No.1633118
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>> No.1633123

A man battles some disembodied dicks on the dick planet. Turns out he is the dicks

>> No.1633135
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just because of that I'm actually going to write it
"The Space Adventures of Captain Badass"

>> No.1633183

Set in a small country where being unemployed is illegal. The cast is six NEETs and the strange, makeshift culture that's emerging from NEEThood.

Main character gets a job that would allow him to leave NEEThood, and starts to use his position to pull favors for his friends. His boss, intrigued by the growing culture, allows the main character to continue pulling favors as long as he reports back the happenings of the NEEThood.

>> No.1633199

how bout we all get in on this.
Its the year 2089 and captain badass is hiding out in post apocalyptic Moscow under the name, Herbert delerange. Its 2 years after an alien aliance calling themselves "everyone" has taken over and inslaved the entire planet. The captain is contacted by his former love who's now a resistance fighter and convinces him to help in their plan to over throw the planets rulers. . . . anyone want to continue from here?

>> No.1633208


>> No.1633210

Started good then hit a brick wall of stupid.
How bout you make it about a guy who quits his job then goes on the run because the government will hunt him down for being a NEET

>> No.1633211

I had an idea for an uncreative writer traveling the world in search of inspiration.
The writer is meant to have no meaningful identity. The writer himself will be shallow and incapable of understanding what he is taught, though insisting a deep understanding. Along the way he subscribes to many ideologies and joins with many organizations not because of how sound their ideas and methods are, but because of the image they convey.

>> No.1633215

>middle class

ahahahaha no

>> No.1633221


Every setting has been done. What you do with the setting and what you invoke is what's important.

Of course I don't expect much creativity from /lit/, after all.

>> No.1633226

>man finds a peacock
>it gets more beautiful after he donates it
>he steals it back
>the peacock donates him

>> No.1633230

that could get really boring really fast if you dont watch it

>> No.1633232

>start writing itt
>'b-but what if somebody steals my idea?'
>Red demon appears
>'Oh, don't give me that crap you're no writer and will never be published. Now impress everyone with your wild imagination, dammit! It's 4chan, man, everybody cares!'
>'I..I guess and should write..'
>White demon appears
>'No wait! Believe in yourself, like Kamina belived in Simon, don't give up on your dreams! Someday this story might get you cars and bitches'
>Fading illusion of cars and bitches floats before my eyes...
>'White demon, thank you bro!'
Sorry guys.

>> No.1633234

If possible, I'd like my book to seem appealing to those who would act as the protagonist does
So they would read it regardless of how boring it is

>> No.1633239

For what reason have you to covet your ideas
Should it not be enough that your idea was found to have merit?
Or are your ideas only valid if they have your name stamped to them?

>> No.1633240

that's such a stupid fucking idea

it's also not original in any way

i've thought of that idea before and i'm sure other writers have too but i didnt stick with it because it would be boring as shit

>> No.1633244

>Nanotech is used to augment plant life
>Posidonia oceanica becomes sentient
>Posidonia oceanica makes an unlikely friend of, I don't know, some kind of oil tycoon or something
>hilarity ensues
It's basically the odd couple.

>> No.1633246

Tao Lin is recognized name

>> No.1633264

An amateur necromancer wakes up on a shipwreck in the middle of the ocean. With his power, he tries to rise the land in order to at least stand on solid grounds. Instead, he rises an entire island that was sunken a thousand years before him.
The island is a medieval city, a castle and a citadel to be more accuarate. After the city emerged, the dead started to rise as well; hundreds and hundreds.
The necromancer was stupefied. He didn't know he had such mana to do it all.
After settling, the troubles begins: An angel came in order to purify the land, an a battalion of crusaders and monks and priests as well.

The book is about apoor amateur necromancer, trying his hardest to fight the endless zealous warriors with the little power he truly has, a freeloader angel, his wits and undead army with will of its own.

Sorry for the bad grammer. Not an english person :S

>> No.1633294

A story about a man that punches someone so hard that the guy turns into a door. The main character finds out that this is how all doors are made. He goes on a manly adventure to become the best door maker in the the world. His clashes lead him to fight some of the world's strongest martial artists, soldiers, and assassins.

not my idea, but I thought I'd share.

>> No.1633299

I will tell you mine OP as your pic is actually related.

It's set in the not too distant future where Stephen Fry does the voice for every video-game character, film narration, advert, radio, audiobook, satnav and public announcement. Over the course of the story the main character's voice is overpowered by Stephen Fry's and he realises that even Stephen Fry's voice is not Stephen Fry's actual voice.

>> No.1633360

Im listening

>> No.1633363

Put BRIAN BLESSED in there somewhere and you might have something. Seriously, that sounds like the kind of thing I'd read.

>> No.1633393


What if at one point the protagonist comes across a bound and gagged Brian Blessed in the basement of Stephen Fry's house?

>> No.1633492
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Its the year 2295. After World war III the world has been split into 2 main nation states. "The western union" and "The Eurasian alliance." The war has boosted scientific progress but left a large quantity of land mass unlivable. Both sides are wrestling for land mass in the border states of what was once western Europe. Neither side has the means or the recourses to fight another full scale war so they have reached an un easy stale mate. Both sides are totalitarian dystopian states but in different ways, imagine 1984 at war with "a brave new world".
Both sides have reached a new age of technology which means that humans can live indefinite life spans. This has led to gross overpopulation which each side has dealt with differently. The west allows people to live to the age of 80 before imposing mandatory euthanasia while Eurasians are allowed to live for hundreds of years but are not allowed to have children.

The main protagonist is a 15 year old girl named Sarah who was born in the Eurasian state, she was protected and hidden by her parents until they were killed by the states secret police. She must journey accross what was once Europe and traverse the French wasteland to find her way to the western owned nation ships of the Irish sea if she has any hope of survival.

Along the way she is aided by Robert Sinclare. An eccentric old man known as the toy maker. He makes child shaped robots for the Eurasian upper class who cant stand not having any real children to raise. When he meets Sarah he agrees to help her on her journey knowing that if they make it he will be executed for being as old as he is, He tells her that this is because he is in fact a brilliant scientist living in exile who may hold the key to humanities survival. Weather he is telling the truth or just going along because of his affection for Sarah, I havent decided.

>> No.1633526
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>> No.1633535

A revenge story with a pirate
A revenge story with a serial killer
a revenge story with a demon
a revenge story with a revenge

>> No.1633551

Would either be a screenplay or a relatively short novel. Haven't fully fleshed anything out yet, have a few ideas in mind. Basic idea is a dystopian sci-fi story where an anti-hero serial killer protagonist murders and harvests the organs of the rich, powerful and corrupt and distributes them to the lower classes through black markets and illegitimate, private-sector hospitals.

>> No.1633562

sounds more like a wish than a book

>> No.1633564

Sounds great, but personally I fucking hate teenaged female protagonists. I have not yet found a novel in which I have found them tolerable.

>> No.1633567

Challenge accepted

>> No.1633579


>> No.1633583

Elaborate. I have more ideas for the political, social and economic climate that would necessitate the justify the protagonist's actions, but I haven't fully thought that out and so no point in rambling in the post.

>> No.1633589

Well he needs some motivation, a robin hood who steals organs just sounds insane

>> No.1633595

A man is sitting in his psychiatrists office. She asks him a question about his past. He tells her a fantastic story. He was born of a human culture appropriated by visiting aliens hundreds of years before (think Aztecs, Mayans). The aliens needed the humans to perform the more mundane tasks, such as farming and later administration due to the aliens being a dying race. The protagonist is selected by the aliens to be a "Spirit Hunter," basically a person with the rare ability to confront the evil within people and destroy it. You see, when the aliens first came, they encountered an ancient evil on the planet, from time immemorial, that had infected the souls of men. They did not fully understand this evil, but its impact on the human psyche was visibly expressed on the travels back to the aliens homeworlds, where the then primitive humans were driven nearly insane. The protagonists position is an honored one among the humans. As the last alien dies, the humans decide to return to their original homeworld and bring their knowledge, but only until after the evil of which they were warned is destroyed. The protagonist comes to Earth, and kills the ancient evil, which appears to be a man. The man is arrested. He is talking to a psychiatrist in an insane asylum. Whether or not the fantastic story is true or the ramblings of a deranged murderer is left unknown.

>> No.1633598

I mentioned it'd be dystopian in my first post, so that was kind of implicit.

>> No.1633613

whats implicit? are you saying dystopia gives you licence to be batshit insane?

>> No.1633624
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I've flirted with the idea of trying to write a sort of modern pastoral short story following the daily routines of a father and son who run a fishing resort in northern British Columbia. I like the setting, and can picture some pleasantly compact and easeful dialogue. Might be difficult to pull it off though.

>> No.1633632

"read Philadelphia here i come" very similar but the father and son don't get along

>> No.1633652

ITT terrible ideas and good ideas that will be stolen. What's the point of these threads?

>> No.1633658


Can you point out which ones are the good ideas?
Can see shit, capitan.

>> No.1633661

>good ideas that will be stolen.
>What's the point of these threads?

>> No.1633668

Here you go:
the rest are trash

>> No.1633691

last night i had this dream about a a girl who falls in love with a vampire. i decided i would make it into my first book. it will include lots of adolescent tension. the kiddies are gonna love it!

>> No.1633707

How bout you fill it with sexual tension to get the kids attention then use it to sell your own Conservative views

>> No.1633740

Never write anything ever again!

>> No.1633785

im stealing this

>> No.1633872

its a book about a middle aged man who kills his boss and steals his identity

>> No.1634532

bump for some half decient ideas

>> No.1634539

>Whether or not the fantastic story is true or the ramblings of a deranged murderer is left unknown.
It's the second one.

>> No.1634542
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>> No.1634551

>guy with writers block
>wife is killed
>channels frustration into a story about:
>guy in army
>is seperated from family as a p.o.w
>escapes home and finds his children were in a car crash
>channels depression into book about:
>guy with writers block
>low on cash, starts dealing drugs
>gets busted by cops
>loses everything
>writes a book about:
>guy with writers block
>wife dies
>channels frustration into a story

>> No.1634553

A story about... a girl who falls in love with a vampire, and then a werewolf?

>> No.1634554
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>> No.1634557

A girl masturbates with a dildo made with vampire teeth. She becomes a vampire after losing virginity with it. Then another things happen.

>> No.1634559

I like to think if I do it well, it would be a rather well-written troll.

>> No.1634568

An eccentric and disillusioned author develops an unorthodox relationship with a famous young pop diva that spirals into a bizarre web of drugs, sex and violence in front of a world-wide audience.

A commentary on the superficial commercialization of culture and the cult of celebrity.

>> No.1634576

>A commentary on the superficial commercialization of culture and the cult of celebrity.

WOW SO EDGY! get your head out of your ass retard

>> No.1634578


hey man, it would be soo cool if it was all a dream

>> No.1634583

TWIST: It was all a fantasy. There was no Pop Diva, it waws merely the manifestation of his own sexual desire and a wish to return to his lost youth.

This shows that the "superficial commercialization of culture and the cult of celebrity" is nothing more than a chimera.

>> No.1634586

DOUBLE TWIST: There was no eccentric and disillusioned author. Only a man musing on how his estranged daughter might grow up, and then when this is too painful for him, how the world might have been without her.

>> No.1634588
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>> No.1634589
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>mfw I steal the two or three good ideas in this thread

>> No.1634591

I want to write something set in the near-future, but from a completely bleak perspective, rather than the usual sci-fi optimism. Nanotechnology turns out not to really work. The masses reject nuclear energy along with genetic engineering and all the other technolgy that could help us, and the world slowly grinds to a halt as the oil runs out. I would want it to end with the last human dying alone, but I guess that would necessitate some global catastrophe or disease.

>> No.1634592

what ones are worth stealing? cant be arsed reading them all

>> No.1634594

TRIFECTA TWIST: It was all just musings on some internet message board. Like 4chan.

>> No.1634612

QUAD TWIST: there is no 4chan just a man staring at a blank screen arguing with his imaginary friends

>> No.1634616


Mine now, cheers! <3

>> No.1634617
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You scoundrel

>> No.1634631

Either a post apocalyptic novel primarily focussed on the frailty of morality and the basic foundations of decency and justice (needs no elaboration).


An appropriation of Cervantes' Don Quixote involving a generic salesperson becoming obsessed with the 'one vigilante against the consumerist whorism' subgenre and trying to destroy multimillion dollar corporations (with some astounding success due to the fact that in the business world you really are promoted to your level of incompetence) only to find out that the aforementioned is in almost all cases preferable to the alternative.

>> No.1634633

Lol good luck retard, this has been done... and done... and done ad infinitum.

The fact that this is even 'fresh' to you insinuates that you would have a hard time coming up with a decent enough of a twist to even get published.

>> No.1634636

>nanotech does not really work

My bad... disregard previous comment... If you could actually make this work then hats off.

>> No.1634640

>this has been done... and done... and done ad infinitum.


I'm sure there are a lot where advanced technology fucks humankind over, but I can't think of any stories about mankind just generally being a bit shit and fizzling out.

>> No.1634644

Yeah my bad i just got to "nanotechnology" and my eyes kind of glazed over. See>>1634636

Would be kind of refreshing to blame the greenies for once.

>> No.1634650

An African-American gent, Leronikus, founds the Black Brudda's Battalion and goes about lynching Southern gentlemen. Meanwhile, Tarriet Hubman does her best to evacuate the most at risk Southerners while engaging in a passionate love affair with Leronikus.

>> No.1634681

An insomniac FBI agent with a mild case of dissociative identity disorder he has so far managed to keep secret from the department, hunts down a serial-killer that he slowly comes to suspect is really himself despite his partners assurance that there's no conceivable way that's the case.
Turns out its his psychiatrist who's been exploiting his patients throughout the years, making them take the fall for his murders. Turns out that there is a split personality, but its the agents partner, a sort of support persona he puts up when the going gets tough.

>> No.1634765

I had this idea of writing a book loosely based on my grandparents lives:

During WW2 a merchant ship for the British navy delivers rations to small town in Scotland near Edinburgh. One of the ships crew is an Irish chef named Danny.
Danny falls in love with a local girl named Agatha Her parents dont approve because he's older than she is, a catholic and a sailor.
After the war they run away together but harsh times force Danny to leave for months at a time. Agatha takes on a border to help pay the bills. The border claims to be Cedric rouser, a swiss sailsman.
Danny becomes jealous of Cedric and accuses him of being a war Criminal on the run. Fueled by jealousy but unable to kick Cedric out of his house for fear of going hungry or loosing his wife Danny digs deeper and discovers that Cedric is actually an Italian priest who is being hidden by the Vatican for child sex crimes

>> No.1634797


> Implying that the rejection of nuclear energy isn't happening right this second.

coz of wot hapunned in jupan, i daot therl bee much moor bilding ov the newcleer pawa.

>> No.1634833


I like your accent, it's sexy.

>> No.1634851
File: 796 KB, 333x250, FryGlare.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a lot of good ideas in here.....

>> No.1634852

don't be sarcastic they don't have the literacy to understand it

>> No.1634857


Go for it. It sounds like interesting stuff

>> No.1634859

Holy shit, that confounded all my expectations.

>> No.1634860


neat, but switzerland's landlocked bro

>> No.1634864

So Cedric is your grandfather, and the little girl he raped is you, you are your own grandmother

>> No.1634868

its not set in Switzerland, Cedric just says he's from there

>> No.1634873


granted but if i were trying to deceive people into thinking i'm a sailor i wouldn't say i was from a country with no goddamn coastline

>> No.1634876

There are boats on the lake of Konstanz

>> No.1634878

ha ha ha good point easily changed

>> No.1634897

My novel will be set during the Middle Archaic period in North America. The Old Copper Industry example of the Reigh site is what it will be about. A boy and his dog, Old Copper, will tempt the fates and eventually lose out to Mother Nature kicking their asses. The name of the book will be Old Copper.

>> No.1634907


>> No.1634913

I made a thread on it, but...

A dictatorship in ruled by an unstable young man who has forbidden laughter due to his massive inferiority complex. No one is aloud to laugh or hear laughter without permission. I'm thinking it will be fantasy, and he will be a powerful sorcerer, but there will be none of the themes common in fantasy in the story. Instead it will center around a Post-Cyberpunk narrative in a dystopian city, and the primary external conflict will merely serve to keep the reader from getting bored and to provide a backdrop for the main character's internal conflict, which is the focus of the work.

>> No.1634917


My lack of sleep is showing in freudian slips.

*No one may laugh aloud, for it is not allowed.

>> No.1634920

An upstate California union protester gets into some serious trouble with the law and ends up being chased across the country and getting into some fucked up situations resulting in him having to commit several murders and eventually he gets killed in a public truckstop restroom and the story ends.

>> No.1634922


Is it a comedy?

>> No.1634924

It is somewhat inspired by Vineland so probably.

>> No.1634929


Ah. Not bad so long as it's funny. If you get ham-handed with the morals though, it will detract from the humor and wouldn't get your point across. Less is more as far as that goes.

>> No.1634933

Well if you want to get technical about it the moral of the story is that the really crazy union folks have no morals and will do whatever they can to get their way.

But that's only if you want to get technical. Otherwise it has absolutely no moral.

>> No.1634937
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A six month old fetus that solves crimes.

>> No.1635020

im listening

>> No.1635164

can he wear a hat?

>> No.1635173

I was thinking of making a fantasy story about a guy that takes over the world, not having any real good reasons, except his friends and family where all killed in a war, and fucked up his mind, so he figures, I don't have anything to live for, might as well take over the world.
I'm also thinking of making him kind of autistic like(bad at communication and such), but with a knack for psychology, he kinds of figures out a persons behaviour and start to predict their next moves very accurately, he also have schizophrenia for the lulz.

The setting kind of consits of a lot of nations with very different types of governments. A few political ideologies: communism, liberalism etc. some religious fanatics, technocratic scientist nations, etc, etc. All humans, but with magic, and dragons and shit.

>> No.1635178

>All humans, but with magic, and dragons and shit.

That sounds pretty cool and original

>> No.1635184


A wee bit contrived, and a wee bit cliche. You'd have to justify the plot to a much greater degree. I would also advise that you put take the fantasy portion of the novel beyond magic and dragons and focus on the politics and societies involved.

Also, the backstory for your protagonist is a bit overdone and generic. He doesn't really have much going for him, nor does he sound particularly compelling. Attempts to make him too tragic will just put the reader off.

>> No.1635206

lyrics to theme song please...
include rhymes with fetus, embryo, in utero, umbilical cord, and placenta where appropriate.

Episode 1 Cletus the Crime Fighting Fetus vs. The late term abortionist

>> No.1635209
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A disgruntled (and a little crazy) teenager gets tossed out of a private school and makes his way home via New York where he has many adventures.

>> No.1635210

wow your all over the place there try writing one story at a time.
>A psychological thriller with dragons and terrorists
sounds like an essay an add 12 year old would write

>> No.1635219

A child in school (possibly middle or early high school) is forced to read some shit resembling a Beowulf like epic, except it is the journal of some badass viking from ages long past.

The novel jumps chapter by chapter from the kids life to the life of the viking badass.

The viking badass chronicles his journey, why he is forced to leave home, etc.etc. and the young kid in modern times is reading this journal.

The viking would be writing this for posterity, and the kid in the present time is actually the long lost descendant of this viking who is writing the journal that this kid is reading in school.

Through all this, the viking is learning the meaning of life and what not, and the kid, by reading the viking's journal learns about pride and being a man (because modern society is gay and emasculating).

The kid possibly/possibly does not realize that he is related to the viking.


>> No.1635221
File: 126 KB, 256x376, Catchcov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if your trolling I sees you. If you intend to do a modern version DONT

>> No.1635235

Would a book about a talking book work?

>> No.1635237


>Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

>> No.1635238

I saw a similar thing once about a dying kid who writes a story about king Arthur, the story jumps back and forward between Arthur and this kid and by the end he learns do deal with his own mortality. Have no idea what is called sorry.

>> No.1635251


Damn I'd like to read that.

I actually had the idea for my story in a dream, lol.

>> No.1635257

it was a movie, based on a true story anyone else remember it?

>> No.1635258
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A boy and a runaway slave float down the Nile River and have many adventures.

>> No.1635272

>A wee bit contrived
Well actually I am putting most of my effort, at least at the moment making the setting, explaining how the different nations came to be, so they don't seem to constructed for fitting the main storyline. I am also going to try hard and, even though I will split his quest into smaller undertakings, make each one very different from each other, and not taking one nation at a time, but having grander plots and just make the real taking over the world part come together close to the end.
>a wee bit cliche. You'd have to justify the plot to a much greater degree.
These where actually supposed to take each other out, making the main plot unjustified but keeping the readers interest with other things.

>I would also advise that you put take the fantasy portion of the novel beyond magic and dragons and focus on the politics and societies involved.
That is my intentions, the fantasy will mostly be there for some flavour on the side, most of the story will be independent of the fantasy story (think star wars).

>concerning the main character
I am kind of making him not compelling on purpose, and the drama of the story will affect the other characters mostly, making the main storyline more of a background thing, ever ongoing, but a background thing.

Yea I am, no I will not, I'm suffering from visions of grandeur, I will either pull it of, fail trying.

>> No.1635331

a diary of an everyman american who chronicles the collapse of the u.s.a. when the president is assasinated. eventually russia comes in and basically takes over the world while eveyone's dazed and confused. they then proceed to make scientific advances because they've got no morals
at the climax the first colonies on a different planet are set up. the man's diary is published by his grandson and becomes a classic.
oh if only i knew how politics worked.

>> No.1635342

>oh if only i knew how politics worked.
If most people generally likes, agrees or find what a person who aspires for better then the alternatives, he/she gains greater influence over how the goverment works.

Or did you mean just the specific regulations and systems in the U.S? In that case I have no idea.

>> No.1635357

I had an idea for a book featuring a middle aged widow who's 4-year-old son needs terribly expensive medical treatment to continue living. While her debts and mortgage payments are piling up she comes into the possession of a large amount of black money. Meanwhile a male university dropout gets involved in a conspiracy web and obtains a document containing decisive information for the success of the conspiracy.

I wanted to play around the concepts of money and information, how far you can climb with it and how far you can fall.

It's just an idea. I think I'm way too inexperienced to write a proper book.

>> No.1635359

>Or did you mean just the specific regulations and systems in the U.S?
pretty much. i assume if the president was killed, the vice would just run the place until it all got sorted out, negating the whole plot. doesn't matter too much anyway, i'm just writing this for fun

>> No.1635364

Something with sex will surely sell

>> No.1635367

A psychotic, orphaned young mage with a hard-on for fire, a covered-in-beard old midget with a sorrowful history, an exiled, clueless orc accused of murdering his own brother and dwarven twin brothers, of whom one is a rogue, egoistic priest and the other, 7-second younger is an idealistic and brilliant, but inexperienced inventor decide to join the army when the older twin defames a rich and important dwarven magnate at his own inauguration, putting him and brother at risk of being beheaded. The group joins the platoon under your typical, one-eyed hardcore sergeant (also a dwarf) and goes to war, resembling WWI (trenches), XVII century warfare (muskets) and modern urban warfare (mages' whole role).
Dwarves are the main bastards on the planet, already entering industrialization and colonization period.
Humankind is being massacred by waves upon waves of zombies, directed by a bunch of thinking undead with the goal of ridding world from fear of death.
Magic is based entirely on psychic powers and nuclear contamination.
Revenge, Madness, Duty and other personifications have a pretty large role to play, too.

>> No.1635370

You think?

>> No.1635389
File: 3 KB, 210x230, not funny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fantasy coming of age story set in a place strangely similar to Great Britain during the industrial revolution.

Girl, making her debut, pressured into an engagement for status alone.

Curious happenings! Envoys of a lost colony-- ambassors from a magic city, relics from an age of explorers and adventure, arrive at the capital seeking audience with their-- former-- royalty! Clad in ensorcelled porcelain armor, nobody takes them seriously-- but they're the biggest threat the empire's ever faced...

And a populace caught in a cultural crisis... the rise of a merchant caste has rendered the aristocracy obsolete. More and more the case is that money talks, and politics are no longer the realm of the noble born... but they won't go down without a fight... or perhaps there are those who would betray king and country out of spite?

etc etc

>> No.1635404

I don't know. It's a bit all over the place. If you don't let the story flow out naturally then you're cramping your own creativity. Also, I'm not a hardcore fantasy fan.

>> No.1635406

A post-apoc. earth. Massive flooding, billions dead. Only 20% of the earth is habitable. Giant towers are created that stand in the oceans, with hundreds to thousands of floors. The higher your rank in society = the higher floor you live on. The criminal/insane/ill are unranked and live on floor zero. Story is about a girl, the daughter of a theif, who grows up on floor zero but manages to claw her way up the heirarchy and gets up to the top floor. The antagonist is the police officer who arrested her father and who tries to frame her/kill her. At the end its revealed that it was all for naught as the towers are structuarally unsound and will all collapse in a few years, dooming humanity. maybe the girl escapes with her love on a helicopter to an island and repopulates humanity (adam/eve pararell) for a good end or they all die for the bad end.

>> No.1635408

So what like a horrible violent Jetsons mixed with Taris from Knights of the Old Republic?

>> No.1635415

Ithink it could work, but you would need some very powerful characters to make so. You know, larger than life, and quite a few of them.

>> No.1635431

I guess so. I've never played that game though.

>> No.1635438

I want the story to have a feeling of Prus's novel "The Doll" - basically, positivist story summing up whole levels and classes of society of the world I've created. And also war. And madness, and different outlooks at life, and generally what I've told you is one part general outline of first chapter and one part general outline of world that will only be casually mentioned, as if you could go read a history book to know more about the period.

>> No.1635448

But why the hardcore fantasy?
I respect you if you really like it, but I don't know if it brings something to the table.

>> No.1635456

Due to Tolkien's massive influence/standing is any notion of medieval high fantasy epic pretty much gone originality-wise?

I'd like to have one with many magical/mythological beasts and so on, as well as magic but rather than elves and shit I'd have various, different human tribes/cities.

>> No.1635463

Why do you name it hardcore fantasy? Well, it's fantasy, obviously, but why hardcore? If the only way to depict a created world as closely to ours as possible is making fantasy that's hardcore, then answer to your question lies in the very definition of what I want to do.
Also, what it brings to the table is probably being the first positivist fantasy novel (if it plays out, that is). Or maybe post-positivist. Or quazi-positivist. You get the idea.
Most fantasy are heroic feats, saving the world, slaying dragons. I don't like that, because that doesn't usually happen in real world. Characters, albeit they are bunch of eccentrics and foreigners, are just people, and although war happens, they see it as a pontless orgy of noise and lights and don't play bigger role in it.

>> No.1635491

"mage...midge...orc...dwarven twin brothers...rogue...priest...dwarven magnate...Dwarves...zombies...undead"
This is pretty hardcore. I'm sorry but I have no idea what you mean by positivist.

>> No.1635495

Cuz they have sex scenes where they actually do it.

>> No.1635570

I still don't see the "hardcoreness", as many other writers put a quite larger amount of races/intelligent species in their works and these aren't deemed "hardcore" at all. But if you insist, then lemme tell you that "hardcore" isn't a negative adjective to me at all.
Regarding "positivist"... oh man, it's the first time I learn that positivism in Poland and in the English-speaking world are not the same things! So, to straight it up - I want my novel to have a feel of something, or conveying the same messages, emotions and meanings, as literature in the second half of XIX and in early XX century up to WWI. I just like the style (but, ofcourse, it's also connected with depicting whole society and other things that would take too much time to describe).

>> No.1635603

I'm afraid to put the premise of my book into a print that anyone other than myself would be able to see.

>> No.1635609

Nobody wants to "steal" your unoriginal idea.

>> No.1635630

share, man, don't be a pussy

>> No.1635677

There's going to be this guy, and he's going to hate his job. He's going to be visited by a guy. Then he and this guy will start to bond, but the guy is totally agressive and shit. Then he shoots himself in the face and finds out he is the guy and he's dead.

>> No.1635688

One I'll probably never get around to writing.

A kissless virgin fresh from high school inherits his universe's equivalent of the playboy mansion. Wacky hijinks ensue.

>> No.1635715

Reading this thread has inspired me so much.

In that all of your ideas are either so painfully horrible or laughably derivative that I actually have a chance at being a successful author. Thank you /lit/.

>> No.1635720

>I'M the one that's different and new!
Ah, to be young again...

>> No.1635732


Granted, the premise may seem generic if I actually felt comfortable enough to discuss it with any of you, but the aspect as a whole is largely untapped.

>> No.1635744

A meteor strikes in a mountain range, upheaving the foundation of a nearby mental hospital. The patients are evacuated to a nearby town as the hospital and its surrounding infrastructure are being salvaged. When repairs are complete, the patients are moved back in; however, one patient slips through the system: a clinically insane middle-aged man. He soon gets a job, rents and apartment, and obtains a girlfriend.

The story centers on his insanity inadvertently causing him to act as a functioning member of society. For example, an alien invasion movie comes to town, and the aliens invade under the guise of falling meteors. Relating this to the meteor that landed nearby, he goes to the movie, taking along his girlfriend to appear as if he wasn't doing any investigative work. When she doesn't like the movie, he believes it's because she's an alien herself, and that she doesn't want him to discover their means of invasion. He attempts to pry into her mind by taking her on more dates and even marrying her.

The story ends with him on his deathbed, fully believing that he saved the planet from an alien menace by banging his girlfriend.

>> No.1635745


Thanks, Chuck.

>> No.1635751


Nothing new under the sun.

>> No.1635755


I really like it.

>> No.1635761


Trying to remember the quote...

"Your manuscript is both good and original; but the part that is good is not original, and the part that is original is not good."

-Mark Twain

>> No.1635835

Hrmmm... I think I'm going to go back through this list, and write down what I think the "themes" projected onto the work by critics and readers will be. That should be good for a laugh.

>> No.1635859

An experienced British Soldier at the top of his game, faces the slaughter of World War One. At first considering himself a gentlemen soldier, Eastman(his name) slowly begins to see his crack fellow soldiers devolve into barbarity and savagery. Eastman who is also an Anglican and as well as an amateur Artist becomes conflicted wondering how a God could allow such destruction to take place and how he as a painter - one who creates can destroy so readily, so quickly and so absolutely.

tl;dr British soldier tries to rationalize the slaughter of WWI

>> No.1635878

Some of the ideas in this thread are like things straight from the mind from Chris Hitchens or Salmon Rushdie - total and unapologetic shit

>> No.1635880

Set on the Moon, which has been teraformed and colonized by humans and cyborgs with hotpink eyes (just bc). There are also Dinosaurs, they're used for research because why not. The dinosaurs start getting sick and though normally tame and docile the infected begin attacking the humans and androids. Attacked humans eventually die, then come back as zombies. Androids decide that humanity is efffin stupid and, being super fast androids, create mecha saddles and lazer whips and other shit to control the infected dinosaurs with. A few androbros are still cool with humanity and there's an adroid civil war.