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File: 147 KB, 300x412, Urantia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16350218 No.16350218 [Reply] [Original]

I've been memeing the Urantia book on this board for a while now, have any of you read it?

>> No.16350232

No, proselytize elsewhere, shill

>> No.16350295

No, I will say that the Book of Mormon has a literary appeal to me but this just smacks of Gnosticism (Luciferianism) in disguise.

>> No.16350297

Gnosticism is based.

>> No.16350300

Ive read a bit of it after seeing it on here for awhile, its kind of interesting but i find it hard to read

>> No.16350302

I’m borderline schizo and even I know that this book is a meme. No one will ever read this shit

>> No.16350334

How is the life of jesus part different to the new testament and is it good? Its the only part id really be interested in

>> No.16350452
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Its way way more detailed, and the book as a whole has been said to have an advanced writing style, so its good.

Major critic and skeptic Martin Gardner:
>Either it is accurate in its history, coming directly from higher beings in position to know, or it is a work of fertile imagination by someone who knew the New Testament by heart and who was also steeped in knowledge of the times when Jesus lived.

>> No.16350460

Many people have read it.
It was the inspiration for Star Trek and the Grateful Dead, and its said even Elvis read it.

>> No.16350468

Its on an entirely higher level than Book of Mormon

>> No.16350491

Are you trying to read it from front to back? That can be difficult, I'd suggest flipping through the contents and just reading any paper of section that piques your interest.

>> No.16350503
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Most elegant online version

best powerful search engine

great youtube channel if you are interested on what people who read the book are like

>> No.16350527

No I want to have periodic Urantia threads to spread awareness and have stimulating enlightening discussion of this profound literary masterpiece

>> No.16350579

wanted to read it but too long to accept the fact that God exists and Jesus loves me even if i fap to femboy porn

>> No.16350591

>high level of internal consistency and an advanced writing style.

>> No.16350624
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The time is ripe to witness the figurative resurrection of the human Jesus from his burial tomb amidst the theological traditions and the religious dogmas of nineteen centuries. Jesus of Nazareth must not be longer sacrificed to even the splendid concept of the glorified Christ. What a transcendent service if, through this revelation, the Son of Man should be recovered from the tomb of traditional theology and be presented as the living Jesus to the church that bears his name, and to all other religions! Surely the Christian fellowship of believers will not hesitate to make such adjustments of faith and of practices of living as will enable it to "follow after" the Master in the demonstration of his real life of religious devotion to the doing of his Father's will and of consecration to the unselfish service of man. Do professed Christians fear the exposure of a self-sufficient and unconsecrated fellowship of social respectability and selfish economic maladjustment? Does institutional Christianity fear the possible jeopardy, or even the overthrow, of traditional ecclesiastical authority if the Jesus of Galilee is reinstated in the minds and souls of mortal men as the ideal of personal religious living? Indeed, the social readjustments, the economic transformations, the moral rejuvenations, and the religious revisions of Christian civilization would be drastic and revolutionary if the living religion of Jesus should suddenly supplant the theologic religion about Jesus.

>> No.16350683
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Now and then it comes to mind I draw upon a long lost time
So don't ask me why the angels won't cry
'Cause you know what I've already told you
Memories of Urantia girls they race around my brain in swirls

You never ask me why the change is in the sky
Bring you up which to the hole that you go through
And now you're off you've done the time prepare for divine invasion
As the spirit climbs Morontia minds ascend to the cosmic nation

On a mansion world, the role's reversed
A slave becomes a master
On a mansion world, the soul's converse
And life moves a little faster
We unify in universe to arrive in the ever after
In the mansion world, I might like to know you
New Urantia girl, everything's below you

>> No.16350782
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>The paradox is thus that there is no Self that precedes Spirit’s “self-alienation”: the very process of alienation creates/generates the “Self” from which Spirit is alienated and to which it then returns. (Hegel here turns around the standard notion that a failed version of X presupposes this X as its norm (measure): X is created, its space is outlined, only through repetitive failures to reach it.) Spirit’s self-alienation is the same as, fully coincides with, its alienation from its Other (nature), because it constitutes itself through its “return to itself” from its immersion in natural Otherness. In other words, Spirit’s return to itself creates the very dimension to which it returns. (This holds for all “returns to origins”: when, from 19th century onwards, new nation-states were constituting themselves in Central and Eastern Europe, their discovery and return to “old ethnic roots” generated these roots.)

>What this means is that the “negation of the negation,” the ”return to oneself” from alienation, does not occur where it seems to. In the “negation of the negation,” Spirit’s negativity is not relativized, subsumed under an encompassing positivity; it is, on the contrary, the “simple negation” which remains attached to the presupposed positivity it negated, the presupposed Otherness from which it alienates itself. It follows that the “negation of the negation” is nothing but the negation of the substantial character of this Otherness itself, the full acceptance of the abyss of Spirit’s self-relating, which retroactively posits all its presuppositions. In other words, once we are in negativity, we never quit it and regain the lost innocence of origins. It is only in “negation of the negation” that the origins are truly lost, that their very loss is lost, that they are deprived of the substantial status of that which was lost.

>Spirit heals its wound not by directly healing it, but by getting rid of the very full and sane body into which the wound was cut. It is in this precise sense that, according to Hegel, “the wounds of the Spirit heal, and leave no scars behind.”[1] Hegel’s point is not that Spirit heals its wounds so perfectly that, in a magic gesture of retroactive sublation, even their scars disappear. The point is rather that, in the course of dialectical process, a shift of perspective occurs which makes the wound itself appear as its opposite – the wound itself is its own healing when perceived from another standpoint.

Galaxy brain: that which was ended by Atonement was the very idea of atonement itself, not by "fulfilling" it through a qualitatively ultimate atonement, but by exposing itself as absurd thereby, i.e. perfect self-effacement is so first and foremost towards itself, imploding to nothing while the Victor simultaneously explodes to everything.

>> No.16351088
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>> No.16351097
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"A righteous soul is more to be desired than the sovereignty of all the earth. Immortality is the goal of sincerity; death, the end of thoughtless living. Those who are earnest die not; the thoughtless are dead already. Blessed are they who have insight into the deathless state. Those who torture the living will hardly find happiness after death. The unselfish go to heaven, where they rejoice in the bliss of infinite liberality and continue to increase in noble generosity. Every mortal who thinks righteously, speaks nobly, and acts unselfishly shall not only enjoy virtue here during this brief life but shall also, after the dissolution of the body, continue to enjoy the delights of heaven."

>> No.16351134
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"God is the sure refuge of every good man when in need; the Immortal One cares for all mankind. God's salvation is strong and his kindness is gracious. He is a loving protector, a blessed defender. Says the Lord: 'I dwell within their own souls as a lamp of wisdom. I am the splendor of the splendid and the goodness of the good. Where two or three gather together, there am I also.' The creature cannot escape the presence of the Creator. The Lord even counts the ceaseless winking of every mortal's eyes; and we worship this divine Being as our inseparable companion. He is all-prevailing, bountiful, omnipresent, and infinitely kind. The Lord is our ruler, shelter, and supreme controller, and his primeval spirit dwells within the mortal soul. The Eternal Witness to vice and virtue dwells within man's heart. Let us long meditate on the adorable and divine Vivifier; let his spirit fully direct our thoughts. From this unreal world lead us to the real! From darkness lead us to the light! From death guide us to immortality!

>> No.16351794

I tried but got filtered hard by the foreword, it was just so incredibly dense with definitions which contained numerous subcategories to the point where it was difficult enough to remember them let alone engage with them.

>> No.16351836
File: 102 KB, 1080x1080, 1584989261260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to read the part about Jesus. Do they sell that? I don't like reading long texts online but I guess I'll have to. I tried reading it from the start but this books is complicated.

>> No.16351845
